God Is On His Knees (IC/Still Accepting)

  • Thread starter GoodEveningClarice
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Yoren Moquer leaned to his lords side and did his job as master of whispers. He had been men within the league of Northerners bound for the Capitol, men that had sent off doves in the night. The first house to arrive would be the Clads, negating Bjarke's chosen surname made for a much easier explanation of the North's complicated ancestry. He knew the Clayburns remaining family would be arriving along with the Clads, unfortunately the members of Pinecliff would be at their home with the whole of the North here he could have his hired hands do some snooping in the North.

"The North rides for the Capitol, my king," He said calmly "It brings with them the icy resolve of angry Northmen. None are happy about your intent to marry the She-Wolf. I would suggest doubling your guard, my shadows will be watching closely the Bear, Archer and Fox. But the one eyed Wolf will not be hard to spot by any man. Even with my men watching you should have some plan in place should he become a problem."

Yoren leaned back up and showed a closed mouth smile to any onlookers. He spoke to the king in hushed riddle for a few reasons. It was always a fun hobby of his to work his words like a blacksmith works his iron. It never hurt to speak in riddle in the event somehow someone managed to overhear. And it made him seem that much more mysterious.
Francis couldn't help but to smirk as he saw her darkening cheeks. He remembered the way Esmeralda blushed every time he would touch her, but past romances were not in question at that moment. The true reason why he left his fiance would come out later but in that moment, it was between him and Evelyn. When she pulled him down against her, he couldn't help but to chuckle as he said, "Well it seems someone is bolder than I thought..." Trailing off, he watched as she continued on, speaking of courtly romances and maidens. When Evelyn asked him to kiss her, well more like stated, he was taken back. Sure, he wanted to kiss her more than anything, but would he? If Francis would have been feeling himself, he would've kissed her last night in her bed chambers but it seemed Francis wasn't feeling himself. Slipping an arm around her waist, he pulled her to him, allowing their chests to touch as he said, "You don't fall in love with someone because of how a maiden feels in a story or at least that's not how I feel. You fall in love with their soul, their being, their everything until you feel so strongly for that person that your heart will burst. That's what my mother taught me and that's what I stand by. I will not kiss you because you tell me to. I want to kiss you when we have equally fell in love with each other's souls, minds, bodies, everything. I want to kiss you when it isn't a demand from my princess, my future queen, but from the Evelyn that I am already falling in love with." Searching her eyes, he brushed a strand of hair away from her face, allowing his thumb to rub her cheek gently. Averting his gaze from her eyes down to her lips, Francis slowly leaned in kissing her softly, pulling their bodies closer together.

The young woman nodded to the head maid. "It is good to meet you. I understand my place here quite well and accept any conditions I must abide by to remain here. I feel quite fortunate to have the favor of the King."

Brenna knew that being polite would earn her points or so she hoped. Being banned from the kitchens didn't make her very happy because she had looked forward to living in a place where she could get food whenever she wanted. Well perhaps she could charm a kitchen boy later. Having ready access to food was important to her. You never knew if you were going to get a next meal.
Well, food and shiny things.
Brenna really liked shiny things.

It didn't have to be jewels or expensive things, anything shiny from a blade to a mirror to a piece of metal to a piece of stained glass was enough to fascinate her. She wasn't sure where the fascination came from but when she saw something shiny it was like her inner animal took over and she would become fixated on the object. Several times, and she wasn't proud of this, she had taken shiny junk for payment instead of money for her singing.

Her room was very nice for a servant's quarters. She could only imagine what the rest of the palace looked like. And she was eager to find out.
Another thing about Brenna, and something that got her into a lot of trouble, was her curiosity. She was worse then a cat.
So the first thing she did after hiding her belongings, a small bag containing a comb and a pouch of shiny odds and ends, was leave the room and start exploring. Maybe she would get lucky and run into someone handsome that could be useful, in more ways then one...
It occurred to her then that she had never actually come up with a fake name. Flustered by Charlie's question she blurted out the only name that came to mind - her own. "Marcella! Yes. Lady Marcella of the family Petri down in Italy. My name carries nearly nothing compared to Fairway but it's enough to be invited to the big formalities such as this." She spoke slowly and carefully, putting emphasis on each word as she spun her alias. Though she had little experience on a horse, Marcella was glad to be on her way - if nothing but to get out of introducing herself further.

At the stables, Marcella busied herself with the horses while Charlie and Eira made small talk. Though her name did come up she did not answer with anything more than a smile, as a more pressing matter had come to hand. Of the few experiences Marcella had had with horses, the majority of them had been her on foot tugging on the horse's reins. Terenzio had enjoyed keeping her as a squire of sorts and Marcella found herself not knowing how to carry on her sham. She'd seen Terenzio mount a horse but she didn't quite know how. Besides, her wig was already in danger of falling off at times - she was sure the bumpy motion of a ride would be the final straw on the camel's back.

Maximus watched lazily as Anna lead the girl away, blinking when a fresh glass of wine was pressed into his hands. He took a great sip and glanced over at Garlen at his question. "I haven't the faintest idea." He gestured at Varric who approached with a bow and a smile. "Varric, do you know from where our fair songstress hails?" The older man smiled brightly and filled a glass for Garlen while they stood. "From what I managed to get from the girl, which wasn't much, she's from here. Likely a runaway serf if I had to guess. Either way, her talents shall serve our King and Court well."

While they were chatting, Maximus noted the arrival of his spymaster, a man he did not trust and yet trusted the ambition of to serve him well for the time being. The King listened intently but kept a pleasant smile, raising a glass and smiling now and again when a noble caught his eye. "Thank you Yoren. Now that Sir Locke and Sir Stormsent will be guarding my rooms, I think that shall suffice for protection. Train your keen ears to find out what the she-wolf likes. Maybe I can fetch her a fine gift to smooth over Bjarke's hackles." Maximus stood up and gave Garlen a hardy pat on the back. "Excuse me dear friend." He strode away from the party gesturing for Yoren to follow. "Have you any idea whom my daughters are interested in so far? I doubt Lilith has had time to fall in love with all her mischief last night, but Evelyn…" He glanced back over his shoulder at the party. "Where is Evelyn?"


Anna Victorian pressed her lips together as she returned to the main room, curtsying to Garlen as she took her place at her husband's side. She leaned subtly against him and whispered in a quick hush. "I do not think the girl a spy, but I think she will be trouble." Varric nodded but did not break his small talk with Garlen.


Evelyn flushed to be so close to a man where she had previously been untouched. She kept her expression chilly though the scarlet staining her pale skin was unmistakable. This felt like a fairytale. Her fingers wrapped loosely in his tunic, keeping him near and looking into eyes as he spoke, trying to see if he was lying to her. His sweet words were better than a kiss, though made her feel the slightest bit childish to have brought it up in the first place. She looked down shyly for the first time and nodded. "Forgive me. That was improper of me to ask of you. I would not order you to kiss me…" She glanced up when he touched her cheek just in time to meet his lips.

It was her first true kiss and it was not the heated, claiming thing she'd expected from Francis Clayburn. She melted into it anyway, returning the pressure gently without seeming pushy. Her fingers found purchase in his long hair this time and her eyes shut in the pleasant feeling of it. She didn't pull away until he did, letting her hands slide down his jaw and neck before resting on his shoulders. "So we're in love?" She smiled softly and leaned into him, enjoying the feeling. They'd have to return to the castle soon, her escorts would not allow this alone time for very long. But for the moment, she rested against Francis' chest and took in his spicy scent, tracing the patterns on his tunic with her finger. "I want to dance with you tonight. I want to see what people do and I want to see how you behave at court when you aren't drunk." She teased.


"I do not know," Ÿrd replied gruffly, "Bjarke may not want to stay long, and I'm not even sure when we arrive there won't be a blood bath of Royals. Bjarke has never liked the King, even in the early days. While the King is a great warrior Bjarke has also never been bested in combat, if the two should come to ends I would like to see that battle."

"Hmm...Well it'll be fun either way, fight or no fight..." He jested as he moved his hands as though weighing out the two outcomes before shrugging it off.

"I wasn't told Bjarke was bedding the Clayburn's nurse," Maryn said in a serious tone that took Tilki a second to comprehend.

"If he hears you he'll cut off your bow arm," Ÿrd said smiling the joke plainly written on his face.

"Mhm then all you would have left of note would be that pretty face of yours Okçu..maybe we could sell you off to the richest man or woman for a night, or two...." Tilki added before looking down at Tuli who kept chirping and looking off to the southeast.

'' Mika on se Tuli?" Tilki asked as he looked out in the same direction as Tuli as her chirping was joined by Kuli who had came over after hearing Tuli.

"Isa..." He started only to be cut off by Bjarke calling for the three of them.

"Silmat loytaa silmat..." He whispered to Yrd as he passed by him. "Silmat.."
He repeated as Maryn passed him. "They can see but can they hear?" He asked Tuli and Kuli before giving them a small shrug.
"Find the answer yes?" He continued before whistling is horse to go forward. As the two foxes ran off into the distance their small bodies vanishing as they dived into the brush.

He said little else as he waited for their return. His mind elsewhere for a moment as he joined the others on the farthest left. "You called Susi?"
Was all he said before looking off to the east. His mask hiding his concerning facial expression.
Even if their party was being watched only a fool would attempt to attack them...but yet here on the road with the amount of non-combatants they were travelling with caused Tilki to grow concerned as they continued their way towards the Capital. He had to admit he was excited for the summer whether or not it would be a peaceful summer eluded him. Yet the idea of war excited and worried him a bit, but that would have to wait till after Tuli and Kuli returned with their answers...
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"Grey before your time...hmm some look great with grey hair though." He replied to Robert before looking to Sypher.

" Possibly Lord." He said with a shrug before looking off to Maehel and Arren. His grin growing at the prospect of seeing those two sparr. "This will be interesting..." He whispered to Sypher and Robert. "I wonder how it will play out." He added knowing Maehel's opinion of Arren, a part of him hoped that if they did spar it would help them at least have a mutual respect for one another.

The sounds of horses called him from his thought as he looked off to see who or what was arriving.
"More guests?" He asked Sypher as Robert ran off to meet the arriving company on horseback.
"I would not figure, but staring will not add to much." Came Sypher's calm response, the note of his voice assuring Tristan that Sypher did not care about the group on horseback... When Robert returned and announced their identity as guards from the Summer house. Tristan sighed softly a bit of relief came to him since the added guards would come in handy should tensions come to a head.

Tristan smiled to himself and tried not to laugh as Robert called out to Maehel to go easy on Arren. To which both Tristan and Sypher responded. "Not a thing." In unison before looking at one another and laughing at the humour of the statement.

"Oh, thank you Robert, but i should probably go see how my Uncle is fairing. But should you feel up to the task, I'm sure Sypher is up to spar with you." He said with a smile before addressing Sypher.

"Play nice, and do make sure to keep an eye, just incase." His soft whisper was replied by a soft nod and an even softer. "Of course Enril. All three should it call for it."

"Thank you." Tristan returned before he turned back to Robert who was busy attacking a dummy so Tristan simply walked off the training grounds and walked to find the King. A soft wave to Sypher and Maehel before he began his run through the grounds. His barefeet softly patting the ground as he dipped under servants as they carried on with their chores, spun around guards who might or might not of noticed him passing.
The running through thick forests certainly added him as he slid to a near stop and kicked off the wall to turn a corner. His instincts took over as he made his way through the castle.

"Excuse me..'' He found himself repeating that line over a few times tell he made it to where the King was..but not before he failed to stop and slammed his right side into the door frame. His shoulder taking most of the hit. "Oww..." He whispered to himself as he rubbed his shoulder and walked into the room, undaunted and as though it was normal for him to simply walk into rooms and slam himself into the doorframe to announce his presence to the people inside......
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Francis smiled as he pulled away from her. Looking into her eyes, he whispered, "I wouldn't say we are in love but I will say I know I'm falling for you and hard..." He trailed off, pressing his lips to her forehead as he lightly ran his fingers through her hair. Laying down more comfortably within the grass and wildflowers, Francis held her tightly against him as if he were afraid to lose her. He tried remembering what love felt like but he couldn't bring it through the foggy memory or the woman's name. He knew she had been blessed as a truly northern woman and was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen but nothing but a face came to his mind. It didn't hurt to think of her now, it was more of a numb feeling in his heart. Closing his eyes, Francis softly began to hum and old northern song. The song had to have been older than time itself but he did remember that his father used to hum the same song to his mother. When she spoke again, he almost didn't hear her but he chuckled anyway as a way to cover up that he hadn't been listening. Glancing up as he heard the sound of someone nearing, he said, "We should get going. I believe the guards are getting impatient with us."
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Yoren followed his King with his own boots clicking against the floor of the throne room. He listened to the lord's questions as he followed.

"Though I could find out what the Lady Serah likes I doubt it will gain you any favor with Bjarke," He put his hands in front of himself and interlocked his fingers, "As for Evelyn, she has been smitten with the young Clayburn. Francis I believe. He is an interesting fellow, and from what I have heard he does very much enjoy the company of your daughter. I think it would be wise to marry Evelyn off to a Northerner, with you controlling the Clad house and your daughter controlling the Clayburns your power doubles. I do believe it would be wise to marry off Lilith to an Eastern lord. I believe house Anselm has open suitors."

Yoren continued alongside the King as the two left the party.
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Evelyn might have never gotten up, so comfortable was the soft grass and warmth of a man's arms. She hummed in delight then finally cracked an eye when he mentioned her no doubt agitated guards. She sighed but nodded, claiming a quick kiss on the lips for herself before pulling away and getting to her feet. She remounted her horse and settled happily into the saddle, directing the mare back the way they'd come. She nodded to the guards who bowed their heads and remained by the roadside until the two young near-lovers passed. She was quiet and thoughtful for the rest of the ride, fingers loosely gripping the reigns as her mount knew the path well enough. Once she'd dismounted in front of the stables and ran her hands through her long her, loosing any grass or flowers that may have become stuck in her long locks. "Well Francis, I suppose I'll see you at court this evening. I have a few things to attend to. I believe my friend Eira arrived sometime this morning or last night and I've yet to seek her out…unless you'd like to join me? I also need to say something to Elizabeth…you should probably speak to her as well." She smirked at him and started towards the gardens. If she thought she know the pale girl as well as she thought did, she's probably find her among the flowers.

With or without Francis, she soon found herself among the blossoming trees and wild flowers. She offered a courtly nod here and there until she came across the girl in the company of none other than Charlie Clayburn and a mysterious woman she'd never seen. She narrowed her eyes fractionally, something was off with her. Ignoring that for the moment she threw her arms around Eira. "Hello dear friend! I'm so glad you've made it to court!" Evelyn has spend summers in Eria's homeland and the girls had even schooled together in the Capital when her father visited. Evelyn didn't like or trust most other women, but Eira was a worthy exception. "And hello to you to Lord Charles." She turned her dark, discerning eyes back on the mysterious woman. "And who might this be?"

Maximus nodded thoughtfully at the older man, though news of Francis Clayburn soured his mood mightily. "I suppose he'd be a fool to attempt to skip out on royalty. See if you can get in touch with his former fiancé. I'm interested to see what her family has to say about him." He pondered over Serah and Bjarke. The two were difficult to puzzle out. He knew Bjarke to be a man who talked with his blade more than his mouth over anything so he was likely to be twice as aggravating over his own kin. And Lilith. Whatever would he do with Lilith? Sighing lightly, he rubbed his forehead and snorted over the mention of House Anselm. "Hmp. The young Lord may be unmarried, but I do not think him a bachelor." He winked and made to continue up to his study when none other than Tristan came barreling through the hall, nearly taking out several servants and damn near knocking himself out in the process. He squinted and shook his head. "Tristan, are you looking for me?" He gestured him to join them. "Enough business for now, Yoren. Please go and enjoy the festivities." He smiled blandly and gestured Tristan up.

"You know I'm taking a wife soon." He cooed at the younger man, tugging him up the stairs until they were out of sight. He pushed him eagerly against the wall with the weight of his frame, fingers hungrily seeking his slim body. "How does that make you feel?" His mouth hungrily sought his neck and jaw, ravishing the tender flesh.

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- Eira Merrick, Lady of Stornoway -

Taken aback slightly by Evelyn's sudden appearance, it took Eira a moment to recompose herself fully. As soon as what had transpired clicked, however, a warm smile grew on the young lady's face. "Evey!" she exclaimed with a tone of elated surprise. "I'm glad I made it as well," she responded, "I thought I never would with how much work Sir Ralwen is, as of late." Noting a level of suspicion from Evelyn towards Marcella, Eira tried to give as positive an introduction as possible, acting as if she was introducing an age-old friend, noting her name, her holdings and her particular adoration for the palace's wine storage. It may have been a sly diplomatic move but court required all of the grace and finesse one could muster and when tongues were as deadly as swords it was best to keep all public going-ons as palatable as possible. However, that's not to say she didn't share the concerns of her friend and the private look that she passed to Evelyn said that this would be a matter best addressed later. Locking Evey's arm with her own, Eira began to walk through the gardens completely forgetting to check on her other two companions. After all, with her father's failing health it had been a while since she last had the opportunity to speak with her dear friend. "How has everything been?" she asked in a positively intrigued tone, "Have you found a man worthy of your affection yet?" It was idle gossip but with the nature of the event, Eira couldn't deny her love of a little gossip here and there. Also, it served as a cruel but enjoyable little tease towards her friend.


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Francis looked at Evelyn quizzically as his sister was mentioned. What did the princess have to say to her? In his own opinion, he would see it better fit they stayed away from each other. He knew his sister had a particular taste for the princess and it wasn't on the sweet side. Actually, he could recall where Elizabeth had made the threat to slit Evelyn's throat herself if she ever married a northern man and tainted the northern blood lines. It appeared that his dear younger sister would not attend any events that perhaps could celebrate the union between himself and Evelyn. Oh, what was he thinking? Him and Evelyn would have to have buckets of luck if they were to ever see the alter. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he smiled as he said, "I'll accompany you there but from there I'm afraid I have some of my own matters to attend to. I hope you don't mind my absence."

Placing her hand on his forearm as he escorted her to the gardens, he walked in silence. What was he supposed to say? He didn't know so he kept quiet until he saw his cousin. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, he asked, "Charlie? What're you doing here?" Looking over to Evelyn, he asked, "Did you just call him lord?" It was something that he had never heard anyone, not even the king, call Charlie. He had fore fitted his right to become Duke and a lord, deciding to spend his night in the local brothels instead. Charlie was simply Charlie and nothing more.

Charlie chuckled but ignored Francis as he replied to Evelyn, "Please, Your Highness, call me Charlie. I'm not one for formalities. It is lovely to see you again and I am happy that I have been welcomed back to court." Glancing to Eira, he smiled warmly, ushering along with Evelyn, "I hope to see you tonight Lady Eira? Perhaps we can share a dance since we didn't get to go on our ride?" As he watched Eira leave with the princess, he glanced to Marcella as he said, "And then there were two, oh, and my cousin but I don't believe he matters."

Francis rolled his eyes as he said, "I'm am Francis Clayburn, brother to the Duke of Clarke. It is a pleasure to meet you, but I am afraid I have things I must attend to. Charlie, Lady Marcella..." Bowing his head, he slipped away back into the castle on the hunt for his sister and his nephew.
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"Ma. Goheno nin....forgive me, my tongue is still not use to yours. I did not mean to intrude but yes I am." He said confidently as he gathered himself and checking the wellbeing of the servents he had almost collided into. After seeing they were well he turned and glided towards Maximus. His grace seeming to return to him at the lower speed. The pain from his shoulder dying a few moments after the collision.

He passed Yoren with a soft nod. "Greetings Yoren. Would you make sure none interrupt us. I must have a rather important conversation with the King." He added in a more formal tone as passed by and moved to follow Maximus.

"You know I'm taking a wife soon." He cooed at the younger man, tugging him up the stairs until they were out of sight.
"A wife, who?" He replied softly attempting to hide the general upsetness that he was feeling at the moment as he followed. What thought he had died as soon as he found himself against the wall with Maximus' hands upon him. His own arms finding their way around Maximus' neck. His fingers finding their way into the Kings hair.

"How does that make you feel?"

"Politically I am unmoved." He attempted to say calmly stated as his frame arched into Maximus under his assult. His hand simultaneous droping to find the buttons on Maximus' shirt as he craned his neck upward to allow Maximus a better access. But only for a moment as a thought came to him.

"Though personally I am very unpleased." He added as he attempted to flip the tables on Maximus and hopefully he would have him against the wall. "Who is she?"
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With a crass whinny and stamping of hoofs, the dark-coated horse reared in attempts to unseat its rider. This was the third time today that the damnable creature had tried to be rid of him, though the third time hadn't proven the charm. Maintaining his position in the saddle, legs tightened around the obstinate animal, Bastian Sutharlainn issued a soft sigh, idly patting the horse's neck as it tossed its head about. Fortunately, the animal had possessed enough sense not to cause such a disturbance during the battle.

Reining the horse back under control as the handful of soldiers around him permitted enough space to guide the animal into the stable before dismounting, Bastian gave a silent nod of thanks to the stable boy that took the cantankerous creature off his hands. The ride back to the palace had seemed much longer than the ride to the battlefield, but such was always the case. Physical and mental fatigue always saw to that, and the captain had remained an extra day to ensure that all affairs were seen to a close with all loose ends neatly tied. While the battle hadn't been a major one, there was always something in need of doing-- even following a victory. This instance involved the task of seeing the felled Lord's body back to England. (Under Maximus' rule, he had seen many felled Lords off to their homes in a wooden box.) Between the resolution of political affairs and organizing the soldiers that hadn't already ridden back with the King, Bastian's job had been cut out for him and he had foregone a night's sleep to ensure he would be away from the King's side no longer than was necessary.

While he was in dire need of a bath and clean attire, the captain insisted on checking in on the Kingsguard and the Fairways before making any accommodations for himself. With the large gathering of strangers and guests, no one could be too careful, and being separated from his liege had caused the man a fair amount of anxiety. It was also likely that the captain's sudden appearance in court caused considerable anxiety for some of the partygoers: he was clad in armor that had obviously seen recent battle, still wore his longsword sword, and a bow was rather unceremoniously slung over his left shoulder. He had also neglected to remove his helm, but it was just as well-- his face and hair were covered in a layer of dried dirt and blood... Hardly something the Captain of the Kingsguard should wear to court. Those familiar with the captain, however, had likely come to expect such behavior from the man, accrediting it to having picked up habits from the King.

Disregarding the startled looks as he made his way through the ornate palace doors, Bastian picked his way through the guests until he reached the great hall. There had been little hope of actually finding Maximus present there, but he would likely encounter someone who could direct him to the King's current whereabouts. He had arrived just one day after the King, and, while he wanted to ensure that the past evening had gone without incident, it wasn't likely that anything of great importance had occurred in his brief absence. The scurry and frantic talk amongst the servants, however, were beginning to make him think otherwise.

"Excuse me," Bastian halted one of the servants, his hand gently catching the woman's shoulder, "Could you tell me where I might find His Majesty?" His voice was low and not unpleasant, though he seemed to have caught the woman rather off guard.

"Sir Sutharlainn!" The woman gave a slight start, nearly dropping the pitcher she carried before collecting herself and turning to face the captain. "I believe he was last speaking with the Duke of Gethenwood, sir. Where he might've gone to after that, I'm afraid I don't know." She paused as if considering her words, then gave the knight a small smile. "Good to see you home well, sir."

"My thanks." Bastian gave a slight nod as the woman dipped into a curtsy and hurried off, still clutching the pitcher.

Continuing through the hall at a fair pace, Bastian kept a keen eye out for Kingsguard-- though he was growing all the more concerned to find many of the knights absent in the preparations of the evening's coming events.

Where was everyone?
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"I be guessin' ya noticed it too, den."

As she was wont to do these days, Mama Nyoka's voluptuous figure filed in at Bastian's hip, strutting down the castle's halls with her constant resting face - a coy smirk. Her robes were changed for the castle's finery recently, but her belt remains with skulls and bones and bits of foliage jutting out of the loop of leather and she jingled, clicked and clattered as she moved - like a walking treasure chest. Her fingertips slipped along the wall as she walked, searchingly, curiously. Her other hand played with one of her dreadlocks, gently revealing the darkened patches of bruised flesh around her cheek and eye.

"Summer court, Bastian, has prob'ly already started: ya need a bath, an' some proper clothes..." she murmured, removing one hand from her hair to flick at his armour three times. Despite her straight-backed posture and her usual self-confidence, she also seemed rather travel-worn and tired herself. She looked around the purple halls sharply; the lack of guard was surprising. Luckily, this particular hall was empty enough; but she'd already taken a quick wander and, upon reaching the bottom of the staircase where she had distinctly heard the king, a golden arm was thrust out to block Bastian's path. "Aheh, ya'-...don't want to go up dere yet. I t'ink..." she purred, raising her voice enough for Maximus to hear, "...That de King be VERY BUSY at de moment!" she called up to the pair of forbidden lovers. With the crisis averted - or, at least, Nyoka felt she did more than enough to avert it in the first place - she rested her body in front of the staircase and put her hands on her hips. "Bath. Clothes. -Den- ya can show how well ya dress up to Lil' king Maxie." ordered Mama Nyoka, with all the scolding might that a mother would display to her child. "An' I be comin' wit'cha, because there be a lotta t'ings in de court that wanna kill me." added Nyoka as an afterthought. Presumably, the open-ended statement would pique the curiosity of the Captain of the Guard enough to permit her to follow him as he got bathed and dressed...but Nyoka was a gloriously blunt and open woman, and cared very little for nudity.

She had time to wander around the halls of the Castle, and for once in her life, her home seemed the most dangerous place to be.
How that woman always managed to approach him without a sound when she normally rattled like ill-fitted armor, Bastian would never know. He was, however, quite accustomed to her unannounced appearances and they no longer caused him any sort of alarm.

Sparing a sidelong glance at his sudden companion, the captain continued his walk toward the grand staircase at the end of the hall, idly listening as she chastised for his appearance. The comments weren't undue, though he couldn't help but notice she still wore her usual belt of oddities and trinkets. Mildly hypocritical. Then again, she didn't reek of battlefield.

Finding himself suddenly blocked by one of Nyoka's thin arms, Bastian turned his gaze upon her in silent question. Her explanation garnered no expression of surprise from the captain and he merely gave a slow blink before taking a step back. So he was with the Duke of Gethenwood after all. That news wasn't something unexpected, and it certainly wasn't his place to interrupt the King's escapades. Nyoka, on the other hand, seemed to have no issue doing so, and Bastian resisted the vague urge to quiet her as she called up the stairs to the King and his lover. There was no point in disturbing them-- though that was just her way, time had taught him that much.

Pale eyes fell on the witch's form as she lingered in front of the staircase as if sparing him from some scarring vision. Some part of him appreciated her effort, though he hardly needed shielding from the King's exploits. Maximus was free to pursue his delights and Bastian had borne accidental witness to more than a few of the man's ventures. Nevertheless, the woman continued to block his path, insisting he make himself more presentable. Her comment about accompanying him did not go unnoticed and Bastian turned on his heel, retracing his steps through the hall at a slower pace. The two of them were always an odd pair, the one jingling and chatting while the other seemed to emanate a strange sort of silence.

Once they were free of the main hall, having turned down a smaller corridor leading to the knight's quarters, Bastian finally spoke, tired eyes occasionally flickering over to the witch. "There are always 'things' in court that wish to kill you," he murmured quietly. Had he given the words any sort of inflection, they may have come across as humorous. While it was true that many of the nobles thought poorly of Nyoka, Bastian found it odd that she would be seeking such close protection-- unless something unusual had happened. "Have visitors caused disturbances then?" He asked, again glancing down at the woman's form and the bruise that had blossomed on her cheek. She had been traveling, though he doubted that had little to do with the matter at hand. "I'm afraid my absence has left me in the dark."

Pushing open the door to his chambers, the knight closed and bolted the barrier behind Nyoka as she followed him in. He was not shy of himself and had no issue with her presence; there was neither desire nor shame between them and it would provide a moment for her to bring him up to speed on the previous night's events without having to guard her words. "Where is the Kingsguard? They aren't in the halls and I saw very few in the grounds on my way in," he remarked, though there was little irritation in his tone. It was obvious they weren't currently with Maximus and he sincerely hoped that the answer would be "with the princesses." The last thing that needed to occur was one of the girls vanishing with so many strangers about. He greatly disliked being away from the Fairways.

With no amount of leisure, Bastian laid his weapons aside and pulled off the plumed helm to set it atop the rack that held his armor, followed by his gloves and greaves. Like all knights without squires, he was proficient at donning and removing his armor without assistance, but having an extra set of hands wasn't unwelcome-- especially as he was in a hurry to return to court.

When he was finally free of the dark leather and chainmail, the thought occurred to him that he may need to wait for water if he wanted to bathe. Fortunately, one of the servants seemed to have preemptively filled the basin in anticipation of his return the day before; the water was clean but cold. It would suffice-- and he pulled away his thin, sweat-dampened shirt and trousers before sliding into the metal basin of chilled water, making quick work of his bath, exiting, and seeking out more appropriate attire for court.
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Evelyn allowed herself to be lead away, glad to escape the strange woman and being corrected as to what to call Charlie. She breathed an easy sigh as they made their way through the gardens, ignoring most of the greetings she got from other nobles. "Everything has been fine. A bit strained. All of these awful rumors about us. It isn't getting to Father as he has no care about the opinions of others but I wonder what I can do to quell those rumors." She shrugged and sat on one of the benches hidden behind tall hedges. She looked down at her gown and smoothed out the fabric. "We will make it. We are the first of our name to take the throne." She flushed suddenly at mention of a love interest. "Oh…there is someone." She glanced at her and smiled mischievously. "But it's only a few days old so I dare not speak his name. We have the whole of the summer to watch it grow though. What of your love life Eira? You're so fair and lovely, surely you'll find a husband for yourself." She smiled brightly. "What sort of man do you want? Older? Handsome or ugly? Tell me all."



Maximus hummed in delight at the woody taste of the young Duke's skin. Smooth and flawless, this body was beautiful. His mouth attacked the flesh stretched out for him as he moved to tug his tunic over his head at Tristan's tug at his buttons. "Serah Clad." He kissed him on the mouth hard and then tugged him back towards his room. "It makes me a little happy that you're jealous my sweet Tristan. But worry not, I'm sure she will have little interest in being in my bed. Really, she can have whoever she wants after she gives me a child. And I'm sure once that's done…" His own hands slid under Tristan's shirt, tracing the lines of his lean muscle and savoring the unmarred skin.

Just as he moved to tug the boy into bed with him, he heard a distinct voice from the bottom of the stairs. So Nyoka and Bastian had returned then. He smiled and poked his head out of the door. "Welcome home you two! I shall see you this evening…perhaps!" He left rich laughter in the air before turning predatorily on Tristan. "Now then, where were we?" In the dim of his bedroom, Maximus' eyes positively glinted with lust. He forcibly pinned the young man underneath him. The darkness of the room seemed to swell and burst as he kissed Tristan.

-fade to black…-

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