Hidden by the Sea

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Kai was the one who answered the door. It took her a little bit to recognize him. "Robert?" She asked, looking down at his tail. "What happened?" She asked, swimming out to him.
Robert smiled wrapping his arms around her and holding her strongly against his newformed body. His tail came up to loop with hers, caressing her body.

"Our queen saw me fit to love you." he said. "I love you Kai. More than you will probably ever know." he said holding her head to his and taking her lips in a strong, hungry and deep kiss. "Be mine forever please?"
"You didn't even have to ask." Kai said, kissing him back. She smiled as she felt her tail intertwine with his. Someone cleared their throat at the door, causing Kai to jump slightly and turn around. She quickly let go of Robert. "Father!" She exclaimed.

The large merman was staring at the two, his purple hair cut short. His strong tail looked like it could kill anyone it wrapped itself around. He shook his head. "You get yourself a mate and you don't even bother to tell your family? You disappoint me, Kai."
Robert felt a wave of shock kill the mood between them. He didn't know the mermaid people customs for asking for a mermaid's hand in marriage. He looked over at her father and swam forward.

"I'm so sorry sir. My name's Robert. This has all happened so fast, Kai did not mean to disappoint you. I love her with all my heart and want nothing more but to have her as my mate and wife."
The merman looked him over. "Rajaa!" He called. A mermaid, one with a green tail and brown hair, swam out.

"Yes dear?" She asked.

"This man wishes to mate with our daughter." Kai's father said.

"Well isn't that sweet? He's quite strapping isn't he?" The mermaid, Rajaa, smiled as she looked him over. "Perfect for our little Kai."
Robert felt himself blush. Her parents were sizing him up as a worthy mate for their general daughter. He felt as if he might be not good enough for Kai. She was a general! He didn't know the sea or how to protect her. His heart sunk hoping everything would be okay
Kai's father swam up to Robert so that they were nose to nose. "Listen here. You hurt my daughter, I will personally make life a living hell." He then swam back and smiled. "Welcome to the family."
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Robert blinked his eyes as he watched the large merman speak to him and then swim back towards the entrance of his home. He turned to look at Kai, his heart swelling. That was all that mattered to him. Was that she was happy and taken care of. He didn't know anything about this culture but what better way to learn than to experience firsthand.
"Come in! You need to meet my sister." Kai said, pulling him along and into the house. Kai swam up to a beautiful mermaid. She had long flowing blonde hair and blue eyes compared to all of the rest of the merpeople. She turned around, flipping her hair as she smiled at Robert.

"This is the one you chose, Kai? If he wasn't yours I might have taken him myself." She swam around him, her finger tracing his muscles.
Robert followed her in his eyes never leaving his beautiful mate. A good looking mermaid moved towards him saying a comment about taking him herself had she had the chance and she touched him. He shied away from her touch with a polite smile and swam towards Kai wrapping his arm around her waist. Everything was still really new to him and all he wanted was to be near her.
Kai glared slightly at her sister as she pulled Robert away. "That was my sister, Avia." She said. She then swam up to a large room with a lot of beautiful coral and black seaweed. "This is my room. Though I could live on my own, most mermaids live with their parents until the parents die.
"Why is that?" he asked following her into the room not even sure if that was correct form or not. Her father might not appreciate them together in a room alone. He didn't know but if it was his daughter the hell if that would be occurring.
"We take care of those who take care of us." Kai said. "Sometimes three generations of mermaid and mermen will live under the same roof." She swam around. She had missed the colors of her room and her coral bed.
Robert watched her swim around with a smile on her face. It made him happy to see her free. She seemed to have brightened. Her purple tail and hair a brighter more fluorescent hue than when she had been held captive.

"And where does that leave me?" he asked going to swim next to her, his hands falling onto her hips and his eyes looking deep into hers.
"You stay with me." Kai said, kissing him. "Since your family does not live in the ocean, you live with mine." She wrapped her tail around his, smiling. She was happy, extremely happy. She was back home, with her family, and she had her mate with her. In her mind, she was the luckiest mermaid in the world.
Robert smiled at her and kissed her back, his hands coming to move her hair from her face. Life was already so different down in the ocean. He knew in his hear that this was where he had always been meant to be. That is why he had been so adamant about becoming a marine biologist, spending as much time in the sea as he could. It's as if fate had decided the would become a merman.

"Show me around your world?" he asked kissing her temple.
Kai smiled and took his hand, leading him out of her house and showing him around the town. She explained the different shops and how her society basically functioned. She seemed happy as she showed him around, a lot happier than she had been in her tank.
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