Galleon of the Black Mast [COMPLETED RP]

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Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Having gotten the woman's attention Anabel was relieved to have Rhorie lead her away from the others. Smiling towards them she promised to trade them for some trinkets after she handled some business with her crewmate. Walking closely to Rhorie, Anabel's eyes traveled over the people around them. There were a few interesting ones, especially the male with the strange clothing. He didn't look like he belonged with the Kaymen people but, yet he did belong. Glancing back at Rhorie she smiled before speaking. "Oh everythings fine. I actually jus'hate havin a lot of attention. But, I wanted ta apologize if ye felt like I was trying ta steal Eben from ya. That was never my intention. Ya know how rum will affect ye wits." Her voice was filled with genuine honesty as she spoke before turning to listen to one of the natives ask if she had some jewelry. Nodding Anabel reached into the bag at her side and pulled out three bracelets. Each one golden with rubies embedded into them. Handing them over to the woman she took a small bag of oranges of pineapples in return. Stuffing the fruit into her bag she sighed heavily.

The sun was moving across the sky at a lazy pace; it bothered Anabel that she hadn't seen a few of her fellow crewmates. She figured 9Lives had sent them off on some special mission. It didn't bother her one bit; she didn't want the responsibility or the attention from the captain. She enjoyed being just a lowly pirate. Not real important but not real forgettable either. Sometimes Anabel did enjoy being noticed for her looks, but at others hated it. She wanted someone to truly want to get to know her. Glancing back over at Rhorie she hoped they could become friends; Anabel had never really had a friend before. All the other girls had hated her; they said she stole their men. Why was she thinking about her past so much lately? Realizing that today was the day ten years ago that her father had sold her angered Anabel. Her mood becoming soured she forced a smile at Rhorie before continuing to trade with the people of Kaymen.

The whole time she was busy trading things her eyes kept wandering back to the strange male; she wondered who he could be. She had ran out of jewelry to trade the people and had some had begun to bother her about her pale hair again. "Tis naturally this color." She explained to one woman that had asked her if there was something she had done to it to make it this color. Shaking her head she wandered off away from the people back towards where the crew's long boats were. The feel of a knife against her leg comforted Anabel. Her senses were suddenly on high alert for some reason, something didn't feel right. Scanning the crowd she felt silly seeing no commotion among the people before she realized the only reason 9Lives could have had them stop here and trade, while three of their crewmates were missing. Tying her goods tightly to her waist Anabel busied herself, making it look like she was knelt down looking at something in the sand while she silently awaited an attack. It was the only outcome that could really happen in a situation like this.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Scarlet greeted Links with a lazy wave of her hand. Although she did not smile right away, her eyes did light up at the sight of him. While a reliable worker, he was also good company. Rarely did she find anyone, other than her Captain, to spend time with and enjoy it. There was Princess Tabitha as well, but her attention was always put elsewhere, it seemed.

"Let us collect from our stash've candles, Links. I'm sure th'good islanders would like 'em, 'specially th'scented ones." A hand beckoned him to follow her to a crate of candles kept with other items in storage. There was quite the assortment. Different colours, different shapes, different sizes. Some of them were even traded from other places to them.

A small, vacant box was set aside so she could fill it with candles she felt they could bear to part with. She put together a variety for the people to choose from, unless they'd want the whole box in exchange for something of equal value. The candles were all organized, rather than thrown in. She lined them up by size so she could use as much of the space as possible.

"C'mere, let's carry this ta shore," she said in a commanding tone, pointing to the box when she was finished. The candles were boxed up to her satisfaction. She even did her best to put the more exciting ones close together so it would be easier to differentiate.

"An' that'll be all fer now. Nothin' heavy yet. Though I'm sure weight is no problem for ye anyway." Scarlet grinned and winked at him while briefly tipping her hat.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Touching her index finger to her lips, Tradewind smiled warmly to the Kaymenites. They were eager and earnest, excited at the prospect of trading with the crew. She could tell that the captain had a reservation or two about it and she stepped toward the coconuts gracefully, picking up one in her other hand, though her small palm could barely fold around it well enough to hold it.

"These coconuts are mighty fine indeed, but I am more than a mite interested in this rum of which you speak. What say you, captain? Will you test the rum to see if it's proper quality?" Tradewind lowered the finger from her lips and turned in time to see Scar hauling out a crate of candles with the newly captured man. It made Tradewind a little happy that she wasn't the newest member of the crew after all and certainly not the most disgraced.

"An' you, do you want my help? Any more of these you need carried? In my carelessness I din't notice that you were already fetching them."
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

View attachment 5208Eben was very aware of his surroundings as he drew heavily on the thick, dank air in the Crypt. Even with the torch Amilio carried there was still a considerable amount of darkness. It clung to the walls like millions of tiny spiders, letting the imagination create what wasn't really there. Eben began to visualize faces in the darkness. Horrible, impossibly twisted faces that screamed silently on the rock lined walls. They Were visible for only a second, then sank back in to the darkness, leaving only snapshot traces of light where they had been. They reminded Eben of watching fireworks at night, and how they would leave a shape in the sky for a few seconds after they had gone out. The young carpenter shook his his, trying to rid his eyes of the horrible imagery his mind was creating.

He wasn't doing much at this point, other than gripping his blade and shaking ever so slightly.

"Can't you lot hurry up?"

He swallowed hard, and his voice seemed to be temporarily frozen in the back of his throat as the last of the Skulls was placed on the tomb.

At first there was nothing. A few seconds past and the three men stood, waiting for something…anything.

Then there was a jolt, a small shake almost like an earth quake. It came from the tomb, but at the same time came from all around. In an instant, the crypt exploded into a violent tremor as the lid of the tomb began to slide back. Small rocks fell from above, pelting the men as a think fog began to pour from the tomb. The fog was illuminated by a yellow, gold light. Eben's nose was met with the smell of rotted flesh and ash, like the smell of a million bodies being burned.

The young carpenter would not admit it, and when he told this story many years from now he left out the fact that he was frightened and on the verge of turning to run.

But he stayed, and even managed to speak.

"What's inside the tomb…is it the treasure?"
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Deadeye was walking around the small village noting all the villagers around him and even learning a few of their names. They were hard to pronounce though due to their difference in dialects so he mostly gave them nicknames in his mind and gave it a face. He knew that he was not supposed to befriend any of them and he sure as hell didn't. Especially due to the story that Amilio had spoke of a while back. Even if they seemed innocent he knew not to judge a book by its cover. As he was walking around he found an interesting stall that had a few makeshift tools and weapons, most likely what the people used when they first started out or even now. He was intrigued by the exoticness and the strange designs most of them had so he traded with the islander for one of the stranger looking weapons.

The weapon was a makeshift club made of wood and what seemed to be a shaven coconut at the end, although when you touched the end it felt like cold steel. The ball of it was strangely smooth especially if it was steel. It made him wonder how they did it since the thing looked so darn ancient. The longer he looked at it though the more he noticed the small etchings along it. They were strange symbols and pictures some of which he could make a similarity while the rest were completely illegible to him. In the end he traded the man some apples and oranges with a gold piece or two to seal the deal. He thanked the man with a bow and walked off happy with his trade. After he was done trading he went to look around for the others noticing that he had gotten lost in the village.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

"Aye... treasure worth a thousand ships." Armand said, approaching the Casket without fear, glarign with hatred at what he saw.

"The Jayne Hourglass..." he sneered in triumph, throwign his arm down intot eh depths of the shadowy glare in the stone sarcaphagus. He planted hsi foto firmly ont eh edge and pulled it upwards, somethgin pullign back. a skeletal hand reached up and grabbed his shoulder, armand started laughing as it scratched and clawed in vain at his attempt at pulling out the object.

"IS OURS!" He declared, yanking out the gorgeous pearl studded gold hourglass. the glass itself was clear jade with many facets shining in the sparse light that swirled in this place. pearls dotted the left crest of it, and ornate stmapwork on the right. what made this thing special, was the twin dragons on its top and on its bottom. One was jade with ruby teeth biting the ornate handles, the other was ruby with jade teeth.

There was sudden stillness in the room as the powerful gale of energy fromt eh tomb subsided...but then teh stonesand skulls started to rumble.... and the place began to shake violently. a red light and smell of heat and smoke bellowed from the tomb. Armand grabbed the lid with one hand, clenching a face in the stone and yanked with all his might to shut the thing, the lid rattled as The spindley spaniard wrapped the large hourglass ( bigger than a a bowling ball in size AND weight) In a cloth and strapped it over his shoulder quickly.

"Ru, AKART! you devilish old wtihc, be your bones in this place adn your flesh dead, i DARE YE TO COEM AFTER ME!" he yelled at the tomb, laughing again.

"Hell's breaking open to chase the us mates, Let su take our leave!" he yelled, leading the way witht he torch in one hand, his other holding the hourglass strong to his side. he coudl feel the heat radiating from it.


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Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Amilio felt the blood leave his face as he saw the skeletal hand grasp Armand's shoulder. He was going to step in but Armand seemed to be having no difficulty with the arm and shortly broke free. Then it was time to run.

They ran through the twisting dank corridors back the way they came. Amilio could feel something different, he saw things moving in the darkness. They ran through what seemed like a foyer, it was more spacious than most of the corridors they had run through. Eben and Armand were already in the tunnel exiting the foyer on the other side when Amilio heard a shriek and a rushing wind. The shovel dropped from his hand and whipped his swords out at lightning speed to deflect the swooping outline of some creature flying down from the ceiling. The force of the impact knocked him back a couple of steps and a second form dropped from the ceiling as the first disappeared into the blackness. He couldn't tell much about what the creature looked like, it appeared to be hunched over at four feet tall and had wings maybe coming from it's arms, if it had arms. The things shoulder blades moved underneath scaly skin behind what looked like a mane around where he assumed the head was. Claws scraped against the ground as it dragged itself closer, it seemed to move like a bat but the shrieking, bone chilling wail it uttered was unearthly.

It wailed again and started a scuttling, scraping charge toward Amilio. He roared at the creature and charged at it. Something swung out from under the wings, Amilio deflected it with a clang and spun around to slice the creature in half but it scuttled backwards and hastily flew into the air. Suddenly he became very aware of clicking and rustling all around him. There were only a couple of chinks in the stone above and from what little light came through he saw glints coming off of teeth, claws, and eyes. Wails and shrieks were the only warning he had before they converged. Amilio could only react, he'd been in many frays before, but this time he was being attacked from all angles. They swooped down from above, they swung low, they were fast, they were numerous. Clangs and shrieks filled the foyer as Amilio used his twin blades to deflect attackers he could not even see. There was no time for him attack, he barely had time to dodge. He was driven to a side exit from the foyer, he didn't see it but knew it was there. Once he felt he was close enough to the doorway, he lashed out in all directions with his blades, spinning and swinging furiously becoming a shredding whirlwind to drive the creatures back for if only a moment. In that moment he threw himself through the doorway.

Fortunately for Amilio the creatures did not follow, they did not like swooping through narrow doorways it seemed. Unfortunately for Amilio there was no floor where he thought there was, and he fell through the darkness.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Above the island black clouds formed, blocking out the sun. A shadow crept across Kaymein, like an invisible hand drawing a curtain of gloom. The island changed in that moment. The previously sun drenched beaches turned gray. The brilliant blue water around the shores now washed on the beach in shades of deep crimson. The palm trees twisted and wilted, taking on the appearance of skeletal hands reaching up towards the sky in agony. Everything began to turn, like fruit left in the sun to rot.

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Then the shadow began to take shape. An omen of death hung in the sky above them, with scythe in hand riding on a chariot of Skulls.

The demons were upon them!

View attachment 5370It was a horrible sight to witness, however, what was even more terrifying were the Kaymenities. They also began to turn. An ancient blood line was brought back to the world of the living. They had been dormant for a thousand years, and now they wanted to take their revenge. From below the earth an, the sound of a million screaming voices erupted, followed by the low, non melodious chime of a death march. It's dull beat echoed up onto the surface of the island, permeating fear into the hearts of the crew.

Captain 9Lives watched, unable to comprehend the change that was taking place. He watched as a near by Kaymeinite began to twist and contort into a truly evil form. A demon, yes, that is the word he would have used to describe this. At that moment he realized that the trio had been successful in their mission, but he also realized that this might be the death of them all.

He drew his weapon, in his other hand the wooden handle of his pistol was grasped tightly, while his finger curled around it's metal trigger. He glanced silently at the crew mates near himself, his voice was frozen in his throat, unable to speak he gave one silent order by raising his sword above his head. That order said

'Fight for your lives'

Captain Claudius 9Lives, at that moment, did not expect to live through the encounter. And as he turned to face the hostile band of Demon warriors, he wished he had not let his greed consume. He knew now that when he died, he would have the blood of the crew on his hands for all eternity.

The demons attacked. Their movements left tracers of shadow behind, as their faces contorted into awful looks of rage and hate. The men were falling, some ran in fear only to be killed while trying to escape. Others fell to the ground, as the sand at their feel quickly turned red, littered with severed limbs and bodies.

The ones who awoken the great doom, sprinted towards the door. Two of these men greatly intertwined with the island, and no doubt feeling the power around them that they had no doubt, for their entire lives, felt within. Armand held within his grasp the secret to it all, the only thought in their minds was getting back to the ship. At any cost, they must get back to the Cutlass.

It may not have been apparent, but the Demons of the south seas, the Kaymenites, and the evil creatures in he crypt, could not leave the island.

The salvation of the crew lied within reaching the Cutlass.

Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Links shrugged at Scar, letting her know that he didn't mind helping out in any way.

"Candles, eh? A good barginin' chip. Everyone can use a candle."

Links followed Scarlet obediently. He hadn't an ounce of resistance for this woman. He'd probably follow her overboard, if she led him. It was odd, but the amount of trust she had in him had sparked a blaze of trust in Links' own heart.

Upon reaching the candles, Links would peruse the stock. He liked seeing all the different shapes and sizes of the candles. He like to see variety. This is what Links admired most about treasure, in general. It usually had variety. A chest full of gold doubloons isn't very impressive without some jewels or trinkets in there to spruce things up a bit, albeit a chest of gold doubloons is still wonderful nonetheless.

Links' thief instincts were poking at his head take one it won't kill ya. this one smells like rose petals, you love the smell of roses. Links wanted to take one candle, if for any reason simply for the thrill of the steal, but his intelligence prevailed over thieving tenancies and he put the rose scented candle in the box before talking to Scar.

"Tha one smelled like roses. I love th' smell o' fresh roses. Not very manly, but I guess ya can't 'elp wha' naturally pleases ya."

Scarlet beckoned for Links to come carry the full box. He nodded in compliance and strolled over to her. She made a remark about his strength, which caused Links' pride to rise.

"hahah! Well thank ya, I 'ave been smiffin' for some time now and it 'elps build strength! 'ere, allow me." Links spoke in a obviously fake and playful "manly tone" as he insisted that he carry the box by himself. He wouldn't take no for an answer. In a way, he felt like this was a small addition towards his payment of debt to Scar for freeing him.

Links would head back to 9Lives with the trade goods in hand. A crew member from the ship whom Links didn't know the name of, Tradewind, offered her assistance. "Ah thank ya, but I'll be just fine" Links smiled and nodded before continuing on his path.

"Oi! Cap'n! Candles abound!" Links was not met with a plesant sight, though. The captain was staring at a Kaymeinite as his body twisted and contorted wildly. There were others in the crowd...all of them looked alike in their motions. It was like come kind of Danse Macabre.

The captain raised his sword and Links dropped the box. He instinctively reached for his sword, but there was nothing there. He had been stripped of weapons. No matter...His fists would suffice, for now. He rushed over to the captain, who was already being assailed by a demon from his left flank. Links decided to take advantage of the demon's focus on 9Lives. Links sprinted as hard as he could at the demon, aiming to slide tackle it's legs and trip it up.

"Cap'n!" Links yelled as he rushed at the demon. Links' hat came off in the run and landed in the sand. No time to worry about that now. Links dropped low and slid right into the demon's legs. The unexpected blow caused the demon to stagger and fall, giving Links time to get up and make sure that 9Lives and Scar were OK. He glanced at the captain's then he looked towards Scar.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Armand was unsure of what to think in the next few seconds, as amilio flung himself throught he door infront of them, Armand felt compelled to do the same, but a surge of energy unseen to the eye was burstign through the place like a great raincloud torrent ready to consume him.

Armand was hit by a wall of pulsating fumes that slowed hsi step, robbing him of the ability to run. his next step hit him with another pulse, or rather.. the lack of his own. and the third step saw the blood rushign into the whites of his eyes as dark lines crept over his skin, NAY they forced their way through his very flesh like a crack on the barren desert soil.

Armand gasoed, unable to breath and Yelled out to Eben with his last flood of strength

"CARPENTER! TAKE THE HOURGLASS!" he siad, flinging the bundle of clothe and such at him. no doubt he woudl catch it... he had to catch it. Armand hit his knees and grabbed at his chest, willign his heart to beat again, robbed of his strength... stolen fromt he world of the living yet again.

'this.. can't be the end...what about... my revenge... my justice...what about... allt he girls I've never kissed?'

His thoughts went on for what seemed an hour in those few seconds. The blackness swallowed him too, leaving Eben near the exit of the cave.
Armands body already close to collapsing, slumped forward into the wicked grey sand.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Tabitha spent much of the time wandering around the island, wandering into the village and looking over everything that they had to offer. It was surprisingly plentiful for an island and she was becoming eager to find someone to trade with her. She found what seemed to be a weapons and armor maker and was quick to trot over to his shop, offering up her Helsink armor in return for another weapon. Though she did have the spear and dagger, she figured that someone as weak as her could never have to many weapons to keep herself safe. She was really trading for a bargain at this moment, she wanted him to take the armor more than anything else. The Man she was trading with gladly took it from her, mumbling something about melting it down. She didn't question his wishes, the less recognizable it was the better. In return she was given a small gauntlet of sorts, it having a hidden blade that would pop out with the flick of her wrist.

She smiled a bit to herself as the weapons maker observed her...well, his new armor. She left the man with a small thank you and a nod of her head, him smiling in return and giving a small wave before heading into his shop. She headed back to the ship, not having seen much else that had gotten her attention, she also wanted to get back to the ship so she could hide her other items of trade so she could save them for another time. As she got closer to the shore she couldn't help but notice the sky start to change. She then looked behind her as the first of the screams filled the air, the islander falling to the ground as their bodies cracked and twitched as they transformed into demons. Tabitha froze for a moment as a lovely woman who had been close to her changed into a monstrous creature, the ability to move slipping from her completely. She could only watch in fear as the creature charged toward her, ready to slice her to pieces...
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Deadeye was walking back towards the ship, or to his knowledge towards it. He had become somewhat lost and turned around in the small city and was attempting to find his way back with the help of the citizens. Once he was on the right path and things became familiar again a frightening shiver ran up his spine. Almost immediately after a tremor shook the whole island and the skies darkened. He could see the trees in the distance wilting and forming demonic looking things and as he watched them closely he hear something sickening behind him mutilating. Crunching bones and the sound of gargling blood enveloped his ears as he turned around and saw the villagers transforming in front of him.

Deadeye immediately pulled out his cutlass and cut down two of the approaching demons. As they fell to the ground he turned to run but noticed them standing right back up in the corner of his eyes.

"Aye aye! What the hell kind of beasts are these! I knew this was a terrible idea. OH god damnit captain why did you pursue this so fervently!"

While Deadeye was cursing to himself as he ran he saw Tabitha a little bit away from him as a villager was morphing in front of her. He could see Tabitha freezing up and unable to move so he rushed as fast as he could but knew he wouldn't reach her in time. He took his pistol out and aimed for the monsters head as best he could while trying to steady his arm from his sprinting. Once he was lined up he fired his gun reveling in the loud noise of gunfire and the smell of gunpowder. The monster fell to the ground momentarily and as he closed in it began to rise again until he stabbed it through where he figured the heart was.

"We have to go. NOW! Move your legs or we will all die! If we can make it to the ship i can blow these demons back to hell with the cannons! Quickly!"

Deadeye was in a mild panic as he grabbed Tabithas arm and pulled her into his arms as he continued his mad dash towards the ship while also attempting to keep the demons at bay.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

A finger was held up to Tradewind when she inquired about helping with their loads. As well, she made only a glance at Links when he was telling her about a rose scented candle. Something was amiss; Scarlet could feel it in her bones. Having traveled so long with 9Lives, she developed these ways of predicting something bad was about to happen. A noise triggered it this time... A feral sounding growl, to be exact.

"Prepare yerselves!" After her shout to the two crew mates, Scar withdrew her pistol and made a dash towards her Captain, not too far behind Links. She stopped, though. Stopped to take aim. In a swift motion, she raised her gun and fired a bullet at one of the transforming islanders charging towards 9Lives. It struck the poor soul directly between the eyes, making him collapse to the ground with a look of shock. She had no doubt that he may try to get back up. This was a strange sight... Something cursed was at work here.

Whilst putting her firearm away, Scar unsheathed her cutlass and moved closer to the battle scene. Protectively, she stood beside her Captain and scowled at the demons. "I'm here, Cap'n. Never will ye go inta battle alone."

Her sword shined with malice, yearning for the taste of blood. As she looked around for any sneaking enemies, she caught Links glancing in her direction. He was unarmed, still. Links was potent with fists alone, but she was still concerned about how long he could keep that up. Hastily, she searched her belt for a dagger she always kept on hand. It was one she took to replace the one she handed down to Tabitha, which had sentimental value. This one she handed to Links, she could bear to part with. Easily replaceable, too.

"Isn't much, but yeh need somethin'," she told him while tossing the sheathed weapon to him. When they made it back safely, she made a note to return his weapons to him.

"Now, en garde!" With a laugh, she rose her weapon into the air and brought it down on an approaching foe. They needed to hurry back to the ship, she knew. Scar decided to brave this mass, though. She wanted to watch the backs of those who were fleeing to safety. Slowly but surely, she kept a backwards pace towards the ship.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

As soon as Scar had sprung into action, along with the new guy who'd not even spared a moment to respond to Tradewind, Kaija was following close after them. Where before there had been friendly islanders, there seemed now to have changed into something far more monstrous. This threat was clearly substantial since without hesitation, Scar tossed the extra weapon she help to the new member of the crew who had previously not been allowed to hold a weapon.

Standing stunned near Scar's side, Tradewind finally got her wits about her and drew her pistol, firing it at one of the creatures before casting a wary look to the captain. The only people entirely unaccounted for were the men who'd never been with the main group to start and, Tradewind realized with a sinking feeling, Tabitha.

Tradewind thought her blood would run cold when she realized that Tabitha had been up toward the village, intent on exploring it. Mercifully, before Tradewind dashed into the demonic fray, she caught a glimpse of her friend and one of the men from the celebration running full pace to the ship. The pair dashed past her, in fact, and Tradewind breathed a sigh of relief. Turning to face the captain once more, no longer with her muscles taut and prepared to run straight into the danger, she could worry about the others now.

"Captain, have ye see Amilio and Eben? Are they safe?"
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Raising her head she heard something in the distance; it was almost like a high pitched scream. A shiver ran down her spine before she felt the ground beneath her feet shake. "Oh mother.." She cursed beneath her breath unsheathing the hidden blade within her booth. The black metal glinted in the sunlight as Anabel stood brandishing the small blade at whatever came her way. A woman that had admired her hair minutes before had morphed into a hideous beast and was running at Anabel while screeching. Blue eyes flashed in anger before she feinted to the left before quickly stepping to the right and pushing the blade between the <strike>womans</strike>demons eyes. Swallowing the bile rising in her throat Anabel yanked the blade from within the demons skin and turned quickly to slice another one's neck as it tried to attack her from behind. She couldn't tell the sex of them anymore; she simply fought for her life. As she was distracted, wrestling a tomahawk from another's hands as it attempted to bash her skull in, Anabel heard a screech from behind her. Kicking the one in front of her with the sole of her boot in the stomach she pulled the weapon from its hands and sliced its neck as well before turning just a second too late.

The demon that had come up behind her gripped her neck tightly squeezing while laughing widely; Anabels eyes were wide with fear as she felt its elongated nails dig into her skin. A trickle of blood slipped down her skin like tears as she gasped and choked for air. Remembering her weapons Anabel kicked out as hard as she could; hitting the demon in the knee. His grip loosened on her neck just enough for her to pull away and thrust her blood soaked blade into his chest. Gulping air into her lungs the rancid smell of the demon's blood around her filled her nose and made her gag again; it smelt worse than week old dung. Noticing her fellow crewmates racing to reach the ship; Scar, Tradewind, Links, and the others fighting for their lives as well Anabel began to move towards them. Before she could get close enough the first demon that had attacked her walked into her path and growled at her. Astounded at the appearance of the woman again Anabel gasped before choking on the smell of the creature.

Suddenly a rage she had never known to exist within her being took over Anabel's body and turned her blood to molten lava within her veins. Growling back in frustration Anabel readied herself for its attack as violence surrounded. "Oh bloody hell; don't ye evah die ye hijo de puta asquerosa?" As the demon charged towards Anabel she held the tomahawk into the air and charged towards it as well. Swinging her arm down with strength unknown to herself Anabel hit the demon in the head at an angle. The skull shattered and brain matter splattered across Anabel's arm, face, and torso. Gagging in disgust she staggered backwards as it fell to the ground cradling its head and wailing in pain. She wondered if it would actually die now. Searching the ground for other weapons she saw a discarded sword and snatched it up stomping towards the still wailing demon. She wanted it to shut up. Swinging the blade down with both hands after sticking the blade and tomahawk into her belt Anabel severed the head from the body and kicked it away. Glancing up she began to run towards the water and boats her chest aching from the exertion. As her feet splashed water around her legs she stopped and stared at the scene on the beach; it was like hell on earth.

Feeling a trickle of something running down her side Anabel glanced down and saw crimson staining her shirt making it stick to her body. A shaking hand reached down and pulled the fabric away; she had been cut and hadn't realized it. Swallowing she looked up at her fellow crewmates a silent scream caught in her throat as the scene tilted and swayed. What was wrong with her sight? Reaching up a bloodied hand touched her head. She was covered in blood, her own blood and demon blood. Stumbling she tried to walk towards one of the boats before realizing a group of <strike>villagers</strike>demons were standing at the water's edge; pacing back and forth and growling at her. Looking down and then back up at them as they shied away from the water she realized they couldn't reach it. But then she realized she was covered in blood and standing in water that was most likely filled with sharks. Grumbling at herself, Anabel continued to stagger towards the longboats still in the water she needed to help somehow. "Aye! They can'na leave tha island! Get ta tha ship!" She bellowed towards her crewmates; cupping her hands around her mouth only hoping that they would hear her and bloody listen to her.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

"This es ridiculoso." armand thought, lost in himself. the swirls of colors and sounds that met him made him reel in pain, cuppig his hands to his temples.

"This... this is their power... their curse. how could i have been so blinded." he growled, his vocie raising to a yell.

"Bastardos!... they shared theri curse with me didn't they.. no.. its not that simple." he felt nothingness. no sensation, no touch, no no smell, no temperature or sight or sound. he knew he existed. that was about it. but before that, he knew there was water all around him.. or was it blood? he was uncertain of everything around him.

But more than anything, he was uncertain as to why he was so enraged at he kaymenites, when they were victims all this time. enslaved to a horde of demons by ancestors desperate for power. Nothing on thsi island woudl ever be the same now.

"Bastardos!" he belched out, uncertain where the sound came from.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Everything happened so fast. He was at the fringes of the villagers, before all of them suddenly morphed into hideous demons. The weather beaten eyes of Kael widened at the sight of this - This wasn't suppose to happen, not for a long time. Did the appearance of these "traders" cause this? He was lucky he didn't merge into the midst of the natives, he would be in huge trouble, if he had. Turning around on his heel to face the demons, Kael saw from his peripheral vision the traders running back to their ship - Most of their kind was intact, and they were good at fighting. Definitely not traders.

A group of five demons had morphed completely, and they had seen Kael. Recognizing him as an outsider, they charged at him, bloodthirsty and eager to satiate it. Claws outstretched and fangs bared, they were truly a fearsome sight. A sight that would make any average, grown man tremble in fear.

Except ..

Kael was no ordinary man.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death," Kael paused and flipped his heavy warhammer back to his hand. He drew it back and swung it into the chest of the first demon that reached him, crushing it's chest and at the same time, it's demonic heart.

These abdominations. They did not deserve to live. They were the spawn of the Devil. He was the Hand of God. He shall vanquish the evil.

"I will fear no evil," Kael growled under his breath, as he spun upon his heel to gain momentum and deal a blow, imploding the skull of the next one that reached him - It stood there and shook from side to side, first, the body unsure of what it was supposed to do, then it hit the ground, stone dead.

"For thou art with me," The momentum of the blow had carried him 180 degrees, his back now facing the next demon. Closing his eyes, he knelt down to the ground to brace for impact before he thrust the spiked end of his warhammer back, impaling the next demon through the chest.

"Thy rod and thy staff," Letting the dead body of the third demon slide off the end of the warhammer's handle, before he swept the legs of the fourth demon out from under it, sending it crashing onto the dusty turf, bringing up a cloud of dust. It was finished with a single blow to the head again, crushing it's head in and deforming it even moreso.

"They comfort me." The prayer was complete - Kael hurled his body leaping up into the air as the final demon's claws met clean air under him, before it looked up and met the gaze of the evangelical paladin. It raised it's arms in pitiful, futile defense from the warhammer and it was crushed to the ground completely.

Even with the Paladin's legendary strength and the power of God behind him, Kael understood that he was merely mortal. He had to escape - And no matter who the people on the ship were, he had to go with them. However, he noted that the demons had paused by the waterside, somewhat of a border which they could not cross. He would have to break that line, to get to the longboats that the traders had used to traverse through shallow water.

The name of the Lord upon his lips, Paladin charged at the bulk of demons that blocked his way to the water. Their claws and fangs found no purchase upon his thick plate armour, though a few lucky ones manage to score a line of scratches on his face and various unarmoured parts of the body. A loud roar was coupled with a giant heave, and the demons that had piled up around him was thrown back by the force of the hammer. He didn't care about killing them now. If it went on like this, he would go down to their bulk of numbers and sheer exhaustion.

Ignoring the burning of the muscles in his body, Kael charged out, swinging his hammer left and right in order to clear a path to the water. Finally, he had reached the water, and he saw the girl standing in the water, screaming out to her crewmates that were still on the island. Sliding the handle of his warhammer back down his back, Kael removed the rifle that he kept strapped to his back.

When he reached the girl, he said in a serious, gravelly voice, "I would like passage on your ship, please."

Standing right next to the girl, Kael removed a small handful of shot from his pouch and put all except one into his mouth. He put that single one into the carriage of his rifle, and raised it to his shoulders. Holding onto his faith to calm himself, Kael spotted a demon about to strike the back of one of the traders - He didn't know who, then he fired. The smell of gunpowder and the crack that resonated resulted in the demon falling to the ground, temporarily stunned.

Before long, he had already spat a second bullet into the carriage of the rifle as he raised it to his shoulders, scanning the place for anymore to save.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Links gladly took the dagger. He looked like a professional with that weapon. It was one of his specialties, best when paired with a sword. Links nodded in thanks to Scar who had just displayed an even deeper trust for him that Links could have hoped for, she gave him a weapon.

With his new instrument in hand, Links was ready to defend. He was an agile fellow, some of these demons were very sluggish in their movements, some were faster. The one's around Links and company were more or less a bunch of zombie-like creatures a few other demons were mixed in as well. It was odd to see, it was frightening, but not frightening to the point of mindless terror. One must keep their wits about them in this type of situation, or else face imminent death.

Links clenched his new dagger in his right hand as a demon lunged at him, barring his teeth and leading with his claws. Links swung his left hand out quick and grabbed one of the demon's claws as he stabbed his dagger the other. He push kicked the being into the horde as he heard yelling from a little ways down the coast. "Aye! They can'na leave tha island! Get ta tha ship!"

Links looked at the few crew members left around the captain. Many were giving their lives at this very moment to keep the beasts away from the captain, or hold them at bay. Links didn't see a definite end to these monsters, a tactical retreat was necessary. It was terrible to have to cut your losses and retreat, but it was a lot better than dying.

"Oi! We got'a get back to th' ship! We'll die against these numbers! C'mon!" Links yelled as he started slowly backing up towards The Cutlass. He wouldn't flee if his crew mates didn't make an attempt to flee as well.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

Amilio had not been unconscious for long. His shoulder, back and head ached, having landed mostly on his side the damage to his head was not severe. Quickly he sat up, the world wobbled, he picked up his blades and swung them around at anyone who might be attacking. There was no one. From the corner of his eye he saw movement and then felt a presence. Amilio's heart leaped and he slashed his swords to his left. But there was only a statue. From what little light there was Amilio could see the statue was ancient looking, chipped and cracked. It was a humanoid with it's legs drawn up to it's chest with his hands resting on it's knees, sitting on a pedestal. It was crudely made, he couldn't make out any details about the face and the head was just simply rounded.

Relieved but creeped out he lowered his swords, yet he could not shake the feeling of a presence. Looking up Amilio realized he wouldn't be able to climb back the way he'd fallen, which really wasn't that much of a problem because there was a sloping, crudely carved tunnel opposite the statue. Upon feeling the slight breeze he started down the tunnel.


Amilio stopped in his track, the hair on his neck standing straight up. Slowly turning around he looked at the statue. It was looking at him. The eye hole didn't blink, the statue didn't move, but it was looking at him
You have lost someone very precious to you, unfairly at that. How would you like to have your father back again?

Blood running cold, heart pounding, memories of his father streamed into his mind. The last one of his father, dead in his arms. "Why would you help me?" Amilio demanded of the statue, the feelings it had caused him to feel making him angry. "What price do you expect of me?"

I can see the pain in your heart clear as if you were bleeding. Your swordplay is magnificent, and envied by those you cannot see. Leave your swords here, your skill with them, and leave this grotto. Your father will be returned to you as he once was.

Amilio shook slightly, the thought of having his fath
er back almost made him agree instantly. But he shook his head. "I need my skill with the blade to get vengeance on the man who killed my father" The statue was undeterred by his feeble argument.

Is vengeance worth more to you than your father's life?

It wasn't. Amilio dropped his swords in front of the statue, and left the grotto.
Re: Galleon of the Black Mast

"and d'just where...*wheeze* do you think... YOU are going?" Came a pained voice. Armand turned around and was suddenly aware of his surroundings again. somethgin was very wrong. his body felt... strange. his jaw hurt, but he was standing In the depths of the cave, somewhere unfamiliar.

"Away from this estupido place." he yelled out. the walls were still crumbling, the place was still beating.. beating liek a heart around him. he lifted his left arm to shield his eyes from debris fallign from the ceiling.

"Remember, ZARAST.... remember your purpose...*wheeze* you... serve...*wheeze* US!"

He fell to his knees agian, clutchign his breast. there was somethign tuggign on his heartstrings like a thousand daggers picking at his flesh at once.

"NO!!.. I am free of you!" he bellowed, tears of blood staingin his eyes red. 'I AM NOT YOUR MONSTER... I REFUSE!" he sobbed, fangs growign from his canines and his hair, red to start with turnig a deeper crimson with scarlet accents. his back cracked and he coudl feel the metamorphosis that the thousands of vilalgers had experienced changing him... btu he was conscious... he was whole... for now.

"I AM NOT YOUR PUPPET!!!" he roared, a three toned voice of monsterous proportions bellowing loudly from the dark energy swirlign abotu him. It echoed through the chambers of the sunken temple caern, and out onto the ocean.

That odious Roar of doom, wafted like the roar of a thousadnd cannons down to the village, and several, if not all the demons, paused a moment to hear the wail of a demon pierce the ears of the cutlass crew.

"does your heart * wheeze* Quiver, ARmand?" the voice said. and all was silent in Armands mind. for he was no longer himself.
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