Harvey the Rabbit
Original poster
So, the thingy said to come say hi here. I am saying hi. I'll introduce myself a little bit. My name is Harvey. I am an extremely open person. I love to talk about controversial things and put forth my opinion, and sometimes I can get out of hand. If I do, just say, hey, chill, and I will. :) My favorite color is orange, and my favorite animals are dogs (not rabbits) haha. I tend to start or end sentences with 'haha' or 'lol'. If it annoys you, I'm sorry. Its a reflex. I am a strong supporter of Gay rights, and I am an activist when I can be. I am pansexual and transgender. I also believe in God, but I love people of all sorts of religions and backgrounds. I don't classify myself as a Christian, which kind of ticks people off. Okay. If you want to know more about me, or would like to talk to me or something, feel free to message me (if that is possible on this site). I am really trying to find someone who will rp with me, where I can use a transgender character, magic, and romance :) I like to control multiple characters as well. As soon as I figure out how to rp on this site, I shall be creating a group, if its possible for me to do so. I'm not sure if I did this right. If not, I'm sorry :/ I think this is what I was supposed to do. Oh, and anyone can comment on here with questions for me :)