Howling For Blood

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Evergreen looked over at Trevor, rolling her eyes in a playful manner. Walking over with the tips of her hair white as the flower bells, her hands were crossed across her chest. Her usual innocent facade seemed far off from ever coming back to her youthful face. "Tidus, shush. This is none of your concern," she commented shortly. Evergreen's eyes never left the two. "Do you know how much worry you caused me? As soon as I was awaken, I knew something was wrong! Then, the leaves began to shake fearfully and I knew the soldiers were around. You two could have been killed or worse, captured!" Evergreen scolded the two. The furrow of her brows and the purse of her lips was something she didn't wear well. However, it caused Danylah to feel extremely guilty. She felt as if she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Soldiers? Do you mean Malus' soldier? Why were they searching around for?" Lilac asked, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Her eyes were wide with wonder, already thinking of the possibilities. It clicked instantly and Lilac spoke of her worry. "They know the King and Queen are alive?" Danylah looked anywhere but the two of them, not wanting to voice what happened before Trevor and her found Aqua playing on her own. Evergreen sighed heavily, showing her weariness. "Could be possible," Evergreen finally spoke after several, intense heartbeats. Danylah couldn't hold it in, "It is."
The atmosphere in the room shifted so suddenly after Evergreen came in. The children ceased smiling and the others all stopped their chatter. The mentioning of Malus' name had some of the women lose the color in their cheeks.

"Malus' guards were after you? They didn't... follow you here, did they?" Abigail asked of Danylah and Trevor, fear evident in her voice.

"No," Trevor answered her for the two of them. "They gave up the chase about half way here. I was guided here by the wind." He hoped they were all aware of his and Danylah's new gifts, so that last sentence didn't seem crazy. "I don't think you need to worry about being found." he tried to sound reassuring but Abigail's color did not return just yet. "and Evergreen," he added while looking the Nymph in the eye, determined not to look discouraged by her scolding. "How did you know where to find us? We were lost before Lilac brought us here."
"White bells led me here. I went to the waterfall, and noticed some of the bushes seemed bruised...then I just followed the trails," Evergreen explained. "For now we are safe. Can you to promise me that'll never happen again?" She asked the two, her scold finally losing its fierceness. Having an angry expression didn't suit her well. "I'm sorry," Danylah piped up, nodding to the agreement of never running off like that ever again. "I'd love to stay, these two deserve a night of relaxtion," Evergreen finally spoke once more after several heartbeats. "However, this'll be the only night. After this, you two need to meet with the other Nymphs, the Ayros, Elves, and many others. We need to let everyone know that you are here to save Biota," she explained to them.

Danylah nodded, keeping note of everything. She munched on some of the food on her plate. Evergreen looked over at Lilac and Tidus with a soft gaze. "Didn't I tell you they were back? Everyone believed I was insane," Evergreen commented with a roll of her eyes and a puff. "For now we need you to stay low. We can't have the guards searching all of the villages. They've ruined our home once, we won't let that happen again," Evergreen murmured.
White bells? The flowers... Trevor remembered that they were what Evergreen used to get Danylah and himself to Biota. He wondered if she had some sort of plant affinity, like his and Danylah's elemental ones. She then mentioned several other races they would have to get in contact with. So they're the others that she was telling us about...

"I agree," Trevor stated, pitching in with Evergreen's remark about not letting Malus and his men destroying everyone's homes a second time. "Malus has made this world hide in fear long enough. Now that Danylah and I are back there has to be something we can do."

The women around the room all looked at Trevor, hoping what he was saying was the truth. Lilac and Tidus looked at each other, however. Tidus spoke up to break the silence. "There is Sire, but it is as Evergreen says. You won't be ready to fight back until you rally everyone else. Each of the races are attuned to one of the four elements. Two for the both of you, as you understand it. We Nerieds for example, are linked to King Trevor's water element." he explained. "There's also the matter of getting back your former belongings from each of the other races. We all guarded one personal treasure for each of you."
Danylah looked over to Trevor as he decided to pitch in with his own opinion of it all. Danylah simply listened, agreeing with Tidus silently. They couldn't do it on their own, even if they were the King and Queen of Biota. Danylah and Trevor needed to guide the people of Biota. "Well, we'll have to do all of this as soon as possible, correct? We couldn't risk Malus ruining our plans or deciding to do more destructive things," Danylah commented. Lilac agreed with her, nodding along. Evergreen also agreed, knowing how unpredictable Malus could be.

"Especially since he has a hunch that we're back," Danylah added quietly.


Sorry, this is so short. :\
Many of the children lost interest in the serious talk, instead going back to eating or playing with the other kids. They weren't sure what was going on, but it sounded scary and they wanted nothing to do with it. Trevor finished up what was left on his plate and pushed it aside, turned a little to directly face everyone else and listened to the others for a few moments.

"We can help you pack up some things after the men return and have their feast." Lilac directed at Danylah, Trevor and Evergreen. "A change of clothes, a little food. Anything you'd like." she finished with a nod.

"That would be great, thanks." Trevor responded, grateful for the offer. "I think we should find whichever group is the closest."

"That would be the Nymphs." Tidus answered him quickly, "It's less than a day's travel if you hurry. Evergreen can easily take you there. I recommend you seek out the elves after that."
Danylah smiled lightly at the hospitality they had, it was heart-warming for Danylah. "Looks like we should get a speech ready, huh?" Danylah spoke jokingly. She chewed her bottom lip, feeling the slight ache in her jaw signaling her that she needed to have blood soon. She kept quiet, however, not wanting to startle anyone or place fear in any of the children. She always cared for others first before herself. "What are the Nymphs like, Evergreen?" Danylah asked with curiosity.

"Graceful, calm, and like to sing to the flowers," Evergreen commented as she finally took a seat of her own at the long table. "The men surely know how to fight, they are quick with their feet and know how to make weapons from the finest of barks from the Warrior Willow," she explained softly.
Danylah's joke about preparing a speech had Trevor rolling his eyes. He noticed that she seemed to fidget a little before forcing herself to stop, asking Evergreen about the other Nymphs. Trevor dismissed this as nervous behavior, akin to the way he rakes his fingers through his hair.

The way Evergreen described her fellow Nymphs sounded like she was talking about herself. That is until she spoke of the way they fought. Quick on their feet with weapons made of bark and not stone or metal? The name Warrior Willow, the tree that they made these weapons from partially answered Trevor's questions. The wooden weapons must have had some magical properties that the Nymphs favored.

"What about the Elves? What can we expect from them?" Trevor directed to question to anybody who could answer. Lilac spoke up first.

"The Elves are the unofficial keepers of the forest. They roam the greatest expanse of all of the races. They move with each change in the seasons and right now they are not far from the Nymphs." she took a moment to think of what else she could accurately say about them. Tidus must have already had something because he cut in.

"It's largely due to the Elves efforts that the rest of us have lasted as long as we have. Us Nerieds would surely have had to leave our home if it weren't for them. They have the greatest numbers of any of us." Lilac gave Tidus a playful glare for interrupting her. Tidus noticed and retorted with a simple "...What?" and a shrug of his shoulders.
Danylah listened intently, and stifled a chuckle as Lilac gave Tidus a playful glare. It was cute. "And what about the Ayros?" Danylah asked, wondering. "They are with Air. They make very little sound, and have wings that flutter at the fastest of speeds. They are free, loving creatures," Evergreen answered. "Their irises are usually gray or white, which is beautiful," Lilac commented. Danylah noticed a hint of jealousy in Tidus' expression, and so did Lilac which she playfully rolled her eyes in return.

"Ayros signal everyone with certain wind patterns, and live on the tallest of trees to catch the most air," Tidus explained to them. "So, we have Ayros: air, Nerieds: water, Nymphs: earth, and Elves: neutral. What about fire?" Danylah questioned. "The Ignis," Evergreen commented. "They are full of fiery spirit, and live in open spaces that catch the most Sun. They are very much like you Danylah: head-strong, fiery with passion, and stubborn at times," Evergreen teased.