Highschool Romance!

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Original poster
I need someone to help me write these stories out, so please look through them and see if you are interested!

Story 1 "Boy's Love"
(My Character) is one of the popular kids at his school, but incredibly different then the others, because he loves to help whenever he can! He surrounds himself with his kind friends and girls are crowding him everyday to get his heart! Yet Alan never loved anyone, which make him think he's broken, and this makes him be driven to hurt himself, yet with prom coming up, everyone is expecting him to go, but will he even have the courage to?

Story 2 "Voice of the Unheard"
(My Character) is a lonely kid, who tries to help, but gets bullied for it, to pass the time and distract him, he grows flowers and loves the smell of them, and he draws the flowers and birds passing by! When a new girl (Your Charafter) comes to the school and becomes popular, he falls in love with her, wanting to help her no matter what!

Story 3 "The Forced Love"
The two are forced into a relationship a low life loser boy (me) and a trans boy that seems popular (you), and the only reason the two are accepting because if they don't everyone they know and love will be murdered. When the two meet up they recognize that they go to the same highschool and as the two began to hangout, the trans boy (you) begins to fall in love with my character, but my character doesn't see him as lovable, as he just wanted to save his family..

Story 4 "A Neko's Love"
(Your Character) is a neko (or a woman with cat ears, whiskers, and sometimes paws or a tail) who just moved to a town where Nekos aren't really thought of as likable, but when she goes to school she sees a gorgeous man (my character) that she immediately falls in love with, trying to win his heart as fast as she can!

Your Requirements
All I need is a person who can play as a girl at a highschool around 15-17 yo and someone who can understand basic grammar! And I'm not joking, I've met roleplayers who can't even rp right, which just brings me to tears! So message me if you are interested and I'll message you the OC! You can also bring in your own characters/NPCs to develop the story, because I'm always open!​
Aww the second plot seems really cute! Would totally be down for that one!
If you're still interested, I'd be down to write the first one. Though we should probably talk more about it.
Pm, and we can start plotting.