Howling For Blood

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Danylah smiled at the little exchange between Trevor and Aqua. Danylah felt her heart warm at the scene, seeing how adorable Trevor was with kids. She giggled softly along with Aqua as she did so. "She's so cute," Danylah murmured softly with adoration in her eyes. She then jumped back as she heard the voice of Tidus. She got up, placing Aqua on her hip gently. She began to play with the curls set on her head. Danylah smiled softly as Tidus acknowledged her. She nodded softly, dismissing his bow. "You don't need to bow," she said with a soft chuckle. "It''s great to be back," she added quietly. Danylah couldn't help but chuckle quietly as Tidus explained how he reacted to the news.

Lilac walked over to Danylah and Aqua. "She likes you," Lilac murmured with a soft smile. Danylah responded with a chuckle. "Would you like to come with me to retrieve your old things?" Lilac asked her. Danylah looked off to Trevor, not wanting to leave his side. Lilac noticed and smiled knowingly. "We could wait," Lilac suggested.
Tidus smiled while Trevor looked over the blue clothes, "It's so hard to believe you're both back!" he exclaimed again, still riled up in excitement. He saw the way Danylah looked over to Trevor at being asked if they would like some of their previous belongings. "Yes, yes. You should both come, in fact. We've been keeping your belongings safe with us. Your highness, you can change in private when we get indoors." he directed at Trevor, who had tucked the sea blue clothes under his arm and looking back at Danylah with uncertainty.

"What do you say we let the men change while we talk and I get you your things, hmm?" Lilac added for Danylah, laughing softly. "Come on. Let's go inside. I'll even fix you up some food before we start talking."
Danylah smiled once more, Tidus and his wife just seemed like great people. If they were happy, you were happy. Danylah looked off at Lilac once more, finally taking her suggestion once she heard about the food. Lilac offered to take Aqua from her hands, but Danylah wanted to hold her just a tad longer. She was growing attached to the young little thing already. "We only have a few of your belongings. You two traveled a bit, and kept things you loved around to retrieve them later," she explained to her as she walked off some more. She stopped and stood in front of a large opening of a cave. "Don't be afraid, come on," she encouraged her. The Lilac walked first, then Danylah followed. She held Aqua close for her own comfort. As they walked further into the cave, Danylah gaped in awe.

The ceiling was covered in crystals, and there was no floor. It was water, they were walking on a narrow bridge. "This is beautiful," Danylah commented aloud. "Trevor helped build it," Lilac said with a soft nod as she continued walking. As they walked, they finally reached the end. The end was a doorway. Lilac opened it and revealed a couple of more doors. Lilac opened the one directly in front of her, and it opened to a large room. It was dark at first, but Lilac walked in without a problem. Then, there was light. Lilac turned on a lantern that was centered on the short ceiling. "This is were you would stay'd help take care of the kids, and you learned our ways. You loved learning about everyone's history," Lilac commented softly.

Cave Opening. [but much brighter and less spooky. :3]
The Bridge.
The inner chambers of their home was an absolute marvel! The crystals hanging from the ceiling seemed to act something like light-bulbs, with enough of them giving their individually weak glow off they lit the room beautifully. "Your king helped you to build a place like this?" Trevor asked, looking down into his reflection.

"Yes, you did." Lilac corrected him with a soft smile. "You are him, reborn and returned to us."

"and of course you'd help us!" Tidus threw in, walking behind the others. "Our people were one of your two groups of followers, my king. More importantly, what in the world happened to your back?!"

Trevor whipped around to face Tidus, for the moment forgetting that now Lilac, who had not seen his scars yet and Danylah could see them now. "They're... they're from the life I happily left behind." he answered, unsure of what to even say. Lilac made a sharp gasping sound, making Trevor look over his shoulder at her.

"They look horrendous... but, they're such old injuries. That must have been so awful, Trevor." she breathed out, reaching out a hand to touch him. Trevor caught her hand and shook his head.

"Please, don't. You're right, they are old, but I'm fine now. I'd rather hear more about what Tidus said about 'one of my two groups of followers'. What did he mean?" he spoke calmly, not wanting to worry anyone over what was now old history. His eyes looked down into Lilac's, silently asking her again to answer his question.

Lilac looked up, visibly worried until Trevor had locked eyes with her. She then quickly shifted into a gentle smile, "Of course. We'll tell you anything you'd like to know after you get dressed and we have food ready, alright." Without waiting for a reply, Lilac turned back around and walked in front of Danylah, leading the group deeper into the cavern to more sets of doors. "You may change in here. I'll bring Danylah to the dining quarters." she spoke softly, eyeing the king and queen with silent concern. Trevor nodded his head and pushed the door open, stepping inside and throwing the clothes out onto the bed in the room before turning to close the door behind him. "He didn't tell us everything about those marks. They may have healed years ago but their physical presence isn't the only thing that worries me." Lilac mostly spoke to herself, almost forgetting that Danylah had not gone into the room with Trevor until Tidus cleared his throat. "Well, come on dear." She addressed her with a smile, wanting to keep away from the touchy subject. "Let's take this conversation to the dining room. My husband will stay by the door to help Trevor find his way back to us when he's finished."
Danylah looked back with uncertainty as Lilac and Tidus freaked a bit over Trevor's back. She chewed her bottom lip, knowing it was a sensitive subject for him to talk about. Danylah flinched silently, watching as Trevor caught her hand before she could touch him. Her stomach felt uneasy. She wanted to ask Trevor if he was alright, but it would be strange with Lilac and Tidus there, so she decided to ask him later on. If they ever got a chance alone. Danylah followed Lilac quietly, keeping to herself now as the two walked. Danylah heard the murmuring Lilac was making, and raised a brow.

"Of course he won't explain everything, simply speaking of it brings back the pain. And what do you mean it worries you?" Danylah asked, becoming weary with the subject. Anyone could tell the subject was open for just anyone. Danylah reminded herself to ask Lilac about that later as well. Danylah didn't like being away from Trevor, but she had to be. She licked her lips, keeping a soft hold on Aqua who was now laying her head on Danylah's bosom. She was quiet for the most part, only stirring as she got comfortable on Danylah's body. She played with her hair from time to time.
Lilac led Danylah down a corridor away from the room they had left Trevor and Tidus at. "What I meant dear, is that scars like that are more than just physical. I'm worried about the emotional damage it left him with. The mind doesn't always heal as well as the body." she spoke quietly, not wanting her voice to carry back down the cavern on echoes. "They must have really caught Tidus off guard. Trevor is our king. Seeing evidence that something so horrible was done to him is... not easy to accept. I know it can't be easy for either of you, either." she looked back at Danylah, smiling despite the topic at the sight of Aqua laying contently against Danylah.

Lilac pushed a door open, revealing a large circular room with a big pewter table in the center. Granite slabs formed counters and shelves around the walls. "This way. It's what we kept for you two here." she waved Danylah over to a cabinet on the left side of the room.

Meanwhile, Trevor opened the door to the room dressed in his sea blue clothes. "They suit you, sire." Tidus greeted him.

Trevor looked down to examine himself. "They are comfortable. They fit surprisingly well."

"Well, they are yours. You wore them often when you didn't dress in your more kingly attire. Which wasn't that often." he informed Trevor. "Follow me, Lilac and Danylah will be waiting for us." Trevor nodded his head and gestured for Tidus to lead the way.
Danylah didn't quiet understand, wishing Lilac would stop speaking in some sort of code. "It wasn't easy, still isn't. I don't bother him with questions, I know how sensitive it is," Danylah murmured just as quietly as Lilac. Suddenly, Lilac opened the door and revealed a bunch of little things. Robes of different blue hues, other clothing, journals, pictures, and so much more. There was even a couple of dream catchers, but they looked a tad different. Danylah scrunched her eyebrows, wondering what it was. "It's what you wear when you are married. Conjoined as one, if you are one of me," Lilac informed her. Lilac showed hers, it was on her ankle, laying on the front of her foot.

"Is..this one mine?" Danylah asked with a soft smile. Lilac nodded. Danylah grabbed it, placing it over her head. "Trevor made it, I helped him. He hated doing it, his hands couldn't grasp the delicate threads," Lilac giggled at the memory. Danylah laughed softly, imagining that. "You two have everything from all of the places you've stayed. But, you kept this one here. You can keep looking if you'd like," she suggested.
Trevor walked in silence behind Tidus while they navigated the hallways, finding an open doorway after a brief walk. "They're through here," Tidus confirmed, looking back over his shoulder and pointing towards the doorway. "It's where we kept your belongings."

"What sort of belongings?" Trevor questioned, now standing in entrance to the room.

"Well, Danylah left her wedding band that you gave her here." Tidus answered quickly, a small smile spreading over his face. "You made it for her as a gift, even though they're traditional for my people. Lilac helped you in making it."

The mentioning of a wedding gift brought a soft blush to Trevor's face. "I... I see." was all he managed to say, walking across the room to where Lilac stood with Danylah. Lilac turned to the two men as they approached, smiling up at Trevor upon seeing him in his blue outfit.

"It brings back a lot of memories, seeing you wearing that again." she admitted before drawing her gaze back to the wedding band that Danylah was holding in order to get Trevor to look. It caught his eye instantly, something about the small, intricately woven threads was mesmerizing.

"It's beautiful..." he spoke softly, walking over to Danylah and touching his hand to her warm arm.
Danylah looked over to see Trevor coming into the room, wearing the fitted tunic. Aqua looked at the dream catcher she placed on her neck, her eyes mesmerized by it as well. Lilac offered to take Aqua, so Danylah's arms could rest. Danylah gave Aqua to her mother, and Danylah smiled lightly as Trevor complimented the wedding band. "Isn't it? Lilac told me you made it with her. She said it took you a couple of tries," she informed with a quiet giggle. Tidus came over and grabbed a small lilypad. He handed it to Danylah with a warm smile. "You wore this during the night of Trevor's return. He and I went along casting soldiers. You decided to stay with Lilac and the others. You helped our women take care of our kids. We thank you for that," he explained.

Danylah was shocked at all of the things she was discovering about her past. She picked up a long leather necklace, with a wooden pendant. "And what is this?" She asked the two. "It's Trevor's. He received it as a gift from us," Tidus explained.
Trevor looked over at the leather chord that Danylah had picked up. Tidus told her that it was Trevor's and that he had received it as a gift. He carefully reached out for it, holding it when Danylah handed it to him and began examining the necklace. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, perhaps something to spark an old memory. It was well made, the chord tightly woven and the wooden pendent looked like it was only carved yesterday.

"It's a wonderful gift, thanks." he told Tidus and Lilac, slipping the leather chord over his head. Tidus gave a nod of his head and went to stand by Lilac and Aqua. Putting an arm around Lilac's shoulder he looked over Danylah and Trevor with the possessions they had been tasked to keep safe.

"It was the least we could do for the two of you. Biota needs you back and it's our duty and pleasure to help you. The pendant was made when our kind pledged our loyalty to you, my king." Tidus said proudly, looking at the wooden carving that hung from Trevor's neck with a smile.
Danylah smiled lightly as Trevor placed it around his neck. "You look smashing," she teased him with a sweet smile. Danylah looked at the other things, then looked up at Lilac as she began to speak. "Are you two ready to eat?" Lilac asked the two. Danylah looked off to Trevor, waiting for him to answer. Surely, she was hungry but it was up to Trevor. He needed food more than she did, she needed blood. Tidus began to lead the way out of the room, to another room across the way. He opened the door to show a long table filled with different foods. Also, a couple of kids and woman were sitting down, eating as well.

Danylah was confused, noticing that Tidus was the only man around, besides the little boys eating and running around. "Where are all of the men?" she asked in wonder. Tidus looked at Danylah, and answered, "Out on a mission. They're making sure none of Malus' guards are anywhere near. They'll be back soon enough. For now, why don't you two eat and we'll catch up on some history?" he suggested.

Sorry it's so short. :|
((Don't worry about it.))


Trevor looked around the room, making eye contact with the women and children who turned to look at the opened door. He also noticed that there were no other men around and was about to ask what happened to them all, only to be beaten to the punch by Danylah. Tidus explained that the men were out on a mission, keeping Malus' patrols away from the village. His mention that they should eat renewed Trevor's appetite, as did the smell of the abundant food spread out over the dining table.

Taking Danylah's hand in his, Trevor walked with her to a pair of available seats. In the middle of reaching for one of the plates to get some food in his stomach, he noticed the women had not taken their eyes off of Danylah and himself since they first entered. His arm stopped moving, stretched out over the table and his amber eyes went from person to person. The little girls and boys caught onto this as well and were now looking out of curiosity.

Tidus spoke up, seeing what was going on. "Now ladies, there's no need to stare. You'll make them feel uncomfortable." he informed them, trying to break the awkward looks the room was giving them. The woman who sat directly across from Danylah and Trevor slowly peeled her bright green eyes away, looking over to Lilac and Tidus.

"Say, they're not... who I think they are, are they?" she asked, the two boys sitting next to her leaning over the table to get a better look.

Lilac pulled Aqua up to let the baby rest her cheek on her shoulder before answering. "They are, Abigail. Those two are the king and queen of Biota." she explained. Abigail turned back to look at the two, her mouth now hanging open in disbelief.
Danylah noticed as well the women constantly looking at her and Trevor. She stood close to Trevor, becoming a tad uncomfortable. Tidus then spoke up, and she relaxed a bit as they obliged his orders. However, they still stared at the two of them. She cleared her throat, then chuckled softly as she asked Tidus who they were. Lilac then answered, the girl gaped at her answer. "Hello," Danylah said with a wiggle of her fingers, a bit embarrassed at the shocked look she was receiving. Abigail finally closed her mouth, and nodded with a half-smile on her lips. Danylah grabbed a plate, finally, and began to serve herself after the stares were over.

"This is a miracle," Abigail breathed with a shake of her head. Lilac sat across the two with Aqua resting on her shoulder sleepily, and she beckoned Tidus to sit next to them. "Tonight we're have a little feast in honor of all of the men coming back. Would you like to join us? I know you've been through a lot so far," Lilac spoke after a few silent heartbeats.
A feast for the returning men? The opportunity to eat twice in one day presented itself rarely to Trevor. He didn't know how he could refuse. Besides, it would be a good opportunity to meet with the others. Abigail and a few of the other women still looked thrilled, but at least they weren't staring any more. Trevor went about getting different foods on his plate while the others continued to talk. He could always involve himself after getting something in his stomach.

"Momma! Momma! So they're the king and queen you said would be back some day?" the little boy to Abigail's right asked of her.

"That's right, dear." she responded, smiling brightly at her son. "In fact, it was our queen that helped my mom deliver me when I was a baby. I've always hoped I would get to meet her." she added before turning back to Danylah and Trevor. "I'm sorry it I made you feel uncomfortable... it's just that I was too young to remember you when you left. Lilac and my mother have told me a lot of stories. It was hard to believe it was you, your highness."
Danylah noticed as a few of the women admired Trevor's attractive looks, the ones who were single at least. Danylah couldn't help but bite her tongue, not wanting to giggle out loud. Danylah dismissed Abigail's apology and smiled softly. "No need, you were just shocked, is all," she murmured sweetly. "I wish I could remember the things I've done in the past," she added softly as she picked at the food on her plate mindlessly. "What's his name?" she asked Abigail. The boy blushed, hiding behind his mother's leg in embarrassment.

"His name is River, named by his father," Abigail replied with a soft smile as she encouraged River to come out from behind her leg. "Hey there, River," Danylah said warmly with a wave of her fingers. River blushed even brighter, "You're beautiful," he blurted. He cupped his mouth, feeling ashamed for speaking so forwardly to the Queen. Danylah giggled and decided to tease him back, "Why thank you. You're handsome yourself."
Trevor looked over to the boy named River, giving him a smile to let the kid know his comment was alright. He seemed to have regretted saying it when there was nothing wrong with paying a lovely woman a compliment. "Looks like I have some competition now." he added with a nod in River's direction.

"N-no, sir!" River stammered out, however the boy was now grinning despite his flushed cheeks. Trevor couldn't help but laugh. River was probably too young to play along, but Trevor found it cute none the less.

Tidus walked behind Abigail and River to look at the king and queen, a puzzled expression on his face. "Y'know, I can't help but wonder... in all my excitement over your return before it never dawned on me. Someone must have gone to bring you back. It wasn't one of our folk..."
Danylah chuckled, the smile on her lips couldn't leave her face. River was an adorable child, who would definitely have many women wanting him as he grew with age. After their little humorous moment, Danylah took a few bites from her plate. She made sure Trevor ate, glancing over at him from time to time. She would need blood soon, but knew not to worry yet. Her attention was taken and placed on the confused Tidus. "You're right. Evergreen brought us, the Nymph?" Danylah explained. Then it dawned on Danylah, that she must be worried about Trevor and her. Guilt washed over her, wondering how she'd be able to tell Evergreen everything was fine.

"Evergreen? Oh, yes I remember her. Well, where is she?" Lilac asked with her eyebrow raised. "This morning we left without her I have no clue," Danylah answered quietly.
Trevor felt Danylah watching him from time to time, making sure he was eating. As if he needed her to tell him to get something down, he rolled his eyes at her gesture, even if it was out of concern for him. Tidus' remark had him suddenly remembering that just this morning they left Evergreen's house without a word that they were leaving... and then never made it back.

"Is there no way of letting her know where we are and that we're safe now?" Trevor asked after swallowing a bite of some fragrant thick-leafed green plant.

Tidus furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm afraid I do not know exactly where her home is... but I know the general region of the forest that Nymphs live in. I can try to get a message sent to her." he said, sounding unsure of the success of the idea.

Lilac eyed Tidus with a frown. "I'd hate to have to ask any of the men to go back out into the woods after they get back."
Danylah agreed with Lilac, not wanting the soldiers to stay away from their families and loved ones any longer. "I agree with Lilac. I don't want the soliders doing any more than they have to," Danylah told them all. "Good, you don't have to," a voice came from the entrance of the building. Danylah's eyes widened at the owner's voice. It was Evergreen. Danylah's cheeks burned with guilt and embarrassment. She licked her lips and let her gaze fall to her thighs. "Hey there Evergreen," Lilac welcomed her with an amusing tone.

"You two are in big trouble," Evergreen sang to Trevor and Danylah.
Trevor's eyes flew open when the sound of Evergreen's voice rang into the room. His eyes flew open and he leaned forward to see her standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" he asked quickly, not sure he even wanted to know the answer. "How did you know where to find us?"

Tidus and Lilac seemed much more calm over Evergreen's sudden appearance. "Now Evergreen, just what do you have in mind? I'm sure I don't need to tell you that they've already been through a lot." Tidus tried to soften the situation. "If you don't plan to drag them away, you're more than welcome to join us for tonight's feast as well."