Guardians of Time (reboot)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I want in on this too. I just joined 4 days ago and I want to join in somewhere on a big rp that's going on. So yeah please let me join!!!
I'm not the one to determine this, but I hope you can still join, because I can say that I'd love to have another char :D It's such a great RP, and the more the merrier!

If you can't join anymore, this will just be awkward, but there are many other RPs out there that are lots of fun and haven't gotten started yet. Personally I feel obliged to promote Heijin's Mesozoic and the RP that started out with kuroshimodo and then died and was taken over: Summoner: The Cataclysm. Of course, there are many others that you might find even better … but just to share.

Also feel free to check out the RP loudly, brightly and not-so-subtly advertised in my siggie ;D
Yes you can still join. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I was a way on a tour for the past three days with no access to a computer. Post your character sheets quick so I can look at them.
Name: Nonusitato
Name Translation*: Not normal

Nickname: Sitato/ Tato/ Usi /Whatever people feel like calling her.

Gender: Female.


Personality: She tends to have an outlook towards life that few, or usually none, can fully understand. Her mind is always taking things, analyzing them, but the verbalization is always slightly odd or off. She is loyal, but at the first hint of deceit on her team's part, she will instantly scrutinize it, and try and figure out the cause of it.

Mutations: The color of her eye is odd, with little stripes in it. this is due to her eagle eye power.

Illusion- Able to create an illusion within someone's mind, making them see whatever she wants them to.
Eagle eye- Can focus her eyes to see something far in great detail, useful for archery.

Illusion- The more detail, the more concentration she has to put in it, which hinders her. She also has to watch the illusion to keep it going, so is more regretful to use anything too gruesome, not wanting to see it herself. It is possible that the illusion is so realistic and detailed, or that it is affecting so many people, that her body will go to a complete standstill simply to hold the illusion. One may also break from it if they are totally aware that it is simply an illusion in their mind.

Eagle eye- It takes a slight moment to use it, and to regain her normal eyesight. So if she is suddenly attacked while using it, it will be difficult to fight until it returns to it's normal state due to the fact that she would still be seeing things of long-distance close up.
Weapons: Around her waist is a belt in which she carries a dozen small throwing knives, along with two small pouches (for whatever is needed.) and two stiletto knives. A bow and a quiver full of arrows is slung upon her back.

Other: She starts off long range, with her bow and arrows, until she runs out. She then proceeds to a close combat, using her stiletto knives. She found out after her first few days of creation that she loves the mortal food called 'chocolate',
...I'll be posting after this week. Mid-terms and shit. e_e I'll try posting Saturday-ish.
Loki: Okay.

Church: Looks good. Go ahead and post.

I'll post again once everyone has posted at least once.
Maaaannn.... sorry peeps, I know I joined, but... I just don't have the time. I keep trying to remember, but if I remember to many things, I forget one... nd then I remmeber that one, and forget another... I really am sorry.
@Bellsong – We just got a new member so it evens out :D It's ok to leave when there's too much going on, that's better than RPing really badly because one's stressed out and doesn't seem to find the time!
Name: Intellegens

Name Translation*
: Intelligent

Nickname: Gen

Gender*: Male


: Gen is a soft and kind hearted man that will do anything to help out anyone. He loves sparking up conversations and will sometimes talk to just anyone. He loves a laugh but what he loves most of all is tinkering with his machines always upgrading and learning new things to create. He's a very analytical person that's always on guard and very observant.


Powers: Can mentally operate Machines.

Weaknesses*: He requires a lot of sleep and sometimes just randomly passes out because of the stress on his brain.

Weapons: The only weapon he carries are gloves that controls magnetic pulses. He can easily magnetically charge any solid object and use it to his will. He can also use these as a means of easier traveling as well.

Other: Gen has a 6 digit IQ
Jensu: Happy posting

Bellsong: Abracadabra is right. Have fun with your other RPs.