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I seriously don't understand why everyone hates on the story so much. I didn't care a great deal for the specific gameplay but it was clever I think and different. But the story was excellent and never done before that I could find. So I don't understand why everyone hates on it unless they don't like having to think and try to find a conclusion for themselves lol. So thank you for vouching for it.
The story made the Five Night's at Freddy's series, I honestly doubt that it would've gotten so popular if it weren't for the huge mystery behind it all; although I do hope that Scott finally clears things up in this final installment. The gameplay is good and I enjoyed it (despite being the big wuss that I am), but it could be better; the scare factor always fades away as the difficulty rises. What I don't understand, however, is all the hate people give FNAF 3; I thought it was best in the entire series, as well as the scariest.
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Also, yeah, I'm willing to bet that a good portion of the fan base has never even played any of the games and has only ever watched videos of it,
*Raises hand*

I would fall under this category.

So in all honesty all I can say is 4 games in a year sounds like a bad practice, but if it works I guess it works.
But I'll fully admit I'm bias there, since the only thing I really give a shit about is the Game Theory Episodes about it.
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