Original poster
I probably should have made one of these first, but I got so interested in the interest check section I never made it back to here!!
Hi everyone, how are you all? I'm Kalista, not from League of Legends or any other references, but derived from Callista
Other than role playing, my hobbies are playing acoustic guitar, trying new recipes(and bOmBiNg them
), playing Guild Wars 2(pm me if you want to play together sometime), ultimate Frisbee(amateur4life), being dragged to Crossfit(I usually just "regular" weightlift?? and cardio separately
Anyways, I am currently in college starting to studying web design & development which means I have this site up a lot when doing homework or projects so if you see that I was last online a moment ago and yet my reply was a day ago, please know I'm not ignoring you on purpose!!
Thanks for reading this happy role playing all
Hi everyone, how are you all? I'm Kalista, not from League of Legends or any other references, but derived from Callista

Other than role playing, my hobbies are playing acoustic guitar, trying new recipes(and bOmBiNg them

Anyways, I am currently in college starting to studying web design & development which means I have this site up a lot when doing homework or projects so if you see that I was last online a moment ago and yet my reply was a day ago, please know I'm not ignoring you on purpose!!
Thanks for reading this happy role playing all