Heroes of Chance

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If you want to make things complicated, then I suppose you could say that.
Lol! I get it because the 5'13 thing is actually the one that's more complicated. I live for sarcastic humor x)

Hello fellas, would there be room for one more? :3

Maaaaan. It's been forever Potato, you stupid tater tot. yes, it's me Rune.
suddenly realizes I was the one who went AWOL like, three times.

Oh well, not liked I liked you anyways....

Super human RPs are right up my alley.

there room for a slightly psychotic character?

oh look, Aza is here too.
Man, this almost feels like a reunion.
It's also two in the morning and I haven't slept. Yay for insomnia~
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Oh God..... I promised an IC a while ago.... It'll be up tomorrow at some point. I promise, and yes Rune and Finhawk, feel free to join.....
Alright, here's this thing. I hope it's fine as it is. :3​


Name: Randolph Leroy Smith

Aliases/Nicknames: Randy

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearence: Standing at 5'8'' with a weight of 137 lbs, Randy has a lean build with a rather pale skin tone. He's not the scrawniest kid around but gaining some muscle definitely wouldn't hurt.

Attire: Fitting jeans and boots with dull long sleeved shirts even during summer. He rarely goes anywhere without his black leather jacket and if he does, a hoodie or a denim vest takes its place.

Personality: Randy is quite outspoken and tends to give his opinions on everything even if no one asked for it. He's a honest fella and kind of a smart-ass and even though he talks a lot, he never really says much. He's also quite stubborn and is almost incapable of doing compromises. Randy will stand behind his views no matter what, even if he's proven wrong. Due to his blunt and thick-headed nature, Randy comes off as a shallow jerk more often than not. However, under the very thick layer of douchebaggery, Randy has a soft side as well. He tends to become protective of those he actually likes and small cute fluffy animals are his kryptonite. Even though he's prone to throwing verbal abuse at anyone and everyone, the teen doesn't tolerate physical violence and is sure to step up if he does come across any even though he's not the most physically equipped person to do so.

History: Randy was born in the heart of Siegelburg and has spent his whole life around the same neighborhood. His father, Matthias, has a long career as a paramedic while his mother, Carol, is a respected police officer. Due to their jobs, the Smith couple never had much time to their son and Randy spent his early childhood in daycares. Not that the boy minded it, he actually preferred being taken care of by nannies even though the person looking after him was never the same for a long time.

Carol was always an impulsive woman with a short temper and that combined to the stress of her job wasn't a good thing. Matthias on the other hand never quite learned how to stand up for himself and was quickly oppressed by Carol soon after the two started seeing each other. Matthias's family was never fond of Carol but he ended up marrying her nevertheless and soon after, they had a son they hadn't planned on having. Everything was great for a short while until Carol had a particularly annoying day at work. She got into an argument with her husband and in a moment of rage, hit him. She was sorry afterwards and promised it wouldn't happen again. Except it did. Every time the stress got to her, Carol would take it out on her husband, who didn't dare to fight back, and eventually, she stopped apologizing for it.

Despite her mistreatment of her husband, Carol never laid a hand on her son. Well, not until he was six and managed to broke a vase while playing in the kitchen with his orange toy truck. For little Randolph's misfortune, his mother was having a bad day and wasn't too pleased with her son's newest achievement. Randy's teacher was quick to ask questions the next day and didn't back off no matter what lies was thrown at her. The incident with Randy and the fact that Matthias had shown up to work with a black eye few times raised some questions but due to her position in the police force and the fact that Carol was a woman soon helped get rid of those suspicions. Not surprisingly, Randy changed schools soon afterwards and Carol adapted a 'not in the face' -policy.

Randy was always the trouble student, he talked back to teachers, said mean things to his peers and was an all-around jerk. However, his grades were always among the best ones in class and the boy was always smug as heck about it, which only made him more annoying. Having your mother threaten to break your arm if you didn't get good grades was quite the efficient motivator to study. Needless to say, he never really had friends. Sure, he did occasionally have 'buddies' he hung around with but most of them grew tired of his attitude sooner or later and they went their separate ways. Once he was older and in high school, Randy began being regarded as a 'cool kid' among some of his classmates due to his rebellious attitude. The boy himself deemed it stupid but he never complained about it either.

A Few Likes In General: Tea, noodles, cute and fluffy things, warm blankets, action movies, silence and hair gel.

A Few Dislikes In General: The name 'Randolph', sudden or unexpected movements and noises, cold weather, rap music and he hates the color orange with a passion.

Allergies, Phobias, Medical Conditions: I wouldn't call it a phobia but Randy is quite reserved when it comes to women for obvious reasons. He's also unable to bent his right wrist much due to having broken it when he was 11.

Licences/Permits: None
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Oh God..... I promised an IC a while ago.... It'll be up tomorrow at some point. I promise, and yes Rune and Finhawk, feel free to join.....
Awesome. I'll have a CS up after classes, sometime later this afternoon probably.
Question. Where can I find decent RL pictures of people? Since that seems to be what everyone is using, I figured I should as well. The only problem is that I suck at finding things that aren't draw/digital stuff.

Mostly because peoples ugly mugs make me flinch.
Question. Where can I find decent RL pictures of people? Since that seems to be what everyone is using, I figured I should as well. The only problem is that I suck at finding things that aren't draw/digital stuff.

Mostly because peoples ugly mugs make me flinch.
Google? Actors/Actresses under [insert age number here] depending on what gender the character is

Actors. I don't see the fascination with them. Not to mention I doubt any of them look like the character I'm imagining. That, and the only actors I know are...RDJ and...well that's it.
Iron man, yo.

I'm imagining an 17 year old punk with a chip on her shoulder. Skateboards, knows parkour, and repeatedly tags places with graffiti. Also, wears headphones constantly around her neck.

Don't think there would be many pictures of people out there like that. Not to mention I don't know what to even begin to search for.
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Actors. I don't see the fascination with them. Not to mention I doubt any of them look like the character I'm imagining. That, and the only actors I know are...RDJ and...well that's it.
Iron man, yo.

I'm imagining an 17 year old punk with a chip on her shoulder. Skateboards, knows parkour, and repeatedly tags places with graffiti. Also, wears headphones constantly around her neck.

Don't think there would be many pictures of people out there like that. Not to mention I don't know what to even begin to search for.
Tumblr is the place for you then lol. Google tumblr punk chicks or something
Yeah, I don't really use pictures of real people either (much more restricted imo.) Honestly I just settled for not using a picture and just describing rather than rooting around for something good.
Yeah, I don't really use pictures of real people either (much more restricted imo.) Honestly I just settled for not using a picture and just describing rather than rooting around for something good.
I think I'ma just do that. Much easier than going through tons of people and looking at their ugly mugs.

Tumblr is the place for you then lol. Google tumblr punk chicks or something

Tumblr. I avoid that place like the plague. For various reasons.
That would be because Tumblr is plague. You are right to avoid it.
Name: Ashlyn Holt
Aliases/Nicknames: Prefers Lyn, but some call her Ash. Don't call her 'miss' or 'mam' unless you want a can of spray paint to the face.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lyn is average height for a girl her age, if a little taller. She has a lithe, obviously fit body that has been that was gained by her sporty activities such as skateboarding and parkour. She has naturally short, messy dark hair with a streak of dark purple highlighting the area next to her right ear. Her eyes blue, and she has pale skin from sleeping late and going out mostly at night.
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 134
Lyn normally wears lose fitting, worn jeans. Her sneakers are old and faded from seeing quite a lot of use. She usually wears tight fitting t-shirts with some sort of popular logo on them. On colder days, she wears a warm black and blue jacket. Around her neck, she wears a set of headphones always connected to her Ipod. Most of the time has a can of spraypaint on her as well. Carries a backpack often at night when she's out looking for places to tag. She doesn't do formal wear.

Personality: Lyn, is a bit of a problem child, though she considers herself a true free spirit. Always has been, most likely always will be. She doesn't listen to anyone, and pretty much just does whatever the hell she wants and damn the consequences. Laws are meant to be broken, and rules are for wimps who have no idea how to live. Competitive to a fault, and doesn't shy away from any challenge, either of the physical nature or the of the gamey sort. Even if she knows she sucks at something, she's not gonna back down. Losing, is not something she likes, but isn't a sore loser. Losing just means she'll fuck your shit up next time, and she'll do her damn best to do just that.

She's generally friendly, and laid back as long as she gets what she wants. If she doesn't, her temper is something that you do not want to mess with. She hasn't graduated to murder yet, but assaulting people and getting into fights is something she's used too in highschool. She's won most of them, and the ones she hasn't she still considers a win since she made them hurt before fleeing the scene. She hasn't gotten into anything major since graduating, but knowing her she's bound to get into one soon enough.

History: Lyn grew up in Siegelburg, her mother being a stay at home mom, and her father being some big-wig scientist at some facility. Needless to say, she had a rather comfortable life growing up and was spoiled rotten. A self entitled brat, some might call her, though she'll firmly say your an idiot. In any case, she never got along with her parents. Her mother, she thought was too...restricted. She was too girly-girl. Her father, she viewed as nothing but a trained lab rat.

Needless to say, this caused problems elsewhere in life. Fights in school, bad grades, and generally bad conduct throughout all of her school life. She was known as the local trouble maker and otherwise kid who knew how to have a good time in certain circles. Breaking and entering. Vandalism. Graffiti. Partying. Somewhere along the line she picked up skating/parkour, only to help her escape getting caught doing things she shouldn't.

Now, she's pretty much living off her parents money in some rented out apartment downtown. She doesn't spend much time there, and only sleeps there usually until she heads out to do whatever it is she normally does.

- Skilled at Parkour.
- Skilled at skateboarding.
- Skilled at vandalism.
- Skilled at Breaking and Entering.

A Few Likes In General: Winning, skating, games, competition, music in general

A Few Dislikes In General: Rules, laws, losing, serious people, formal stuff.

Alergies, Phobias, Medical Conditions: She doesn't have any huge medical conditions, in fact she's quite fit compared to most other people. Alergies are something she's never had a problem with either. However, she is rather claustrophobic. Has a few anger problems too, at times.

Licences/Permits: N/A. Like the government would trust her with a gun. Has a drivers license, but prefers running/walking/skating places.

Annnnd done~
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