For things that go Bump in the night

  • Thread starter Adrias Summerset
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Mrs. Briggs freezes for a moment, but she never minded the flame, nor Adrias' changing appearance. She continued her discussion, even if everyone started noticing the scent.

Livius ran to the Cafeteria, and there, he saw a bright yellow flame surrounding... something. A beast of seven feet high and weight of eternal heaviness. It had fangs bared, it was silver in color, and it started wrecking the chairs and tables, and even scared the people behind the counters. He didn't know what to do in that horrifying moment.
Isah backed away from the new person replacing Summerset. He was much older looking and had a bad aura about him. She was backing up and tripped over her own desk leg and fell to the ground knocking over her desk sending her spell book skittering off the ground. She lay on the ground hurt from the fall slightly and still stunned from the new person. She could not form words and scooted to a wall helping herself up. "Who are you?" she says looking at the new person.
"Names Adrias, every weak ling of a mage gets a Magik spirit and thats me, oh did i mention my HellHound is tearing up the cafeteria? its to bad i can start the blaze but can't put it out. Peace Love" Summersets Magik spirit reforms to normal, Summerset passed out on his spell book, not breathing
Standing in the doorway to the cafeteria, her lips parted slightly at the sight of the flaming beast. Er... maybe I was right? She stepped forward and crouched behind a table, peering over it at the boy and the other. Her sensed had instantly told her the situation was not well, and it would be best to just disappear, though she had ignored such feelings and decided to watch.
(Oh, that's [not] cool. Are we battling it or what?)

Livius stood there, frozen in the moment, as it continued to bash other things in the cafeteria.
Suddenly, it cocked its head in a girl's voice's direction, "Let's go in there!" it said. The beast froze for a moment but went back to its business, thrashing tables and food that the place was a MESS.
Juku took notice to the smell and sight of smoke. It didn't bother him too much, keeping his eyes peeled for anything that might start catch a blaze. Sticking with Ciana, he could see her attention span was small. Exploring every bit of the kitchen while he just followed slowly behind her. None of the kitchen's toys interested him, he was solely here for food and food only. He began to casually but yet, quickly search all the possible places they could hide anything edible. By the time he was finished looking through every possible spot, he came to realize Ciana completely wrecked the place. "This will go over well.." Muttering to himself hearing her finding a huge lock. Juku eyed the lock before even getting close to it..Not wanting to get locked inside he held back. "I'll stay here..You can go in if you'd like." It's not that he was afraid of it, it was just one of those possible situations he didn't wish to be in.
Lenore couldn't believe this was all happening. Summerset's Magik spirit in the school? And Isah was the closest to Summerset... who didn't seem like Summerset at all.
"Isah," she called out, "stay away from him!" For she knew what would happen if Isah stayed where she was.
Ash felt appending danger. He then teleported to the source of fire. He felt the presence of the other fey. He quickly teleported to her, grabbed her by the waist, and took her to the dorms.

"Sorry, I had to get you out of there before anything happened to you." He then grinned at her a wicked, yet warm grin.
I sat in the cafeteria as it burst into flames. It was mildly amusing, but I had seen worse. And this would possibly cancel classes, or trap the annoying girl in the kitchen. Either way, it was a win for me. I got up from the table and yawned, pouring a circle of salt around me from a purple silken bag. I then stepped out, and made a pentagram with the remaining salt. I then places small gems at each point, and an icy flash brought forth a skeleton that had icicles hanging from it, and who's very presence made it several degrees cooler. "You called, master?" It hissed. I nodded, and pointed to the door. "I need to get there. Deal with it." The creature nodded, and turned in that direction, and tilted its body back, as if breathing. It then released a jet of air so cold, the fire was out, and the steam it released into the air was frozen solid, only in a path just wide enough for me to walk through, however. I dismissed the demon and walked out of the cafeteria unharmed.
The room was several degrees colder, and that guy was muttering something to a skeleton. Livius didn't know whether to call him a coward or pretty smart.
He also was weirded out by its resemblance to the mage in class. Grey eyes and silver hair, or something like that. But he knew how to tame beasts.

Livius jumped on the back of the flaming beast, not caring if he'd burn because the cloak was a protective one, and pulled at a chain attached to it. It was like a rodeo-- beastie style.
"Isah runs over to Summerset and listens for breathing. None. He is going to die or something if we do not help him. Isah thought to herself. Well apparently nobody cares enough to pay attention so she pulled him out of his chair and laid him on the floor. She then stood and grabbed her spell book. She quickly flips through it to find something to do about the current situation. She can not find a thing and begins to panic. "What do I do?"
Isah turns to look to see who yelled for her to stay away. She sees Lenore and shakes her head no. "I have to do something" (ooc: post above is part of this post)
Abruptly the future changed. Lenore saw Isah approach Summerset and check her book, but they didn't know what to do. She was still frozen in shock.
She was taken by surprise as she was grabbed and taken to the dorms. She quickly took some steps away, and looked to the character who had kidnapped her from the scene. Niko almost glared at the person. "What?" She uttered, insulted. "Nothing would have happened to me. I can take care of myself, thank you very much." She growled under her breath, crossing her arms loosely.
The chain is broken from Livius' hanging onto, and he falls to the floor.
But he gets up and finds some useless-made-useful chain hanging around and jumps around, wrapping it around the beastie. Its fire was dying down, though.

If the beast WAS related to Summerset, then this could be his lifeline. If Livius killed this beast, it could possibly be the end of Summerset's life.

Livius instead tamed the beast by talking to it in a foreign language. It growled, then grunted, then lay down on the Cafeteria floor.
The beast Roars, flames bursting from every pore in its huge body, the room temperature raised to about 120 degrees, it throws Livius off, the beast charges the ice Spirit, The ice spirts feet dig in the ground, his face melting slowly trying to hold the Beasts horns. Summerset coughs smoke. "I..Need..too..get..the beast..back.." He coughs and crawls to the door"I..Need..too..contain it..only the owner..can put the blaze out..if not...ill..ill die.
Isah return to looking through her book and decides to try a spell. It was a strong spell that would take up most of her energy. Though she knew she had to help him. She had only seen this spell done never actually used it but she knew what she needed to do. She clasped her hand around Summerset's and she closed her eyes muttering words for the spell. She then opened her eyes. They were glowing brightly and her hair and clothes blew around as she did the spell. Still speaking witch tongue she takes her free hand and places it on Summerset's chest. To finish the spell she says two final words. "Pass Through" when translated. Then a large light burst from around Isah and flew up in the air circling Summerset. The light then formed into a large ball of energy and shot down into Summerset's body. Making him glow brightly. After this Isah passes out from loss of energy.
The intense heat is suffocating him, but Livius runs to Summerset in time to hear him say those words about the beast.
"It's intense in there! Are you SURE you can take it on?!" he asks Summerset. "I heard your words."
(ooc: my past post takes place before Isah's)

Livius felt some life coming back to Summerset. He could feel it in Summerset's pulse-- it was getting faster and it was pounding through his shirt.
Ciana turned to Juku, grinning. "It's ok, you can come too." She said, her eyes glancing at the thick acrid smoke that was now creeping in through the door to the cafeteria. Fire didn't bother her, in fact, she found it soothing. It didn't cross her mind that it might be dangerous to her – in fact, she started walking back towards the door to see what was going on.

In a flash she was in the dormrooms. She blinked, not at first understanding the teleportation that took place. Her head turned and met Ash's gaze. Ciana grinned. "You saw the fire too? Was it the sick elf?" she asked, then realised exactly what had happened. The kitchen was in such a mess and Juku was stuck there to deal with it.

"Why didn't you say you were playing a trick on Juku?" she asked with a lopsided grin, "he's still in the kitchen."