For the Love of Music ♪♫

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Name;; Zeon Mason
Nickname;; DJ Zeon
Age/Birthday;; Oct 3rd, 1997
Gender;; Male
Personality;; Zeon, of course, LOVES MUSIC. He mostly adores dubstep and piano and all other sub-genres of dubstep, and is very inspired by it. He, like lots others, is very kind and innocent and he is VERY confident about life and his career. His biggest dream is to become big in his best genre.
Looks;; Has dark brown hair; seemingly black but in the sunlight, it's brown. It also reaches to his eyebrows, much like an anime character. He is 5'6 in height, and usually wears a leather jacket topped with jeans. He has a caramel tan from playing outside so much in is childhood. Skinny and athletic.
History;; Zeon was born to a White mother and an Asian father. Since he was little, Zeon loved music. After a few years, he searched on youtube when he was 9, and found a genre called Dubstep, and curiously clicked it. He was suddenly mesmerized in the deep wubs and drops and synths, and from that day forwards, he wanted to make this music. After getting himself a laptop and FL Studio for his 11th birthday, he experimented and made a very cool tune. He posted it on YouTube and he got all sorts of positive comments from people. Realizing people liked his music, he was inspired and when he turned 16, he decided to go to this school to both continue learning and improve his abilities.
Likes;; Dubstep, bass drops, cold and warmth, jokes
Dislikes;; flies, bullies, and straight up *ssholes.
Pet(s);; None.
Theme Song;;
Other;; Likes fruits
I'm just requesting a Dubstep themed-character :D
Name;; Zeon Mason
Nickname;; DJ Zeon
Age/Birthday;; Oct 3rd, 1997
Gender;; Male
Personality;; Zeon, of course, LOVES MUSIC. He mostly adores dubstep and piano and all other sub-genres of dubstep, and is very inspired by it. He, like lots others, is very kind and innocent and he is VERY confident about life and his career. His biggest dream is to become big in his best genre.
Looks;; Has dark brown hair; seemingly black but in the sunlight, it's brown. It also reaches to his eyebrows, much like an anime character. He is 5'6 in height, and usually wears a leather jacket topped with jeans. He has a caramel tan from playing outside so much in is childhood. Skinny and athletic.
History;; Zeon was born to a White mother and an Asian father. Since he was little, Zeon loved music. After a few years, he searched on youtube when he was 9, and found a genre called Dubstep, and curiously clicked it. He was suddenly mesmerized in the deep wubs and drops and synths, and from that day forwards, he wanted to make this music. After getting himself a laptop and FL Studio for his 11th birthday, he experimented and made a very cool tune. He posted it on YouTube and he got all sorts of positive comments from people. Realizing people liked his music, he was inspired and when he turned 16, he decided to go to this school to both continue learning and improve his abilities.
Likes;; Dubstep, bass drops, cold and warmth, jokes
Dislikes;; flies, bullies, and straight up *ssholes.
Pet(s);; None.
Theme Song;;
Other;; Likes fruits
Eeeesh! You're supposed to take the saxophone so we can close sign-ups and get this RP going! ;D
I don't play saxophone and I can't read notes ;_; I make dubstep much better irl :D
I don't play saxophone and I can't read notes ;_; I make dubstep much better irl :D
So? I have no clue how to play the harp. Anyway, I was partially, not really I'm quite angry jesting. :P
Its ok, if no takes the Saxophone spot ill take its as a temporary character till someone want him. Someone can take the female because I cant handle more then 2 characters.
Is it possible just to leave off the saxophone and go with Zeon as the fourth male?
Jolene Dalora Fray ~ The Quiet Pianist ~ Female​

Jolene sighed as she got of the plane. Seven hours between a big man who slept and farted the hole time, and a little kid who talked and talked and talked. If Jolene didn't have her iPod her ears would have ran away. She was happy to be on land again but didn't really show it. She went through the airport and saw a man holding a sign with her name on it. She walked up and he looked down at her. "Jolene Fray?" he asked and she nodded "Ok this way." He said and she fallowed. They took a cab and headed for the school. It was about a 2 hour drive there. The town they were in was very small but was nice. The school was very noticeable though. It was a popular school that not many were able to get into. I was a big music school call Jefferson's Music Academy. Being in a small town was good for it, most schools were in big loud city's but you need quiet for music.

When they made it to the school the man jumped out quickly and opened Jolene's door. She was a little surprised but she guess that's what they do. She stepped out and went to the truck and started grabbing her things. They had dorms that they would be staying in but she thought it was crazy that everyone got their own room. The man helped and showed her to the dorms that were co-ed. She bit her lip and went to her room, number 569. The man told her that if she needed anything that he would be around so to just look for him, and that she was free to explore the campus. When he left Jolene decided to walk around.

The school was large, it took her a while to figure out where everything was. Classes were simple, mainly about music, but they had math, science, language arts and all that. The second floor was mainly practice rooms and most were classes. 2 people of the same instrument had the same instructor that would teach them more about the instrument they played and teach them new songs. Jo's instructor was Mr. Lee and the person she would share the instructor with was a guy named Marcus.
*News Feed Updated*
It was late in the evening-- or early in the morning. There was no clock in this hall-way. Was this a hallway? The male had doubted him ever being in that part of school before. They walked on, one hand holding a drumstick (the other one in his back pocket), and the other hand holding a coffee. It had been cold out, but not terribly. It was cold enough to wreck the hull of a normal drum, but not enough so to replace it. The male took a long sip, and sighed into oblivion.

He had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

So it goes. Joseph walked down the hallway that he was foreign to and twirled his stick between his fingers leisurely. He had no clue what time it was, or if there was any time at all. Time was just a concept that he decided to follow only when he was playing, but other times, he couldn't tell a Monday from a morning. It wasn't like he had gone to sleep yet or anything.

Another sip. Another sigh.

Joe soon found himself in a familiar part, and a small smile played on his lips. There on the wall was a clock, and there on the clock was the face, and there on the face was the time. It read sometime after four in the morning, and Joe croaked. Well, that was a new record. He stood in place for a minute, stroking his four o'clock shadow with his drumstick and sipping at his coffee. He decided not to sleep just quite yet. Joe continued on, twirling and sipping and sighing and contemplating time once more.

Twirling and sighing led him back towards his dorm-room, 196, where he decided to stay there till it was class time. Because of this, he had about three and a half hours to kill before anyone would want to go to class. His room was a mess with books and sticks, both of which could be broken in half or in one piece, but the only thing that had order was his station. His station was a small section of his room devoted to his drum-kit and books on the subject. In the corner was a humble book-shelf and many-a book, along with sticks of which were unbroken and a music stand that has seen brighter days. But finally, was the most perfect drum-set that you have ever laid eyes on.

But the moment he sat on chair, his head hit the snare and he was fast asleep. His long day wasn't so long as of yet, simply because it didn't start.
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Anastasia had just got done getting a rather quick shower when she heard a knock on her door. Without an answer, the knocker walked in, making her quickly hide. "Dammit Brie!" she yelled before sighing softly, calming herself down. She couldn't help but laugh at her sister's antics. Okay, they weren't biologically sisters, but they acted like it. Ana gave her friend a quick hug before going to her closet, truly having no idea what to wear. Once she decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple baby blue, fitted wife-beater, she laid them out and pulled out her box of blue hair dye to match her shirt. She put in several streaks before blow drying her hair, allowing it to fall in gorgeous soft, natural curls. She got dressed quickly and slid on her baby blue converse before doing her makeup fairly quickly.when she finished, she pulled her suitcases out of her closet and made sure she had everything she would need. Brianna, or Brie as Ana would call her, offered to take the luggage to her black camaro with no argument from Anastasia. Kneeling down, she picked up a fairly small cage with two bunnies, still not fully grown. "You girls ready?" she asked rhetorically with a smile caressing her features as she cautiously took them out of the room. She walked out of the house without a word, looking back once before getting in the passenger seat as Brie got into the driver's seat. Ana pulled Lana out of the cage and stroked her fur gently as they pulled off and headed towards the school.

The car drive was a total of four good hours from home, but it was still fun. When they pulled up to the school, Anastasia couldn't help but gape in awe at the size of the building. She looked down at Daisy who was now in her hands before putting her back inside gently and closed the cage door. After spending five minutes watching them interact, she got out and went to the trunk, pulling her suitcases out. Brie joined her and they shared a long emotional hug before pulling away after a few minutes. After a kiss on the cheek, friendly of course, Ana walked into the building with her items, and balls of fluff, in tow. She had to say she was kind of happy about the single dorms. It offered more privacy. She nervously walked to her dorm, room 375, and entered, seeing the white walls, white sheets on the bed...whit everything pretty much. That's gonna change soon. She shook her head and sat the cage down, letting the bunnies out so they could run around the room for a bit while she unpacked. She finished soon enough and put down a bit of food and water for Lana and Daisy. Once they finished, she picked them each up, as well as her iPod and headphones, and walked out of the room. She was soon at the entrance once again and walked over to a large oak tree, sitting and leaning against it as she started listening to her music, humming along softly, as the bunnies ran and hopped and played around.
A digitized rendition of Vivaldi's "Spring" rudely snatched Kyla from her sleep. One hunter green eye opened to catch the time on the blaring alarm next to her bed. Oof, is it really seven already? Kyla fumbled over the sheets and nightstand with one hand and eventually her palm made contact with the off button. That taken care of, she snuggled under the covers and blinked her eyes slowly to convince them to stay open. But... something wasn't right. Kyla lifted her head up a bit from her pillow to look around her room. It was white. It was empty. It definitely wasn't her bedroom. Bolting upright in a blind panic, Kyla clutched the sheets to her chest and wildly scanned the room for heart monitors, IV poles, and the call button for the nurse. Her heart pounded in her chest. Had she been rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night? Why wasn't she on a drip? Slowly it dawned on her. College. Her parents had dropped her off yesterday. This was a dorm room. Sinking back into bed, Kyla tugged the covers over her head and closed her eyes, relief pouring through her veins. The rest of the students will be arriving today. She peeked at her alarm clock over her comforter. It wasn't getting an earlier. Guess I really should get up.

After several agonizing minutes of figuring out how to maneuver around her room in her wheelchair without bumping into anything and several more agonizing minutes fighting to get her sundress to lay right and cover her legs, Kyla was ready to roll. She ran a quick brush through her short hair and slipped on a simple mermaid crown for a headband, not bothering to put shoes on. A single-dimpled smile formed on her face. It wasn't like she'd be walking anywhere today. The tiny girl grabbed a couple of scores from her bookshelf, tucking them under the deadweight of her legs to secure them, and rolled out into the hallway.

The campus was huge, but not unbearably so for Kyla. She cut across campus as much as she could, being confined to the sidewalks, and pulled up to the building with the practice rooms. Thankfully the building was equipped with a handicap button, which Kyla promptly punched. A short elevator ride brought her to the right floor and she meandered down the hallway, searching through each window for Padraig's unmistakeable case. She couldn't wait to caress his smooth wood again and dance her fingers across his strings. It made her grin just thinking about it.

Ah, there he was! Kyla entered the practice room and immediately set to work freeing Padraig from his case.
Zeon was drooling. In his bed, and on his pillow. His mom woke him up 20 minutes earlier, but he went back to sleep as he always did. His fans on YouTube were happy, he was happy, and he was going to a very well-known school. ''Oh, darn it, Zeon! When will you drop that habit? You've gotta get to your new school!'' his mom said, exasperated. ''What? Oh.'', said Zeon, drowsily. An O formed on his mouth and he rolled off his bed and onto his feet. Running to the shower, he opened the door, closed it, and took a shower, brushed his teeth, got out of the bathroom, dressed up, and packed his laptop, recording gear, and clothes. ''Alright, let's go, mom!'', said Zeon, excitedly. He grabbed his car keys, and ran outside. Unlocking the door, he saw his mom walking out. ''Okay, let's go, son.'' ''Okie dokie! I can't believe I got in though... That place is pretty prestigious.'' ''Both your father and I are very proud of you, Zeon. You got this far, now get farther!'', said his mom with a smile on her face. ''Well, what are we waiting for? I gotta go!'' He stepped on the gas and drove towards the Sacramento airport. Soon he was going to be a large musical arts school with a bunch of people he didn't know on the other half of the US.

After a 1 and a half hour drive, he left his hometown of Stockton and was at the airport. Waving good-bye to his mother, he looked at the place and sighed. Walking with his luggage inside, he went to the TV that displayed the outgoing planes. ''Hm. There! Sacramento, California to Kokoneno, Missouri... Gate A6.'' After giving his luggage to the airport, he ran to the elevator and to the specified gate. ''A2, A3, A4, A5, aha! A6.'' Walking towards the plane, he gave the person standing behind the counter his ticket and walked inside. He chose a seat next to the window, and sat down. Waiting in his seat, the pilot had made the announcement he'd been waiting for. ''Attention, passengers. We are going to land in Kokoneno, Missouri shortly. Please remain seated until we land.'' ''YES YES YES YES YES YEeeee-what?'' He turned to the aisle to see pretty much half of the plane staring at him. ''Oh. Yeah, sorry.'', said the young musician out of embarrassment. He turned off his laptop and waited for landing.

After the plane landed, Zeon grabbed his luggage and looked around. Well, you're here, man! Let's get to the exit. Listening to the voice in his head,
he walked to the exit and pulled out a note from his pants. The note said : (Here's the number for your Uncle Aaron, Zeon. He lives near the airport. He'll drive you to your new school!
923-2862) Whoa, Uncle Aaron? Oh yeah, he moved here a year ago. Pulling his phone from his pants, he dialed the number and waited for his uncle to pick him up.
Ioria and his GD (granddad as he called him) got to the airport safe and sound. The flight was quiet, his GD slept all the while and the boy could listen to his favourite playlist: Jpop... people generally laughed at his musical tastes but he, for one, loved those singers who could reach high and low notes, furthermore, when he covered them with his violin, those same people didn't want to laugh anymore and the result was awsome... or so they said. On the way to get their luggage Ioria almost bumped in a long brown haired girl. Almost. He managed to stop just in time to let her pass. He could almost hear her hair making 'swish' as she walked toward a man with some sort of sign, not noticing the clumsy boy who was about to say 'sorry'. "You have to be more careful, Ioria. Come on now, we have to bring you to your new school. I didn't endure a kid going 'yes yes yes' and so on on the plane just to see you miss your room boy..." Ioria was shocked "GD... weren't you sleeping the entire time?" his granddad looked at him with the sweetest gaze: "And how could I sleep with someone shouting like that? I slept before and he did it as we were landing so... no problem" he smiled at his grandson and nodded toward the luggage. Ioria started laughing, hugged his GD and took the big trolley. Together they saw the sunlight again, this time from the bottom. "Be careful not to trip... you trip an awful lot you know?" Ioria lowered his double colored eyes and spoke in a low voice "I know. I'll try." As he said this, their taxi arrived.

Once they paid the cab, they found themselves before the school: imposing, almost unnecessary big, beautiful. He could sense music overflowing from... well from almost everywhere and his eyes brightened up. He could hear different people practicing in the yard, the entrance was a continuous going to and fro, that place was... ALIVE and kicking to quote a cd by Nana Mizuki (one of his favourite). It really was a dream that came true "Thank you GD... I couldn't be more grateful" his eyes moistened "Come on, young one, we have to get you to your room... I still can't believe each of you has a single room... oh and remember your antihistamine... there will be pets and we don't want you in hospital for a little dog, do we?" he asked pinching his grandson into reality again. Ioria nodded, tightened his grip on the suitcase and entered his dream.

The park surrounding the school housed a lot of people; some were practicing, others (as a girl he got a glimpse of with the corner of his eye) were just sitting on the ground, playing with pets, listening to music or reading some books. The entrance was imposing and clean the steps came together with ramps for handicapped people 'What a good thing... not every school does it' he thought gazing at it, would there be classmates on a wheelchair? How would his pair in violin class be? Male? Female? Kind? Nas... bump. It was the sound of Ioria falling on the ground. Did he miscount the steps? He looked down, he tripped by himself. Again. No step miscount nedeed. His GD was laughing as he picked up the suitcase "Come on boy... I was just talking about this..." Ioria turned red and hurried on his feet catching the handle and murmuring "I'm sorry" the old one smiled and answered "It's cool boy... what was it... right! 328, let's go Ioria." The boy nodded and followed the man.

Ioria said goodbye to his GD after having settled in the room and sent his kisses to her grandmum "Let them see who you are, Ioria. They'll understand eventually" the boy hugged him and then he was gone. They would see each other during vacantion and it wasn't so far and there were phones but, still... Ioria loved his granddad. He took his violin case and went in search of the roof. He walked before a practice room seeing a wheelchair enter it... was it a guy or a girl? 'Roof! Roof!' he chanted in his head searching for it. He read that the dormitories roof was open and he always wanted to play on a roof. Finally (some hated stairs after) he came to the roof... just to discover an elevator on the opposite side, he facepalmed himself and got some steps forward almost falling again... well... in truth he fell but on his butt and the violin was safe "What have I done to God to deserve this clumsiness?" he said getting up.

He breathed deeply got his violin out and under his chin, took out the bow and then he let the magic begin.
Anastasia made it completely through her playlist and pulled her headphones out of her ears. She wrapped them around her iPod and put it in her pocket before watching the bunnies. "Lana, Daisy. Come on babies," she said sweetly and picked them up when they reached her. She kissed each of their heads and couldn't help but smile as she made her way away from the tree. As she drew closer and closer to the building, she couldn't help but hear the crescendos and decrescendos of music, but shrugged it off, thinking it was just someone out in the school yard.She went into her dorm and sat the bunnies on the floor before opening the window, realizing that the same music was louder than before.

She realized then that it must have been coming from the roof considering no one on the ground was playing anything that could've been the music, or at least from what she saw.Frowning slightly, Ana pet the bunnies' heads and walked out leaving them to eat. She made her way up the stairs, knowing that she would reach the roof soon enough if she kept going up, and sighed, realizing there were more than she anticipated. She finally made it to the room and saw a guy playing the violin, which was what she had heard. Smiling a bit, she remained silent as she listened carefully, closing her eyes. It was beautiful in her opinion so she didn't want to interrupt. Once he finished, she opened her eyes and took a nervous deep breath. "That was beautiful," she said softly, yet audibly.
Jolene yawned as she walked around. She thought to herself as she looked at the people around her. She loved how alive it way. All the people playing their interments, playing with the pets. It was nice to see how friendly it was around here. But Her shyness got the best of her and she avoided the people. She wished she could bring all her animals out but they were all to small. Her ferret bandit ran around all the time and loves to get lost so she just lets him lose in her room. Her black cat Batman was only a kitten, Her husky wolf mix puppy Gin was a little to hyper. Last but not least her hedgehog Mika was the only one she could take it. He styed close when she would be sitting, or he would sit on her shoulder like he was now. She loved her pets and took care of them well, but she was to shy to talk to anyone on her own and usually made a fool of herself.

Jolene walked into the school and made sure the Mika was doing ok on her shoulder. When people walked passed she would hang her head and hide her face behind her hair so they would talk to her. Then she found a practice room with a piano in it and almost jumped for joy, but caught herself. She stepped into the room and pushed the door to close but it didn't fully close. Jolene sat at the piano and bit her lip. She lifted the Drop Board and gently ran her figures over the piano keys. She smiled to herself and set Mika on top of the grand piano. She took a deep breath as she started to play Stairway To Heaven piano version by Scott D. Davis and original song by Led Zeppelin. It remind it of her father and always made her cry.

"Hello, my darling," Kyla whispered lovingly as she slid her finger through the Velcro bindings on Padraig's case. "Did you miss me as much as I missed you?" The stiff, cloth case rustled open in response as she tugged it away. "I thought so," she giggled. Rolling over to the back of the harp, Kyla reached down to engage the locks on her wheelchair and rocked Padraig to lean against her lap. Her fingers plucked away at a couple strings. Her smile broadened. "They even tuned you! Were they gentle?"

Her fingers danced an arpeggio.
"I'm glad! You weren't too lonely on the trip over, were you?"
Kyla ran a D minor scale for Padraig's response.
"Oh no! Did it hurt?"
A discord.
"I'm sorry to hear that," she brushed her lips against Padraig's smooth wood. "But you made it in one piece, so you should be thankful," she reprimanded him.
Reluctantly, her fingers strummed a C major 7th.
"Shall we work some magic to make you feel better?"
Padraig's strings resonated as Kyla plucked a cheery couple of notes. Another smile radiated from her lips as her eyes closed and fingers wandered over Padraig's strings in a loving caress.
"Yes, we can play that one. I know it's one of your favourites." A soft sigh sounded as her voice continued with a waver of uncertainty, "We're going to do great things this year, Padraig. We're going to work through this together."

Opening her eyes and settling Padraig more comfortably against her legs, Kyla began playing Carolan's Dream as her own thoughts wandered into sunny fields of dandelions, twittering birds, and bounding fawns. Yes, she had great hopes for this school, for what she could learn here, and for friends she would hopefully make.

Ioria stood still, his eyes closed, as the last note rang in the air. He liked how the notes vibrated up there, it gave him a sense of freedom and solemnity, something only high places could give him. He breathed deeply and prepared to play another song. He wasn't going to let go of this trans-like emotion. He breathed again as the girl said something, well not that he heard her or anything... he was too into his state to care about the outside. And so, without a care in the world he started the 'Ave Maria' by Shubert. It was pretty mainstream as a song, but it was a must for him. He just loved it. From the first time he had heard it. He could almost hear it say 'Don't worry, it's ok being you' and as a result, he started playing tha song at least once a day. It was his way to show gratitude toward a piece that made him feel adequate even when all he could do (in his opinion) was mess up everything he did.

Ioria's bow glided on the string, caressing them, almost dancing on them, creating a beautiful, warm melody. It was his forte after all: emotional songs. Just as the previous Tsukiyo no violin. The moonlight violin. Light, warm, deep. That was his style. And Ioria would never have switched it. Ever.
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