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HELP REQUEST: Completed, thanks! ♥

The Mood is Write

Each few sentences should be punctuated by a gunshot, because there's a person unloading 13 rounds one at a time into the seer's chest cavity. The seer is able to speak only because he's being possessed by his gift.

It basically comes down to this:
Unifiers (group seeking to combine all universes and planes of existence into one) have taken away my visions by altering my tattoos. Make some ink with water from a pond gathered during a red-moon eclipse, silver powder, and two fictional berries whose ink is purple, but becomes black when it ages.

Fix my tattoos, and you'll fix my gift and also bring me back to life, so you can stop crying, Kanna (the seer's friend since childhood who helped him cope with blindness and bullying).

The promised child will be freed, please find me and fix me, so I can help, or there will be needless bloodshed. Beryl (the host to the spirit of the multiverse) is giving in to despair. Comfort her, and she will lead you to my body with a contract (to become a traveler between universes).

Be warned: the Unifiers have guards around my body, and they are armed with deadly silver weapons. If you die saving me, all will be lost, because I need you as much as I need my gift.
I know so far that he calls his gift and himself "the Eyes" or "the Powerless", Kanna is either "the Guide" or "the Shining One" or "my Safety", Beryl is typically "the Stone Spirit" or "the Host" or "All-Mother".

I haven't decided which term he uses for Unifiers, maybe something about paradise-seeking?

The berries can come from plants from below, because I'm not quite sure which two to pick:
  • Mercy's Cabbage
  • Silver Woodbine
  • Crawling Nightshade
  • Direglass
  • Wicked Emperor
  • Ghosthorn
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Dunno bout the gunshots, but this is what I've got.

The sight of the Eyes has been darkened, for by the work of those who seek the Great Oneness have the Everlasting Marks been led astray.
Gather pondwater on the night the moon bleeds its sorrow for the loss of the sun, and marry her with silver powder, and two berries whose ink is purple, but becomes black with the passing of the years.
Mend the Everlasting Marks, and also shall you mend the Eyes. The Powerless shall breathe again to end the tears of the Guide.
The promised child will be freed, but blood will stain the earth if the Shining One remains bereft of the true power of the Powerless.
Hope dies in the breast of the All-Mother. Comfort her, and she will bond herself to you, to lead you to my body.
But caution, my Safety: The Paradise-Seekers guard the body of the Powerless with arms of deadly silver, and all will be lost with your life, for the Eyes are nothing without the Guide.
Pff, accept some credit. What you cooked up helped enough I kept it open as I worked as a quick reference. =P

Also, I slept. <3