Hitchhiker's Guide to Adventure [Time Turtle&Roose

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[BCOLOR=transparent]A picnic it was, then. Shreya had already begun to move away from her seat toward the fridge when Beev warned her to find her seat once more. Pivoting on the balls of her feet, Shreya swiveled and her legs got a bit tangled underneath her just as the engine roared to life.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No.. w-wait…" The words came out mumbled, and hesitant as she tried focusing on regaining her balance, but it was too late. The bus sped up causing her to lose the already precarious hold on her upright position and tumble to the floor.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Ooof." Shreya fell to the ground with a thump and slid further toward the back of the bus. Grabbing blindly at the walls she struggled to find purchase, but finally did and managed to get back to her feet.. Walking while the bus was accelerating though… that was an adventure in and of itself.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her feet felt strange under her body like she wasn't firmly connected to anything. It was a strange, almost floating feeling and it was making her progress back to her seat take longer than it should. She had barely made it back when they jumped.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]….And boy oh boy did she feel her. Her heart and stomach felt like they switched places and her head started to spin. She'd never experienced anything quite like it. Wave after wave of dizziness crashed on her and she fell forward again, this time landing on her seat and on top of her bag. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Not knowing what else to do Shreya clutched at her bag and held tight until the ride was over, hoping beyond hope that she didn't lose what little was left in her stomach from breakfast that morning.[/BCOLOR]
Rough Ride...

For a brief time, it was not a picnic. Even Beev felt "off" on this jump, as if they'd hit some "snag"... some distortion in the hyperspace field making his normally bumpy trips far more... trippy. A little red light on the dash even lit for a moment. Then a slight vibration, and.......

....... FOOM!

... splut... splatter...!

Something hit the windshield, and it wasn't pretty. Fortunately, it also wasn't all that big... and also fortunately, wasn't identifiable. Even the smear made knowing insect, bird or "something else" origins unclear. For all Beev knew, it could have been a piece of fruit, what with him having to swerve and hit the brakes. To avoid hitting one of many trees occupying what was now their "road".

To be honest, though, the outside view definitely looked pastoral. Perfect location for a picnic. Day, sunny. Afternoonish. Didn't appear to be any natives with pitchforks or other sharp/blunt objects. Also didn't appear to be the planet he'd set coordinates for, either. But close enough!

Because Beev had determined he wasn't gonna jump again, until he figured out just what happened...

... "Sorry for a bogus ride, dudette!" Grin towards Shreya..."We have arrived!"

No, he didn't tell her where they'd arrived. Because he didn't know. Didn't know the how or what or who or why. He just knew what had just happened hadn't been The Glitch in action. So, yes, he did know that aspect. Though this was most likely not the only what. Most likely, he'd have far more than five questions to answer.......
[BCOLOR=transparent]"We have arrived!"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Slowly, Shreya unfolded herself and looked out the window. Her stomach was doing somersaults, and her skin had a sickly green pallor to it. She definitely wasn't feeling the picnic at this moment. Slowly she nodded and stumbled to her feet, managing to make it off the bus before her stomach did another flip and she had to throw herself behind a nearby bush to empty it.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, Shreya shakily rose to her feet and looked over the landscape, raising an eyebrow. This was a good spot for a picnic, but there wasn't an ocean in sight. "Where are we," she asked, her attention focusing on Beev.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Wherever they were it was idyllic. Rolling hills, covered in greens and whites and yellows. The local fauna very similar to that of Earth. The sky was a perfect, crystal blue and the air that filled her lungs was so fresh that it almost immediately settled her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Did you want me to get us a meal together now?" Shreya couldn't think of what else to do. Even with the perfect scenery, and fresh, clean air she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.[/BCOLOR]
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