His Past, Her Mistake

Aryn`s eyes widened slightly as he took in Miyanna's windswept appearance, the fear on her face, and the blood staining her shoulder. He heard the Hunters coming- they were too loud not to hear, and he struggled for a moment to remember what had happened when he had first seen his friend move earth. He kneeled on the ground, placing his palms shoulder width apart and concentrated as the earth sunk down, creating a pit that he sealed almost completely shut, so they wouldn`t suffocate. The Hunters entered the clearing, stomping directly above them. "Where`d she go? Where`d the bitch go?" One boy yelled in annoyance, and earned what sounded like a blow, metal on flesh. Aryn flinched as the boy yelped, their footsteps growing fainter as they left. Aryn stood and walked over to Miyanna, who had fallen to the ground like he had. One side of her shirt was drenched in blood and her eyes were half-closed in semiconsiousness and Aryn dropped to his knees beside her. "Miyanna," hessid urgently, cupping the side of her face. He knew from her Aura she was very badly injured, and he had to do something. Fast. Did he remember...? He closed his eyes and searched his memories but found nothing.
Miyanna looked too Aryn, her fearful eyes locking with his own wide gaze. She could feel the warm blood dripping down her shoulder, the bullet lodged inside. She didn't understand, her mind as bedraggled as her appearance; why did they shoot her? She remembered they were hunting, no doubt the same doe as her, but soon things lept out of hand and she had been injured. She looked back, panic contorting her sweet face, as she heard the faint sounds of the leaves being swept aside by moving feet. She quickly covered her mouth to stifle the yelp of pain when Aryn sunk them in the ground, falling to her knees from the sudden jolt of the gerund beneath her feet and slight pain. Her tendency to tolerate pain was near zero, as she was sure Aryn could see. Her teary, wide eyes stared up at the soil as the men came directly overhead, her hand still covering her mouth to stifle her frantic breathing.
The shock had made Miyanna go into a relapse of pain and trembling fear.
She felt her mind begin to shut down in response to her pain, her form slumping slightly to the ground. Her arm bled more profusely, adding to her half-conscious state, as Aryn came to her. She vaguely heard him hiss out her name, but her loss of blood made it hard to form words when her mind felt so jumbled. Had they been shooting at her on purpose after she had ran? Surely so since they could tell that she wasn't a deer. They must have been men from before, when she had killed that man in the village. Miyanna did her best to look at Aryn, her breaths panting slightly due to the fear still running in her veins. "It hurts…" She whispered hoarsely to him, her eyes hazy, but not only from tears. She wanted the pain to stop.
"You'll be okay,"
Aryn said, picking her up gently, wincing as Miyanna let out a sharp cry of pain. The cave he had created opened above their heads again and he jumped into the air smoothly.
"I'm going to get you some help."

((OOC: Sorry for the short post. I'm running on two hours of sleep.))
((OOC: Ah, that's okay. I know how you feel. D: ~))

Miyanna whined out, her mind thinking the complete opposite of what he was telling her. She wouldn't be okay, not with such a wound as this. Especially with the fact that she was bleeding profusely and was sure a main blood vessel had been hit. Her mind continued to blather on and on about the pain she was feeling, her mind so shocked by such a turn of events that it couldn't even fathom anything else but the sharp, stinging pain of her wound. However, when Aryn lifted her up as gently as he could into his arms her body let out a sharp cry of pain before her mind had even registered his movement. She whined and cried out to him, every little movement of her arm causing sharp pain to slam through her body while blood stained down her shirt. Said blood had begun to trickle down her arm, leaving warm trails, marking her.
Miyanna's eyes closed tightly when he jumped, the daylight hurting her as he claimed he would get her help. She didn't question it as she was dragged further and further from conciousness. She was weary of the 'help' in which he was getting for her, but found no reason to object when she was injured so badly.
Aryn noticed her drift in and out of consiousness as he flew, and she was bleeding still. He knew he had no choice- she needed a hospital, and fast. So he flew like a man possessed, reaching the city in record time. But he knew she didn't have much time. She was growing pale and her eyes stayed closed. So he touched down and ran to the hospital, trying not to jostle her. People gawked at him and some called out in anger, trying to hit him, but they saw Miyanna and backed off. He kicked in the door to the hospital and into the ER directly.
"She needs help," he said to one attendant that looked shocked at his appearance. He glanced downwards and gasped, taking her from his arms- which he didn't like, but what could he do?- and started yelling commands and soon they were wheeling her away on a gurney and Aryn was told to sit down and wait. He nodded in imaptience and sat in the nearest chair.
Miyanna continued to drift between the planes, her mind having dissolved the fear now. Stars danced in her rolling vision, the sparks of life and the blackness of death mingling in front of her closed eyes. She could no longer feel the world around her, the embrace of Aryn, nor the blood still seeping down her arm.
Was she dead?
Her eyes opened, but this place wasn't her world. She looked around the merging void, her body momentarily panicking when she noticed she was simply floating. "What is this place?" She questioned aloud, her green eyes wandering all around as she drifted past. Sparks of red and yellow and blue and green flew around her, triggering her curiosity. She reached out, wincing as the red spark she touched exploded into a small show, soon revealing a little window orb. Green eyes widened when they saw her life, her current life, that was slowly etching away. Aryn was there, holding her, yelling for help in the hospital. She had never seen such a place before. She tried to yell out to him, but he voice was not heard as she watched herself be taken away. However, the orb didn't show her how she faired, it stayed upon Aryn, who sat waiting for her.
"I don't understand...Why is this place so bland!?" Miyanna soon yelled out, tossing the small orb aside, glaring as it was consumed by the void around her. "Why am I alone?" She growled, startled when a small, familiar voice answered her.
"You aren't alone." It was her. Her voice, all around her, making her eyes widen slightly as she looked around herself.
"Is this because I'm dead?" She soon questioned 'herself' quietly, her eyes falling to her now uninjured arm.
"No. But you will be if you don't fight!" The voice growled, her voice, making Miyanna wince. Did she always sound so demanding and fierce when she yelled?
"Alright...Alright I'll fight." She answered, her world suddenly falling dark. Miyanna cried out, growling. Now she needed to fight her way through the blackness, towards the small light that was her life.
Aryn paced back and forth, waiting, sounds of the hospital barely registering in his ears- they hadn't for hours. An attendant- the same one that took Miyanna from him- came up to him and offered him food, which he refused. "How is she?" He asked instead, worried. The attendant looked away, and Aryn grabbed his shoulder. "How is she?" he repeated. "Sir, please let go..." the attendant replied, and Aryn noticed he was wincing. Once again he had forgotten his strength and he loosed his grip and put his hand down on his side. "How is she?" he repeated again, this time more tired than angry.
"She is in critical condition."
Aryn's mouth tightened at those words. "Let me see her." he said. The attendant started to shake his head. "I am seeing her," he said slowly, reaching out his mind and rapping it around the attendant's. He submitted immediately, his eyes dulling as he led him to her room. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her there, hooked up to machines, bandages around her shoulder. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply. He sighed with relief as someone came in behind them. He spun around to face... A boy? Aryn cocked his head at the boy's doctor uniform. He was about seventeen. "What are you?" the boy asked him.
"Copycat." Was his only reply as he realized what the boy was. "You heal," he stated in wonder. "Heal her." The boy looked at him in annoyance. "What do you think i'm doing?" He walked over to her bed and placed his hands-which started to glow- on her shoulder. Miyanna's back arched and she screamed, her eyes never opening and her face never changing. "MIYANNA!" He yelled, starting forward, but the boy shook his head. "Wait," he said simply. He did so nervously, afraid for her by the way she screamed. Finally, finally, she slumped back onto her bed, her eyes still closed. "She'll be alright." The boy said, and left him alone with her. He took her hand and kissed her softly on the lips, waiting for her to awake.
It seemed like hours that Miyanna was wading through the darkness of her own mind, every chance of getting closer to the light seeming to flutter away as soon as she got close enough to reach out and touch it. She cried out in frustration, trying her hardest to get closer to the white light. "This is pissing me off!!" She yelled, pushing past bigger, more vibrant sparks that tried to block her path. She hit one, a light blue flash, and noticed that she was seeing Aryn pacing back and forth, soon speaking to an attendant in the hospital. Miyanna shook her head, pushing the orb aside as the light before her grew more intense. "Oh no you don't!" She cursed profusely as the light moved once more out of her reach, but only by a few more steps.
It was then a searing pain took hold of her, making her scream out and curl in pain. Just what were they doing to her on the outside!? She hissed through her pain, biting back small tears that threatened to litter her freckled, flushed cheeks as she moved towards the light. The closer she came to it, the more she could feel, hear and smell of the hospital she was in. She ran now, as best she could while floating, towards the light.
Suddenly the world was white and blank. Miyanna's breath stopped momentarily before she her eyes shot open and she took a deep breath. On impulse she pushed up, pushing Aryn away with wide, somewhat feverish eyes. Then the pain hit her. She cursed at the pain, staring and cursing through gritted teeth at the bandages on her wounded arm and the tubes and wires going into her flawless flesh. Her eyes then shifted to the rooms other inhabitants, her eyes falling into a glare. "Where the fuck am I!?" She yelled rudely, clearly shocked and weary of her surroundings. This place was so neat, so tidy and so far away from nature. It made Miyanna want to flee as she tried pulling the tubes from herself in a panic.
"Hold her down! She's panicking!"
Aryn pushed her back gently but firmly. "Stop." he told her quietly, wrapping her mind with his own and emanating calming thoughts. "You'll be okay. Just relax." He spoke in a soothing voice, being as gentle as possible as he held her down while she thrashed. "Miyanna," he murmured. "Please." It was like she couldn't hear him- she was like a wild animal, afraid and lashing out because she was in unfamiliar surroundings. "Please," he repeated.
He leaned down, inches from her face, his eyes capturing and holding hers. Her eyes were dilated in shock and fear. He had no idea how long she'd been out by herself in the woods, but it seemed like long enough.
Knowing he wanted to and that it might surprise her enough to calm her down or at least keep her from hurting herself, he closed the distance and kissed her again, this time with her mostly conscious. He felt a kind of burning in his chest, spreading outwards and making him feel light-headed. Maybe it was just an effect of a siren, one of their many lures, but he didn't care. He knew his own feelings and had a firm hold on them. Whatever he felt towards her was real.
((OOC: Urg damn exams >x< I just want them to be over!))

Panicking was an understatement. Miyanna was freaking out at such an unfamiliar territory, especially since they had needles and wires going into her, feeding her goodness knows what. She was a child of nature, not of the city. She lived of the land and used the land to heal, not medicines and tubes. So the whole experience was frightening and disturbing for her, so much more so when Aryn tried to stop her. She glared at him, not stopping in her attempts to break free, despite the pain in her still wounded arm. "Let go of me Aryn!" She hissed out, her red hair blazing around her as she refused to allow him to hold her down - she would be subjected to this! Miyanna was used to freedom, so the fact that she was being restricted like this enraged her more than it scared her now. However, the fear was evident in her eyes.
Her eyes met his and she found herself staring again, though she still tried her best to break free from his grasp. She was so scared, but those eyes...Those eyes softened her to some extent and his lips. The sudden kiss made her tense and freeze, much like a deer caught in the headlamps of a car. Her struggles faded away and she recoiled back, a light dusting of red spreading over her freckled cheeks. She panted lightly from her exhilarating actions and rage, though it simmered down to a mere flicker now.
Just what had he been thinking to do such a thing as that?
Aryn gave her a soft smile as she calmed slightly, watching the blood rush to her face. He could see the question of why etched in her face as well as her mind.
"We can be out of here soon," he murmured in her ear. "Your wounds are healing at an accelerated rate, now, thanks to the young doctor over there." He nodded at the boy, who nodded back and left. "I can now heal you if you're hurt again," he added. "We're breaking out of here tonight." With that, he kissed her again, warning her under his breath to stay calm, that he'll be right back with food, and left the room.
He strode down and located the cafeteria with ease, stopping to eat for himself and grabbing Miyanna a good sized portion of food. He returned and set the tray of food on her lap.
"Eat," he commanded her firmly yet with a hint of gentleness.
Miyanna couldn't contain her shock at his actions, her face still locked with the shock of it as he smiled and moved to whisper in her ear. We can be out of here soon. She heard him murmur in her ear, her face soon turning to a bitter pout. "We better be!" She growled to him, not even paying attention as he talked about her wounds, trying to regain some of her fiery rage that she was well known for. She huffed, muttering a small thanks to the boy who had been her doctor, clearly returning back to her hostile ways, like when Aryn had first met her. She narrowed her eyes at him when he kissed her once again, warning her to stay calm. "Don't order me around!" She hissed lowly in response to him, pulling herself back to settle in the uncomfortable hospital bed. while he went to get her food. With a soft huff she slid back into a somewhat relaxed state, her eyes looking around the room she was in, taking in the whiteness all around her; it was positively hideous!
When Aryn returned, Miyanna was calmer than before, but more evil because of where she was. She looked clearly dissatisfied with being there, and seemed to glare at the tubes going into her body. She flicked her intense green eyes to him, her rage clearly showing in her hues. "Don't command me." She growled once again, but wasted no time in picking out what she wanted to eat from the tray he had given to her. She was a very complex Siren, as Aryn would learn, but it made her a very interesting woman to be with.
Aryn just smiled at her anger. "I will do as I please," he replied softly, watching her eat and feeling relieved she would be okay. The problem was escaping out of the hospital. In fact, it was a very large problem- Miyanna was to be 'under extreme watch' or something or other because of her injuries. Doctors had ceased to come as often and only check the chart, which the boy hadn't touched.
Aryn sighed in exhaustion, closing his eyes. Worrying. Wishing. Hoping. Why did everything, everyone, have to complicate things so much? Couldn't they all just live in peace? Young children were sent into the wilderness because of what they could do, often dying in days. Hours. Sometimes minutes, he knew. But he couldn't prtect them all; too many of the deranged wandered those woods, insane and searching for food. He shuddered and opened his eyes again.
"Ready to go?" he asked her.
Miyanna paused in her eating to send him a huffing glare, soon placing the tray noisily aside once she had picked what she wanted. This hospital food was nothing like that she caught and did herself, like wild deer or fresh fruits. It was all processed and she despised it. The Siren had been less than pleased to discover he had been watching her, clearly displeased as she once again began to pry the tubes from her body when he wasn't looking; she was a very stubborn woman and refused to be subjected to this any long. As he thought of their escape, she had managed to get herself free of the heart monitoring machine and the tubes linking her to the air supply. It made her slightly short of breath but within a few moments she was back to unhooking herself from the clicking contraption at her bedside. Green hues flicked to Aryn when he sighed out in exhaustion, noticing his eyes were closed. She smiled a devilish smile and pulled the last of the tubes, starting on the intravenous that was supplying fluids into her free arm, the other still wrapped up tight.
Ready to go? His words made her freeze, her hand unable to reach so she used her teeth to gently [as much as she could anyway] remove the needle from her arm. She hissed at the blood that pooled faintly on the wound, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Of course I am! I want to leave this hell hole!" She hissed, managing to snag a tissue and hold it awkwardly to the wound to dab up the blood. The soon she was free of that place, the sooner her mood would improve.
Aryn nodded as the heart monitor flatlined, announcing her death to the room.
He stood and kicked out the window behind him with a loud crash that was sure to alert the doctors and nurses. "Then let's go!" he said, scooping her into his arms and using the contact to keep healing her even faster, his hands glowng as he barreled out the window. He heard shouting behind him and gunshot, but they were too far away for the untrained gunman to do any damage. "Sorry about the height," he muttered, not at all sorry; she hadn't been very kind to him. But he realized he meant it and went on. "We'll reach the woods in about an hour. You're almost healed, too." His hands were still glowing, but it was softer, like starlight.
He knew part of her annoyance and anger was from the modernness of the hospital, so he carried her so she was facing his chest and not the world below. He also knew part of the emotions was because of how she didn't affect him in the way she wanted to affect him. She couldn't force his heart, but it beat with hers all the same. Was he falling in love with her? That, he didn't know. He had feelings for her, yes, but he was unsure about love. Always had been. He sighed, his breath a cloud in the cool summer air.
Miyanna tossed the discarded wires aside, along with the drip that had once been inserted into her arm. She slid out from her bed, managing to undo the sling that was keeping her bandaged arm inside; it was alright now, for the most part, as she was able to move it. She winced however when she tried to move it backwards, knowing that it wasn't quite there just yet, but he would heal her so she would be perfect again. She winced at the sudden and loud breaking of the window, her wide green eyes looking to him; if they didn't hurry now then they would surely be stopped. Miyanna didn't argue as he scooped her up, clinging on as tight as she could with her eyes closed tightly; she didn't want to look as he barrelled out of the window. Her stubborn mind screamed at her when she felt them leave into the cold night air but she refused to voice her fears - she knew that this was the only way for them to get free of the hospital.
When the yells and gunshots sounded her eyes widened, a yelp ripping itself from her mouth. She clutched onto him more, scared that they would hit them, but luckily their inexperience was in favour of the escapees. She simply nodded at his apology, too scared to really care for it. She paid no real attention to her words, solely focused on holding onto him. Miyanna didn't expect him to understand her complex nature, nor accept her rage and anger. They were her negative qualities and if he did care for her, like she suspected, he would learn to love them regardless. As he turned her in order to obscure her vision of the land below with his chest her eyes flicked to him, only now noticing his changing appearances as well as the soft, starlight glow of his hands. She watched his breath, her own coming out the same, before leaning up to gently kiss his cheek in slightly gratitude. "Thank you..." She murmured to him, her voice calmer and quiet. She meant her words, knowing that she had been ungrateful before and at least offered him a small appreciative thanks.
He flushed inexplicably at the contact of her lips but he smiled at her. "Anytime," he replied, the glow of his hands finally fading as she was fully healed. She was beautiful in more than her looks and her Siren allure. She was beautiful in her soul's purity, although she herself didn't know about that particular characteristic about herself. Her aura was a delicate pink, which relaxed him a little. The color meant she was calm and... loving? He never really paid attention to it, but now he wondered at the second emotion she was feeling.
"Almost back," he murmured to her, who he noticed had drifted off once or twice in his arms. Was she no longer afraid of flying? Aryn hoped so. They most likely would have to take this form of escape many more times in the future. He landed and saw she had again fallen asleep, rocked into unconsciousness by the lull of the night. "Miyanna," he whispered.
"We're here."
Miyanna's eyes watched his blushing expression, smiling softly in return to his soft smile. Her gaze lingered upon him for a few moments longer while his hands ceased to glow, her gaze shifting as she no longer felt the pain in her shoulder anymore. She moved her arm, finding it was completely perfect as she grinned and latched onto him once more; now she would be able to kick ass once more!
Now that her arm was completed she felt her mind shift to their height, biting her lip. She was terrified of the height anymore, feeling comfortable that Aryn wouldn't let her fall. In fact, this allowed her to feel at ease and more relaxed, causing her to gently fall into a light sleep while holding him close. This differed greatly from her enraged, brash nature earlier on in the hospital, something that simply served as a mask. Her soul, despite her obvious sinful ways as a Siren, was pure and untainted by the words bitterness and thus her aura a soft shade of pink. This, of course, was unknown to the young woman herself, especially as she settled into her sleep once more. She shifted slightly in his grasp, murmuring incoherently to him when he whispered her name. It seemed by the way she tightened her grip and hid her face from view that she didn't want to leave his embrace and her sweet slumber.
He smiled and didn't try to wake her again, settling down gently and curving his wings around them for warmth. He watched her sleep, her eyes fluttering with a dream unknown to him- he was too tired to be curious and look, anyway. He leaned his head back onto 'their' tree and slipped into sleep himself, still aware of what went on around him but with a dreamlike quality. He had learned the technique from a shapeshifter a few years back just in case he was attacked while he was resting.
He felt her heartbeat and relaxed slightly, still holding on to his catlike slumber.
Was this love?
It was obvious that Miyanna wouldn't be awakened for some time, especially after the events that had rattled her those past few days. She snuggled close to him as he settled on the earth once more, coiling his wings around them for warmth and protection as he settled in the tree that they had rested at previously; the acts made her relax more so, then action causing her to look far more appealing than when she was enraged and swearing profanities left, right and center. Her dreams were far too alluring for her to awaken, regardless of if she had wanted too; she was home again, something that she longed for. Of course, it was far too long away to go back now, and she had already caused her own exiling there anyway – there was nothing for her to go back to, end of story.
Miyanna remained blissful and contented while in her slumber, resting sweetly in his embrace due to the growing affection she was forming for him. She held attraction for him, that much was clear, but inside it was starting to grow further away from simple lust and in truth it terrified her. Love wasn't something Sirens did or ever tried to do, but as morning came, the feeling still didn't fade away, even as she awake and flicked her hazy eyes up to Aryn.