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Original poster
Hey everyone,

My name is Kilo. I found this site through Rebellion Roleplaying, one of your affiliates. I'm always looking for new roleplaying communities to join, so I went and signed up for this one.

I've been roleplaying for a couple years now. I start on MMOs with SWTOR, and moved through others such as WoW and FFXIV. Eventually I thirsted for more complex stories beyond fandoms, so I went on the hunt for text based roleplaying communities, which has led me right here.

I enjoy almost all genres, though my favorite is fantasy. I'm partial to one on one roleplay. I've never RPed in a group for text based, only in MMOs. However, I'm always open to expanding my horizons.

I'm far from the best writer, but I always put my best effort toward it. I hope I'll fit in well here.

Thank you for reading,

Welcome, welcome!

You're the first one I welcomed, you should feel honored! Hah, but seriously, I do hope you'll find what you seek here. :)

As for rps, filling out your Resume like the automatic PM sent to you earlier suggested is a great start!
Welcome Kilo! I'm sure you will find a lot of one on one RP opportunities here!
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