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A mohawk. Always a mohawk. I love mohawks.
I like my hair loooooong. It fits me better!

It's very straight and refuses to hold a curl. >:[ If I could keep my hair curly I WOULD.

I like having longer side-swept bangs. :D

Most of the time, though I just wear it in a pony-tail to keep it out of my way. >>

I LOVE coloring my hair. O_O My favorite color is a dark blue or black. My hair is naturally almost black, but it dun have the nice uniform DEEP black the coloring has. >:3

Sooooometimes when I get annoyed with my hair or feel the need for a change, I will cut it shorter to about shoulder length! Then I get to enjoy a sassy short cut for awhile until it grows back out again. :D
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Normally I get my hair cut when the weather starts turning hot and I let it grow through to the next year. If it's really hot, I'll cut it again in the middle of summer. Should it be long enough, I donate it.

I do nothing with my hair other than clean it, which I admit isn't daily, and it still has shine and soft waves that some of my female friends are jealous of.
I cut my hair once every summer. Whether it's long or short, I don't do much because I can't do anything with it. My hair is too thick to be played with apparently.
I have a foehawk in the summer dyed different colours, when it is anything else it is unmanageable unless you put very heavy strength gel and hairspray in it.
My hair is super thin, and I got tired of having to wear it up constantly, so I got it chopped in a pixie cut. I have to wash it twice a day, because if I miss even a single washing it gets nasty and oily because I'm constantly sweating (Not for long!). Usually I just throw in some gel, comb it flat and call myself done.
I have super thick, headache causing hair, and normally keep it cut (and thinned) somewhere around my shoulders... but that being said last year I had an asymetrical cut where the right side was shoulder length and the other side was cut up around my ear. Well, in an effort to grow it out, I cut it all, and it's all pixie cut now.
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I have an oily complexion (yay -_- ) so I have to wash my hair every second day. I absolutely can NOT brush it if it's dry because it's so thick and wavy at the bottom and my brush just gets tangled in it. @__@ I mostly keep it tied back in a ponytail but when I'm going out somewhere, I straighten it and part my hair to the left side. Right now it's shoulder length, and two years ago was the first time I ever actually cut my hair and got it styled professionally. Anything before that was for donations or just cutting off dead ends. O_O I've never dyed my hair. Like. Ever. The longest it's ever been was down to the back of my thighs. :D
Currently wear it short, just past chin-length for convenience. I'm planning to grow it out again, though, and wear it in a hime cut once again. They tell me it suits me, so it wouldn't hurt. I look younger than my age so it would be fine, I usually just tie it up during hot weather though.
Long on top short on the sides, yo.
My hair is really thick and straight--I can barely style it any way, but I don't really want to either. I keep it long--right now it's about halfway down to my waist, and I have no intention of cutting it anytime soon. Yeah, it's kind of a bitch to take care of, but whatever. It's naturally dark brown, but fuck that color. Right now it's dyed black, and I'm going to bleach it white soon (not bleach blonde or platinum blonde or whatever, a nice silvery, white). After that I think I'll go for a soft pink. Since my hair is so dark I kind of have to bleach it to dye it a color as light as that. I usually wear it in twintails, and often with only one side in a tail and the other side hanging over my face (I don't cut my bangs).
I like my hair.
I hate hair. Such a pain in the ass. We'd be better off if everyone was bald, so there'd be no expectation of having hair and no would have to spend time maintaining their hairstyles.
I keep mine long and strong?
I shave my head to about 3/8 of an inch, to 1/2 inch, let it grow to about an inch. Repeat.

Before I started doing this, I'd get it cut fairly short, and then ignore it for....way too long.
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