High School Horrors

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Hey Rosie, enjoying your time with your new boyfriend? Mr. Perfect might not be so perfect after all" -V-
She perked up after hearing her phone vibrate and quickly checked out to see what it was. She took a quick moment to read it, though upset that it wasnt Isaac decided to respond back:

"Yes, who r u?"
And then his phone vibrated. V wanted him to get close to...who? Rose? Um...Justice didn't know Rose that well. He knew she had a boyfriend, some senior smarty pants.

I like fireworks...unless that's a metaphor. Can you just make sense?

MAKE FRIENDS?! Justice didn't want to do that. Especially with a girl.
Year of High School:Senior
Place in the social ladder: Loner

A plainer version of this girl with hazel eyes.
Secret: She's selling her body to a man twice her age in exchange for prescription drugs to kill herself.

Lethe sat alone in the courtyard during her free period. When she was a freshman, she looked forward to free periods as they were time to be with her friends, but now they weren't so exciting. All her friends were gone and in exchange she grew deeper and deeper inside of herself. Currently she pushed her thoughts away and dove furiously into her Japanese homework. It was about the only thing she felt passionate about anymore.
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"Poor poor Lethe, no one really seems to know about you do they? I wonder what would happen if the school found out you were sleeping with a grandpa mmm?" -V-
Lethe's phone began to vibrate across the picnic table she was studying at, ruining the Kanji she was attempting to master. Immediately, her stomach began to churn. No one ever texted her except him. She had trained herself to keep her phone turned off at all times during class because of this. Not because she was particularly concerned with the mild rule breaking (texting was not allowed during class, of course), but because she had learned the hard way that his messages were not the normal kind. They were the blackmailing kind. The last one she obtained, she had lazily opened during her chemistry class unaware of its contents. She told herself she would never make that mistake again.
Lethe continued to stare at the phone, her heart beginning to pound in the silence. Everyone was in class and the courtyard was nearly empty. No one would be aware if he tried to hurt her here. Slowly, she flipped open her phone. Her family was much too poor to be able to buy her a smart phone, or as her classmates like to say, a "real phone."

>Poor poor Lethe, no one really seems to know about you do they? I wonder what would happen if the school found out you were sleeping with a grandpa mmm?"-V-

Lethe finished reading the text, and then read it again. And then again. None of her old friends spoke to her anymore, and she didn't recall their signatures containing a "V." Besides, she kept their numbers saved in case they tried to harass her or something just as annoying. It's possible they could've changed their numbers, but she doubted they would still remember her own. Half the time she couldn't afford to keep her phone turned on.
Her heart was pounding, a symptom of anxiety with a mixture of fear. But also adrenaline. Someone had noticed her masochism, but who? Maybe it was a trick from her "lover." She knew the smartest thing would be to just ignore it. Nobody really cared about what she was doing to herself and nobody had any proof, but curiosity was a weakness of hers and she began creating a text of her own.

>Who's this?

Lethe read the text very carefully and decided it didn't give anything away. She pressed send with a cautious thumb.
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