Flight of the Brightsmile

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1619865340370.pngOnce again, Mr. Croft refused Eolanthe's offer of a gas mask. Turns out it is rather difficult to prove oneself useful to someone who is immune to everything. She did not have a chance to find out if the Blonde Dandy accepted his or not, for the roar of pyroclasm was upon them, and Mr. Croft grabbed her and pressed her against the curved wall of their shelter, protecting her with his body.

She did not have a chance to appreciate his kindness either, for her universe became a cacophony of whirling and crashing and crushing centrifugal pressure which might have sounded like a gnomish jewelsmith being force-fed to a gorgon, if the pair were thrown into a broken washing machine that was being batted back and forth across a canyon by giants in the midst of a wildly imbalanced spin cycle.

The next thing Eolanthe knew, she was staggering dizzily in darkness, with newly-minted bruises and smears of volcanic ash and raccoon feces to add to the dried blood from the Karen clones. Voices:

"Get off before I kick your ass."

"Wait...Zazzy...do you not like me?"

For a moment, her disoriented brain could not place either voice, or even be certain they existed outside of itself. Then, like a ghost ship emerging from fog, recognition came. Were the boys about to start fighting again? A groan of metal, followed by a crash. A jagged region of not-quite-as-darkness appeared before her. Eolanthe just didn't feel like trying to deal with fighting boys, especially since they were grownups and she couldn't threaten to tell on them.

Instead, she chose to be the first one to take tentative steps out into the world in which she and her fellow passengers had been thrust. A pity she didn't have a flag to plant, or memorable words to say. No matter; the fighting boys would not be recording her words for the benefit of History anyway. Her feet landed on the smooth limestone floor of a dimly-lit cave. I do hope there aren't any bats in here, she thought. Or bears. Or cave-men. Her school biology textbook said that caves sometimes held eerie eyeless creatures that had evolved to be so because eyes were useless in the permanent dark. Eolanthe was not entirely sure she wanted to encounter any of those either; but at least they wouldn't be able to see her if she ran away.

She pulled up her mask and took an experimental whiff of air. Musty and humid, but fresh, and breathable. She took it off, and held it by the straps. Not that she necessarily expected to need it; it was simply the only resource she had under the circumstances. Eolanthe sighed, looking over her shoulder. I suppose I shouldn't go off without them, she thought, hoping she wouldn't have to try to break up a fight after all.
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Azazel 'Zazzy' Croft

Azazel wheezes out a laugh that still had a coldness to it. He angled his head to see the captain once he rolled off. The falling hunk of whatever's sparks brought a stark illumination to the skull 'paint' across his face that had gone without any stains throughout the whole ordeal.

"I tolerate you in small doses while I'm at a BAC of .12 or higher." He states bluntly. "I am sobering up at an alarming rate, and with it goes my toleration for you."

He forces himself to sit up when the ball cracked open, spotting the kid climbing out of their death trap. Bits of metal debris begin floating around him once again. How did they get underground? He squinted up at the shaft of light that came down a ways away at the top of the cavern. He wasn't so sure they'd be able to climb out that way. Caelcrust didn't strike him as the rock climbing type and he wasn't sure if the kid had the endurance.

He wasn't too worried about Sir Stabsalot... Wait, where was he?​
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Where was Vess? Currently buried under racoon feces, body parts and a very large piece of metal. Caelcrust wasn't kidding when he said that it was quite a bit more painful without an army of clones to protect them.

Vess spat out a mouthful of blood (and... feces, although he tried hard not to think too hard about that), and cleared his throat. "Well, that fucking sucked," he wheezed.

Zazzy had the right idea, grabbing the kid, as it was one hell of a ride. Vess had been too preoccupied with glaring at Caelcrust to really get a good handhold (not that it really would have helped) and then it had been too late, so in the chaos, he had rattled around like a pinball. Most of his injuries he wasn't worried about, although there had, in fact, been iron in the mess of metal, and he could feel the burns smarting from where it had touched him.

He heard Caelcrust and Zazzy bantering, but he was more preoccupied with getting out from under the hunk of metal crushing his legs. He pushed, wiggled and twisted, pulling one leg free before collapsing back, panting. When the fuck was this day going to end? He had thought it before, but he would think it again, he was going to fucking kill Tim. After he figured out a way to kill Zazzy.

Or maybe he'd forget about Zazzy and kill the whole fucking agency. That sounded like a better plan at the moment.

Speaking of Zazzy… He glared at the piece of metal, as if that would move it, before glancing over at the other male. "Hey, uh..." he grunted, "Mind helping me out?"
What on earth was a BAC? And was .12 a high decimal or a low one? And was the correct word tolerance instead of toleration?

These were the questions that burned like iron. But Caelcrust showed nothing... NOTHING! NOT A GOD DAMN THI-- except a quivering golden teardrop above his head.

When the cow-eyed exquisitor cried out for help, it was the perfect interruption to an otherwise awkward situation. Caelcrust stepped away from Zazzy and turned to follow the surviving youngling. "It's your turn to enable the saboteur."

After checking his coffee pot was safe inside his robe, the captain clambered out through the ragged breach in the sphere. The two ends of the hull section, bent together by the magno-enturblement field, were now unfolding once more. Like a slow-blossoming flower, he thought to himself, as he stepped from it like a Sumerian imp.

"Watch out for bats, bears, cavemen, and eerie eyeless creatures," he warned Eolanthe.

The girl turned and looked at him, maskless and errant. She was taking experimental whiffs of the atmosphere, and not immediately expiring. This was proof either of the air quality or of further secrets. He suspected the latter. This girl had probably died thousands of years ago, and Caelcrust was the only one who could see her, since she was a manifestation of his own daughter who died out in space on the experimental rocket he designed.

Things usually went that way.

"Hopefully we will find a combination of all four," he told the girl. "Primitive ursidae who can map this cave system for us via echolocation."

He tried to form an image of this above his head, but gave up on the snout. As the light from his symbol went out, so did the light from everything else. He and the girl were swallowed by darkness as the pyroclastic flow struck the surface overhead, sweeping non-consensually over their entrance hole. The impact sent rocks tumbling, then dust, then boiling embers. It would not be long before lava followed, dripping in here like furious honey.

Caelcrust backtracked, forming a torch symbol over his head (which doubled as a torch). By its golden light he and Eolanthe watched the ceiling crack and crumble.

Then they looked back to the sphere where Zazzy and Vess were playing.

"The volcano still wants to kill us. We should go."
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Azazel 'Zazzy' Croft

Azazel breathes out a deep sigh and slowly gets to his feet. After some looking around, he pulls an elongated crowbar from the mess and approached Vess. He thought about trying to kill him while he was stuck like this, but honestly, kicking a guy while he was down wasn't Zazzy's style and he was the only moderately sane adult that didn't look explicitly punchable in a decent radius. "Is your name even Vess?" He asks as he wedges the crowbar under the hunk of metal near Vess' leg and pries it up with a strained grunt, giving him room to pull his leg free.

The captain's words and the sudden loss of light bring an annoyed look to Zazzy's face. He secured the crowbar under her belt and offers Vess a hand up. "Are you good to walk?" He asks with genuine concern. He waits for an answer before heading out, helping Vess if needed. "It looks like climbing back out the way we came isn't really an option anymore." He comments thoughtfully.​
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"I wasn't talking to you anyways," Vess grumbled in Caelcrust's direction.

When Zazzy came at him with a crowbar he pulled from the wreckage, Vess was a little concerned for a moment that he was going to bash his head in with it. Which, honestly, he wouldn't blame the guy. It certainly would have been warranted, since Vess tried to kill him. But Zazzy didn't, thankfully, bash his head in. Just used it to help Vess out from under the metal. Despite having requested his help in the first place, Vess stared at his now-free leg blankly for a moment in surprise, before pulling it free.

He considered lying, but at this point? Why?

"Yes," he answered, somewhat petulantly. "Mostly. It's not my full name."

He took Zazzy's offered help up with a murmured 'thanks', before considering his second question. His leg was certainly broken, he could feel it, especially as he stood and put weight on it. It shouldn't take too long to heal, but given that it seemed like they needed to start walking now was a slight problem. "Just, give me a few minutes," he grunted, leaning against Zazzy's shoulder.

Looking up at the ceiling of the cave - yep, they definitely needed to go. "Nope, nope definitely not," he said, picking a direction and hobbling towards it since no one seemed to be moving yet, dragging Zazzy along with him. "I have sustained enough injuries for today, I'd rather not add 'burned alive by lava' to the list. Come on."

He was forgetting something; a certain cursed sword. But it was fine. Probably.
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1622292009611.png"Hopefully we will find a combination of all four." For the briefest moment, Eolanthe thought she might have just picked up an extra voice in her head. But no, there was a towering presence beside her. Captain Caelcrust--though she wondered if he could still be properly called a Captain now that he had no airship. She turned her head up to give him a cross look. How did he...does he read minds?! That was certainly an unpleasant possibility. And furthermore, his proposition did not sound like a good thing at all.

"Primitive ursidae who can map this cave system for us via echolocation." Ursidae! Another fine word. That really did seem to be his best talent, coming up with fine words. 'Echolocation' wasn't bad either. But whatever an ursidae was, there was something chilling about the notion of a primitive one, and 'echolocation' contained the word 'location'...which probably meant it could find you.

And with that thought, the world went dark. Rumbling, and the echoing of falling and tumbling rocks getting nearer to their location.

"The volcano still wants to kill us. We should go,"

Eolanthe looked back at the boys. It seemed they were helping one another (or one was helping the other) out of the wreckage, which had fallen open like the jagged petals of an alien flower in full bloom. And in the center, a faint shimmer of light. The sword, its hilt protruding from a pile of metal scraps as from a stone. All three of the boys seemed to have forgotten about it.

But...what if there are primitive echolocating ursidaes or bat-bear-creature-cavemen? She hesitated for a moment, but then it hit her that the boys were: 1) big and strong, 2) immune to everything, or 3) both. Only one member of this party had neither characteristic. She ran back inside and took hold of the hilt. With a grunt of effort, then a second try where she leaned back as she pulled, and the sword scraped free.

I am the Once and Future Queen! she thought, then giggled at the idea, especially since the blade was too heavy for her to raise over her head in triumph. But then prismatic light swirled within and around the sword, with a soft tinkling like the sound of tiny glass bells. The blade became shorter and slender, tapering to a fine point. The hilt shifted to become a basket of elegant, sinuous arcs of metal curving protectively around her hand and wrist. Now she could heft the weapon; it was as if the sword wanted to be held, and wielded.

For a moment that gave Eolanthe pause. It seemed there might well be something bad about a sword that wanted to be used, as one did not use a sword for baking cookies. But there was also something bad about being a helpless, unwanted child in a cave full of monsters, and right now, the latter was worse.

She ran back out to rejoin the boys, holding her tongue. Maybe if she didn't say anything about the sword, they wouldn't give her any trouble over it?
"The child has a sword," Caelcrust announced, before remembering that they were all running for their lives. As is all-so-often proven in this harsh, harsh world... morality is suspended in the presence of molten lava.

Only the molten variety though. Some truly great advancements in civil philosophy have been made on volcanic soil.

Perhaps when all this was over, and the archeologists discovered Eolanthe's corpse, perfectly preserved by ashes, clutching her little sword, they would name an ethical paradigm after her. Something to do with children being armed but still not gaining the right to be snippy about etymology.

"Alright - follow the torch," the CAPTAIN announced, before projecting his torch. Literally... the word TORCH. He formed it above his head in golden letters and used it to light the way. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be so patronizing, but he recalled during his CAPTAIN training that panicking passengers responded well to clear and simple symbology. In this case, however, the racist scapegoat at the end of the tunnel was survival itself.

Speaking of racism...

"Run, run, run," he muttered while not running, but instead skittering along with his arms inside his sleeves, like a nervous monk bringing bad news to the Imperial Palace. Behind him, Little Miss Stabbenwolf tried to keep up, while the two brobarians stumbled away from the hull section. The magno-enturblers gave a farewell 'wuhbawuhm!' before they were crushed by the first rockfalls. Darkness swallowed the cavern, and then like a serpent's tongue unfurling, the first great drip of lava... red and intolerant... came from above.

Light returned to the cavern... the kind of light the devil's edgy teenage son would switch on while sniffing glue. And everything began to bubble and steam.

Speaking of bubbling and steaming while being an edgy glue-sniffer beholden to the Devil...

"Coffee!" the CAPTAIN declared while skidding to a halt at the first intersection of tunnels. He reached into his robe, pulled out the coffee pot, and shook the cake-like ooze inside it. "Riya. Did you happen to map these caves when we passed over them?"

The face of the Brightsmile's A.I. manifested inside the coffee pot, crackling with an ambiguous tone.

"Alas, mon Crusty-pan... I didn't anticipate anyone surviving this long."

Caelcrust narrowed his single eye. "What?"

The hologram clarified, "I mean... in the hypothetical scenario where we crash and have to flee an active volcano. My algorithms weren't designed to sustain a narrative to this degree."


"I mean, it's a little silly, don't you think? Running through a cave with a child and two assassins while lava chases you. How could anyone be expected to continue plotting a cohesive--"

"Alright, alright!" Caelcrust shook the coffee pot, and the hologram collapsed into a cake-like mush once more. He tucked it back in his robe and turned to the others, who were nicely framed by a growing torrent of lava behind them. "Alright," he said again, and straightened his posture. "We need to find the way out. So if any of you catch on fire, pay attention to where the flame is pointing. And try not to scream too forcefully. It will upset the air currents."

With this rallying speech delivered, he turned and skittered down a random tunnel. He selected it based on height, since he was loathe to stoop, and height-based assessments had never let him down before. It was twisty, windy, dark if not for his TORCH lighting the way. But he soon realized that they were not gaining much ground as the crow flies... or more precisely, as the lava floods. By the time they emerged into a larger chamber, it looked like this:


"The lava overtook us. Rude."

The CAPTAIN turned off his TORCH and began looking for a path across the chamber. It was by doing this that he realized they were not only crashing the lava's party, but the party being thrown by the current occupants of the cave.

Several creatures, in the middle of dragging a heavy cloth sack towards a magma pool, turned to stare at them. One of them looked like this:


Another looked like this:


Three of them looked like this (possibly half-siblings from a family still reeling from the revelations of infidelity):


And then there were seven that looked like this (at least to Caelcrust's eyes, but he was never very good with faces):


"Twelve. Twelve Orcs," Caelcrust declared, as if perhaps that was important for everyone to note.

The Orc leader, who was probably the leader since he was the one dragging the heavy sack towards the lava, dropped the heavy sack that had so endeared him, and pointed a big ol' cleaver at the intruders. "THEM TOO!" he roared, in a perfectly Caucasian way. "GIVE THEM TO KOBERAX TOO! APPEASE THE FIRE SPIRIT!"

The other eleven Orcs hoisted high their spears, machetes, shields, axes, polearms, wrist-claws and loincloths before bellowing in a feral chorus that was in no way racist shorthand.


Unfortunately, this didn't seem to be part of any mapping-by-echolocation scheme... but rather a prelude to horrible, horrible violence.

"Well, that fills in a few gaps," Caelcrust muttered while watching the Orcs charge towards them. "But what did he mean by 'them too'? Are there others?"

He narrowed his eye on the Orc Chieftain, who remained in place by the cloth sack... which was now starting to wriggle and writhe.

"Ah," said Caelcrust, before stepping behind Eolanthe and glancing to Vess and Zazzy. He shrugged while pointing at the incoming Orcs, then gave Eolanthe a little shove forward. She had the sword, after all.
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Azazel 'Zazzy' Croft

Azazel hurried along after Caelcrust, practically carrying Vess as he hotfooted it along. The softest of obscenities got grumbled under his breath as he stumbled every now and then on the cave's uneven floor. His face was one of grim focus, the hellish glow from the lava only serving to exaggerate the look as it shined off his skull paint.

Volcano juice had bits of molten iron in it, right? Along with the molten bits of the dude having the shitty day. So it definitely could kill Vess. Which wasn't an option, because he was the normal one. The only normal-ish adult in the immediate proximity, anyways. Zazzy needed him.

He nearly ran into the captain when they come to a screeching halt. Orcs. Orcs were an issue. He had his hands full with Vess, unable to access the crowbar. He shot a dark glare at the captain as he offered up the kid as some kind of human sacrifice. "Kid, get behind us. If one of them goes for you, aim to shove that sword straight into its eye hard, got it?" He ordered. The conversation he'd been having with the assassin before things went to shit knocked around his brain. "Think you can manage on your own for a minute? And do you know any hocus pocus that might help us here?" He asks just loud enough for Vess to hear.

He releases his hold on Vess' waist in order to grab his crowbar and pull it out. Twelve against... One and a half if Vess didn't do the whole magic thing? This was going to hurt. He'd written off the captain as one physically useless person after he tried using the kid as a shield.

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At Caelcrust's announcement that the kid had a sword, Vess glanced over his shoulder. She couldn't have picked up the sword could sh- Fuck, yep, she had. But he didn't really have time to give her shit about it because they had more pressing things to worry about, like their impending doom. Which really seemed to be the theme of the day. Especially considering lava wasn't the only danger they had to worry about.

He cursed under his breath in fae-lish. "I don't know," he said grimly in response to Zazzy's question. His leg was almost healed but that wasn't the problem. Or rather, it was, in a way. "I've spent too much energy healing myself."

At that thought, his brow crinkled and he shot Zazzy a concerned look. How much energy had he expended healing himself? Could he reach a limit, like Vess was?

There weren't many spells he could perform at the moment, not as weak as he was. Not to mention he didn't have any physical weapons, now that the girl had picked up the sword. It no doubt had found a better host in her than him. It wasn't likely to let her go, even if he wanted to take it from her.

Not that it really mattered in the moment, but he realized he didn't even know her name. And she had taken his cursed sword. At least he had a bit of time to give her shit about it now.

"That was stupid," he sighed in the girl's direction, gesturing to the sword. "Picking that up. Don't listen to it."

The orcs were getting pretty close at this point, which, fuck this wasn't how he imagined dying, but there wasn't much he could do. Not on his own. But…

He rounded on Zazzy. "It will take everything I have at the moment, but I can make you untouchable to their weapons. Completely." He tilted his head and a smirk slid across his face. "If you promise me something in return." He offered his hand to shake. With the gesture, his grey eyes glinted gold.

"Care to make a deal?"
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~The Panther/Jet~


Dark lashed eyes flickered open for a moment, seeing only darkness.

>>Don't you dare...! I mean it! Don't you DARE!!<<

The eyes closed but her sharp ears still picked up all the sounds: of chanting, of feet marching, of her body being dragged along the rocky ground. But not for long she would see to it...

>>It is still my turn! I will drown you again! Leave it alone--<<

In their mindscape an image of molten lava flashed, fully incorporated was the smell of the burning rock that permeated the air around them. Another image flashed of their body being melted, incinerated, not able to heal fast enough. The final image was that of writhing pain and choking blackness. And yes, there was underlying tone of fear.

It was true the smell of the burning rock was all that she could smell. That and the excitement of their captors reeked right through the sack; an electric vibration that made her heart race faster and not in a good way. And now their captors called out in unison their warcry or whatever it was to their god of molten rock. But still indignant and defiant as ever was she.

>>NO!! It is my turn! Nonono!! My turn!! MY TURN!! MYTURNMYTURNMYTURNMYTURNMYTURN--<<

The image of ivory claws and an ivory lined snarl flashed. And begrudgingly the flash of smoldering yellow eyes turning a feverish gold colour.

>>Wait... wut?! Really...? Reeeeally, Panti...? For me? With my name...?! IN MY NAME!!!???<<

The flash of that mortal face smiling delightfully wicked as always--

And with that she relinquished control and the contents of the sack began to grow and grow. The fabric bulged and writhed barely containing the contents within. The lead of the orcs would find it harder and harder to pull the sack to the point where it was a struggle to enen grasp the sack. The contents of the sack were yanking back, pulling against the strong grip of both its hands.

In her head, the frenzied chant echoed away. But no, it was not a name being chanted, but a promise.

The lead orc was sent stumbling away, arms flailing as one would do should they be in a tug-of-war and their opponent abruptly releases their end of the rope. The sack flew up into the air, the dirtied up side where it faced the ground, dragging the contents along, torn wide. The tendrils of the shredded fabric waved at the orcs as one would wave good bye to the recently deceased.

In her head, the frenzied chant continued, a fever pitch of overlapping screams and tittering anticipation.

And there on the warm stony ground lay the former contents of the sack. One huge forepaw crossed over the other in an almost casual pose. The long, immense body almost languishing, tail laying prone yet the tipped flicked incessantly, almost wildly. The chest of such a creature heaved in and out; it was breathing heavily and each exhale trembled out noisily in the silenced air. The massive head was lowed, eyes open, yet seemingly unfocused. That was, of course, until it saw the writing, slashed hastily into the stony ground just in front of it. It was the word of the chant; the promise.

As soon as those yellow eyes read the promise. They flashed that sinfully tantalizing golden hue. She could see again. Suddenly the body of the immense dark, great cat rose. One huge paw stepped down on the etched word upon the ground and thunder did not rumble from her chest; it exploded. The word was a promise and that promise was about to be exacted:

M U R D E R .


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Both masterfully and authoritatively, Caelcrust poked Eolanthe in the back as she faced down the charging Orcs.

"It's very annoying, waiting for you all the time. You're holding everyone up."

Luckily, the Eleven Angry Orcs had also had their flow interrupted. The mob had skidded to a halt, and were looking back at their leader, who was now wrestling with what appeared to be a French armadillo in a trenchcoat.

Caelcrust blinked his single eye and re-focused. On reflection, it looked more like a panther.

"WITNESS ME!" roared the Orc Chieftain while rolling around with the giant "cat predator" at the edge of the sacrificial lava pool. "I SHALL DEVOUR THE HEART OF THE MOUNTAIN LION, AND BE ANOINTED OF KOBERAX!"

Most of the Orcs roared their approval of this theological statement, and waved their rusty weapons around. Three of them, however, turned back to assist their boss with the panther-wrangling.

That left eight. Eight Orcs. They finished their cheerleading before turning back to glare at Eolanthe and her little sword.

Caelcrust knew there wasn't a moment to lose. He turned to the other two. "Vazzy and Jess!"

Zazzy and Vess looked over at the CAPTAIN, pausing their Faustian procrastinations for just one moment.

"I have a plan. Here it is." He projected an intricate battle plan above his head in golden lines and symbols, indicating how they should draw the Orcs into a left-flanking echelon defeat.

The Orcs also looked at the plan, and promptly changed tactics.

"THEY'VE ADAPTED!" screamed Caelcrust before fleeing sideways. He scurried and bounded between the bubbling lava pools, over rocky bridges, through craters and around stalactites. Two Orcs peeled off to chase him across the cavern.

That left five. Five Orcs. Coming towards Eolanthe, Vess and Zazzy with unerring continuity.

Wait... no... SIX.

So loud. Everything was so loud in this world. Hells, she thought getting sacrificed to a volcano would have been the peek event of her day, but as she lay there in thought while being dragged across the ground in her sack, it seem the Wild Mother had other plans. As if the eruptions of steam being expelled from the earth, or the shouts of the orcs weren't enough. Now there's tourists. Gods she hated tourists. Just let her be sacrificed in peace. When the overall journey had come to a screeching halt, due to a few complications, the woman's lips would purse, tongue running over a long fang briefly before she'd suddenly decided that being sacrificed to the volcano was no longer interesting. A few swift movements here and there, and her feet hook into the wrinkles at the opening of her sack, securing a grip before she swung her body in such a way that the momentum of her movements would swiftly and suddenly spin the entirety of the sack itself.

This of course would catch anyone off guard given that the 'captive' within had been little trouble until now. The orc who had been holding onto her containment having been one of the three orcs whom stayed behind to help the leader with the panther. Now...admittedly, getting yourself twirled up in a big ol' sack isn't exactly the smartest of ideas. However, when your 'handler' is about as smart as a goldfish...there's really little means for concern. Eventually she would free herself of her confines and vivid blue eyes would blink at the sudden brightness of the caves. Her pupils would dilate here and there, adjusting before settling in a thin slit. Well, cat's out of the bag it seems. It only takes a moment to understand what's really going on and so she does what's necessary. That being to make her way over to the panther, and take a stand against the orcs with her.​
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His dignity and poise had been buried and launched into the side of a volcano where lava had chased them and forced them into a scurrying rat-like existence. Sweat-drenched hair fell over his eyes, mustache askew, as he tied torn sleeve around his burned shoulder. Entei's vacation of grief had so suddenly transformed into a fight for survival. Every muscle and pore on his skin screamed joy into his heart. How she would have laughed. He chuckled between deep breaths and joined her. Remarkable how he didn't even care the ledger which compiled his life's research had tumbled out the Brightsmile and into its likely melting fate.

Entei walked, legs searching for a way out while his fingers fumbled with three small spores he'd managed to grow. The smallest encouragement from him would cause the mycelium to grow, though he couldn't gauge the rate with which he'd imbued them. Into his pocket they went and through a tunnel he followed the mild echoes of sounds different from the mountains whispers.


Entei politely obeyed. Familiar faces and Orcs revealed themselves as he stepped into the great cave. Well darn, he thought to himself. Not for the first time did he regret the loss of the disgrontificator, and not for the last time did he fail to smooth back his hair, yet the orcs had not witnessed him. And so he gripped the corkscrew that had left the bar and traveled with him thus far, softly moving to a more helpful yet survivable location near the big cat. At least, it would have been had he not been spotted too soon.

"dskakddflk!" cried an orc caught between surprise and glee while pointing towards the once poised gentleman.
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1623346935593.png"The child has a sword." Eolanthe quite deliberately ignored the "captain." Really, he ought to be demoted at the very least. Lieutenant--no, Ensign, or perhaps Sergeant, whichever rank was lowest, unless there was a rank lower still. Her musings were interrupted by another voice:

"That was stupid," the Blonde Dandy--Vess, was it?--said to Eolanthe. "Picking that up. Don't listen to it." She glowered back at him. I haven't seen you doing anything smart lately! she thought, but kept her mouth shut. Arguing with people was generally pointless in her experience, and besides, there was still the matter of being well-mannered. Not that he understood the concept! First, using the 'M-word' in front of her (but just you watch, the motherfucker would almost certainly be outraged if she used it!), and now insulting her when she'd never said anything mean to him!

Furthermore, not everyone had the luxury of just being born immune to everything. If any echolocating eyeless bat-bear-cavemen turned up, she would be sure to let them gnaw on him for awhile before she came to his rescue with the sword and an 'I-told-you-so.' It would probably only be an inconvenience to him, but it would still serve him right.

No sooner had she turned away from him and hiked her chin with smug comfort in that image, then she found herself face to face with...an army of orcs about to perform a sacrificial rite? Seriously?! She had only just picked up the sword, and not even had a proper chance to play with it master the art of fencing, and now the "captain" was shoving her forward to face charging orcs?

"Kid, get behind us. If one of them goes for you, aim to shove that sword straight into its eye hard, got it?" That was Zazzy, thus far the only member of their party Eolanthe felt any fondness for. He had acted to protect her in the enturball, and, now he was offering advice (well, "commands" might be more a more accurate interpretation of his tone...) that at least seemed sensible.

Perhaps it was no coincidence that he also had the best name? If she should somehow survive this expedition to Hell, and come to own an especially energetic cat with spiky hair, 'Zazzy' would surely be an appropriate moniker. Or if it was a regal black cat with bright golden eyes, then 'Azazel.' Yes, he had the two best names among the grownups of their party. Eolanthe certainly wasn't going to name anything 'Vess.' Or 'Caelcrust.' Well, maybe a snail. But it wasn't like she would ever want a pet snail.

Speaking of regal black cats! One of the orcs' intended victims turned out to be the most beeeee-eauuuuutfiul black panther! Which was odd, because of the way it tore its way out of the sack that it shouldn't have fit into in the first place. But there was no time to wonder about that, or come up with a decent strategy, as the five...no, six!...orcs were getting closer! Of course Captain Snailcrust ran away. Crashing his airship, killing almost all of his passengers, and now desertion? Big, scary mean cyclops alien, and not even a death-ray eye when they needed one? Hmph!

Zazzy had a crowbar out now, and Vess was looking weaker than anyone who was immune to everything had a right to be. Ducking behind him might not be the best strategy if he wasn't actually immune to everything, or could only be immune to just so much of everything before everything overwhelmed him. In like manner, she didn't know how much of everything Zazzy would be immune to. A brief flash in her mind's eye of both men falling under the orcish assault, then nothing standing between her and the enemy. So better to face them now, and maybe help?

That was what her rational mind suggested. Her emotions on the other hand, and her hammering heart were more of the opinion that discretion was the better part of valor (though they would have expressed it more in the form of 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!') Torn between these two inner urgings, Eolanthe froze rather longer than she would have liked, given her self-image as the responsible, clever member of the group. Then a third prompt, unfamiliar: Charge them! Battle! Glory and honor!

That notion was both so foreign to her way of thinking, and under the current circumstances, ridiculous, that she never considered actually doing it. But it did shake her mind loose long enough to come up with something: Say something scary to bluff them?

Eolanthe stepped forward and raised the sword high. "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!" she shouted. Grey skulls are scary, aren't they? The sword lit up and flashed impressively, and the orcs halted in their tracks, tilting their heads in dumb confusion.

"Urr?" they said in unison. Their minuscule intellects could not fathom why such a small creature would challenge them in such a manner.

"Koberax?" one of them said.

"Koberax," another replied.

"KOBERAAAAAAX!" they all roared, resuming their charge.

So much for that idea! Eolanthe clenched her teeth to choke back a scream. She would not be the squealing helpless little girl that the boys would laugh at afterward! If there was to be an afterward.

The sword's grip was warm in her hand, and she felt an instinct: shift to the side of their formation, put one of them between herself and the others. Use speed and maneuverability and small size as advantages, then sting! Wasps could run off even a strong man... Vess' words of warning came back to her. But if that was the sword talking, it surely knew more about sword-fighting than she did. Like it or not, she was in a sword-fight.

As the orcs drew close, Eolanthe dashed to their left flank, and raised her blade. Stab him in the eye, hard! Only now that the orc was looming over her did she see just how tall he was. She tried to stab for his body instead (hopefully orcs weren't immune to swords like Zazzy and Vess...), but the slender blade glanced off of the dull grey metal of his interposed shield with a shower of sparks. With a strangled squeak of fear, she ducked under a swipe of his sword.

He raised his arm high, poised to split her in half with a ferocious downward cut. The armpit!

Eolanthe thrust upward at the exposed flesh with all her strength. The orc cried out in pain, causing Eolanthe to cringe inwardly; but his sword went pinwheeling away instead of cleaving her in two, so there was that. The orc staggered back, trying to clutch at his bleeding armpit, but the fact that his other arm was strapped into his shield made the effort a clumsy one. Then he looked after his departing sword and ran off in pursuit.

She dodged out of his way and tried a back-slash, but that just skittered off his armor--and now there was another orc coming at her! Eolanthe twisted out of the way of a sword thrust that sliced through the billowing folds of her dress, only barely missing her body within. The cold steel of the flat of the blade against her skin sent a chill up her spine.

He pulled back his sword, reading for another assault. He held his shield in front of his body, blocking any attack she could make. Closer! Eolanthe lunged in, crouching in front of his shield. She tried to stab around it at his legs, but her blade hit one of his greaves. Aim for the gaps in his armor!

A more capable intellect might have used a shield-bash to knock her away. Not being so equipped, Krognorr thought, 'Where did smallcreature go?' and bent to peer over the lip of his shield.

Stab him in the eye, hard! Eolanthe thought, then followed Zazzy's advice. Her sword's sharp tip pierced through the orc's eye with a gross squish, then through the eye socket, and into the braincase with a muffled crack of bone. Belated reflex made Krognorr lurch away, but now he was convulsing, knees buckling, and prone to topple over in some random and possibly quite inconvenient direction--like right on top of her!

Eolanthe tensed to dodge if he fell her way. Heavy footfalls behind her--the other orc, running at her with his sword held clumsily, blood still streaming from his armpit. Eolanthe let out a yelp, ducked around Krognorr's shield, then through his wobbling legs. Three of the other orcs had continued on to attack Zazzy and Vess, and the fourth had noticed the commotion to his left. His head snapped back and forth: attack the little creature with the glowing sword, or join his fellows against the two men?
  • OMG
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A shiny TORCH noticed by more than the orcs two slithering masses of charnel and fungus literally hot-footed it up the tunnel Caelcrust approached. A moving mountain of desiccated corpses covered in hole-studded shreikers with the base ringed by the conical violet fungus that gave it movment. This was rather the wrong way in the long term as it led deeper past the inconvenient wall that had kept them in and lava was coming that way eventually. They squirmed their way through the murk at the behest of their shepherd with an occasional whack of a stick as he kept them moving quickly. As the creature and the strange plan fled his way Nixies scrambles past the two hulking piles to intercept.

The creak of a lever and what seemed a small spider in a ludicrous top hat sprung into the oncoming dark to the size of a bear with a saddle. A quick motion to dislodge the speechifer at the end of its stick. CLANGACLANGACLANGACLANGA he rapped a conductor's baton hard on the top of Caelcrust's metal bits as the piles stopped to listen. A half-seared height of shreikers swells the musty putrescence with the breathy intake of air for their conductor to whistle a F# through the small device in his hand.

A castrophony of death calliopes peals a shockwave at the orcs in chase from each side of Caelcrust, "fffFFFUUUCK!"

Nixies could only hear things just so loud, the speechifier had a limiter afterall, but the mounds whipped violet tentacles excitedly at Caelcrust until they were beaten back by the skillful metal baton.

"No! No! Bad! We don't know where that's been!", he called to the mounds near the likely deafened Caelcrust, and spite of the entire deafness of his person and the noise, the device rendered Nixies voice just as normal.

"I have half a mind to think it might be where it's been and honestly that might just be worse," Said Nixies with a tilt of his many eyes at the strange creature.
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Caelcrust understood very little of that nonsense.

Also, he was deaf now, so there was entirely no need to engage with whatever the hell had just slurped out of the tunnel he was running towards. Some kind of spider and his indentured flubber, along with various sticks, tentacles, levers and limbs possessed by the former or the latter.

What was the best way to appease an arachnoid fungiculturalist? They had covered this during CAPTAIN training.

Caelcrust conjured the glowing, golden image of a steamy, dripping trashcan with flies buzzing around it, and a tasteful lid that glinted in the summer sun.

Nailed it.

Having secured an alliance with his new friend, Caelcrust then crawled underneath Nixies and around the mushroom thingy, making his strategic retreat as the two orcs with tinnitus got to their feet again. "Look out," he murmured, like a bored pilot on an intercom, "Orcs."

He reached the other side of the mound, and narrowed his single eye. "Look out," he repeated. "Lava."

Staying crouched behind the blubbery, flubbery shrubbery, he looked around for somewhere to run other than the tunnel which was rapidly filling with fiery death. And in doing so, he squinted at the panther girl... who seemed to have achieved mitotic reproduction and split herself into TWO cat predators. The mewsome twosome were currently drawing the majority of the orcs towards them (which was for the best, given Eolanthe's very poor showing as a horde-breaker), and also a single human in scorched clothi--

Calecrust narrowed his eye even more. Was that... the inventor of the disgrontificator rifle?

Was he ALSO immune to things?
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  • Haha
Reactions: Zarko Straadi

~The Panther/Jet~


The combatants had gone back and forth, claw versus cleaver, fang versus fist. But it was the Orc leader who looked to be worse off of the two. The panther took one last swipe at her opponent then rolled away.

And from there she rose to her feet and the last gash on her hide began to heal just as quickly as it had opened. Yes... yes there was another here who was immune to things... Irregardless, a sharp inhale she took and from her throat roared out a sound of triumph... only to be cut short as she noted the other escapee from the cloth sacks. Huge paws padded on over to the other feline-ish escapee confidently, glowing golden eyes starting to lose its shine.

Around them, the three underlings of the lead orc had moved in, setting up a four-pointed diamond formation with their lead orc, set to attack as the lead orc struggled to regain an aggressive fight stance. The trio looked over to the lead, nodded then eyes slid back to focus on the pair of feline sacrifices. Weapons at the ready, eyes gleaming, lips trembling in anticipation to be the first to fell the great dark beast, they lowered into attack poses. One let out a huge roar, another beat its chest as the final one recoiled a made a small 'whaaaa...?' sound, a look of pure confusion skewing its features as it bore witness to the great dark beast doing what it was doing.

>>Hey...! Hey just what the hell do you think you are doing...?!<<

Oh she did not have to answer the annoying voice in her head, she knew exactly what she was doing.

The panther was pressed up against the newly escaped female feline-ish creature. Her eyes had reverted back to the smoldering yellow hue, the golden glow but an afterthought now. Yes, she was now happily licking the face of the other feline creature that escaped the sack. When done the affectionate grooming the midnight-hued beast leaned in and rubbed its head and face happily against the upright feline with the big blue eyes. If a panther could only purr...

>>Hey! No purring!! Less, Hello Kitty, more depraved murder! You said in my name, so in my name!! Murder them!<<

A sigh the Panther gave, and it seemed to shrug as it turned away from the strange, upright-on-2-legs kitten she had just adopted. Even if her name turned out to be something like 'U'saanvi Raaj', the Panther would always know her as her kitten, her little Bundles. Anyways. Back to the show.

Eyes ignited into burning embers of gold once more. Her tail twitched a single time and the teeth she bared at her assailants seemed to double in size. All claws ejected yet again, penetrating the rocky surface neath her paws. Muscles rippled under her pitch black fur and the sound of thunder rumbled from her immense chest. 500lbs of liquid feline fury rocked back, set to launch forward like a spring under 10000 lbs of pressure.

Suddenly, the smoldering yellow eyes returned, wide and shining like stars, and the mouth filled with gigantic, near unbreakable teeth was now shaped like a small 'o'. My gosh, that girl over there with the blade that was much, much too big for her had made eye contact with the great cat. The girl's eyes seemed to call out and say that the Panther was a 'regal black cat' and that she was 'the most beeeee-eauuuuutfiul black panther!' If a panther could only hold up its paw like it was waving 'hi' and wiggle its 'fingers' at a sweet girl...

>>Hey! No holding up your paw like you're waving 'hi' and especially no wiggling your 'fingers' at that damned sweet girl! Remember what happened to the last little girl you did that to!! Now go kill something already! In my name!! Redrum, Mrs. Torrence already!!<<

A disgruntled yowl, an eyeroll and a disdaining shake of the head then the panther once more returned to glowing golden-eyed kill machine mode. And once more the panther paused.


This time it was the lead orc who was doing random acts of girlie affection. The lead orc was laughing heartily as it held up a hand and was actually waving at the little girl across the way, fingers wiggling in an overexaggerated motion. He was absolutely mocking the panthers actions. Then making sure he locked eyes with the girl hefting the sword that was much, much to big for her, the lead orc made a slicing motion across it's neck. Finally it pointed at her, a red lustre glinting in its eyes. The rest of his minions laughed it up as well, a snort, a knee slap and a small 'OMK (Oh my Koberax)' tossed in here and there. A grave mistake with fatal consequences to be certain.

Like a spring under 10,000 lbs of pressure she unleashed her fury and leapt at the mocking lead orc. The impact was enough to launch the lead orc up like a football tumbling head over heels several times and in the direction of the lava pit. Koberax? More like "Kicked your ass!! said the sneer upon her midnight hued face.

With a bit of a cold swagger in her step, she made her way back to her female feline-ish kitten, Miss Bundles. Well, it seemed to have made a new male friend who was wielding what looked like a metallic pig's tail...? No matter. This new male that had entered the scene looked set to join into the fight against the orcs, and she welcomed another into the killing-spree party.

Black tail twitched once, then pointed to each of them here and then pointed at the orcs around them, designating which one of them would take on which orc. The male would definitely get the orc that wanted to kick the "dskakddflk!" out of him. A single nod she gave her new allies. Thunder rumbled once more from chest as she lowered herself into a fight stance. Golden fire ignited her eyes and the voice in her head screamed away, chanting its favourite chant...

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Azazel 'Zazzy' Croft

Azazel looks deeply concerned at Vess' deal, but the amount of stress brought on by the captain and the charging orcs and preventing the child from doing a murder and the cat getting out of the bag and fucking mauling that guy had him going back on a lot of drunken promises to never fuck around with magic bullshit again. "I promise that I'll keep you alive through this mess. That good enough?" He asks, getting an answer before shaking Vess' hand.

And with that taken care of, he charges right into the fight. He switches his grip on the crowbar and swings upwards, viciously connecting with the orc's jaw and sending him sprawling. Another crushing blow ensures that he won't be a problem for anyone anymore. And that was when he noticed the kid in a fight of her own. Shit.

He ducked as the second orc tried to take his head off with a sword, magic or not he wasn't going to risk that shit, nope. He swings his crowbar, the blow dislocating the orcs elbow. The orc retaliated with a bash of his shield, which apparently didn't qualify as a weapon as Azazel was sent rolling into fallen orc one.

His head swam for a second, little shards of loose obsidian stone drifting up around him. The third orc grabs his ankle and hefts him up like one would pose with a caught fish, much to the second orc's apparent disappointment. The second orc points to the lava with his shield-carrying arm as an order, "Koberax!" And continued on towards Vess.

Azazel snapped out of it and a decent sized chunk of obsidian dropped into his hand. Seeing the orc going for Vess, he acted on instinct, tossing up the hunk of sharp obsidian and giving it a solid whack with his crowbar.

The obsidian shard sails, meeting its mark true as it impales the back of the first orc's neck, causing him to drop right in front of Vess.

Feeling the temperature growing against his back, a brief oh shit look crosses his face and he swing his crowbar once more to the back of the orc's knee, causing him to fall… on top of Azazel. He might be strong, but he wasn't strong enough to wriggle out from under four hundred pounds of angry orc. He goes to swing his crowbar once more, but his wrist gets caught in the orc's crushing grip. It pries away Zazzy's weapon and tosses it away, halfway between them and Vess.
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There are definitely too many things going on all at once. Orcs weren't really in the brochure for this trip....then again neither was the trip itself. The being sacrificed to a volcano thing wasn't planned, but it'd been interesting for awhile. However, the feline dancer grew bored of things quickly. The gilded woman CERTAINLY wasn't expecting to be adopted by her now new cat mom. But hey, watcha gonna do, right? Not like her family could get any weirder. In fact, she seemed quite....used to the bahviour the panther exhibited. Her own head moving to nudge against the other's when such an affectionate grooming had just been given. You must absolutely always give thanks for such a thing. Especially when it wasn't prompted.

No matter.

She had stood back to watch the panther herself take out the lead orc, those rounded, feline like ears perking in praise and surprise tot he display. She would though...get very distracted by what was going on over yonder for a brief moment. A small...gnome? Yes...a gnome. With her...abnormally large gnomish friends, a perfectly normal sized spider, and some floating trashcan were certainly up to shenanigans over there. Hmm...

Flicking her gaze back to her own problem, the dancer would puff out a sigh. "I am being not in the mood forrr such things, Orrrc." she says calming, that odd pattern a speech lilted with the purring R's of her vocabulary ringing out rich with an echo among all the chaos. With a roll of her shoulders, the Dancer's body seems to jerk awkwardly, the woman's bones seeming to break, and bend in abnormal ways with sickening cracks. Her dark skin peels away, and from within the short, slender, humanoid body emerges a rather large (rivaling that of her new panther mother) Tigress. Muscle ripples from beneath sleek, orange fur. The stripes obviously remain, a stark contrast to their brightly coloured base. Briefly, she shakes herself out, ears flicking, tail swishing as her blue eyes blink a few times before finding her prey. Right, they were fighting.

Shaking out her fur, the Tigress would then move to circle around the Orc who had certainly stopped mid charge to blink it abstract horror. "Ko....berax?" The Tigress would just let her tongue slick over large, pointed fangs at that word. Wild Mother help her. She was so tired of that word. It ignited a fire within her, and she would hunker down in an aggressive display, paws spread wide in a stance that let her release a loud and resounding roar from her maw. It was in that moment that the scent of burning rock, and other such things in met with the scent of orchish urine. They really didnt drink enough water.

Oh well.

They werent really as hardass as they made themselves out to be. Far less imposing when there were two large, predatory feline coming down on you. With a leap towards her Orc he would clammer to the ground, whatever weapon he had clattering against the stone beneath them. No time to play with her food, heat was rising. He fought back, his arms coming up to push against her, but teeth would sink into those limbs, snapping bones and ripping tendons apart to render them useless before her jaws snapped around the head itself. There the muffled cries of protest from within her mouth before her jaws clench closed, another snap sounding before the gurgled last breaths of the orc finally go silent and he is quiet.

Her work done she removes herself from atop the mangled corpse, padding around it for a moment, tongue licking at her maw to clear it of the blood before she simply sits back on her haunches to await her new mother to be finished with her own work, striped tail swishing casually on the stone behind her. Yes, inevitable peril is quickly approaching in the form of fiery, melty death. Time to take a breather before they're on the run again.​