Fight School [OOC/Signup]

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Wondering that myself.

To players who have not yet posted since the GM post. You have 24 hours to post or will be issued an official warning. If you have already received one, you may be kicked from the RP.
I'll post after someone pays the internet. (Posting from phone)

I RP'd from a mobile for over a year... saying you're posting from a phone is a REALLY poor excuse.
Any votes made by Iwaku Members NOT involved in the Fight School RP will be ignored and disregarded.
Quick reminder to everyone who hasn't to get their pet peeves chosen and on their CS's by Friday!
GM Fight/Copost is up. Everyone, make a post and prepare for a two-month timeskip. On a sidenote, the fight was decided using a trial run of the dice-roll system that I devised. Proof that an entertaining fight can be made even from a predetermined decision.

Again. After everyone posts, we will be skipping two months of time. This will give everyone time for their characters to settle in, make a couple friends, learn their way around, and so on.

On a different note, here's a thing.

"Erste Regel der Kampf der Schule; nicht scheitern Kampf Schule."
(First rule of fight school; don't fail fight school.)
Name: Wish Frietag
I.D. Number: 49673650
Rank: D2
Year:1st-Year Student
Nationality: German
Age: 15
Sex/Gender: Female

Fighting Style: Wish had practiced Muay Thai and a some Kick Boxing since she was young, and her hard work has rewarded her with a brown belt in both.
(I can take off the Kick Boxing or the Muay Thai if you would like, or I can find something similar. :3)

Powers: Wish's body modifications could count as powers, you could say. The girl seems to have been crossed with some sort of snake-like animal, giving her fangs and faint scales on her arms, neck, and legs. The fangs that are pretty much useless and used for show when trying to intimitate others.

Wish's actual power is hardly a power, but more lucky advantages. For a girl of her short-ish stature and weight, she is impressively strong, able to bench press about twice her weight (200-250 lbs), and dead lift the same amount. While she can't exactly smash a cinder block, she can definitely leave someone's bones cracked (the tougher ones, like leg and arm bones, ribs are easy for her to break) or badly bruised. She does, however, honor a fair fight, and really uses the peak of her strength with an opponent stronger, bigger, and/or better than her.

Personality:I mentioned before that Wish was violent when mentioning her body modifications, but that is only one way to describe this girl; there is more to her than her harsh outside then she let's on. Wish likes to say that people just easily get on her bad side, when really, she really doesn't like to be pushed around and being treated lesser because she's a female. Accidentally bumping into her in the hall could cost you a few harsh words in her native language, and she'll usually let you decide what to do about it. She knows better than to start a fight in the halls, but some harsh wording is enough in her eyes.

During her fights, she's extremely stubborn and hates losing to anyone, her pride is everything to her, even if she's in a strange country where no one speaks the language she knows best.

Along with her extreme stubbornness, Wish seems to have a lack of empathy for others that she doesn't know, or that she doesn't relate with. For example, if she knocks you out in a fight and she really hates you (it's surprisingly hard to get her to hate, actually) then she is more than likely to still kick you around (literally) until you wake up again, or until someone, most likely her translator, pulls her away and calms her down.
But this doesn't mean she doesn't have any empathy, it can come out on rare occasions if she didn't do anything. She wants to show that she is strong and can deal with what is thrown to her, so seeing any sensitive feeling from her is rare, you're not crazy.

Approaching her quietly, and almost submissively, is a good idea, along with managing at least a smile. If you're kind to her, she's kind to you, and can, in fact, be an extremely loyal and amazing friend that is willing to help you with things and get people off your back. She most definitely wants friends and enemies, she's just horrible at making friends and could probably use help from someone that can speak better English than her. She's just unfamiliar with everything as everyone, looking strong and reacting harshly is just how she cooed with strangers and strange places.

Background: Where shall we start? Not when she was born, that would take far too long. Lets just compact it, shall we?
Wish always was a irritating child, starting off as a toddler, she was known to kick her father in the shins while throwing hissy-fits, and also hitting her mother's legs and back when she was rude towards her brother. Her parents (mostly her father, as her tiny fists sometimes hits his groin-area) were concerned for their daughter and why she was so explosive in her reactions to some negative things. The psychologist's first thought was anger issues, and that anger management would do her some good. Fortunately, she explained to her therapist that she just had so much energy, she didn't know what to do with it. Most of the time, that was to hit and kick. Not just people, sometimes it would be her pillow or a stuffed animal, to her parents relief. Her parents kept trying; they sent her to private school, they tried more discipline in the home, but they didn't know where to help her rid of all the energy.

Around the age of 8, Wish's life changed. Not for the better, or for the worst. But it was an odd turn of events. Wish started to develop some odd pattern on her arms and neck. Her parents were so confused as to why this was; their parents never told them of an odd rash in her family. It grew as she got older, and no one could really explain it, other than it was just a mutation that decided to surface later in Wish's life. She was bullied a lot for the scales, being called a lot of names, too many to list. This was obviously a key element in her later, cold demeanor. Of course the speed and strength came along with it, and sharper, adult canine teeth. Amazing, great, Wish was now some weird, freaky lizard hybrid and she couldn't do jack-shit about it, neither could her parents. This time, they started her in some sort of private marital arts-training program in Germany (they lived there at the time and didn't want to leave) and she proved to be in incredibly good at it. She was strong, fast, smart, and had her 'powers' helping her the whole time. Her teacher didn't even seem to care, in fact, she was his favorite student. This loosened up her personality a little, but not permanently.

Wish grew out of the classes and her parents didn't know what to do, because she didn't have any place to put her energy. Also by this time, her father divorced with her mother and Wish was stuck with her father. Which she really didn't mind, but her father wanted to best for her, and they never really had much money until her grandfather died a few months later, leaving them with not too much money, but enough that Wish's dad knew where to send her. She was reluctant to leave, of course, she loved her dad and her brother, she didn't want to leave them. But the thought of new adventures pushed her forward, and she allowed her father to enroll her. On the plane, Wish did her best to learn some English from a German-English Dictionary she bought in the airport. It was surprisingly hard and familiar at the same time, hence the reason she needs a translator with her. She does know basic English, and can kind of comprehend what people are saying, so she's not oblivious to anyone talking to her.

Pet Peeve: The thing that annoys Wish the most is cocky people. (I know this is pretty on-topic! XD) It just irks her so much that most people claim they can do certain things, and they assume she can't beat them up because of these 'powers' that they have. It pisses her off to the highest extent, and she's more likely to beat them unconsciousness.
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Beta's off doing who knows what (ten Rupees says sleeping), so I'll handle the initial review for once, shall I?

After a good once over....solid work, quite solid. My first quibble is, did she have one instructor for both martial arts, or two? If one, then it would be logical if she got more personalized training, or if she had two, I'd mention that.

My second is, a brown belt in two classes is perfectly fine: However, I'd reckon Wish here would be at least E1, possibly D3 or D2, and I'd say feel free to take the upgrade on that one.

Beyond that? Wait for Beta's confirmation that you're good, and welcome to Fight School! I'm sure Beta'll find a way to work Wish in.

Also, feel free to enter this week's contest as well! Details are simple: Add your character's pet peeve to your CS, and I'll look over them all, giving the best one a reward to be determined later.
Oh mi gosh, thank you! X3
(I'm sure Beta is sleeping as well. XD)

Wish is one of my oldest and best-developed characters, so it's awesome to be able to rp her again.
I'll be sure to add her peeve in a few minutes, and to upgrade her just a bit.

Oh, and yes, she did have one instructor, she took two classes at a time. Haha.
Is it bad that I recognized most of those series? Including no less that six different hentai.

Review is incoming of Wish, btw. Just trying to word it as politely as I can, which can be difficult for me.
Oh boy. That's never a good sign. *hides in corner*

Whatever he says man, I liked it. :P
Dang, this is nerve-wracking.
I always get like this when I'm waiting for a report on my Character Sheets.
But thank you, good to know someone liked it! :3
Ok. Time for the review. I'll try to be kind, but I make no promises.

1. She is too old to be a first-year student in a prestigious and private High School. 14 or 15, sure. 16, not so much.

2. I'd suggest a different power unless you're ok with hardly ever using it. Biting is kinda frowned upon in martial arts, and Kickboxing/Muay Thai aren't well known for sataing in bite-range for long periods of time.

3. While I like her personality, I hope you are aware that with her attitude... she would get thrashed... a LOT. In addition, her proclivity for starting fights with minimal provocation would net her some pretty hefty penalties at New Peaks Academy.

4. As stated in the opening post of the OOC, Parahumans created by genetic experimentation are rare. Similarly, a random shady doctor wouldn't likely have the means to do any sort of gene therapy and not kill the subject via tissue rejection and horrible agony. So I apologize for this, but the experimenting thing just doesn't sit right with me.

5. The following lines.

Unfortunately, she was never very clear with her therapist and just kept telling him it was her nature; she couldn't help but react, yet take time to think about how to react. Most of the time, that was to hit and kick.
Her teacher didn't even seem to care, in fact, she was his favorite student.
First, if she can't help but to simply react... she can't take the time to THINK how she should react. If she CAN think about how to react, and conciously CHOOSES to react violently, then she has a severe psychiatric disorder. This is a case of trying to 'have your cake and eat it, too". You can't have it both ways in this regard.

Second. If she was truly as violent-tempered as you are trying to say she is... very few martial arts instructors would want to teach her anything remotely dangerous. Why? If she hurt someone, was charged as a criminal, and was found to train at ________'s Gym/Dojo/School or trained by Sensei/Sifu/Master _______, and other people found out... it would damage the reputation of that establishment or individual.

Wish's dad knew where to send her: One of the top fight schools in America.
As far as I recall... outside of Dengfeng City, in China's Henan Province... there's no real "Fight Schools" in the world. And even the "schools" in Dengfeng are attributed to the Shaolin Temple and are of a more spiritual nature as opposed to incorporating a Westernized High School environment.


There's a lot to like about her, but also a fair amount that needs edited and cleaned up. All in all, a solid first go. But I can't help but be able to notice what you already admitted... that Wish is a long-established character of yours and you have tried adapting her to a setting she was not initially made for.
I understand, And get, what you've pointed out. They are things that I can fix if you'd like to have me in this Role Play. I understand, however, if you'd rather me just leave it, I'm good with that, too. :)
I don't mean to be rude, I just really like the look of this role play, and I'm more than willing to fit Wish into this setting to your standards.
Dan. A review isn't intended to scare people away or tell them to leave. If I didn't want to admit someone into the RP, I would say so.

If you want to make edits and let me know when you're finished, I can do a second review.
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