Heaven's Nova

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Almeria shook her head. "It's okay," she said with a weak smile. Tra was in a good mood, why should she ruin it! There would be time enough to get that sort of information.

The problem was of course now that the question entered her head she couldn't just push it back, try though she might. She'd ask him tomorrow, surely that was soon enough to get her mind to quit!

"Go ahead, keep going." Besides, she'd like to hear some of the happier stories of his past too. She continued to dry, knowing once they were done there she could put her focus on studying the ships specs and getting to know a bit about the Saint.
He stopped, not wanting to let the matter drop. He took her hands in his, despite the soapy water. "Almeria?" But seeing her face, he just couldn't push. He smiled at her and went back to cleaning, speaking all the while about his friendship with Tailor and Brody and the others who had been working side by side with the pirates for a time.

"... and when he got his hand stuck in the wiring for the astrogation display, we thought we'd never get out. So instead of trying, he held the display's internal switch on the whole flight. You should have seen it, me trying to kneel in my chair and lean over my station, half the crew having to hop over Brody to do their duties. And the captain had no idea. He came in and tripped over Brody. Fell flat on his face and dumped hot coffee all over his printouts. Then there was the time..."

Much later, they sat quietly, Tra not wanting to interrupt Almeria as she studied. But it was getting late, and he was curious. "Almeria, who were you wondering about earlier?" He moved over to sit next to her, draping his arm around her and pulling her to his side. It was later than he'd realized, but he found he wasn't tired, and the night seemed a marvelous realm of possibilities for conversation.
Almeria enjoyed the stories, she found herself laughing more then once and was almost sad to have him quit so that she could start looking at all the new ships specs. There was so much info and she wanted to be sure she understood it all. Time wasn't of the essence, but that didn't mean she should procrastinate.

She wasn't even aware of how much time had passed once she got started with her studies and when Tra pulled her over she was startled and looked up from the screen, only then realizing he had asked her a question, and an important one at that. She sighed and sat the handcomp aside and then leaned against him. "Namir," she whispered the Overcleric's name. "I was wondering how.... What is he like?" Almeria was looking across the room at nothing, her eyes narrowed. "I know how he seems in public addresses, but he's different away from the infoscopes, isn't he?"

Never having been in a position to ask someone about her enemy, a man she never met, and yet knew with her every being must be pulled of power was causing a bit of a surreal experience for the woman. Yet, where safer or better here in their quarters away from people that didn't know or didn't understand. She had been hiding so much of who she was for such a long time that she wasn't going to easily just talk to anyone about her ideas or conference as she had been with Tra.
He sighed and hugged her close. Namir. Well, he'd known it would come up sooner or later, he'd just hoped for later.

"Namir is a stern man. He's very friendly seeming, while being commanding. He plays the media game very well, and hardly lets his true self show, even to the other high clerics." Tra took a breath to steady himself, flexing his hands. The scars shouldn't hurt after all this time, and he knew it was his imagination overacting. "He is a coward. He surrounds himself with those he knows are loyal. Those who are any threat are sent away, imprisoned, or killed."

He took her hand, placing it on the back of one of his, letting her feel the scaring. "He takes pleasure in it, I think. I don't think he takes pleasure in causing pain, but instead in doing his strange justice. Sometimes, I think he believes he is truly ordained by Gohdem to rule. He's deluded himself for so long, he may go to any measure to keep power. There is nothing the man wants more than to be doing what is, in his mind, the right thing. Almeria, there is nothing more dangerous than a deluded zealot. He is, possibly, the most dangerous man alive right now in his own way."
It should have bothered her. It was disturbing after all! Yet hearing Tra's words made her feel steadier. "A coward? I suppose someone that would go to the lengths he has, just to keep anyone I've known...." It was still too soon to think about that however.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her fingers learning the scars. Scars that tried to lie about this healer's history. "It makes sense I suppose. He's very powerful, many believe him, many fear him, and he controls all of them. And the ones that see past it all. That see even a glimmer of truth." Almeria looked up at him and smirked. "I don't know how we are going to do it yet, but I promise you we will stop him." An orphan and a defrocked priest were going to take on the most powerful man in the universe, and Almeria now had more reason to believe she was right when she told Captain Ryan that Namir feared her. It was still comical in a sick way, but as long as she could keep ahead of those fear reactions, she was sure they could do it.

It was nice no longer thinking of this quest in the singular.

"I still don't know why." She had placed her head upon Tra's shoulder, comforted in his embrace even as her mind went to cold and dark places. "Nevermind how he found me or figured out who I was," which she was willing to admit was only an assumption. "Why have me brought to him? All the other knights are dead as far as I can tell. There are not any other lingering legacies either. I still can't figure out what he could have wanted." Almeria didn't expect Tra to have the answer, but it was an unanswered questions that gnawed at her. It was important, but she didn't know how to find out without asking the Overcleric himself, and she wasn't planning on doing that.
Tra listened to her, but couldn't speak, not because of her words. Her words were touching and strong and he wanted more than anything to answer them, but he knew that if he so much as moved, as breathed, he would lose all common sense. Part of him screamed that he would destroy every bit of trust she had in him, the rest of him warred that they were on the verge of a deadly battle. Her hands... her fingers on his scars, not hating him for them. Her head on his shoulder, her body pulled against his side so trustingly.

He closed his eyes, her words searing into him, and he felt his eyes prickle with emotion. He mastered it, not allowing himself to be swayed by the sudden odd feelings. He forced himself to analyze them, twist and turn them, stare into them until he knew them. Caring. Hope. Trust in her. Vulnerability to her. The last one should have terrified him, but it didn't. He sighed with a relief so profound that it swept the tension out of him. For the first time in years, the knots in his back left him.

"Meria?" His voice was a bit different than normal, deeper, rougher, and soft in an entirely new way. "You are a very special woman. I don't know how you've done it, but for the first time in years... I feel peace. Total peace. You continue to amaze me. Every day you make this place better, you progress toward your goals, and you manage to do things that lesser people would balk at. I have no doubt you will find the answers that you seek." There was a strange look on the Priest's face. He had the slightest frown, but it was curious, not at all stern. "You are a blessing." He was so relaxed, he looked years younger.
Almeria looked at Tra with a minor bit of surprise, then smiled at him with endearment. "I know," she said softly. She couldn't after all deny the truth he was seeing when she felt it in her very core. She had never thought herself more or less blessed then anyone else, but maybe just acknowledging ones blessings was part of it. "I just wish I could have everyone feel the same."

Leaning away from him so she could get a better look at Tra's face, Almeria felt embarrassed to take credit for the ease he seemed to be experiencing. His hand she had had her one atop she now held with both of hers. "I promise I will keep going forward, but I am grateful. When I've felt like I have been stumbling lately, I've been reminded that I need not fall. That there will be those that can steady me. Thank you Tra."

Standing Almeria leaned over and kissed his cheek, then finally let go of his hand. "I could have not asked for a dearer alley in my darkest hour." Could she still lose more? It was possible, but she only foresaw a lighter path from here on out.
He let himself enjoy the friendly kiss, smiling up at her. "I think we should get some sleep. Would you like the bed or the couch?" He rose to his feet, stretching. He could have stayed up all night talking to her, he knew that. He also knew that they had things to do and needed a good night's rest to get through them.

He waited for her answer before ducking into the prayer alcove and saying his nightly devotions. He'd been busy, making room for prayers where he could, and he felt that this was unacceptable. Thus, he spent nearly an hour hunched over the altar, praying and singing soft hymns, his baritone voice barely above a whisper. Finally, he stood. Still at peace, he smiled, whispering a soft thanks for having Almeria as a part of his life, then headed to bed.
Almeria had taken the couch that night and the next, by that time the Stellar Flare had been refitted and was ready for her next mission and Tra and Almeria had there assignments. Almeria also had her own quarters on the ship, even if they were smaller then the ones the doctor had it was encouraging that she wasn't going to be seen as an attachment of Tra. Little did Almeria realize that Captain Ryan had gotten a detailed report of her participation in the medical raid mission and he had every intention have having her used in further missions. He also expected her to learn procedure!

The first several days and even the first raid all became a blur to the woman as so much happened and she was learning so much, not just about the pirates and their raiding style, but also when she had a free time pouring over the details of the Saint's schematic. Breakfast was a quiet, private affair, while lunch and dinner she had in the common mess. After dinner she tried to spend an hour or so with Tra to talk. There wasn't time for much more than that.

Eventually she started getting use to everything and was starting to feel more confident in her role aboard the Flare. Then the nightmares returned. The first morning she was able to pass it off as a bad nights sleep to anyone that asked. The second though was the morning of another raid. She needed her focus and she went to Tra to get a stimulant, promising to go to bed early after the raid.

After the raid Almeria was as good as her word, not going to the party afterwards but going to her quarters. She even forgot dinner.
Tra tried to tell himself not to be concerned. It wasn't his place to check up on Almeria. She was a grown woman, and if she had things to do that took her away from their evening talks, that was fine. Besides, she had promised to sleep. He didn't want to wake her if she was getting the rest she seemed to desperately need.

He paced for a time. He was tired, but knew that going to sleep this early would be a mistake. Instead, he took of shirt and boots. He should get something productive done, and he'd grown lax in his training. He stood there, moving through a series of warmups and chanting all the while. Suddenly, motions became quick and fluid as he began his martial arts practice. He was rusty, stumbling a few times on moves that had caused him problems in the past. He pressed on, practicing until he had gotten back into the flow of the methods, and then spending a good deal more time on exercises he knew by heart.

The Dawn's Blessing. He knew every move, every variation. They weren't so much combat moves as endurance trials, slow balancing acts peppered with occasional flurries of motion. They were meant to be hard, meant to keep the body on a constant path to betterment. By the time he was done, he was in great need of a shower. His mind was much clearer than it had been, but he still wanted to call her and check up on her.

No, he wouldn't. He showered off, but the shower and the exercise still hadn't tired him completely and he found himself staring at the comm station like a love sick adolescent. He finally made his way down to the mess, sitting down with a cup of warm milk to try and get himself to feel sleepy.

"Doctor Deleshanda!" The evening cook was just getting off duty, coming to sit down across from Tra.

"Evening," Tra said, smiling. "How was your shift."

"Good enough. Just sorta, well, wondering."


"About your friend, Almeria. She missed dinner tonight. I wouldn't have worried about it, but she's been here so often, not having her here is sorta like someone dimmed a sun. She's always such a bright feature. Cheers up my shift. Is she doin' okay? Wasn't hurt on a raid, was she?"

"As far as I know, she is fine," Tra said, but now he was starting to wonder. He stayed, chatting for a few more minutes, and then stood. Well, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to take Almeria a bite to eat. He ordered something to take to her, then headed toward her room.
The stimulant had thankfully lasted through the raid and a little beyound, but once it did wear off Almeria was even more exhausted then before. She had gotten a shower in, but then had wandered out to her couch intending on some reading. She didn't get passed the third paragraph before she nodded off, space travel and fires commingling in her mind, causing a new breed of nightmare.

With a start Almeria awoke and looked around in confusion. She tried to place reality in front of the phantoms of her mind and realized what awoke her, the doorbell. If it was Lauren and the twins she was going to have to convince them she was going to be worthless for a round of sparring.

Having the door open Almeria was surprised and delighted and worried. "Tra, what brings you?" she asked, even as she motioned for him to come in. She soon was again curled up on the lone couch.
Tra moved to sit next to her, handing her a box of food. "I hope I didn't wake you. I just wanted to be sure you had eaten. You were missed in the mess hall. Seems you've made quite the impression upon the crew." He chucked softly, then frowned, peering closely at her.

"I did wake you, didn't I?" He sighed, standing. "I truly apologize. I will let you get some sleep. The food will keep til morning." He felt like a fool for coming here. She looked like she'd just woken and he hated that he had been the cause. Common sense caught up with him, reminding him that it really wasn't a crisis, but still, she needed to sleep so he should be on his way. He offered a smile, then glanced at the door.
He brought her food! It was so thoughtful, and that it had been noticed by others, it was the little knowledge she needed to ease her nightmare ravished psyche. Just when she was able to grap onto that fact though Tra stood!

"No!" she said sharply, much more sharply then she would have if she was more awake, and grabbed onto his hand. Almeria looked up at him desperately, trying to find the words, and failing. "No.... Please," her voice much weaker now as she let go of his hand reluctantly. The doubt, the fear, the uncertainty that fueled her nightmares when she wasn't expecting them, now snuck in on her waking moment making her feel horribly foolish. Hadn't she purposely not told Tra about her nightmares for just this reason? Was she now going to make him worry when there was nothing to worry about?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...."
He dropped down on his knees in front of the couch, looking up at her and taking her hands gently. Something was wrong, and he wished he knew what, but for now, he'd not press. He turned, resting his back against the couch and tugging her arms gently so that she could lean forward against him if she wished.

"I couldn't sleep. Mind if I stay here with you for a while?" he both asked and offered, leaning his head back and grinning up at her. His eyes held a look of deep concern, however, that belied his cheerful act. He played with her fingers, interlacing his own with hers, then letting go, then massaging her hands, then holding them. "I suppose you can't really eat with me holding your hands." He didn't let go, however, continuing to give what support he could through the simple touch of his fingers.
Almeria closed her eyes and nodded. After a while of being silent she looked at him again. "I think I forgot to slow down," she said softly with a sad smile, not moving her hands away. "I don't know," she continued sounding exhausted, not just groggy. "Everything was fine. I'm learning here, I'm being useful... So why did the nightmares have to start again?"

Of course it never occurred to her it was her own attempt to suppress the nightmares, to not allow them caused them to grow. Her own secretive nature, created by nessisary was nearly as big an enemy for her as Namir was because she still did not know the balance to being both weak and strong. She would keep going even if she carved her soul out in the process.
"Would you like me to stay with you tonight?" he offered. He didn't have the answers to her questions, but he could at least try to sooth her. He stood with a grunt and sat down on the couch, pulling her against him and wrapping her up in his arms. He pressed a loving kiss to her forehead, then rested his chin atop her head.

"We all have times where we must wade through darkness. Trials, pain. You went through a hard time, and I can only imagine that is the reason behind this. You just need more time, Meria." He closed his eyes for a moment. "Talk to me, I'll listen. Just because we no longer live in the same room doesn't mean you can't come to me whenever you need a friend."
Almeria mutely nodded when he asked if she wanted him to stay, glad he was so willing to do so. Having him there was a comfort, and with his arms around her she felt the tension and anxiety lessen.

"They're different then when I was younger. Before, well I was usually reliving the events, sometimes very accurately, sometimes monstrously worse. Now its a mixture of family and friends as well in the dreams. I feel like everyone I know is being consumed and me in the process. What am I telling myself?" Her hand rested atop his, squeezing it for support. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you, but I ended up doing that anyways didn't I?"
He continued to hold her, catching her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. "It is of no matter. Do not fret about worrying me. Almeria, those who. Those who care are going to worry about you, because we care. You are a part of this ship, this community now." He lifted his chin and sat back, moving the hand not holding hers to her chin and tilting her face so that he could look into her eyes.

"You can be honest with me. You do not have to fear that you are causing me distress. If it means that I get to be a part of your life, then I will gladly accept the worry. You cannot shoulder every burden alone, nor are you a lesser person for asking for comfort in a time of need." He let his hand linger on her face. "You are welcome to use me as a pillow again tonight, if you wish." He chuckled softly. "I will try to fend off the nightmares for you."
Almeria blushed, both from embarrassment and pleasure. His words were truth of course and she only could only answer with a smile. Glad for the comfort and something more, but for now she didn't care whatelse it meant to her, because she was really only present to the moment.

"I have to admit, it worked the last time." Though at the time she had been just as nervous about receiving kindness from him as everything else. Now she knew that he gave it freely to her and the thought played in her mind that had she just talked to him sooner he wouldn't have had to abandon his own bed tonight. She had thought she could deal with it alone, and was wrong. "But maybe this time you don't need to stay awake?" she asked recalling how he guarded her against the world in the confines of his own room.
He nodded, wrapping his arms around her again and pulling her to his side, ready to be her source of comfort, her pillow. They spoke a while longer, but both soon fell asleep with the comfort of the other.

The next few days passed with a blur of work that left both exhausted, but he made time to sit with her in the evenings, staying only when she needed him to. Tra found that time was oddly compressed at certain moments, flying by far too quickly for his liking, while other moments dragged out forever. When he had free time, he spent it doing research, studying the Saint's navigation systems on his handcomp, and meditating.

Tra knelt before the small altar in his chambers, breathing softly. He had just enough time to do a short meditation before it was time to meet Almeria. He began the usual process of examining matters, letting them go, letting things wash past him. A single image stood out, clear, beckoning him forward. Tra focused on her. Almeria. He could feel a smile on his lips.

They were standing in a courtyard, perhaps the same one from before. Winter had painted the trees with a thick layer of ice that held them in and coated the ground, making walking treacherous. He found he had to move slowly as he approached her. She was smiling, a single blossom held in her mittened hand. The closer he got to Almeria, the more he wanted to be at her side. But there was something wrong. He needed to be at her side! She was in danger.

Almeria crumpled to the ice, her lifeless body spilling water across the ice, melting it with hisses of steam and pops of overstressed ice. Tra tried to move faster, shouting soundlessly. Namir smirked, withdrawing the shining sword of stars from Almeria's back, steam following the blade from her. Only it was steam that glowed with a soft light, motes dancing in it and seeming drawn to the sword. For a moment, the steam, the light, stretched between her body and the sword, then ultimately stayed with the latter, releasing itself from her now still body. Tra had to reach her. He drew his own blade, heedless of the danger the ice posed.

He raced for Namir, unable to hear anything over the sounds of hearts beating, three in a strange rhythm, one of those three slowing to silence. The light surrounding Namir's blade slid down to surround the Overcleric's hand. Swords clashed, and Tra felt a shock run through him. Namir should not have been so strong, so fast. But every strike Tra made was blocked, his blade parried easily. He knew it was only a matter of time until he was overpowered. Without Almeria, without a chance of bringing her back, with her soul in Namir's hands, he was helpless. He kept fighting. He'd promised! He would not give up on this! Namir's sword raised, arcing through the air with such speed that Tra had no chance to block. He raised his own starless blade, trying anyway, moving with desperation-

There was a crash as the table fell over. Tra found himself on his hands and knees, gulping air as the candles drown in their own wax, which was spreading across the floor. Almeria. He had to go write the vision down, but he couldn't bring himself to leave the spot he was in. It was nearly a half an hour more before he could right the table and rise slowly to his feet.