Good Old Fantasy Pirate RP

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This idea has my attention... now to see if it gets me hooked!

It's a fantasy pirate rp... Does that mean that fantasy races are included?
And I will assume there's only one character per person?
This idea has my attention... now to see if it gets me hooked!

It's a fantasy pirate rp... Does that mean that fantasy races are included?
And I will assume there's only one character per person?
Yes and yes.

As clarification, a carpenter is basically a maintenance man for the ship.
Then you can sign me up! I dunno what role I want yet though... But I think I'll be an Ogre or a Goblin :3
I believe we have a good number of people. I'll get to work on the O.C.
Resident swordsman (who's actually a bit lost), reporting for duty, captain!

Word in the alleys is that he's a looking for a witch...
I'm interested! Can I be a first mate? xD
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