Hey sweetcheeks! I am gonna give you some quick advice to help ease you in to things faster. :D
First: Check your email and get your account approved to you can view all the areas of the site. (Look in your spam filter in case it got dropped in there.) It's not a major thing, we just wanna make sure you can play everywhere!
Second: Please, please, please type actual words and sentences. Use punctuation, capital letters and grammar the best you can. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs to be neat. A lot of our members are from all over the world and english isn't their first language, so it makes it easier for them to understand what you post.
I moved your roleplay post from Iwaku World to Modern (I think it's a modern setting?) cause that's where it should be. If you want to create an "Out of Character" thread so people can post character sheets or just talk about your roleplay, you can post that in the "Roleplay OOCs". (It's not a requirement, but sometimes it helps in recruiting players!)
If you have the time, go back and edit your rp post real quick with some grammar fixes. There weren't any periods or quotation marks, so it was REALLY hard to read. D: Otherwise it looked like a really great starter, so I can't wait to see where the story goes! :D