Hero Club [Anime Protagonist Parody thing]

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Basically, you base your character not off another character, but a genre.

For example, the mecha genre. You can create your original mecha(I would prefer that), while incoorporating aspects from other mecha series, such as Gurren Lagaan's Matryoshka doll thing and EVA-01 containing the soul of a close relative like a sister or mother.

I love harems as much as the other guy, but I think I'll prohibit harem or reverse harem as a playable genre as it might complicate things.
Alright poiboyz, one important question.

For this RP, do you want to have two seperate OoC threads - One for the Occult Club and the other for the Hero Club?

An Occult Club and Hero Club member of the same genre must be some sort of rival, foe, etc, and have met before at least once.
I like the idea but i'm not sure how we would go about playing two characters who purposely get in each others way. Could we come up with our genre character then come up with a second based off of someones else's genre so we would be playing as someone else's rival? Then again there are a lot of us maybe we don't all need to play as two characters.
I like the idea but i'm not sure how we would go about playing two characters who purposely get in each others way. Could we come up with our genre character then come up with a second based off of someones else's genre so we would be playing as someone else's rival? Then again there are a lot of us maybe we don't all need to play as two characters.

Now now...

1. You are not allowed to play your own rival/foe(except me, if you count 'Club Leader' as a character type)
2. You can play another person's rival/foe
3. You do not need to play more than one character. Maximum is two.
Definitely cool to make other people's rivals, because that's just fun and leads to interesting things. I'm not sure if two OOC threads would be needed. They'd help keep things straight, or keep plotting secret, but could also be a bit of a hassle, I'm not sure. Might also be handy if people turn up only interested in one side or the other, though. Or to otherwise gain more interest.
Oh gosh I think I just came up with all the needed info for my char, is this the place to put that info or should I wait a while?
Wait for the applications to appear. I haven't set the OoC up
Looking forward to this

The application skeletons are up.

Go ahead and make them. Maybe plan with your friends about who to play what.
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