First impressions!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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"This person is pretty....uh... cool."
"They named themself after the manga my friend reads?"
"He posts a lot. oo"
"IT's A NEWBIE! WEWT!!! time to make my move with the cupcakes,... >>"
Why's she so lack of love? Gotta show her some of the, ah, love from the Love Doctor.
"He so doesn't know anything about my user name... >_>"
still not the youngest person on iwaku.
"Seems intellectual enough of a RPer. Fine." *accepts*
Needs to totally loosen up more. Geeze man... *Hufffs.* Fine. I'm becoming merely tolerable with him.
Seriously, Archy's gonna get a slap for this. >:[
I've been looking for a reason to ban him. Now I've struck gold.
"Why the hell do people worship this guy?"

Asmo: *Threatens to ban someone in cbox.*

"Hmm, I've seen this person around...don't know 'em! :D"
Seems like she'd be the type to say "Get the hell over it!"
And so my balance has been found. XD
(and how right you are, lol)

"welp...glad to know I wasn't the only person who thought miru was a girl :D "
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