Fate_Grand Order: Chaldeas Defense Force

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'll be posting when more Servants do, fyi.
I think I finally finished Nanami. c':
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@ERode I've been meaning to ask this, what does the bit about plundering the unshaven horse-fucker even mean?
Taking the body of the original heroic spirit, who'd have been a dude with a beard known for mounted hijinks, and repurposing it for his own needs.
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Okay so to get a quick heads up here, I've sent a message to @cojemo yesterday to let them know that we have started the IC and it is now going on three days according to their page since they were last online. So for the sake of pushing forward, my next post I will have Sirus go in and summon Hannibal just to bring her in for @Shiki 's sake. If/When cojemo comes back I'll just have Sirus perform a transfer to give Hannibal over to their master. If it seems like coj isn't coming back any time soon, then we'll reopen the signups for a Master only and bring them in. We'll keep their spot reserved though for the time being.

Hope that works for everybody. Sucks, but sometimes these things happen. I've got faith though so here's hoping this is just a temporary fix.
That's a good idea. Thanks for keeping an eye out for things like that.
Alright got a big post in, sorry for the length but wanted to kind of cover as much as I could to push things along. And after this next cycle I'll also go ahead and summon Hannibal into the story as well @Shiki so you can have both your characters going. I'm not sure what happened to coj, but I figure one more cycle and if no progress then we just move along and reopen a slot.

Also, I just want to say to everyone so far, great job on all you're posts thus far. Especially those of you playing multiple people. It is never easy to do, but so far I can see a lot of work and focus in your posts. A great start thus far.
Also, I totally didn't even think about this, but since this is a FGO based roleplay if any of you play the game and would want to share friend codes I'll be more than willing to do so with mine. (Plus with the summer memory event going on right now I'm sure we can all use a little bit of help XD)

Cause I mistyped it like an idiot. I put the last two digits in the wrong order.

I'm still in Orleans and haven't gotten the time to touch it in a while. I'll have to grab my tablet after it charges tho.
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Ah, Orleans. I remember those days...

(Flashes to E Pluribus Unum and the current 8th layer of hell that is Camelot)

....I wish it were still those days....
  • Haha
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Good idea, @MixedUpGuy . I've been wondering if I should bring that up. I've only got 6 open spots for friend codes.


Master name: Omega
I don't play anymore so I don't think mine would be worth sharing, but I think it's a neat idea to do this. Maybe I'll bring this up in future games relating with mobage that I play.
Yes we are @Zero The Grimm. If you would like to join us we are more than open to you taking our opened spot. If you need any assistance making a sheet just let me know and I'll be sure to answer whatever questions I can.
So we got another long post in there from me and I am summoning Hannibal as we speak so all the servants should be good to go this round. And TOTALLY my bad on the wait for that because I wasn't sure if ERode wanted to post and then I realized I kinda totally left him in a terrible spot with my last one so I quickly got something up in the hopes Adam can get something in edge wise. My bad guys.
Magecraft/Abilities, and Mystic Codes.

Can you explain a bit more of these two differences? Are the Magecraft/Abilities like the three we have in the game that vary on the clothing? And are Mystic Codes now the outfits themselves?
Magecraft is the magic your character knows how to do. Mystic Codes are kind of like... think of em like magic items/apparel that have special properties to them. Fate/GO just kind of makes skills be based off of the Mystic Codes you wear similar to Fate/Extra if you've played that game.