Guardian Angel

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Derion nodded, relaxing again. "That's good." He smiled, rubbing her back, holding her gently, close to him.
Aria smiled and cuddled close to him, kissing his lips briefly again.
Derion blushed, shifting and kissing her lips gently back, eyes mysteriously michevious before he smiled, letting his head rest back again. He felt so calm, yet his heart was racing and his face burned. He held her close.
Aria giggled a bit, resting her head on his shoulder. He was so, exciting, he drew her in closer with every breath. His scent drove her crazy and her heart hammered in her chest as she nuzzled into him.
Derion held Aria close. He didn't understand why he was so attracted to her...usually it took weeks, sometimes months before he could get used to being around the one he was supposed to protect. With Aria...he wanted to be by her side all the time! He sighed, smiling happily. Despite it being new and strange to him, he liked it.
Aria smiled back, giggling a bit. Normally she took time to know someone before falling for them, but everything about him felt right. The way he held her, they way their lips touched with a tenderness that she had long forgotten.
They sat like this for quite a while. "We have to go in a little." He said softly, kissing the top of her head gently. "Do you want to get anything ready, or just go as we are?"
Aria smiled. "I think we look fine as we are." She said softly, moving in to kiss his lips again.
Derion smiled, gently kissing her, one hand rubbing her back. He ran his fingers softly through her hair. "Alright." He said, smiling, his glasses having slid down his nose slightly, almost hiding his bright red cheeks.
Aria giggled a bit and reached up, pushing up his glasses slowly so that they where back on his eyes. "You look much cuter with glasses on." She whispered, kissing him again.
Derion blushed more, kissing her softly back, holding her close. He would have sworn his heart skipped several beats just being this close to her.
Aria smiled into the kiss, tangling her fingers slowly into his hair. God it felt so good to be near him.
Derion continued softly kissing her, smiling a little. He ran gentle fingers through her hair as he rubbed her back, holding her close. He never wanted to let her go.
Aria smiled, her lips moving in sync with his. It was like an unspoken language, every person said it differently. But her and Derion seemed to already agree on a way to speak, because the pace never slowed, as she kept holding on.
Derion held her closely, tightly. He felt his heart race and his face burn, but he never stopped kissing her. He stopped rubbing her back, his arm just wrapped around her waist, but he continued playing with her hair.
Aria held the kiss, her fingers curling around his shirt as she tried to keep him where he was. She didn't want him to move from where he was. She could feel his hand running though her hair, and it just made her want to kiss him more as she let her fingers weave in between his locks of hair as she moved slightly closer, if that was possible.
Derion kept his arm tight around her waist, holding her close. He twirled her hair in between her fingers, not tangling it, just playing with it. He never broke the kiss, kissing her deeper. He knew he had fallen hard for her, and he didn't think he'd ever be able to reverse it.
Aria was happy to kiss back, deepening it as much as he did. She knew that they where speaking together again, because neither of them pulled away. And she was happy for it. She didn't want to let go of him, not anymore. She pressed deeper into him, her fingers still locked in between his strands of hair.
Derion continued gently playing with her hair, holding her close to him. He kept the kiss passionate, yet loving in a way. He held her close to him, tight, but not painful.
Aria felt her heart skip a beat as she kissed back, her lips keeping in constant contact with his. She kept her grip as tight as his, her hands roaming though his hair.
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