For Country and Peace (Watase Yu x Eternalsinger13

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Rynard and Isaiah listened quietly as Arikizo spoke. Evelynne had heard much of it already, but she still listened anyway. His comment about how she was a welcome change made her smile gently. His blush would usually show that he truly meant what he said, however a shred of doubt drifted into her mind. If she was such a welcome change, then why had he closed her off so? She didn't want to think Ari was just putting on a front because of Ryn and Isaiah, but part of her couldn't help but think so.

Evelynne bit back a frown, her gaze drifting out of the window to stare at the passing landscape. "I bet she was. I go out at least a few times a month, sometimes more. Rynard and Evelynne ago out a few times a week, minimum." Isaiah would say, keeping Arikizo distracted from his sister. "Indeed. Some of the best musicians spend their days there, trying out new pieces. One of the things I love about the marketplace." Rynard would say, getting a nod from Eve. "Indeed. Music is a common staple of the marketplace. In our country in general really. Musicians, Alchemists, Philosophers." Eve mused thoughtfully.

"Indeed, we have one of the largest philosopher and alchemist academies and libraries." Isaiah would say with a nod. They would soon listen to Arikizo as he explained the climate and such. "Makes sense. From the pictures I have seen, Dragons are quite tall in their natural forms ..." Isaiah would say thoughtfully. Evelynne soon saw the Enchanted Plains came into view. A sea of rainbow, as far as the eye could see, flowers of all colors and sizes. "Ah, the Enchanted Plains ... We're nearing the border." Rynard would say, seeing Evelynne smile fully for the first time since they left off that morning. "If you look just to the south, you'll see the Iron Mountains. That's what we call them anyway." Isaiah would explain as he relaxed back in his seat. "I loved spending my summers here as a girl. We have a cabin further north in the plains, closer to the forest. It was my favorite place, besides the market back home ..." Eve would muse thoughtfully.
It was beyond a relief for Arikizo to see Evelynne smile again. He knew she still had doubts, and rightfully so. No one would believe such words wholeheartedly after how he'd acted earlier. 'Stop thinking about it.' He mentally chastised. By now, he felt much more at ease. Had he been nervous about traveling, and that turned into all of that mess of emotion? Had he taken his stress out on Evelynne? It was a possibility, and the second part was for sure. And she didn't deserve to become a target of his stress. Ever. Never should she have to suffer because he is dealing with personal issues.

Eve glanced aside, her smile fading away once she thought Ari couldn't see her expression. So he hadn't helped any. His mind didn't get the chance to lash back at him, because Isaiah spoke up before it could process. "I would love to go out into the marketplace as often as I could back home. The few times I've seen it, it has been a wondrous place." He replied. Besides during the war years, but he wouldn't bring that up. He listened intently as they described the marketplace in Thiandra. It sounded mesmerizing. He would nod, glancing back and forth between each of them as they added to each other's statements. The following comment, the marketplace aside, was quickly forgotten as blurs of color caught his eye. His head turned to look out the window, his eyes lighting up at the beauty of it. What a lovely field. It reminded him of the gardens at his home, but with far more variety. There were kinds he'd never seen before, some that weren't native to the heat of Draevalia. His gaze only turned away from the field as Evelynne began to speak.

"So that's why you enjoyed the garden so much." He mused, thinking back to when they had first met. She had seemed enthralled by all the flowers, so comfortable there rather than the castle. This made sense now; it had reminded her of home. "Perhaps we could visit this cabin of yours. Unless you'd rather keep it a secret from me." It was meant to be a playful tease, but it seemed to him like it was an offering of solitude if she ever desired it. Not that he thought she'd want to abandon him in the castle by himself. Not unless she really felt upset with him. And if he kept acting like he had that morning, he was sure she'd want an escape. Buildings began to appear on the horizon, beyond the sea of flowers. The castle especially, as it was one of the largest structures in the kingdom; if not the largest. "Are your parents fond of balls and festivities as mine are?" He asked suddenly, originally aiming the question at Evelynne, but after a moment glancing to Isaiah. He wasn't sure if she would speak directly to him, as she hadn't really over the course of the trip.
Eve let her gaze stay on the field of flowers. It went as far as the eye could see, giving her plenty to look at to calm her thoughts. She wasn't sure how real he was being and how much of it was a front. And she still wasn't sure what she had done to make him act that way. She didn't understand and it bothered her. 'Stop thinking about it. You're just going to drive yourself mad ...' She thought to herself as she gaze back at the three men. "You'll like the marketplace in Thiandra, Ari. We'll make sure to take you to our favorite vendors. Particularly the baker ..." Eve mused with a gentle smile. Ryn nodding in agreement. "Yes, the Baker. I don't know what he puts in those pastries, but they are borderline addicting."

Eve and Isaiah would chuckle and nod at their cousin's comment. "It's true, they really are. The man has the best baked goods in the country." Isaiah would say as Eve looked back out the window. "Indeed. It wasn't quite the same, but close enough under the circumstances." Eve would say thoughtfully with a chuckle. "Perhaps I will keep it to myself ..." Eve teased back, meeting Ari's gaze momentarily before looking back out the window. "Perhaps we can leave a few days early, make a stop at the family cabin for a couple days before we head back to Draevalia. I'll talk to my parents." Eve would respond, with a gentle smile before her gaze fell upon the castle.

'Home! How I have missed you.' She thought, her hand resting gently on the window of the carriage. "We'll pass much of the farm country as we get closer. Though, many of the farming villages are still in the process of being rebuilt. So you will have to bare with us there." Isaiah would say before Arikizo asked his question. All Ryn would do is chuckle as Isaiah shook his head. "You are in luck. No, they are not. They feel it is an unnecessary show of wealth. They do through the rare ball and what not on rather rare occasions, but not to worry. Nothing has been planned for our visit since they weren't sure if we were coming or not." Eve would explain. "We do occasionally through a festival, but it's for everyone, not just royalty and nobles." Isaiah would finish off as Ryn nodded his head.
"I'm sure I will." Arikizo agreed. "Given how little I've seen of anything beyond the walls of my own home." Visiting a bakery sounded delicious. He wasn't very picky when it came to food, or most things in general. "Borderline addicting?" He echoed, chuckling. "Are you trying to make me not want to return home?" He really was looking forward to being away from home. There may be things that could be difficult about being in Thiandra, but knowing that he had more allies in the castle than he had his own home. A breath of clean air away from his family would be good for him, he thought. Her family wasn't anywhere near as controlling. At last, not that he'd seen anyhow.

Evelynne actually teased back, which was a fantastic sign. Not only that, but she was teasing him, not her cousin or her brother. Above all the guilt about this whole thing, he honestly thought that she was angry at him; that she would shut him out as well. But they had both gotten past that now, and it made the weight on him lift significantly. She met his gaze, and he didn't look away like he had earlier. He barely even blushed. "That would be nice." He answered, smiling. "Just you and I." He wouldn't be so shy if he knew they were safe, away from anyone else, wouldn't he? 'I need to just get over this.' He thought. 'I can't be so timid forever.'

Ari ganced to Isaiah as he spoke about the farms and how they were likely still under construction. He wanted to ask why there had been a war in the first place, as he wasn't exactly privy to much politics, unlike Rovan... but then thought it would come off as callous and inconsiderate, so he held his tongue. At their reactions to his question, he blushed a bit. They probably could tell the reason he asked; it was probably obvious that dance made him nervous. The prince nodded at Evelynne's explanation. "My thoughts exactly, about the parties and such being a show of wealth. And I am glad that nothing of that kind was planned. I don't think a comfortable suit was packed for me, and I have no desire to have to dance in one of those tight jackets anytime soon." As Evelynne knew his fervent distaste for stuffy jackets. "A festival may be nice to see at some point. I think it's great that your family is so involved with the common folk. Mine is so distant from the rest of our kingdom that, if it weren't for our appearances at a few important events, they'd probably think the monarchy is a myth made up by the nobility."
Isaiah and Rynard beamed as they both chuckled. "Perhaps we are? I know I'm not ready to lose my little cousin just yet." Rynard would say, making Eve lean forward and swat him playfully. "Don't talk like that. You're talking as if I am never coming back ever again." Eve would say with a sigh as she looked back out the window. "If I miss home this much after just a few weeks away? I believe we'll being coming back somewhat often. Especially if talks of a line of trade begins." Evelynne mused thoughtfully.

Evelynne was a bit surprised with herself that she had teased back. And he seemed legitimately happy that she had. Maybe she should take that as a sign that Arikizo's reactions and comments so far on the trip were honest. Eve wasn't about to hope to much though. She still didn't understand what she had done and it still ate at her. "Yes, it would." Eve would say with a soft nod of her head. "I'll talk to them when we arrive in St. Augustine. That way it has time to be prepared for us." Eve would say. Maybe that's what they really needed. Of course they wouldn't be completely alone, a their guard detail and a few servants, but alone enough. A couple days with no family, just them.

The trio nodded in agreement with Arikizo's comments. "Our parents have always felt that such wealth spent on balls would be better off spent on the people. Festivals to boost morale. Towards the poor, helping them with housing or food. Etc." Isaiah explained, Ryn nodding his head lightly. "It's a family trait, apparently. We all think that way to be honest." Ryn would say, Eve smiling gently. "If I remember right, the summer Festival of Colors starts the end of this week, doesn't it?" Eve asked, Isaiah nodding his head. "You'll get to see one after all. The Festival of Colors is one of my favorites." Eve would say before they all listened to him explain more about his family and their relationship. "I wonder why that is ..." Ryn murmured curiously.
"Well, I don't intend to hold her captive." Arikizo responded, laughing as Evelynne swatted at Ryn. "I may be a dragon, but trapping this princess is not my goal at all. My parents may not be that type, but I will make sure she gets her chance to visit every so often." He nodded to Evelynne as she spoke of trips between their countries due to trading. "I'm sure that will help." She was seeming quite a bit happier, and her shielded emotions had opened up a bit over the course of the trip. She still seemed to be guarded, but he expected that. He hadn't expected her to just act like nothing had happened once he'd begun to return to normal. He had to earn that trust back again.

A little time away from both of their families would give them a chance to speak freely, without the fear of their relatives. Mainly, for Ari's peace of mind, because it seemed Eve was fine as things were. Of course, he knew that they would not be entirely alone, but the guards and servants appointed for the stay wouldn't bother them. Back on the topic of balls and festivities, he listened intently, nodding at Isaiah's explanation. "Exactly." The mention of a festival taking place during his stay made a grin spread across his lips. "And what better festival to attend than your favorite?" Now he was really looking forward to his time in Thiandra. It seemed he would be allowed a lot more adventures and experiences that he had been denied before. And since he had nothing to compare, everything would be new and exciting for him.

His mind was pulled back to the carriage as Ryn murmured. He thought over a response, unsure if even he knew the true answer to that. "I think that my father believes power controls everything. And if you never give your subjects the chance to challenge your authority, then your power is absolute." He answered thoughtfully, then shrugged. "Rovan would probably know better than I would. My father hasn't raised me to be the crown prince." He wished he could change the solitude that his family was in, but being just the spare gave him no chance to speak up, unless Rovan was to meet a untimely end or otherwise become unfit to rule... and no matter how horrible his older sibling was to him, he wouldn't wish for such a tragedy. "But let's not dwell on such a dull topic. It doesn't matter currently what my fathers thinks of political structure, so why bother with it?" His mind returned to the festival they had mentioned earlier. "Anyhow, what is the Festival of Colors?"
(( OOC: Sorry! Apparently the post I submitted super early this morning didn't actually go through. Oops. ))

Evelynne would smile gently as she nodded her head. If she had her way, it would be at least regular visits a few times a year, minimum. Realistically though? She might not get her way. "Let's hope ..." Eve would say to Ari as she gazed back out the window. They both seemed happier now than they did this morning. However, with the distraction of her brother, cousin, and the trip, it made sense. Neither were probably thinking as much. She wasn't about to let her guard completely down though. Afraid that she might let something slip if she did.

Evelynne was considering extending the cabin trip to three or four days, instead of just two. Having the extra time to themselves, talk about things, and work things out would be good for the both of them. Or so she hoped. It also gave her the time to work on whatever it was she did wrong to make him act this way in the first place. She was soon pulled back to the present as Ari addressed her. "Exactly. The Festival of the Stars in the winter months is a very close second favorite." She would muse thoughtfully. Hopefully this trip was good for them. Away from his family, particularly Rovan.

Isaiah and Ryn both listened to Arikizo as he talked more about his father and his tactics. Evelynne didn't care much for such topics, as they all knew, so she toned them out, her gaze falling back to the window again as they made their way through the plains. Some of the farm country bordering the capital city was finally coming into view. At Ari's question about the festival, it would be Ryn that answered first. "It is, in part, to celebrate the vibrancy of life." Evelynne would cut in, her gaze still out the window. "It is also to pay our respects to those we have lost." She mused gently. "Music, food, the making of the lanterns. A variety of festivities happen during the day. When night falls, it is the official releasing of the lanterns." She finished, Isaiah speaking up next. "Then lanterns represent messages we wish to send to any loved ones we have lost. Quite a stunning sight, I must say."
((OOC: It's fine, happens to be all the time))

"Perhaps we could use the festivals as a reason to travel back here too." Arikizo suggested. The prospect of getting to learn and see more of the world was exciting to say the least. This aspect of his childish nature was one he actually enjoyed. "I would love to see more of your culture." The talk of his father wasn't particularly of interest to him, nor did he desire to worry about things like that when he was visiting with Evelynne's family. Some talk of politics probably can't be avoided, but keeping that to a minimum would be nice. He wasn't used to being the overly political type; that was his brother's strong suit.

As they began to describe the festival, Ari listened intently. It sounded fantastic, and heartfelt. He wondered if Draevalia had celebrations like that, ones that his family didn't oversee. Surely they did, and they were just too distant to know about them. It was at times like this that he began to realize how little he actually knew about his own culture. What a pity it was. "How lovely. I can't wait to take part." He replied, grinning honestly with a truly happy sparkle in his eyes. He caught sight of the farming communities that they were nearing and turned to look out toward them. Work had been done, some houses looking newly built. But the charred damage throughout told the story of the struggles that had taken place here. His grin began to fade as he thought of the war. How long it had been, and over what? Surely the farms hadn't been sheltering soldiers, so why had they been targeted? It was cruel and cold tactics. Such was the nature of war, he knew, but still...

The prince tried to shake off the thoughts, not wanting to upset himself over something again. There was nothing he could have done in the face of the war, as he'd had no say in anything. Both a blessing and a curse, as he shouldered no burden nor a voice in the matter. What was the point of having a second heir if he was so cut off and sheltered from the duties of the true heir? 'Don't worry about that now.' So he turned his gaze away from the window again, looking to Ryn and Isaiah, then to Evelynne. "So, which of you intends to give me a tour of the castle?" He said with a playfully haughty attitude, his grin beginning to return.
Evelynne would smile warmly as she nodded her head gently. "I would like that very much ..." She would reply as she moved her gaze to Ari for a moment. "Then you shall. Just like I still want to learn more about yours. Only natural, right?" She mused thoughtfully as she returned her gaze to the window. If she wasn't careful, she would let her guard back down. And do whatever it was that made him close off this morning. The talk of festivals made Eve wonder about Draevalia. Did they have such things? She would have to look into it when they returned. "Yes, it should be fun. It always is." Isaiah mused thoughtfully. Isaiah and Ryn noticed the look on his face change, as did Evelynne's as they reached the farming villages. Progress had certainly been made, but there was still plenty of reminders of the past war. "They are good, strong people. We do what we can to help the progress." Isaiah mused, Ryn nodding his head gently.

It wouldn't take long to pass through the village, which meant they should easily be in St. Augustine soon enough. Home. She hadn't been back in weeks, but it felt like an eternity already. "I can, it's not a problem. Isaiah and father have meetings, and Ryn needs to get home to Uncle." Evelynne would say before Isaiah and Ryn could say otherwise. "I really wouldn't mind, Eve ..." Ryn would say with a smile, Eve shaking her head gently. "Give Uncle our love, will you? We will try and stop by to see him while we're here." With a sad smile, Ryn would nod her head. "Of course I will, Eve. He would like that. He's missed his favorite niece." Eve would giggle and shake her head. "I'm his only niece." Ryn would grin and shrug innocently. "There it is. Look at all the people that turned out ..." Isaiah would muse as he glanced out the window, his gaze falling on the gates of St. Augustine and the crowd of people lining the streets. "Oh my ..." Eve would say with a blink.

People crowded the cobbled streets. Cheering, waving. Throwing flowers and flower petals into the air. "I think they are happy for you Eve and Arikizo ..." Ryn would muse, waving here and there. Isaiah would do the same, occasionally flirtatiously winking at a cute young woman here and there. Ryn was soon do the same, making Evelynne roll her eyes. "You two ... Really?" Eve would ask with a laugh. "We must give the young women of St. Augustine what the want dear cousin." Ryn would say, earning a grin of approval from Isaiah and a scoff from Eve. "This is their true nature, Ari. Nothing but hopeless flirts ..." Eve would say, both giving her a mock look of offense. "We are not hopeless. How dare you say such a thing ..." Isaiah would say, Eve giggling as she shook her head.
Arikizo nodded, smiling happily. "Only natural." He echoed. He had no doubt that he would enjoy the festivities. He would probably be bitter to have to return home after this. Back to solitude... well, not now. He had Evie now to keep him company, and they couldn't say anything. A companion that his family could not separate him from. And he would protect her, if any trouble was to come. At the comment of the rebuilding and the hardworking citizens, he nodded. The carriage got into the outskirts of the village, and his attention was barely on the other passengers. He figured as much that Eve would escort him around, the comment had been made in the absence of any other comment he could have thought up at that moment. Right now, he was far more interested in looking at the houses, the streets, the people... the crowds.

Ari hadn't given it much thought, but he hadn't exactly expected such a warm welcome. After all, he was a prince of the kingdom that had just been attacking them barely a months ago. Perhaps they were celebrating the return of their princess, ignoring him? Or glowing in the prospect that their happy marriage meant peace for them? Or maybe he was just worrying for nothing, and they were truly happy to see both of them. That was the difference between dragons and humans; their acceptance. He'd first noticed it with Evelynn, and even her relatives. There were probably some that weren't so open minded, but from the large amount of people who had gathered there were plenty that supported the marriage. He noticed Ryn and Isaiah and couldn't help but chuckle. "Flirts they are." He agreed, grinning. "I didn't doubt that for a minute." He chuckled along with Evelynne at her brother and cousin's response. "No, the hopeless ones are those poor women that they're teasing."

The prince turned his gaze back to the glass, smiling and daring to wave a bit at the crowd. It was so strange, seeing so many people. It would definitely take some getting used to, especially if he was going to be out and about with Eve. But he would enjoy every moment of it, because once they returned to Draevalia he knew they'd be quite isolated. Maybe he could find a way to sneak them out of the castle some night and explore the nearby town. For now, though, his mind was set on taking in all of the things he could from this trip.
Ari's genuinely happy smile surprised her a bit. It wasn't the first time since they had left his home, but it still caught her a bit off guard. And confused her thoroughly. She was hoping this drastic change, even for a short visit, wouldn't close him off even more. It was quite an adjustment, going from limited involvement with servant staff only to being around so many all at once on a fairly regular basis. Thankfully, he seemed pleasantly distracted by the sites at the moment, leaving Eve the time to focus on her people. She hadn't expected such a warm welcome either. She knew it could be due to a variety of things. They were happy for her visit so soon after the wedding. Arikizo being with her was a visual confirmation that there would indeed be peace. They could live out there lives without worry of losing their husbands, fathers, nephews, brothers, uncles, or sons to a relentless war anymore. They were accepting people though, so perhaps they were genuinely happy for the newlyweds. This was soon confirmed when she finally figured out what they were cheering. Congratulations.

Ari soon brought her attention back to the carriage, a chuckle escaping her lips as Isaiah and Ryn grinned at his comment. "I suppose you are right, Ari. You two should not tease them so. Getting their hopes up like that. Borderline cruel." Eve would scold gently, the pair sighing and rolling their eyes as the carriages slowed to a stop in the courtyard of the palace. "As amazing as it was to be able to visit your country, my dear cousin-in-law ... I am glad to be home." Ryn would say as the carriage door was opened. Her fair haired cousin would quickly step out, stretching his limbs as Isaiah followed quickly after him. If Ari slipped out first, Evelynne would take his hand to help her from the carriage. If Eve left the carriage first, she would thank the guard who extended his hand to assist her out of the carriage. "Welcome home, your majesty. And welcome to Thiandra, sire." The guard would say to the pair with a bow.

"Yes, Arikizo. Welcome to my home ..." Eve would whisper as footsteps caught her attention. Her parents. "I do hope the ride wasn't to bad?" Her father would ask the foursome as paused at the base of the stairs. Soft music floated through the air as a small group of musicians played not far away. "Not bad at all, father. Thank you. It actually went by quite quickly, thanks to all the chatter." Evelynne would say as her parents turned their focus to Arikizo. "Welcome, Arikizo. Do make yourself at home. If you leave the castle, there will be a guard detail to join you, of course. Keep an eye out and all that. I do hope you enjoy your stay. Unfortunately, Isaiah, Ana, and I will have to be excused. Dull meeting stuff. We'll see you in a few hours for dinner. Will you be leaving soon, nephew?" Her father asked, receiving a nod from Rynard. "Tell my brother we wish him well. We'll be by for a visit soon enough. Safe journey." With a smile, the trio hurried off, followed by various servants and noblemen. Ryn would give Eve a quick embrace and wave goodbye to Arikizo before climbing into an awaiting carriage. Soon, they were alone, excluding the guards, servants, and musicians nearby. "Well ..." Eve mused, her gaze falling onto Ari. "What would you like to see first? We have some time to kill before dinner."
Arikizo chuckled at Evelynne's scolding, and the young men's reaction. He hadn't laughed this much in a very long time. And he was glad that all the guilt and self-deprecation that had weighed him down to silence earlier had been stolen away by the lighthearted conversations they'd had over the course of the trip. He knew he must seem fickle to Eve, and he was a bit concerned that she was still hiding some things to keep from 'making him uncomfortable', as she'd said last night; when it was never her fault in the first place. As they pulled into the courtyard of the castle, he looked up at the large building. It was magnificent, and if he hadn't lived in one for the entirety of his life, he would have been in awe. Ryn's comment pulled his attention away, and he smiled, giving him a nod. The other males got out, and Ari followed suit, wanting to make a point to help Evelynne out. Wanting to prove that he was back to normal, that she had nothing to fear any more. He knew she'd want to know why he'd acted that way earlier, 'what had she done', or perhaps she wouldn't because she thought it might upset him again. But as her hand slipped into his own, he knew that she never did anything to hold blame in his change of mood. It was his own burden.

The prince smiled at the guard that welcomed, bowing his head politely. It almost made him laugh at how much he'd changed over the past week and a half. Before, he wouldn't have even made eye contact with anyone here, as 'they were all human and meant to be looked down upon'. Now, he felt safer around them than he did with his own kind. Especially with his wonderful wife, who at first had been shut out; but she'd changed that in a matter of hours. Who could resist her charm? His gaze turned to Evie as she welcomed him as well, grinning happily. "I'm honored to be here, dearest." He whispered quickly back as her parents approached. "The trip was more pleasant than any I've had." Ari responded. He nodded to their following statements, thanking them as they finished and before they left. Ryn soon headed off as well, and Ari returned the wave of farewell with a smile. He did hope that the family visited Draevalia, if the couple was unable to make the trip here. Keeping Evelynne away from her family was an obvious strain; she had never looked so happy in his home. If only they could just live here. It was the same arrangement, was it not? They were married, why did it matter which kingdom they called home?

They were alone, and Evelynne beat him to the first words. Arikizo thought for a moment. "I don't mind where we go. Somewhere you would like, Evie." He answered, catching her hand and intertwining their fingers. "Which would likely be the gardens, the stables, or the library, if I remember correctly." He had the temptation to kiss her hand, but being so out in the open he was too timid to do so. "You choose. I will follow you anywhere." He added in a hushed voice, giving her a playful wink.
(( OOC: Sorry, I have been working on homework all day and then had plans with my sister ))

Arkizo's comment made Eve smile softly. He was glad he felt that way and not completely overwhelmed. Eve wasn't sure exactly how well he was going to handle all this, but Ari seemed to be doing rather well so far. She was glad see that he was getting along so well with her family. Part of her wished they could live here rather than Draevalia, but she understood why. Tradition and all that. She could still daydream though. At least they would be able to come back and visit every so often and she knew her family would come and visit her as well. Keep up appearances and all that.

Eve would glance down at their hands as he spoke, watching him intertwine his fingers with her own. "Correctly, indeed." Eve would say with a soft nod and a light blush. "They are all fairly equal in distance from here. The gardens or library would do. This time of year, we eat our meals outside on a deck overlooking the gardens." Eve mused thoughtfully. "I can show you the library first and then I can show you the gardens from there." She would say as she tugged he gently towards the stairs. As they made their way into the palace and through the halls to the library, Eve would point out various areas or rooms. She pointed a particular little alcove with lots of windows over looking the courtyard below. "I use to hide out there, the curtain closed with a book closed whenever I didn't want to be found ..." Eve would say with a giggle before moving along. Soon, they reached a tall set of double doors made of a thick oak wood. With a grin, Eve would push them open

The room was fill with light, thanks to a large skylight that filled the majority of the ceiling. The shelves along the walls of the main floor and upper floor of the library were floor to ceiling, spaced occasionally for tall, wide windows. Several tables and chairs litered the upper floor, older men in robes hunched at a table or pattering around the upper shelves. Within the main space of the main floor were rows of tall bookshelves, ladders throughout. In the center were couches, tables, and chair. An old wooden desk with a gentleman no more than a year or two older than Evelynne was behind it, scratching away at a parchment. A free floating orb of purple light rested to the side of his hand, tinkling every so often, the gentleman muttering back to it. "Welcome to our library, Ari."
((OOC: It's okay, I didn't have internet after noon-ish yesterday, so I was worried you'd be waiting for a response all day))

Arikizo nodded as Evelynne spoke, happy to see the light blush on her cheeks. And the fact that she didn't pull her hand away. Well, there was a lot of reason for that, but he was happy nonetheless. She still hadn't done anything like that herself, probably afraid that she'd upset him, when the reality was that such a thing would comfort him more than anything else. It also proved that she was, indeed, blaming herself. "Lead away, Evie." He followed at her side, tracing his thumb along the side of her hand lightly without realizing it. There definitely a bit of nervousness running through his mind, and there had been all day, but it was overpowered by his excitement and curiosity. He paid close attention during the tour, trying to remember the locations of each place that she pointed out; it was probably important information. The cute little hideaway made him grin. "As expected of my little bookworm." He teased, chuckling. "I might have to keep that in mind. If I ever can't find you, check there first."

The large oak doors gave it away. What other room would have such grand doors? Eve pushed them open, and he looked about with. It was more grand than that in his own home, with more natural lighting and quite a few more shelves of books to say the least. Of course, it did seem like a chunk of that space was taken up by achieves, which his family kept out of the library, so that could account for some of the space difference. Also, the library in his caste didn't have two floors, which he thought was ingenious. He was brought back from his thoughts as Evelynne spoke, and he smiled down at her. "It's wonderful." The prince mused, glancing around at all the shelves, the books; everything was so cozy. Of course, when he got closer to the volumes, he was unable to make out the unfamiliar letters that marked the spines. "You still intend to teach me to read your language, don't you?" He murmured, glancing to his wife with a look like a young child, eyes bright with glee.

((Sorry it's a bit short))
Evelynne knew that they needed to talk about this morning, clear the air, get clarification. Now was not the time though. She didn't pull away because Arikizo had initiated it, which showed that he was comfortable with such a thing. She wasn't about to take that away from him with so much new going on at the moment. As he teased her about her alcove hideaway, Eve would smile gently. "Indeed. I highly doubt there will ever be a time for such on our short visit here ..." She mused as they continued on their way.

"Glad you like it ..." Eve would say with a smile. The familiar smell of paper and fresh air hit her lungs, making Eve sigh in content. This was her territory. She knew where to find almost anything without asking the keeper for help. As Eve led Arikizo deeper into the room, she would nod her head. "Of course. That was the deal, wasn't it?" She mused quietly in response. "You'll always find a handful of philosophers and/or alchemists in here, doing there research or reading up on something ..." Eve explained, motioning to the older men in various types of robes throughout the library. "If you want or need help finding something though, you ask the keeper ..." Eve would say with a grin and a chuckle as the young man looked up, the purple orb tinkling loudly in excitement as it shot towards Evelynne.

The orb would circle Eve's head, making her laugh again as it bounced excitedly before her. "Hello Elora." Eve would say in greeting before the purple orb drifted over to Arikizo curiously. "Elora, this is my husband. Prince Arikizo of Draevalia. Elora is a Nansis, a creature made of pure energy. Not many of her kind exist today." Eve would say in introduction as the young man walked over. "Evelynne. Couldn't stay away, could you?" The young, dark haired keeper would say with a laugh. "Of course not. Ari, this is Thallan, keeper of the Thiandran Library. His father, Lord Ellisar, is my father's top adviser. We grew up together." Evelynne would explain as Thallan bowed respectfully. "A pleasure, your majesty."
The moment they entered the library, Arikizo could practically see some of the tension disappear from Evelynne's expression. He had already know that libraries are her natural habitat, and was glad that she was able to find comfort in something at that moment. Being home was an added bonus to that, and was serving as a nice distraction. He glanced around as she led him further into the room, noticing the various people around. Only a bit of philosophy was taught to him at a young age throughout his various studies, but alchemy was something he found fascinating. And how exactly did dragons breath fire if they could basically turn human? It was beyond him, and he hadn't really questioned it until he'd found books on alchemy stashed away on the shelves at home. The prince noddd, following Eve's gaze to the young man sitting at one of the desks.

The glowing orb caught him off guard, and he always stumbled back as it came flying to his wife in the blink of an eye. She spoke to the orb, and it floated toward him. He shyly stepped closer to her, giving it a curious look before glancing unsurely to Evelynne. Her explanation earned a nod from him and he smiled. "I've never heard of a Nansis. But it is nice to meet you." The young man had drifted over toward the couple as well, and Ari turned his attention to him. "She couldn't if her life depended on it." He responded, chuckling. As Thallan bowed, he returned the respectful gesture slightly, bowing his head. "And a pleasure to meet you as well."
Evelynne would giggle at Arikizo's shy reaction to Elora. "It's alright. She won't harm you. Nansis' are curious, intelligent beings. Neither violent nor harmful in any way." Evelynne explained as the small ball of purple light zipped back over to Thallan as he made his way to the pair. "Story goes that a powerful wizard in the ancient days of Thiandra created them. More likely some alchemist got a little to creative. You'll see a handful around of all sorts of colors. Mostly with the philosophers, the sapienti, or the alchemists." Evelynne finished before Arikizo and Thallan exchanged pleasantries.

Evelynne would chuckle, shrugging her shoulders innocently. "I don't know what the two of you are talking about. So I read a bit here an there ..." Eve would say, ignoring the scoff look she got from Thallan. "Indeed ..." He would finally say, Elora bouncing lightly in the air as a few more tinkling sounds escaped the ball of light. "Yes, yes ... I know. If you will excuse me, your majesties. I have a few things to finish up if I am to leave any time soon tonight." Thallan would say with another bow. "I do hope to see you both again soon." Thallan would say, winking at Evelynne before he wandered back to his desk.

With a light shake of her head, Evelynne would watch Thallan for a moment before she glanced back to Arikizo. "The garden then, yes?" Evelynne would ask thoughtfully before she led Ari out of the library. Taking a right, she headed back the way they had come, taking the first right before heading a short ways down the hall. Pausing before a pair of stained glass doors, Eve would open them with a smile. "And this is our garden." Eve would say as she led him out onto the cobbled path.

In the very center was a vast fountain with a number of small bench seats around it. The floors looked as if they were taken from the plains and planted right here in the castle garden. A few fruit laden trees were planted throughout, providing shade where necessary and providing a home for the handful of birds that tweeted musically in the courtyard. There were paths throughout, two connecting to the castle, while a third led to a grand stone patio, a decent sized table and chairs as well as potted plants decorated it. Servants could be seen getting it ready for dinner.
"I'm not scared of her." Arikizo responded, pretending to be offended. "She just startled me." He listened to the origin story, nodding. "There are a lot of things in the world that are like that. We aren't exactly sure how some things came to be, and sometimes all we can do is make up theories and stories." He glanced around at the other people throughout the library, the older men that he assumed to be scholars and philosopher. Evelynne's comment after he and Thallan first spoke make him laugh, rolling his eyes. The tinkling noise from Elora caught him off guard, but he could not understand the Nansis. As the bookkeeper bowed again and excused himself, Ari smiled and bowed his head again. He caught the wink, but didn't think much of it; they were childhood friends, of course they'd be close. He was insecure about himself, but he wasn't fearful of Eve being unfaithful. She'd proven herself to him, and earned his trust; he would be truly devastated if she ever broke that.

Ari nodded, smiling as she mentioned the garden. "That sounds wonderful." He followed beside her, glancing around the halls. The walls in his home were bare, for the most part. Eve's castle was much warmer. They finally reached the garden, and his face lit up. It looked like the gorgeous plains had been brought along with them, with the array of shades and kinds. The wonderful quietness, besides the comforting soft sounds of birds and wind. "It's lovely." He murmured, looking over the flowers. "I bet it's more peaceful here than in the gardens at my home." He walked along the path, still holding onto her hand. After a moment, his hand unlaced from hers, and the prince wrapped his arm around her waist. "Evie..." He whispered softly, gently nuzzling his face into her hair. Ari wanted to just hold her, to apologize for ruining their morning, but he didn't want to upset her again by reminding them of the incident. It still made no sense to him why he suddenly had become s flustered. And trying to cover up his thoughts had only made matters worse. "I love you."
Evelynne knew that Thallan meant nothing by the wink. It was just how he was. He knew very well while growing up that nothing could ever happen between them. So they looked at each other like a brother would a sister. Arikizo didn't seem to offended or concerned by the wink though, so Eve wouldn't worry about explain anything unless he did ask. The walls in the Thiandran castles were decorated with various pieces of art and tapestries, as well as plenty of windows. Letting in natural light seemed like a big deal to them.

At Ari's comment, Eve would smile gently. "The gardens at your home are peaceful, just much more quiet. Where as with here, there are the birds at the minimum. Occasionally there will be a couple musicians playing if several of us are out here." Eve would say as they walked along. As he removed her hand from his, Eve blinked gently, wondering if she had done something wrong again. His arm was soon around her waist and he was whispering her name. A soft blush colored her cheeks as he nuzzled into her hair. "I love you too, Ari ..." Eve managed to whisper back.

She wanted to say more than that. She wanted to ask about what she had done wrong, if she had done something wrong. However, their time was cut short by a servant who came over to them before she could say or do anything else. "Your majesties, dinner is served ..." Eve would smile and give the young woman a soft nod. "Thank you." With an embarrassed smile, Eve would nod towards the deck. "Come on ..." Eve would say as she directed him to the pair of steps. Her mother was already there, her father and brother appearing from a pair of doors chatting away. "No politics at the table boys. And good evening, you two. I do hope you are enjoying yourself so far, Arikizo." Queen Ana would say, both gentlemen waving to the couple as they found their seats.
"Who in my family would actually take the time to admire the gardens?" Arikizo murmured. "Other than me, of course. Rovan would only go if he knew either of us were there. And my parents are always kept busy by politics. Not that my brother isn't, he just finds ways to sneak away from that and be a pain In the ass..." He cut himself off, huffing at his rambling. "As you can see, I haven't changed much." He said, chuckling. "I still keep rambling." He noticed the small shift in Evelynne's , and mentally chastised himself. Letting go of her hand and holding her closer had been intended as a more adoring in his mind. Had she taken that as a mistake again? Was she going to think he was shutting her out? Her responses instead comforted him, as he could tell she wasn't upset with him. He pulled back, smiling down at her, and was considering kissing her when footsteps suddenly caught his attention. He too smiled and nodded to the young maid before she headed off, sneaking a quick peck to Eve's nose after she'd spoken. "Indeed. We mustn't keep your family waiting."

Ari followed beside her, up the steps to the deck where dinner had been set up. He smiled to her family politely. "Good evening." He responded. The queens last comment earned a chuckle. "I am enjoying myself thoroughly. Your home is much less stuffy than my own." He stepped away from Evelynne, pulling out a chair for her before taking a seat at the table himself. He smiled and waved back at the prince and king as they took their seats. "I will try not to eat the entire meal myself." He joked playfully. "I'm sure you've heard that a dragon's appetite is quite large." He ate no more than a regular person, but he knew of several myths about his people that he'd heard from servants when he was younger. Ari wasn't sure which regions believed which tales, but he didn't expect to receive much disdain from the royal family. From all that he'd seen so far, they were very welcoming towards him, very open and kind despite what he was. And that was beyond what he'd expected at first, given the circumstances.

The prince turned his attention to Isaiah and the king, but mainly addressing the younger male with his playful comment. "I trust your meetings didn't ruin your mood? Would be such a pity. You were in such good spirits during our trip here." He chuckled. "If my father had his way, I'd be always in meetings with economic advisors here, speaking of trading relations and such." His turned to Evelynne as he added, "I wouldn't have a moment of peace with my lovely wife, if it were so."
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