How much do you talk out loud?

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There's a few elements to consider:

1. Is it just voice chat or face to face?
Cause on stuff like Skype and Teamspeak I can be talkative. But unless if there's something actively going on I'm also likely to just sit around not saying anything for a few hours. Largely because it's easy to forget that you're technically talking with people if their faces aren't present and instead there's a computer monitor grabbing my attention.

2. How close is it to my interests?
If it's something I'm interested in then I could ramble on for hours, if not? Good luck getting more than a sentence out of me.

3. Is it something I understand? If not how advanced are they going?
My friends back from High School sometimes have a habit of going into really long talks about computer systems, or the specifics of some form of science. But they'll do it in the manner they expect everyone to have the same level of understanding and not make that accessible to people otherwise. In these cases even if I may be interested I wouldn't be talking just cause they've effectively made it impossible for someone to even attempt understanding or following.

4. How close do I feel to the individuals in question?
Basically, how well do we get along and how cautious do I need to be about not offending them? When it comes to most family where the majority of getting along is due to blood relation obligations, and they get offended from rather tiny things? I normally remove myself because quite simply if we weren't related we'd be more likely to be at each other throats. If we're friends though where I can easily make jokes or more serious comments around you? Then that opens the door a lot more to both what we can talk about and how confident I am to bring up something without the person flipping out.

5. Is it three or more people?
For some bizarre reason, the second it's just me and one other person my ability to carry conversation drops dramatically regardless of who it is. It doesn't even matter who the third person is, just as long as there is a third person involved in the conversation it makes conversing a lot easier. Probably because that third person gives me the chance to pause to collect my thoughts without halting the entire conversation since that third person can still continue it.
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It wholly depends on me. I'm terrible on phones, I have er... phone phobia? Seriously, I have an anxiety attack whenever I need to call somewhere. Kinda like Alphys from Undertale ^_^.

Face to face I don't talk much either, because a) I'm either the listener or b) No one has time to listen to me or they're simply not interested.

I don't skype much, usually I use Gchat to chat. Even then I don't talk as much as others.

I think the only medium where I really let myself go and sound like an extrovert is when I'm posting in a forum. I'll spam an OOC thread, post all sorts of crap XD Online like this is where I can actually relay my thoughts without fumbling.
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Here on Iwaku, we can see pretty easy who is a chatterbox and who rarely says a word. But how talky people are online, may not reflect how talky they are in person. I know every time people have come to my house for a visit, they are always surprised at how little I have to say. D: I am just not a chatty person.

How much do you talk in person?
Uh, I wasn't surprised. Like. Maybe it's our personal dynamic. Or the fact I'm a cuddle monster and didn't respect your personal space (sorry). But like you are my BFF and our dynamic wasn't that different in person. (Even if I had a phobia going into the pedomobile).
Horribly situational. I'm bad at talking in groups, especially when I can't see the people I am talking to or have to transition between languages. Meanwhile, speaking to crowds comes to me easily. Hire me for weddings and birthdays, no problem.

Also I talk a lot when I drink.
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