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- One man seeks work and ends up working with a crew of cannibalistic circus performers. There is one performer that is different from the rest and ends up taking an interest in the newcomer. Will this man end up accepting his place in this twisted circus or want to escape?

Allegretto La' Caz
2 1
Ciel, his birth name Allegretto, grew up in a fairly high class family. It was the typical family order; mother, father, and older brother. He remembers being close with his mother, his father being a workaholic, and his older brother Calais was basically always looking up to father. His father was a rough man. He was hard on both his sons, especially Ciel. Ciel wasn't interested in working for his father's company. Since Calais was older, he would be taking father's spot as had. Father was also rough with his wife. Ciel wouldn't forget the moments of how she would just smile and pretend her bruises were nonexistent.
Ciel clung to his mother and his mother did the same. She was a petite woman was gorgeous raven hair and the most enchanting blue eyes. Genetically, Ciel took most of his mother's features and he was grateful during those years since he was bitter towards his father. She always pretended that things in the house were in order. The cleaning, cooking, and even her marriage. Despite having a few house keepers, she still worked to keep her mind of things as gardening became a new hobby for her, along with Ciel. There was one thing that always bothered her though.
Ciel's father had women, but their was one particular mistress that stayed in the picture. Mother knew about it, and chose to stop fighting and accept it. It was strange to Ciel though. When he had turned six he witnessed something that he would never forget.
By the hands of his own mother, his father's blood was painted all over them. She had snapped. All the physical and emotional abuse was too much for her. It's still a bit blurry, but he remembers standing by the door of his parent's door crying due to shock and confusion. A lot of screaming and crying too. He remembers that his mother panicked and grabbed both his brother and him as they left their manor.
The life of living with just mother did not last long as within the two years of her hiding from her crime, she went completely mad. She wasn't the same woman with high spirits. Even the fake smiles she did back home weren't as bright. Calais hated mother and somehow his relationship with his brother began to deteriorate as Calais shut himself out of their lives and even went to leaving them both without a word. Mother only got worse and due to her losing herself she had committed suicide. Despite being eight at the time, Ciel couldn't bring himself to cry. His mother committed a selfish act. She left him alone in this world. His brother and father also left him to be alone. His mother was a fool, but he did soon forgive her in his late teen years.
Although, Ciel chose to forget about his family and become his own person. His father and brother were dead to him. If anyone were to ask, he has neither. He changed his name and dyed his hair as he went on with his new, but damaged life.
Working at multiple businesses to keep living and constantly living was not an ideal lifestyle for Ciel. His faithful moment of calling that ringleader at the circus that was currently visiting his areas was a great chance to jumpstart his life. Though, Ciel became this hostile and quiet man, he can now be at peace within himself. This was one step forward.
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