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Soon, two more people accompanied the four miserables in the dark room, and once again, Cerce witnessed another mental breakdown from one man, and pyro magic from one woman.

Then all of her questions were answered as the fairly large group merged their voices into a sea of vocal chords and frequencies.
Who did this? "I think it's the bride."
Any ideas? "Let's try attacking the door because bride bitch is a powerful witch."
Is that even going to work? "We all have bark, we should be perfectly perfect. Unless one of us fucks up."
While the rest of the group were conversing, she just eyed everyone and the room combined to try and think up any other ideas, feeling ones eyes flicker in her general direction. Surely that idea will not come out of her lips, as the rest of the group were so set on blowing the door up into smithereens. And even if one of them asked for her input, she'd just agree with the majority. Such a boring creature she was.

"Wait - what? Witches and warlocks? Am I a warlock? What does that even mean?"
That voice. Justyn? Is he kidding? He doesn't know what witches and warlocks are? What he is? Cerce's head snapped towards Justyn and gave him a kind reassuring smile whilst nodding her head slowly. "Yes.. You're a.. Warlock. You've got some magic in your corner now, some heavy ammunition in your ca-- Wait, no, that's Aladdin." She didn't realize she muttered that last part out loud, but luckily, it was just a mutter. Now's not the time for comic relief Cerce what are you antisocial?
Cerce's hand reached over to her other arm and gave herself a small pinch for calm reassurance. Will all of them make it out alive? Is there going to be casualty? Without another thought she blurted out,

"Are we going to carry out this.. plan?"
Character Interaction:

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Ingrid Beauchamp
Suddenly, the room everyone was trapped in started to fill up with a red smoke, any magic everyone had used stopped and everyone was quiet. The only thing anyone could see was a red smoke and no longer could they see, feel, or hear one another. Suddenly the smoke cleared, and everyone in the room was separated from one another. "So you all must be wondering why I called you here, or well summoned you here. First I know you're all witches or warlocks." Looking around her face dropped, "I take that back, we have a werewolf joining us, oh I wonder what powers I'll gain from you." Ingrid said smiling at the blonde werewolf. "Well, I will be killing you all simply putting it. I want your powers to make me even stronger. Although your little plan of banding together won't work. I'm way too powerful for you." Ingrid was cocky as she was floating in the middle of the room red smoke was spiraling underneath her.

Chanting a few words Ingrid, laughed as each person was trapped inside of a smoke cage, which they couldn't get out of. Then she laughed as she summoned each persons greatest fear into their cage with them, or made them hallucinate it. It was always so much fun doing this, and messing with her prey before she killed them. When suddenly the visions ended and the cages dissipated. Looking around Ingrid screamed, one of the witches here had an extremely powerful protection spell that interfered with her spell. Looking around she found her, it was a brunette. "Now Iris, that necklace of yours mind if I have it?" Ingrid said as she made her way closer to Iris and not bother to pay attention to anyone else her mind was focused on the necklace around her neck. It was powerful and Ingrid wanted it.

M: @Everyone
I: @Shayla @Huntress

[@Shayla if you don't want your necklace to be enchanted, I just thought since it was from her mother and she was extremely powerful I would make it so. I will change that right away.]​
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[fieldbox="Lauren Chase, plum"]
Lauren looked around nervously. Something wasn't right, it didn't feel right. A cloud of red smoke began to form and the blonde was soon consumed by it, her senses non existent for a few moments. Eventually as her hearing and smell returned, the blonde looked around herself. She was in the opposite corner of where she stood previously and everyone else was scattered about aswell. Backing up into the wall she watched in fear as the woman in the middle spoke. The power that radiated off her made Lauren uneasy. The woman's words made her even more worried as the two made eye contact. Lauren's jaw was so tense that if she bit down any harder her teeth would begin to crack.

The blonde's heart rate was picking up, that made her even more nervous. Taking deep breaths she did nothing as sweat was beginning to form on her brow. Stumbling backwards Lauren hit the corner of the wall as she was assaulted by memories. Distant sounds and flashing images. Blood, pain, screams, fear. Gripping her head tightly she slid down the wall and sat as she tried to force the horrible things out of her mind.

"Lauren...Honey. Come here. It's me, come on."

Lauren opened her eyes, her gaze blurry as she saw a figure calling towards her. The figure was on it's knees, at the same level Lauren was at and it was motioning for her to come closer. She couldn't make out any facial details but she had a good idea of who it was.

"Dad?" She questioned.

"Come on, I'll keep you safe Lor." Her father's voice echoed slightly.

The blonde crawled closer to her father's figure. Ignoring anything else that might be happening around her. Her vision was still hazy and in the darkness of the room she still struggled to see things.

"That's it honey. Almost there." He led her on and as the blonde approached he reached out and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

At this point Lauren was in disbelief. She was with her father! They hugged each other tightly. "Dad! I missed you so much!" She called out as tears welled in her eyes. "You don't even know...I—I love you daddy!"

There was a distant low growl and Lauren found herself looking up only to be met by two sinister glowing eyes. She pulled her father closer, his body seemed heavier than it should've been. Looking down her eyes grew wide as her father laid in her arms as nothing more than a bloody corpse. She was covered in blood, her clothes, arms, hands and legs. The shock and fear was evident in her still surprised expression. Looking up the glowing eyes were gone. In their place was a window, the moon shining brightly through it, within seconds her gaze was transfixed on the glowing, silver, orb. Her mouth hung slightly agape, chest rising and falling quickly, skin glistening as beads of sweat formed almost everywhere.

"Lauren?" The voice of her father returned, it startled her, and confused her.

Looking down her blue eyes scanned every inch of herself, not a single drop of blood, the mutilated corpse gone as well. Looking up at the silhouette of the man, the blonde began to grow confused. "Dad?" Her voice was raspy.

"What's wrong hunny?" He asked and stepped into the room.

Shifting to stand up she winced as there was a rather sickly crack that forced her on hands and knees. Looking at the stone floor below her, her eyes grew wide. Blinking a few times she shook her head slightly and noticed that her vision wasn't blurry anymore. There was a scream of frustration, Lauren's gaze darting in the direction of the auburn haired witch in the center of the dirty room. Remembering where she was, she shook her head and exhaled. Pushing herself up slowly, Lauren was once again forced to the ground. Her forearms laid flat on the ground as she rested her forehead on them. Her heart rapidly pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she took deep but quick breaths. She could feel the familiar tingling sensations travel through her body. There was a sharp inhale as a sickly crack started at the base of her neck and traveled down her spine, it was a slow drawn out sound. The shifting that started taking place was visible, one by one the ridges of her spine started to push out against her skin, each one followed by a sound that wasn't very pleasing to the ears. Lauren groaned as bones began to break and shift, re-mending themselves to fit a different, larger form. Joints popped, sinew snapped, muscles shifted. Her fingernails cracked, blood pooling around them as sleek, black claws forced themselves through her skin.

Lauren was beyond the point of being able to reverse this. She tried to keep her pained sounds to a minimum and she prayed to whatever god was out there that this didn't end in a massacre.
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Eva Snow

Eva was preparing a spell in her mind. It was conjuring water in the cracks of the door then freezing it and hopefully splintering the door. Continuously Eva sat there as everyone else was thinking as she started to move her hand slowly up the door. It was going great when suddenly she didn't feel the magic going through her and she felt nothing it was the strangest thing. Her vision was clouded by a red smoke, as she listened to Ingrid. All she wanted was to attend the wedding and leave but now she might die? Eva was freaking out as she chanted latin, sending ice shards towards Ingrid but they just deflected off of her body and Ingrid paid absolutely no attention to them.

Suddenly Eva found herself in a cage, that was made of smoke. She thought it was weird as she went to step through the smoke she slammed her head into the bar as she realized it definitely wasn't normal smoke. Eva then found herself underwater, and looked up. There was ice there so she used her powers to try to crack the ice and come up for air but she had no powers. It wasn't that horrible because she was punching the ice until she saw it. The shark was headed right for her, freaking out Eva tried to manipulate the ice around herself but nothing happened. Eva looked as the shark swam right for her and it opened it's mouth. Looking inside she saw the three rows of razor sharp teeth and the throat of the shark. Screaming she tried to swim away and looked behind her as the shark got it's jaws on her ankles and was going to bite down, when suddenly she found herself in the room again with no cage.

Freaking out Eva hated this she looked at Ingrid and saw she was focused on a girl. The fire witch, knowing Ingrid screamed she knew the witch must have done something to her? Was the fire witch that powerful, Eva contemplated the thought in her mind as she saw Ingrid float over to the witch and ask about the necklace. It must be a protection talisman, Eva thought as she heard something happening and turned towards the noise. It was the blonde girl on the ground, the werewolf. Seeing she was transforming Eva knew it could be bad if she didn't have control so she ran over to the girl and started chanting. "Converterent luna maledictionem ceperunt in ea, converterent luna maledictionem ceperunt in ea, converterent luna maledictionem ceperunt in ea" A pink glow came from her hands as she circled the girl. She couldn't tell if she was making progress or not. All she was saying was, reverse the moon curse laid upon her, and a curse of a werewolf probably would just flicker at latin chanting and not an actual spell.

I: @Huntress
M: @Shayla

~ Iris Dumont ~

Iris had watched the smoke cages draw upward's as Ingrid casted the spell upon them. The smoke attempted to wind around her as she all but felt the amulet warm against her neck. Not only was it capable of protection but it amplified her abilities almost to as strong as that of her mother's. In that moment her hand's lifted as her eye's darkened into blackened pits. Without hesitation she chanted a spell as blueish fire sparked forth and diminished the smoke cloud around her as Ingrid's scream's pierced the room itself. She settled her gaze on Ingrid as she straightened and proceeded to cross over to her as she spoke. Iris smirked as her eyes faded back to her pale green coloring. This Witch didn't scare her in the slightest for sure. Her eyes flickered off to the side as the other girl ran over to assist the werewolf as she spoke up to her." Look after the Wolf and see to the other's... I'll deal with this one." At that Iris smiled slowly to Ingrid as she closed the distance as her eye's held a heated yet confident anger.

" You damn annoying little witch... You think yourself more powerful?" She laughed as her hand held against her lips." I guess you didn't research to well into your guest's now did you? Let me than inform you... This necklace belonged to my mother , Meldonia The Elemental Witch. I'm sure that name is all to familiar to you , correct? I'm her child and her blood and it only protect's those of that bloodline.. Useless to you." At that her hand snaked out quick as it grasped Ingrid's chin hard within her grasp as she drew her in only to meet the return of her blackened eye's. Her voice was dark yet remained silken as she spoke." Also on another note.. Try to kill me all you wish... I've lived for nearly a hundred year's and let me just say.. Your a damn fool.. Now leave these people alone for I am protecting them as well and we will deal away with you.. Understand?" In that moment she shoved her back hard to the ground as she watched her fall to the ground as Iris rested her hand against her hip. As she looked down to the girl and without even speaking the Flame Antronach re-appeared un-summoned at her side as she continued to hold her ground. It was only when she saw Drago on the ground that she kept a locked gaze to Ingrid as she walked over quickly as her skirt's flitted behind as she came to kneel at his side as her hand rested to his cheek as she looked him over with concern."Are you alright?" She looked to him before looking back at Ingrid as the Antronach kept guard over things.

Interaction: @Dramma
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[fieldbox="Lauren Chase, plum"]
Lauren caught the sounds of footsteps approaching. There was a soft, subtle voice as she felt an odd warmth. Glaring up at the person through her hair she gritted her teeth as she spotted a witch doing...something.

"...get away from me!" She growled in between pained grunts. She didn't know what the witch was doing and frankly she didn't care if it was to help her or not. She didn't trust them, period. Whatever chant she was muttering wasn't doing anything, her presence was simply irritating her. Another growl came from the blonde as she bared her teeth and glared at the young witch. Before she could speak again Lauren's back arched sharply. Her clothes slowly began to rip as her ribs began to expand. Still forming claws scraped against the stone floor as her fingers began to lengthen and thicken. Veins protruded against her skin as her body began to break and reshape itself in a more severe manner. Muscles bulged in awkward spots as her clothes grew tighter and began tearing in more places. It was becoming more and more difficult for the blonde to keep her pained sounds to herself.

The chanting that was coming from the witch grew louder and louder in her ears, it was becoming very irritating. She began to mutter the word 'stop' over and over again. Between whimpers and inhales of pain. Something rumbled in her head, a deep sound, like the whole world was shaking. Swords clanked in the distance, people yelling in a foreign language. Lauren's skin began to burn, like she was being branded. It wasn't visible to her but others might've noticed the skin on her neck sizzling. She felt it but her eyes were tightly shut. A series of runes burned into her flesh, scarring almost instantly, right at the base of her neck. As her body continued to expand, more burn marks appeared. They ran up her arms, around her neck, her legs and her waist. These marks weren't like the ones around her neck, these were from shackles and chains.

Lauren groaned as fur began to sprout from her pores, her human sounds of pain were turning into primal and feral snarls and whimpers. Remnants of her clothes fell to the ground as her spine lengthened and her face forced itself forward, it wasn't long till a full snout had formed, filled with razor sharp fangs. As her humanity physically faded her mind was also starting to loose it's way. As the change entered it's final stages it could be seen that this beast was easily double the size of the kind young woman that housed the monstrosity. The only thing that was evident in this creature that connected it to the human it once was, was it's eyes and the shade of it's fur.

Panting the creature stared at the ground, ears twitching in every direction, picking up sounds from everyone within the room. Slowly it raised it's head to meet the gaze of whoever was circling the beast. Hearing a thud the wolf snapped it's head towards the source of the sound. A powerful female witch sat on the ground, auburn hair, white dress. Flattening it's ears and curling it's lip the werewolf turned it's body towards the young woman. There was something about her that it did not like at all.

Interacted with:
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Justyn Parker
The woman appeared out of nowhere and shot tendrils of red smoke towards each of the others in the room. As the smoke wrapped itself around his legs and wound its way up his body, Justyn was wracked with pain. He gasped for breath as he fell to his knees, and he looked around desperately at the others before the smoke enveloped him whole.

A young boy sits in the front row of the church pews staring at the white coffin laid out before him. He sits between a man with a goatee beard in a cheap suit with a vacant stare, and a large woman in a black dress who sobs quietly into a white handkerchief. A priest is standing in front of the small gathering of people, leading them in reciting the Lord's Prayer, while the boy sits perfectly still, unblinking in silence.

A large board displays the image of a girl, of similar age to the boy, with long, golden ringlets for hair, and large, crystal blue eyes. She is dressed in a school uniform of blue and white, and she looks happy, with an enormous smile of pearl-white teeth and a glint in her eye. In one hand she holds a thick book by her waist; the other clutches a white ice-cream as though she had just taken the first lick.

The priest's words are sliding into silence, and the girl from the picture appears from seemingly out of nowhere in front of the coffin, wearing a plain, white dress and with her hair pulled back in a bun. There are bruises across her neck, the glint in her eye is gone, and her smile has vanished. The boy flinches in his seat, the first movement he has made, and the woman sitting next to him places a comforting hand on his. He recoils from her touch and stares wide-eyed at the girl while no one else appears to notice.

The girl raises her arm and points at the man sitting next to the boy, her face instantly shifting from deepest calm to pure rage. She looks as though she were shouting at the man, but the man does not react, appearing to look straight through her. Unlike the man, the boy can see what is happening but he too cannot hear the girl. He does not understand what is happening.

The boy, older now – a teenager – is sitting on a park bench in the summer sun, alone and reading a book of short stories. A family of ducks is waddling along the path nearby, and he looks up to watch them momentarily. As he returns to his book, he feels her next to him, so he turns to look upon the girl. She is still dressed in white, the markings on her neck have not healed, and she has not aged. He smiles at her, but she does not return the smile, instead resting her head upon his shoulder and placing her hand on the inside of his arm. The boy feels happiness in that moment, as though it were a rare feeling, and the two sit there in their stillness for a long moment.

As the girl raises her head she speaks, and to his surprise the boy can hear her words. "He haunts me even in death," she says, not realising she could be heard until the look of surprise on the boy's face gives it away. The boy is about to say something when…

The young man jogs through the deserted city park, his breath forming mist in front of his face in the cold night air. Every few yards or so he passes her, the young girl with the white dress, and she calls to him. "Justyn." A few more yards, "Justyn." He continues his run, ignoring her calls. "Justyn, I know you can hear me, Justyn." The man concentrates on the sound of his own footsteps, eyes locked ahead in concentration, shutting out the sound of her voice as best he can. Running… breathing… must not let her in again…

He sits in an uncomfortable seat on a bus, looking out the window to the speeding highway in the middle of nowhere, her face mirrored in the glass pane. The man turns to face her and she smiles for the first time in what seems like forever. "Thank you, brother," she whispers to him, and reaches up to kiss him on the cheek. A tear rolls down the left side of his face, but he smiles at her through his sadness.

Coughing, Justyn's eyes open slowly in the dirt of the floor, the red smoke still surrounding him. Reeling from his nightmare, his vision was too blurry to make out anyone else in the room, but he could just make out voices coming from the other side of the room. A low, threatening growl could also be heard, so he attempted to push himself upright, but the movement made him quite dizzy once more.

"Cerce," he coughed. "Cerce, are you all right?" but it was all he could manage against the powerful witch's magic, and he fell face-first to the floor once more, unconscious and helpless.
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Dragomir was standing with the other individuals when red smoke started to fill the room. When the smoke had vanished, he was standing away from everyone now...he noticed the bride, Ingrid was in the middle of the room. He knew something was up with the bitch, she was a damn witch! Not only that, the blonde who was watching him and Iris earlier was a werewolf...this just get's better and better. He was about to use his magic to stop Ingrid, but then he was trapped in a cage, he tried to get out of it...but nothing worked. "Damn!" Dragomir looked around as more smoke now filled the cage.

When the smoke had settled down, Dragomir noticed something was wrong. He didn't feel the same anymore. He saw some skeleton like figure staring back at him, they were dressed in a ragged violet colored shroud...wait, he raised his hand, the skeleton raised it's hand. Fearing the worst, Dragomir looked at his hand...he was the skeleton! He looked in the mirror of the darken cage. That was him...but he didn't use his magic for evil, how was he in the Spirit World now? He started to freak, his ragged bones shaking, making a lot of noise. The skeletal form of Dragomir grew even more frantic, as his skin and flesh started to peel of his face...now he was just bones. "No! This is not happening!" Dragomir never wanted this to happen, he couldn't be here right?

This was a trap, he closed his eyes. Dragomir was trying to block out the witch's illusions. Luckily he didn't have to fight her for too long...the illusion and the cage had gone away. Now, Dragomir was on his knees on the floor. He was breathing heavily, a tear fell from his eye, he wiped it away quickly. He then noticed Iris coming over to him. He tried to bring the suave and strong look back to his face. He smirked at her. "Yeah I'm okay." He stood up. "I guess I picked the right witch to flirt with." He smiled at her, glaring at Ingrid afterwards. "Let's get rid of that Witch Bitch."


Interaction(s): @Shayla
Mentioned: @Dramma @Huntress
Last edited:
Eva Snow

Eva watched as a simple spell didn't do anything. Cursing under her breath she watched the werewolf snap it's head towards Ingrid. Smiling she chanted another spell, "Facientque mihi invisibilis" Eva's body started to disappear as she ran over to the boy who collapsed on the ground. It wasn't good, Ingrid's powers must have hurt him horrible. Eva looked at the boy, before deciding she was in well enough health to give some to the guy. "Sana animam meam, et vitale hominis istuis, sana animam meam, et vitale hominis istuis" Take my vitality and heal this man, take my vitality and heal this man. Beams of pink light shot out of her hand and curled around the man.

The light took time to seep into the man as it all but seemed to work but Eva fell onto the ground. She knew it was coming but she felt like it took way to much of her health. Freaking out she looked as there was a girl who still seemed to be in stuck in her fear. Eva knew it was all to much, as she looked at the girl who said she'd take care of it. She was caring for someone and what was the greatest way to someone then people they loved, or cared for. Eva tried to get Iris to move away but she was too weak to stand up, the healing spell she did took way to much from her and she didn't know how or why.

M: @Huntress @Shayla @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Commander Cheesecake
I: @Darkagn
Ingrid Beauchamp

Laughing she looked at the girl, "Oh I may have underestimated one witch, but just so you know I took the power from the original salem witches. All those grave robbers were really just me. Now you see when power goes through generation to generation it lessens. Soon all witches can do is simple party tricks, but if you take the power from the dead, you will gain power. The salem witches were the greatest witches that we know of, they weren't stupid enough to be the ones who were hanged or crushed but they watched. Since I have their powers a simple fire witch won't faze me. Although your amulet does faze me, so I simply won't attack you" Ingrid was rambling to distract Iris, as she had roots come from the floor and as she finished the roots wrapped their way around Dragomir and pulled him to the ground, and started to tighten. Laughing maniacally Ingrid laughed as the door opened and with a turn of her head she saw the werewolf. "Well goodbye" In an instant Ingrid turned into a buff of red smoke and as it dissipating all the evidence of her or her magic was gone, everyone was free of everything.

Except, they had a werewolf on their hands, a missing witch bitch, and they all knew they had powers.

M: @Huntress
I: @Shayla @Shattered♦Secrets™
= L O N G
I N C O M I N G ! =


Before long, Cerce saw a cloud of red smoke. What on earth was going on?.. Was she.. Scared?

That.. Bitch. Happily Married her fucking ass.
Cerce couldn't see anything, she couldn't feel anything, and she couldn't hear the voices of the people in the room other than the newly wedded wife. Everything was happening so slowly, but yet, all at once. It was like time stopped, but in this very room, it was just getting faster and faster, and Cerce couldn't wrap her head around it.
She was scared.
What could she do?
What is that witch doing?
Where is everyone?
Is she going to die here?
Is anyone going to survive?

Thoughts filled the witch's head but not once did conjuring up a spell occur in that sea of questions. From living to loneliness, her thoughts ran mad. Cerce was oblivion in a nutshell. Society, law, and people were definitely not her forte. She lacked emotion and voice. Confidence and pizzazz. Talent and love. Trust and experience. She lacked everything. She was useless. A useless person in a sea of useful people.
In the end, she was all..
During her depressing thought process, a red cage started to form around her body and she once again, couldn't see anything. This was perfectly meta.

Something was wrong. Very. Very. Wrong.
Her background started to change. It was now faded images of tall buildings and shops that resembled the slightly crowded streets she always used to stea-...
She felt something in her hands. Cerce looked down, only to find that she was holding a shiny, silver watch. She was now in a building. A jewelry shop of sorts. The back door was wide open, and the sounds of alarms were blaring right in her ears. A display case was broken, a watch, missing.
"S-stop this! Please!"
She looked around some more, wondering what was going on. She was frightened.

A man. Black hair, light green eyes rolled just slightly in their sockets. The man was wearing a wealthy suit.
Oh god.
The man was dead on the floor. Out of panic and fear, Cerce's eyes wandered around frantically. Her scenery kept changing. She noticed a gun right beside the watch display. Was that there before? Did she kill her father?... Again?..
"Oh god.. Please.. This can't be true. I'm so sorry father. I'm.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to set you on fire. Th-that was years ago.. Please father! Forgive me.."
The female witch dropped the silver watch, only to notice that she broke the glass because she was squeezing too hard. Small glass shards stuck and dug into her hands, blood was dripping on the luxurious carpet.
The witch dropped to her knees and clenched her knuckles into fists. The glass dug deeper into her skin.
There was more blood.
But she didn't care.
She was scared.
Her head tilted upward, finding a large group of police officers replacing her father's dead corpse.
"Where is my father? What did you do to him? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FATHER?!"
Feeling a wave of anger course through her veins, Cerce jumped up from the floor and rushed to one police officer, shoving him back into another display table.

There was a mob of angry officers rushing to take a swing at the witch.
They won.
They were shouting accusations at her. Each comment meant one harsh hit.

"You stole from this city. You will no longer be welcomed here."
"You killed your father. You're a fucking monster, kid."
"Did you think you would stay under the radar for long Little Miss Oblivion?"
"You're insane. You're not like the rest of us. YOU BELONG IN A MENTAL ASYLUM."
"You know nothing of this world. You don't belong here. You should be killed."

"I've never loved you."
Cerce looked up once more, only to find her vision blocked from the swings of batons and fists.
A woman. With blonde hair and eyes like her father.
"I never should have given birth to you."
"You were a mistake."
"You are a monster, Cerce Lynn Zenovia."
"You're weak."
Stop it.
"You don't belong here."
Stop it.
"You're a criminal."
"I wished I had murdered you ever since you killed your father."

A waterfall of tears flowed from Cerce's eyes.
The vision faded to black.
All that could be heard now were:
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney---"
The Miranda Warning soon faded as well, as the sound of police sirens took its place.
Then it was gone.

Cerce was back in that cursed room. She was lightheaded and nauseous, and she couldn't see a thing. She tried to focus her vision but it failed when she dropped to her knees.
"Cerce.. Cerce are you alright?"
She didn't know why, but she was enraged. And Justyn was the last person she wanted to see right now, if she could even see anything.
Tears started to roll down the witch's face. Cerce looked at her hands.
Blood. Small droplets of blood
There were nail marks in the palm of her hands. Her fingernails were bloody. She must have held on to too tightly. But that didn't matter now. All Cerce wanted to do was to kill that wicked witch.
Characters Mentioned:
[fieldbox="Lauren Chase, plum"]
The werewolf snarled as it's target vanished. Stepping towards where the red haired witch had been standing it tried to find a scent or anything to lead it towards her, there had been no trace left. Growling in frustration the large creature looked around the room. Nothing seemed to be a threat, no one was even approaching the beast. They were smart, they knew better. Yet the wolf was unsatisfied, it hungered but there was nothing here for it. Looking around a second time it scoffed. dropping on all fours it slowly began to pace, most of them seemed to be gathered in one area, the small magic wielding humans. Bearing fangs with a subtle growl it pawed back and forth, tail whipping left and right. How could it get out? It was cautious of the witches but it knew, she knew not to attack, the fact that there were so many instantly made it a bad idea. Looking to the right it roared. It knew there was a door there, Lauren knew there was a door there, the blonde knew there was no way to get through, information the beast was able to process. There were no windows in the cursed room either. With the red head witch gone could they get out? She knew that's who had brought them here, that's who's magic had sealed them in. Could it break the door?

Glancing over at the group, the blue eyes studied each face. It seemed like they wanted out as bad as it did, she also wanted to be as far away from them as possible. Rushing the door there was a thunderous explosion of wood. Coming through into a slightly familiar room there was a scream of fear. Looking down the blue eyed wolf studied the young man that was scrambling to stand and run away. Lowering itself the golden furred beast flattened it's ears and curled it's lip into an intimidating snarl. Light blue eyes rang familiar in it's mind.

'The bartender...' Lauren's voice echoed in wolf's mind.

Snorting the beast made an unimpressed sound and bolted to the right. Those doors would ideally lead outside, if her memory served correctly. Pushing through the wolf was greeted with the smells of the night, an almost calming feeling taking over as the beast found itself in it's niche. Although the property carried on without any trees for quite some distance, it eventually ended where the wolf wanted to be. Rushing through it's current goal was to get to the coverage of the forest.

Soft, golden fur glistened in the light of the nearly full moon as it sped across the vast, flattened property of Fairhaven.[/fieldbox]

~ Iris Dumont ~

Iris smiled softly at Drago as he rose back up.. She gave him a quickened grin as her eye's lit to his at his comment." Glad you did flirt..What a dull night it would have been.. I also agree let's be rid of that wicked bitch." It was than that Ingrid's laugh pierced the room as Iris whipped around in a flash as the glare against her features further set in. This damn witch was driving her insane as she bragged further on about her power and of the Salem Witches. How dare she ever touch those before them.. They were their ancestor's and Iris's as well. This all but let the anger within grow stronger with each breath that came to escape her lips at that time. It was than she swore to not bother touching her , it was only than that vine's whipped forth from the ground and entangled around Drago as he was slammed down heavily to the floor under the confines of the vine's. Not only was that happening but the girl who had been eyeing her with anger had finally shifted into her werewolf form. " Dammit.." Iris shifted her gaze quick as her eye's instantly flashed blood red as the vine's constricted around him began to disintegrate without any given harm to his body. As she was finishing the Wolf charged forth against the door as it erupted in splinter's of wood. Iris rose up slowly from Drago as she extended her small manicured hand out to him as she spoke up to him and the other's." We need to get out of here and decide what we're going to do about this situation.. Is everyone alright enough to find safety or not?" Her eye's faded slowly back into their normal coloring as she looked to the others's with more softened expressions. The wolf would have to be wrangled at some point and somehow... She thought as she remained drawn close to Drago's side..She was unsure what the other's thought of her but she knew the wolf found her to seem dangerous..

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Justyn Parker

Justyn's eyes opened slowly but his vision was blurred from the trauma he had just survived. His ears were ringing as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, but as he straightened he had a surge of strength and energy unlike he had ever felt before. The warmth of Eva's spell was flooding over him, and he found himself reflecting on the nightmare he had just endured. The sound of the door being smashed into tiny splinters jolted Justyn out of his reverie, and he looked up to see a hulking great beast darting out of sight.

Steadily Justyn rose to his feet and looked around at the woman lying nearby. Eva's body was unconscious, but Justyn could also see her standing over her own body with a look of shock upon her face. A bright white light was beckoning to the blonde woman, but she was ignoring it for the time being, as though she were still trying to process what was happening. "Wait," called Justyn. "Come back to us, Eva."

His eyes began to turn white again, as they had done earlier, and he began to chant. "Revertere ad vivos ducebat… Revertere ad vivos ducebat." "Return to the living… Return to the living." Eva's spirit looked over her shoulder at the light and took a small step towards it, and Justyn increased his chant's volume, repeating the words over and over. Suddenly, as though against her will, the spirit was pulled forcibly back into her body, and Eva's eyes opened as she gasped for breath.

Justyn began to cough, but rather than feeling weakened by his spell, he instead felt more powerful and in control than ever before. He wasn't sure what it was, maybe because he was amongst others with similar… arcane talents? Ever since he had discovered his powers he had been alone, but now he had finally found others. He could feel the energies of each of the other witches and warlocks in the room, and he felt strengthened by each of them.

He looked around at each of them in turn. The brunette with the necklace, her aura was similar to Cerce's – a bright inferno swarming around her, although her hues were more on the red spectrum than Cerce's yellows. Justyn could feel her strength, as though she had been a witch for a long time, and he suspected that she was perhaps a little older than she looked.

The tall man had an aura that was constantly shifting, never static. Justyn couldn't remember seeing an aura that behaved in such a way, and it was a little disconcerting to look at, so he looked away quickly.

The other warlock had the darkest aura Justyn had ever seen – merely a shade or two lighter than pure black – which was almost as difficult to look at as the first warlock. Justyn hadn't heard a word from this one, so maybe he was good at concealing himself, Justyn guessed.

In stark contrast, Eva's aura was almost pure white, with just the slightest shade of blue. Justyn had seen similar auras, although certainly not as strong, in doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. He surmised that she must be a strong healer, and that possibly she had saved him earlier.

Justyn's eyes returned to the only one of all of them he felt he knew at all, Cerce. She was crying and her hands were bleeding. Her aura had its natural yellow, but now there was something new – every few moments there was a flicker of red, like a fork of lightning, flashing through her aura. Justyn felt worried when he saw the shift in her aura. Coupled with that look upon her face… he was crushed.

"Cerce?" he asked again, cautiously this time. He looked around at the others and asked a more general question. "What is going on?"

@Commander Cheesecake
@daniel reaver
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River didn't speak but give the man that asked the question the same look he was asking 'what the hell is this' he though to him self as he tried to understand the mans sudden chants that where obviously a dead or psychotic language. but what confused him more was everything that was going on, it scared him and that was a problem because he never got scared. "s-so what do we do?" he asked every one there finally deciding it was his turn to ask and hopping no one would notice the unusual dark aura he gave off because of his 'little friend' he had inside

@Commander Cheesecake
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Eva Snow

Eva didn't know that her healing spell would actually take her soul out of her body. Though her curse wasn't allowing it anyway she wasn't thirty-three, that's when she felt her soul being brought back into her body. Coughing she awoke to find the man she just healed healing her, laughing at the irony she smiled at him.
"Thank you" She said with a kind heart as she realized everything was such a mess.
She looked around and hear Iris talking about everyone being able to find safety.
"I'm okay with finding my own safety now" She smiled back at the man who brought her back to life. It shouldn't have been so easy had it not been for her curse he might not have been able to do it. She lit up the room with small balls of light so everyone could see as she got up. readjusting her red dress she stepped up onto her golden heels and started heading for the door it was strange she thought all of this happening and now she was just walking out. She knew all these people were witches but she wanted out. Walking into the archway of the door she was greeted with a problem although the werewolf could leave, the witches couldn't. "We need to regain power and leave together" Eva said to them all as she knew it was so sudden. "We should all calm down first and learn about each other before we leave we may need each other now."

@Shayla @Darkagn
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