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un jour je serai de retour près de toi
Original poster


So lemme get out ahead of this, before General Chat turns into Iwaku's own version of The Purge.

Y'know, more than it fucking is already.

Politics threads tend to go to hell in a hand-basket faster than you can scream "HITLER WAS RIGHT", and with this current election cycle that's never been more true. At the end of the day, we're a roleplaying forum and we really don't need politics coming into spoil everyone's nice time: this is a place folks come to for escapism, after all, so having the election cycle chase them here is less than ideal.


At the same time, we also don't want to go laying down blanket statements about what you can and can't say on Iwaku. Goes against that whole "flexibility of speech" thing we have written down somewhere that @Jorick and @Astaroth keep yelling at me about whenever I suggest we just ban all of you and have done with it. With that in mind, we're gonna try and find ourselves a middle ground solution that allows folks to have their say without the entire forum descending into a clusterfuck of angry, bipartisan bullshit.

Again, more than it already is.



To prevent me from rambling, lemme bullet-point how this is gonna work:
  • We're keeping shit civil, too. Discussions are cool, but if you start slinging insults about (or, given how you fuckers tend to work, passive-aggressive sniping) you will get spanked.
  • Any overtly rant-like/insulting/snipey posts will get edited by our lovely security team to be more user-friendly. We will insert butterflies, rainbows and other nice suggestions so you all maybe calm the fuck down or something. You'll know they've edited a post cos it'll be all red. Like the blood of our enemies.
  • Gary Johnson is my husbando. You can't have him. He's mine.
  • Seriously. Mine.

Hopefully that clears everything up about the purpose of this thread. Now go fucking kill each other.

Or don't, actually. I think that's why I got asked to write this.
It lacked sweet looming evil moon, though, so I'll accept it.
To prevent me from rambling, lemme bullet-point how this is gonna work:
  • We're keeping shit civil, too. Discussions are cool, but if you start slinging insults about (or, given how you fuckers tend to work, passive-aggressive sniping) you will get spanked.
  • Any overtly rant-like/insulting/snipey posts will get edited by our lovely security team to be more user-friendly. We will insert butterflies, rainbows and other nice suggestions so you all maybe calm the fuck down or something. You'll know they've edited a post cos it'll be all red. Like the blood of our enemies.
  • Gary Johnson is my husbando. You can't have him. He's mine.
  • Seriously. Mine.

Hopefully that clears everything up about the purpose of this thread. Now go fucking kill each other.

Or don't, actually. I think that's why I got asked to write this.

This. Best thing I've read about this election, hands down.
Oh, also, Hillary is a delightful sugarplum fairy. Trump is #besthusbando2016.
That is all.

(I'm just here for the lolz.)
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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...I'm moving to Canada.
Please don't move to Canada unless you are a lovely person who will improve our beautiful Canadialand and have looked up all the facts about how great our country is. Justin Trudeau is my hasubando.

That's already been posted >.>
Looked and didn't see anything, unless you are referring to two days ago when I posted in the other thread with 3 days remaining and the Clinton moon.
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Please don't.

Most people who threaten this don't know anything about my country and would not consider moving here otherwise. We aren't your sloppy second runner-up choice.

Dude, I have friends and family in Canada o.o
First year of voting. As I live in a solid Red state, I'm going with Jill Stein. Both candidates can know the saying about crawling in a hole.
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" I hate to come off this way." Kaine ran his fingers tenderly over Trump's cheek. "But it saddens me deeply that we can't be more open about the love that we share for one another. We have to use harsh words and mudflinging as a means to cover up what we really want to say and how we say it."

Trump looked away, traces of tears shimmering in his eyes. "Everything that we say promotes very little in the way of discussion and I wish we as human beings and as a people with mature minds can have a discussion without insulting one or another."
Fun fact: by "sunshine and rainbows" we meant Kitti's horrible slashfic between Trump and Kaine.

Because we are monsters like that.
Fun question: What did Clyde's post say? From the looks of it, it's nothing but a fair, rational comment on how people are resorting to crudeness in discussion, but you had to make it Trump x Kaine.

Or I might just be horribly mistaken, and is probably getting myself some good, sticky, suspicion-points.

Or I might just be asking for attention, help me I gotchu, boo.

The point of editing posts is to make them sound peachy keen!
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Not sure why @Dervish is getting negative ratings. It makes perfect sense that people wouldn't want their beloved country to simply be a last resort. I get that most are joking, but seriously, don't you guys have any other reasons for wanting to move to Canada other than crappy elections?
Not sure why @Dervish is getting negative ratings. It makes perfect sense that people wouldn't want their beloved country to simply be a last resort. I get that most are joking, but seriously, don't you guys have any other reasons for wanting to move to Canada other than crappy elections?
Probably because we Americans feel like we have guns to the back of our head at the moment and no other way to relieve the tension other than making everyone else miserable along with it. Good thing I stocked up on chocolate and wine, or else I'd probably be screaming at everyone to leave me the fuck alone until the winner is announced.
Not sure why @Dervish is getting negative ratings. It makes perfect sense that people wouldn't want their beloved country to simply be a last resort. I get that most are joking, but seriously, don't you guys have any other reasons for wanting to move to Canada other than crappy elections?
Oh, me, me! I don't want to move to Canada just because of the elections. I actually want to move to Canada because I've been there and I'm addicted to poutine I loved it there. My best friend is also from Hamilton and it would be nice to see him without having to board a plane. Cats hate those, y'know? I also don't know why Dervish is getting negative ratings, so I'm going to give them a positive one.
Oh, me, me! I don't want to move to Canada just because of the elections. I actually want to move to Canada because I've been there and I'm addicted to poutine I loved it there. My best friend is also from Hamilton and it would be nice to see him without having to board a plane. Cats hate those, y'know? I also don't know why Dervish is getting negative ratings, so I'm going to give them a positive one.
I like you, you have all the right words (poutine, cats) in your post. XD Plus Blake. XD
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Iwaku is a multi-national website focused on collaborative writing where many members go to relax and improve their abilities. There are other websites with other purposes, some whose focus is discussing politics!
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Not sure why @Dervish is getting negative ratings. It makes perfect sense that people wouldn't want their beloved country to simply be a last resort. I get that most are joking, but seriously, don't you guys have any other reasons for wanting to move to Canada other than crappy elections?

Pretty much my point.

I love immigrants and that people actually want to move here for reasons that aren't condensed to a single shitty election.

Oh, me, me! I don't want to move to Canada just because of the elections. I actually want to move to Canada because I've been there and I'm addicted to poutine I loved it there. My best friend is also from Hamilton and it would be nice to see him without having to board a plane. Cats hate those, y'know? I also don't know why Dervish is getting negative ratings, so I'm going to give them a positive one.

You can have my annual poutine rations. I cannot do cheese curds.

Hamilton's a pretty nice town, especially if you like football!
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Yes, why was my post edited horribly so? I wrote nothing negative in my post.

I was simply making some criticism and apparently I cannot even write rational criticism. I'm less than amused right now
Anything that looks like it might start some kind of argument is getting replaced with fluffy nonsense. Tensions are very high surrounding this election and the denizens of General Chatting have displayed a general lack of ability to not turn tense topics into major shitshows. We don't want Iwaku burning to the ground because of politics, so we're preventing that in a fun way instead of just shutting down General Chatting for a week.

If you want to talk serious politics you'll be better off going elsewhere, because Iwaku is not the place for it. 8D
I can make anything sound like if written by rainbow kittens if it is in red.

This is too much power. And also a very accessible loophole. If not to mention a totally colorful basket of sandwiches.
I can make anything sound like if written by rainbow kittens if it is in red.

This is too much power. And also a very accessible loophole. If not to mention a totally colorful basket of sandwiches.
Except your post doesn't say "edited by a moderator" 8D

Also by all means, put silly red stuff in your post.
  • Nice Execution!
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I find the logic behind some people rationale interesting. They vote for Hillary on the basis that Trump is an "evil poopey pants" and "not good person", where as many of these allegations were not made until the election itself. I am not going to scream corruption, but I find the irony that Hillary's campaign has devolved into the same political mudslinging that Trump is so heavily criticized for. The most infamous case of this is the, ahem, uhh..."kitty" analogy if you catch my drift. I will be frank with you, as someone who awkwardly hung around fratboys as of late and jocks in my school, this locker room language is fairly normal. Is it wrong? Yes, but quite simply that is how some men (and to a degree women as well) speak behind closed doors. That is to not say Trump does not deserve criticism, believe me, he does, but to ignore Hillary's faults is a lack of attention.

I will play Devil's Advocate and not say anything about the vote I sent in days ago or my political alignment- but one fact is clear. If Trump wins or not, there is an increasingly rising presence of the conservative wing in the Western world, to a degree radical conservatism at that. Unchecked dissatisfaction with a portion of people creates radicals, believing the other wing of politics to be suppressing their rights. We can see this unfortunately in Greece with the Golden Dawn fascist (actual fascist, no debating it at all) movement on the rise, slowly but steadily. It is subtle, but it is growing, and to be honest if Hillary wins office I do not see her retaining it for a second term. In the game of the politics the pendulum must swing, holding it further and further back will only invoke a much larger response on the other end.

But, enough of that serious talk, sorry moderators. I except a lot of censoring I imagine. Have a kitty in apology.

Except your post doesn't say "edited by a moderator" 8D

Also by all means, put silly red stuff in your post.
Aye, and for those who have email alerts, we can see the original. Mwahaha.
Disruptive Behavior
Anything that looks like it might start some kind of argument is getting replaced with fluffy nonsense. Tensions are very high surrounding this election and the denizens of General Chatting have displayed a general lack of ability to not turn tense topics into major shitshows. We don't want Iwaku burning to the ground because of politics, so we're preventing that in a fun way instead of just shutting down General Chatting for a week.

If you want to talk serious politics you'll be better off going elsewhere, because Iwaku is not the place for it. 8D

Then there's no point in this thread at all.

People need to recognize their Opinions are not them. You wear your opinions like accessories, but when someone attacks an opinion or an idea, it's not a personal attack against them.
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