Original poster
Hey peoples. Im Bellsong, I'v been new for about.... 5 minutes, I believe.
I'm Bellsong, call me whatevs you want. I'm a Scorpius, born Oct. 28. Hmm.... what else about me that might bore you all to death..... OH YEAH! Mah fav color is purple (poyple, as I like to say), I love monkeys, trains, and elephants. I prefer to say Blegil Hegil Shmmmegil, Blurg, or don't let the butterfly eat you when I don't know what to say. ... What else..... -shrugs- I guess thats it. Just wanted to say hi to all the peeps!! I will so fail when it comes to role playing, but whatevs, I'm me, and its my job to fail. Aaaannnnyyyways,