Fate of Fantasy Sign Up and Character Sheets

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Azmeryth Z'Therin
(Pronounced Zetherin)


Roughly 247
(She looks to be the age of a woman in her early twenties.)


(Fae Creature)


Lawful Neutral:
A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot.

I Belong/I'm Alien:
"Naturally, I belong here."



Azmeryth's Appearance is nothing short of ethereal, or exotic. Her body is slender, and curvaceous; well endowed in certain areas. She has very long, silver hair which trails down her back, and stops only at her ankles. Fringe bangs cover her forehead where, beneath a curtain of snow, peer two shining, ruby colored eyes that gaze down the slender bridge of a small, somewhat pointy nose. Plump lips shield pearly teeth, and her skin is milky white, almost luminescent, and glowing. An odd, whinged headdress adorns her crown, fashioned intricately with feathers, and the silver wood of her homeland trees. Her clothing mostly consists of silver gowns fashioned with snowy white feathers, and the softest of silks; often revealing, and not constricting to her fluid movements. Upon her back, seemingly not connected to her body at all are two intricate wings. One white, the other black. The white one seems to be made of the softest, white feathers while the black seems to be made of the hardened, black scales of a reptile. And though they both are very much connected to Azmeryth's back by unseen, energys of sorts, completely flesh, and blood to her, their appearance, and existence seems almost impossible.


Fast Tempered:


Strengths: (What you are good at/agreeable with)

Weaknesses: (What you are NOT good at/disagreeable with)

Current Relationships: (Who in the rp are you connected to/How.)

Skills Modern: (IF this applies state what you were good at doing in the year 2016)

Skills Fantasy: (this will be filled out as you progress the story and give yourself more of a standing in the fantasy world of Norindul.)

Equipment: (You do not have to list this but I would like to at least see your weapon or combat of choice here, as well as if you are wearing armor and such that might give your character more depth.)

Abilities: (You can list this or not list it right away but as you gain spells and specific skills involving whatever you choose to profession in you have to list them here so that you can reference this for your abilities.)

Background: (This has to be complete but can be however in depth you want it to be. So long as it notes relationships and infatuations and such int he past that might mean something in current story.)

Misc: (You can put Themes, Voices, symbols... other fun stuff and whatever here.)​
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Eldrin Ivran

122 (Appears to be about 19 in human standards)


Male, last he knew...


I Belong


Eldrin stands at about 5' 10" and has a lithe build with slight muscle. What is shown in his picture are his travel clothes. When around his home, he walked around wearing nothing but the shawl (on his head) wrapped around his waist and upper thighs to cover his... assets. He only has his right ear pierced and the back of his hair falls down just above the end of his neck.

Cunning - Through his training, Eldrin has been taught to get whatever he wishes through any means necessary.
Conniving - Being a thief, Eldrin has done things that are illegal for his own gain.
Notorious - Though no one has seen his face on the job or know that it is Eldrin, know of his acts, giving himself quite the bad name.
Caring - Despite this, Eldrin does care greatly for those he is close too and will do anything to keep them safe.
Trickster - Playing practical jokes on basically everyone, Eldrin tends to annoy most people, although his happy-go-lucky attitude makes it hard to hate him.

Close-Quarter's Fighting - If Eldrin is right up against someone in battle, he has a good edge. His agility and quick strikes with his daggers allow him to move freely to and from an enemy when necessary.
Dark Fighting - A lot of work in the dark has made Eldrin used to fighting with nothing more than dim moonlight.
Diplomatic - Eldrin is able to talk or BS his way out of almost any situation with minimal to no consequences.

Harming Innocents - If someone isn't a part of anything and gets hurt, he will get incredibly angry.
Sweets - Eldrin has a severe sweet tooth and will almost always go for anything sweet without thinking about it.
Large Groups of People - When around many people, Eldrin tends to slightly panic and can eventually hyperventilate if stuck for too long.
People Coming to Close - Not trusting many, if someone comes too close to him, Eldrin will, on reflex, jump away or draw his weapons to defend himself.

The man who taught Eldrin and Farien how to be a proper thief. Deceased years ago.

Eldrin's childhood friend and partner in crime. He was also taught by the same Master as Eldrin.

Mother. Still living.



Magical Affinity
(Possibility of More)

Eldrin prefers to fight with these twin daggers that he had obtained from his Master, and wears no armour, save for what little protection his travel clothes give him.

Natural Charm - Because of the Nymph's natural beauty, they are able to charm almost anyone they wish with just their looks alone.
Deadly Kiss - If a Nymph kisses anyone on the lips, that person will die.
Magical Affinity - With Nymphs being magical creatures, Eldrin's magical abilities allow him to imbue his twin daggers with an element (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Lightning, Light and Dark) to do that type of elemental damage with his weapons.

Lock Picking - Through his training, Eldrin has learned how to pick many locks, even some of the most intricate fall to his skill.
Stealth - Training has made Eldrin able to sneak past most normal people without noticing him if he chooses.
Deadly Strike - Eldrin has found out where to hit someone from behind with his dagger to cripple his opponent in a single strike.
Poison Wielding - Eldrin has worked with many various poisons before and knows how to properly apply poison to an item, weapon or food without harming himself.

Eldrin had grown up with his mother, not ever really knowing his father, his father. He lived in his house with his mother in a nice little 'community' on one of the many floating islands of the Fae Types. They had a normal life with Eldrin's mother taking care of him and even Farien, despite the fact that they were little butts that caused so much trouble for everyone around them on a daily basis.

Growing up, Eldrin had one person who was his best friend, Farien. The two were the little trouble-makers of the town, often stealing snacks from their mothers, or stealing some people's pastries. The two were inseparable and they may have annoyed people with all of their antics, but no one could stay mad at them for very long, not with their likable personalities.

As they entered their early teens (for humans, at least) they had started taking a liking to taking more shiny and precious things. During one of their many, many heists, they were attempting to take a shiny little trinket from this old guy's pocket. It was going to be easy, just walk by and take it like they always did. At least, until the old guy turned and caught the two scheming boys. Instead of the lashing from the man and being turned in to their mothers they expected, he simply told them to follow him. Nervous of what would happen if they did, and even more nervous of what would happen if they didn't, they followed the man.

Being led to a seemingly abandoned building, the two nervously entered after the man and stood at the doorway. One thing led to another, and it turned out this guy was a professional thief, well, many MANY years ago, and he saw potential in these young men and wanted to teach them all he knew. Although wary at first, the boys went back almost every day and, true to his word, were taught everything the old man knew about thieving.

During the training, Eldrin's Nymph blood gave him a natural affinity with magic, so their Master gave him scrolls which taught about the use the magical elements. Try as he may, Eldrin could never get the magic to be strong enough to use as a fighting style, so he improvised and learned how to imbue his blades with the magic he could create.

Not long after Eldrin and Farien finished their training, their master had passed on. The two knew it would happen, giving their teacher's old age, but they still felt it. The man had grown on them as a fatherly figure, one that Eldrin needed deep down. There was sadness the two had, but they never let it show. They then went on, doing whatever they wanted to do for the years to come.

One day when Eldrin was alone, he went back to their Master's old house and he was going through his stuff, just for the memorial and sentimental value they could give him. As he searched, he came across nothing that was of any particular interest, just things about his long-since deceased cohorts or something like that. After a continued search down the memory lane, he came across a single word on a worn piece of paper. Jaffar. This had Eldrin questioning who this was. He then took the paper and decided to do some work.

Growing a bit restless staying where he was and coming up with nothing in the form of evidence, Eldin began moving all over his home city of Kalt, asking people if they knew something about anything, preferably who this Jaffar character was... After months of asking around, traveling all over the seemingly endless city, he heard of a name. It was some man named Jaffar. Was this the same as the paper? Eldrin didn't know, and he never got a good look at the guy's face who he heard the name from, so he doesn't know who to look for.

After much, much longer times of trying to find the right person to ask, or running from the wrong person to ask, he had basically given up. Apparently, that guy must have been a loon. As he drank alone in a tavern, he heard some mumbled voices behind a wall. Confused because the voices were literally in the wall, he sneaked over and put his ear against he wall. All that could be heard were mumbled voices, but he did catch one word. Scarlette. After he heard this, the voices seemed to stop talking, as if interrupted in mid-sentence. Eldrin then left the tavern with renewed vigor, he was sure that this Scarlette person and Jaffar were connected... at least he hoped.

Eldrin retreated to the rooftops after that to think. He was sure they were connected somehow... He laid back on the roof and continued thinking, though he kept on drawing blank. Then, a sound. Eldrin looked up to notice someone in the alleyway behind the tavern pull a dark cloak up and dash off. Wondering if this were one of the people speaking in the walls, Eldrin took off on the rooftops after this cloaked being, remaining as silent as possible.

Following this cloaked figure to one of the bridges that crossed over a river, Eldrin was surprised when he noticed this man jump off the side, rather than go across. Rushing over and looking at the edge, it seemed that there was a secret passage to an underground area that seemed to be a sewer system beneath the bridge. Eldrin jumped down and entered the door just before it closed. Following the near pitch black path silently, he stopped when he saw dim torch light and people talking. Eldrin heard something about a damned Rhaina needing to keep Midnight on a chain. After that, the voices began moving farther away but, as anxious as he was to know more, he turned back and left, deciding to head back home, but not forgetting a single name.

Still living in Kalt today, Eldrin still has attempted a few times to find more information, but he has come up with nothing aside from the names. He's gone back to his 'normal' life of doing things occasionally with Farien and not much else. His life went back to the normalcy that he was used to, living at home and still causing all the trouble with Farien.

Zidan Tribal [Monkey Boy] (Bryce Papenbrook)

As the battle wears on,
Our strength has nearly gone.
Enemies gather all around
As the end is nearly abound.
Yet a light shines from above
Upon the corpses of those we loved.
Pick up your swords, for the fight has yet to be won.
Sharpen your axes, for the war has barely begun.
As we stand, battered and hopeless,
The darkness of evil grows ever closer, no less.
Our armor shines dull in the red glare
And the enemy, with weapons they bear
Approach the fortress, with ill will and intent
And destroy everything, none the less malevolent.

Bar the doors, defend the wall.
Load the catapults, and heed the call.
Protect those left, for the sake of all.
For united we stand, divided we fall.​
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Name: Valur Armise

Alias/Nickname: Dragon Lord of the Azure Sky (self proclaimed)

Age: 397

Race: Silver Dragon

Gender: Male

Affinity: Chaotic Good

"I'm a goddamn Dragon Lord; of course I belong."

Picture: Human Form

Picture: Dragon Form

Appearance: Though able to choose his human form as he wills, Valur, has maintained the same one for the last century simply because he likes it. His body is lean and toned, lending itself to quick strikes and acrobatic maneuvers, behind this is draconic strength and a surprise for those that think him wo weak to take seriously. He favours colours from the cooler side of the spectrum, especially for his biology which extends into the extremes. His skin is very pale, his eyes and icy blue and his hair a silvery-white. His clothing is somewhat warmer though mostly still dark. He tend to wear leather simply because it feels more like his own hide and therefore he feels more like himself; the only other way to feel like this is to simply be naked, which is frowned upon by most. Being magical constructs, he maintains the clothes seen above in pristine condition, usually only needing a good night's sleep to repair any of the damage incurred through the day. Additionally while in human form, he maintains his fangs and a preference for extremely rare meat.

Personality: Some would call him arrogant, others prideful, more confident, and still others would call him a pompous ass. Valur would laugh off all of these simply because he is all but none. To put it simply, he is a roguish character. Humourous but serious when need be, vicious but kind hearted, deadly with words and blade though sweeter than honey. As a general rule, he takes life one day at a time except where his charge is concerned. There is a temper under all of this, slow to rile but difficult to put down. There are few things that truly set Valur off but woe be to those that do; a pissed off dragon is a force to be reckoned with.


Close combat - Valur is highly adept at close-quarters combat.

Spellblade - Valur is also adept at using magic in tandem with martial skills.

Acrobatic - Valur is very acrobatic and flexible, lending himself to maneuvers and dodges that many simply aren't able to do, especially in leather.

Charisma - Valur gets along with most people easily and generally makes them feel comfortable around him.


Dramatic Flair - Valur has a flair for the dramatic that usually draws too much attention to him. Sometimes this is good, sometimes bad.

Chocolate - Valur loves chocolate in any form and would probably fight someone to first blood over a bar of chocolate. While this does make a number of others find him cute, others might find him a bit off.

Temper - Valur's temper is rarely brought to beat but when it does, it is difficult to stop and generally ends with him literally roaring though it has come to a fight before.

Oathguard - Valur is oathbound to guard an item on his person, while difficult for most to even know - it is something that to even attempt to take is cause for instant judgement which more often than not ends in death.

Current Relationships: N/A

Skills Fantasy:

Martial weaponry: Valur is trained in the use of a number of martial weapons though he prefers to use a sword himself. The list includes: daggers, spears, halberds, glaives, pikes, partisans, greathammers, greataxes, bastard swords, katanas, greatswords, longswords, and shortswords.

Gambling: More than once, Valur has found himself at a games table with persons of a less scrupulous nature. Observation coupled with his own ability to see the truth of people allowed him to see past bluffs and to create his own which, alongside his charisma, makes him someone you don't want to be playing against.

Sleight of Hand: While not a pickpocket of any sort, Valur has excellent sleight of hand capabilities though they all center on his weaponry. He can spin a blade in either hand but has no clue how to get away with lifting a purse. Maybe if he had a teacher he could put those nimble fingers to work.


Moonlit Katana: Rilthas' blade. It's blade shines even in darkness.

Siphon Sword: A blade that Valur rarely, and I mean ra-har-har-har-harely uses that siphons the lifeforce of those it slashes.

Leather Armour: Heavy leather armour that provides some protection against attacks.


True Sight- Illusions and such have no effect on a Dragon. Their senses deny the lies before them and only see the truth as it is.

Razor Breath- The Silver Dragon can release a wave of force energy that is like a million sharpened heated blades used to deliver swift justice upon those it consumes.

Sword Conjure- A Silver Dragon specializes in forming weapons out of now where in odd patterns and using them in magical spells Spears coming up to impale the opponent? Swords coming from all directions to maim them? They got it.

Human/Dragon Form- Because the Human form is magically created it can be whatever they wish it to be. They have to use a lot of power to switch back and forth, especially the larger they get in Dragon form.

Arcane Affinity- Can learn Arcane type spells of the good nature.

Force Magic - Valur's elemental specialization as a spellblade. He can add force spells to his weapon strikes to make them even more deadly. He can also conjure rays, bolts and other ranged constructs from pure force. His affinity for force magic means that he is more adept at such than someone who is not, even able to conjure walls of force.

Sentence: Incarceration - Valur's binding spell. For those whom he must take alive, he will quicksketch a box which will become a force cage around the target.

Sentence: Execution - Valur's judgement spell. For those whom he has deemed evil, there is no recompense. A simple sword thrust into their chest followed by an eight pointed star of force magic to cut them into eight pieces, something near impossible to recover from. This is never a lightly taken spell as it is power intensive and generally takes as much power as him turning into a dragon.

Background: Valur grew up in a style atypical of most wyrmlings, especially silver dragons. He was part of a combined clutch in the hands of a group of poachers. Taken from his nest early on, he never knew his family, or even where his home is, let alone his true name. he might never have known were it not for a band of adventurers who happened upon the poacher's mountain lair in search for shelter from the blizzard.

He had been in the possession of the poachers for most of his life thus far and was close to hatching. aS it happened, the poachers let slip the wrong things and the adventurers felt honourbound to end the operation. Among them was a young elven thief named Rilthas who had been scent deeper in to scout for any more of the poachers. As he stealthed through the caverns, he came across the incubation chamber, a large room filled with torches and heated with conjured lava in stone troughs around the room. Of the dozen or so eggs in the room, his was the oldest and the largest and at that moment was hatching.

While impression is nothing more than a myth, it is grounded in the idea that a wrymling will gravitate to the first thing it sees for the first few days of it's life. For Valur, it was Rilthas. The happy chirps of a hatchling echoed through the cave, alerting the few remaining poachers to Valur's hatching and the rest of the party as to what the poachers had been poaching.

A short fight ensued with Valur snapping at the poachers heels, leaving Valur with a scar across his left shoulder but otherwise unharmed. The party fared as well and with the battle over, Valur stumbled towards Rilthas, who accepted the silver dragon with open arms giving him the name Valur for the wyrmling's own valour in combat.

While the other eggs could be transported safely to the closest home for their species, Valur refused to go, his mrps to the contrary very outspoken. Against the rest of the party's judgement, Rilthas decided to let Valur accompany them.

It was hard going the first few months, with Valur eating them out of everything they had; a growing dragon does need a lot of meat. However, growing up in an adventuring party meant a crash course in the school of hard knocks. It wasn't long before Valur was hunting game, bringing the corpse back proudly to the rest of the party, providing his share. It took longer though for him to speak the common tongue, his own anatomy different from the humanoids, leading to a mispronouncing of Rilthas' name as Rith. The silver dragon also began to pick up on the moon elf's happy-go-lucky nature and a carelessness for authourity.

That party would eventually break up and go its own way, as would the next two. Rilthas was an elf after all and long lived; compared to humans, he would go past their lifespans and stay just the same. With him came Valur who by this point was the largest in whichever mercenary company or whatever they were in. Over time though, Valur became more interested in who he was, as a silver dragon. Far from the silver dragon homeland to the North, they struck out, paying their way with contracts as they went.

Halfway there, tragedy struck. The impromptu group that had been assembled to deal with a tribe of orcs warring on a human settlement had a traitor in its midst. The group was ambushed and most of the party dead in the ensuing fight. Rilthas too, sustained critical damage and was slowly bleeding out with Valur in front of him, doing his best to fight off the legion of orcs that spread far into the darkness. Above it all would be a soft snap of a crossbow bolt being launched, straight for Valur's eye.

Were it not for Rilthas, Valur would certainly have been blinded, if not dead, but Rilthas was the one who did die, a bolt buried in his chest. The cry of anguish that ripped itself from Valur's maw turned into a roar of wrath that soared down the cave walls, reverberating and eviscerating the horde within. Paying no heed to the death around him, Valur's form slowly shifted. It was painful at first, the pure magic energy uncontrolled and perhaps far more than needed but when the pulsing light stopped, Valur had been replaced by a young man of roughly 18 who solemnly picked up Rilthas' body and carried him out, taking the moon elf's sword with him.

Rilthas was buried outside a little village named Silvercrest when Valur was only 92. Shouldering the elf's burdens on his back and clad in his surrogate father's clothes, the silver dragon continued their quest, all the while blaming his own selfishness for Rilthas' death.

It was slow going, much slower on his own, but Valur made it to the silver dragon homeland. He was welcomed home but knew that things were...off. Very off. He wasn't like other silver dragons at all. his dislike of authourity, his carefree nature, even his own burden were things that most couldn't or simply didn't comprehend. Selfishness was something almost inconcievable to a collectivist culture.

Still he tried to fit in but failed at every step of the way, his own incorrigibility getting in the way. Despite this, he did manage to find some elder dragons to help him with the basics: his breath, his changing form, his budding magic. In matters of actual training, Valur had a knack for learning quickly and his desire to exceed and fit in drove him to be better than the others his age. All the while, with every weapon strike, with every spell cast, he heard Rilthas' voice pushing him on.

Around his 200th hatchday, or at least what he called his hatchday, he still wasn't fitting in; he was simply too different. He had no love of oaths or codes beyond his own personal one. The elder silver dragons saw this, his existence a rare occasion already. They had had concerns about his reintegration and they proved true - he could never be a part of silver dragon society, at least not in the way expected.

What made him particularly noticed though was his attitude. Valur was skilled, flexible (in more than one way), and he had something to prove. So they offered him a position. He was skilled in matters of combat, both by the rigours of adventuring with Rilthas and compounding on that among the silver dragons. He would be able to defend it. His personality was the kind to protect it to the utmost. He would be able to know when to use it to protect it. He wanted to belong without sacrificing who he had become. He would be able to take it from the silver dragon lands and it might never be found again.

So they made him take an oath, the only oath he ever would, to protect it against anything and everything that might come his way. So he has spent 197 years, always roaming, always free, guarding with his life the only oath he would ever take.


Voice: (masked with Blue hair)

Theme Song:

Battle Theme:

Dragon Transform:

Limiter Removal:

Name: Despina Letum (Lady Death)
: The Breed (Formal) Breed (Informal)
: 119 (Looks about twenty)
Half Draken - Half Human
Gender: Female
I Belong/I'm Alien: I belong.
Affiliation: Neutral (For now)

Breed Face.png
Breed.png Breed2.png
((OK- so I could not find a picture that would depict her the way I wanted her to look, so you all get to see my awful MS Paint skills. Don't laugh too much. Please... ಥ_ಥ ))

Despina's humanoid appearance is closer to that of human opposed to her Draken brethren. She has burgundy colored hair, slightly pointed ears, and white skin similar to an albino snake instead of having a body made of scales- though she does possess them. There are blue and black scales lining the right side of her face and are sporadically placed around her body. They cross diagonally from the right side of her collarbone to her left breast; there is also an abundance of them that cover the outline of her spine and twist around the left side of her waist to the start of her right hip. Breed has red eyes, black scales circling the right as well as surrounding the left. Her face is rarely ever seen since she wears a full metal mask most of the time, keeping it secure with leather string. There are black claws on her hands and two small, matching horns protruding from the top of her head, each of them flat at the top. The Breed has a small, toned, and sturdy frame as well as a thick, fully scaled black tail that runs from the base of her spine to the ground. She carries her sword on her back and her specially crafted dagger remains sheathed on her outer thigh. Her clothing consists of armor made from leather and the scales of other Drakens and dark pants.

Despina is usually indifferent to the people and situations she finds herself in. She doesn't value the lives of most creatures and demands her work be paid off in equivalent exchange, or ridiculous wages to those who don't negotiate well. Breed is always wiling to help out though- for the right price or with the right persuasion. You want some people captured? That'll cost you two pigs and the prisoner's tears produced from torture. Want someone murdered? That'll be a place to lodge and a decent meal, along with mandrake roots and nightshade. She's easily annoyed and quick to threaten or pick a fight with whomever does so; almost considered comical if she weren't drawing one of her weapons. It rarely shows, but she is caring in her own silent way.
Quick reflexes - Excellent balance - Shadows/Night - Agile mentality
Cold weather - Ice - Easily distracted - Impaired vision; bright light (See Below) - Light manipulators

Hunting - Tracking - Sword Fighting - Can read and speak both the Latin and Ancient language.
Leather armor - Curved sword - Metal bracers - Dagger.

  • Abnormal Strength- It speaks for itself, Draken's have ridiculous strength.
  • Dragon Special- Shadow Meld: With even basic darkness the Draken can go practically invisible. The shadows hide them well.
  • Intensely heightened sense of smell and hearing.
  • Impaired vision; sees better in darkness.
  • Natural Armor- It takes a strong hit to pierce the flesh of Draken. This is why it is terrifying to think of them rising up against the races in mass.
  • Acidic Saliva- When a Draken places something in their mouth for over a minute, the saliva builds up and starts to devour the object.
  • Dragons Affinity- Dark magic (Shadow Casting): The Draken of the Black Dragon, which is very, very rare is able to produce Shadow Cast spells with no consequence unlike most who try to use this dark puppeteer type magic of shadows and darkness.

Bio: Despina Letum was born into a small clan of Draken creatures called Malumfers (Bringers of Misfortune), where females were rare and used as breeding maids to expand their population. When she had been birthed with one horn longer than the other, and few scales to call her own, they were tempted to be rid of her. She was deformed in their standards with discolored scales and should have been put to death, but since she was a female, it was prayed that her features might change with time. As she grew, her scales did become slightly more prominent around her body, but left her mostly with thickened skin. Her left horn grew, but the other remained a stub at the top of her head. Her odd traits coined her the nickname "The Breed" which stuck with her throughout her adolescence. She was shunned by the others, deemed unfit to become a breeding maid and used for hunting purposes as bait and other lowly tasks.

Years of anger and resentment built up inside of the Draken, and she knew her days there as a "valuable person" were numbered. She decided that she'd become more than the scum others took her for and was determined to see it through. Despina spent most of her time learning the skills of swordsmanship and combat. When she felt the time was right, she painfully sawed off the horn that did grow and used it to make the hilt of a dagger, one that would end the existence of the clan she came from. In the night she had first slaughtered the women and the babes; slitting their throats as they slept was all too easy. Murdering the males however, proved to be more difficult. They had been trained to sleep lightly in expectation of thieves and other intruders. Breed had managed to sink her handmade dagger into the eye and through the brain of one before she was nearly apprehended by another. With a moment to spare, she threw herself between the male's legs and ran out of their territory. She was followed into the forest where during the long night she would pick them off, one by one, until the Malum Clan had reached their own ironic misfortune.

Despina had skinned her clan members, using their scales to make her own leather armor in lack of her natural scales, then sold the rest -including their teeth- to make herself enough of a fortune to buy a sword and metal bracers with some left over to keep her unappealing demeanor secret with a mask. Since her killing spree she's taken on many jobs as a mercenary, making her alias "The Breed" well known throughout some of the lands of Norindul. She refuses to take permanent jobs under one person, such as a bodyguard, and prefers to be a nomad working for her own means.


Lucy From Elfen Lied - Skip ahead to 3:00 - It's the funny looking one with the hat.

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  • Love
Reactions: Sinopa and Wolfsin
Name: Thomas Darkworth
Alias/Nickname: Roth
Age: 19
Ethnicity: English
Creature Race: human/ warlock
Gender: male
Affinity: EVIL!
I Belong/I'm Alien: I am Alien, I am from the future!

Appearance: Thomas is 6'0 ft in hight, slender with slight muscles. His skin is pale and he has a strange birthmark that looks like a hand placed upon his right shoulder blade. His body also has quite a few scars upon it (mainly the torso, with a few on his legs and arms), though these are hidden by his clothes. His left hand is also missing it's thumb and has a small brand in the palm. The brand looks like a upside down crescent moon. He also has a full length snake tattoo that covers his back. His hair is black and very messy and unkempt, falling over his shoulders and eclipsing his dark green eyes.
Personality: he's a very callous young man who likes getting his own way, he's also very clingy towards others and prone to easy fits of jealousy. He's pretty intelligent, though not exceptional and has no interest in learning most subjects. He's a wander by nature and lives the existence akin to a stray cat, he never stays in one place more then once. He's also very lazy and prefers to take the easy way out, if something seems like to much effort he'll try to get someone else to do it. He's also very blunt and rude, tactless. He doesn't understand how other people feel and doesn't even try, his intrinsic circle is only around himself no matter what he says otherwise. His view is 'as long as I'm okay, that's all that counts.' he's also rather Machiavellian..

Strengths: the dark arts, observing things, adaptable, learns visually
Weaknesses: any other magic form, lazy, blunt, has OCD tenancies
Current Relationships: no one yet
Skills Modern: baseball, skatebording, hiding, tending to wounds with band aids
Skills Fantasy: to be added

Equipment: his weapon of choice will be a morning star.. as for his equipment.. he has a small amount of tic tacs thus far
Abilities: has yet to find them.

Background: "have you ever being that kid..? you know, the one who get's picked last for dodge ball and the one that get's shoved in the locker? Have you ever being the one who's had their undies hung off the scool flag or got thrown into the janitor's closet and was locked in? Yeah.. then you were me.

Don't get me wrong, at first things were good. My mother was a single mother and devoted her time to making me happy, she was the best mother ever! But in the end- as most mom's must do- she got married to some guy she'd being seeing ages. I never liked the way he looked at me, or the things he said and did when my mom was out of ear shot or sight. I never liked being alone with him, and always tried to hide .. but he'd always find me.

I couldn't tell mom what he was doing to me when she wasn't around, I just couldn't. But some how some of my class mates found out, and that's when the bullying and black mail started. I couldn't tell her about any of it, she seemed so happy now.. so I kept my mouth shut.. more fool me...more fool me."- Roth's narration

little is known about Roth's past, he doesn't care to talk about it. According to records gathered about him, his mother died when he was fifteen years old and he was incariated in an asylum after he attempted suicide. He was eighteen when he was let out, and never bothered to return home. Many people who knew him when he was younger say he was quiet and withdrawn, often sleeping in class and screaming "I KNOW WHO I AM!" when he was woken up (and what he meant by that is still unknown today).

voice: Mar, phantom Japanese voice dub
Theme song: Covered by roses- Within tempation


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The Bird Witch


Elizabeth Meg Sylvinsdaughter

Lizzy, Meg

15 | Appears 12


Creature Race
Avian Elf


Neutral Good

I Belong/I'm Alien
I Belong





Domestic Form

Feral Form




Lizzy is an energetic and free spirited young lady, who has a hard time just sitting around doing nothing and can be very adamant about getting her way. Most often get the impression that she is a sweet and bubbly lady, with an adorable face, though perhaps somewhat air headed. However, even if it is true that part of her is as she was just described, there is more to her than most realize.

Lizzy was raised by humans and doesn't even know about her heritage. Therefor she never adopted the views of either Avarial Elf faction, and instead has a mind set similiar to any other human. Having been raised as the daughter of a merchant, she developed a good grasp of economy and negotiation from an early age on. When the moment calls for it, she can get serious, and it is not usual that there are ulterior motifs behind her actions. Lizzy is adorable, and she knows it. She uses her child like appearance to her advantage, and therefor could without doubt be described as manipulative. That is not to say that she is evil or a bad person. She is sweet, but she might not be as innocent as her appearance and mannerism suggest.

One reason as to why she has been forced to develop this sort of personality is due to her frail physique. She is small and doesn't have much muscle on her, which means that in a hand to hand combat- Lizzy wouldn't stand a chance. The fact that she looks like a child doesn't exactly make things easier, and she is ultimately forced to rely on other people. However, where she lacks physical strength she has intelligence to makes up for it. She is quick witted and has a stunning range of knowledge which she has gained from reading countless of books. Even some have a hard time taking her seriously because of her appearance, she does have a knack for business and a good eye for value.


Economy || Cooking || Acting || Free Spirted || Memory || Her Height || Sneaking Around || Manipulation || Literacy || Quick Witted || Birds

Heights || Sweets || Fire || Physical Frailty || Her Height || Childish || Dependant || Hand to Hand Combat || 'Pretty' and 'Cute' things || Unaware of her Heritage





I. Shape Shifting
She has two forms. One of which she likes to refer to as 'domestic' which resembles normal humans, and one she calls 'feral' which is closer to the Avian Elves. Her feral form is her true form, though she usually maintains her human form as not to draw attention to herself.

II. Bird Whispering
Elizabeth didn't gain the title 'Bird Witch' without reason. At a very young age, she discovered that she could communicate with certain animals- birds in particular. She doesn't understand from where the ability comes or how she gained it, but she has been able to do this for as long as she can remember. To a certain extent, she can even manipulate their behavior by giving orders, which can be quite terrifying when used to full extent. The downside of the bird controlling ability is that it is extremely mentally draining- especially when controlling more than one or two birds at the time (like, an entire swarm), as it requires a shocking amount of will and focus. Therefor she only uses this ability sparingly.​





NPC Relationships

Character Relationships













Voice Actor
Kugimya Rie - Shana

Theme Songs
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Name: Senri Ne'dwyr
Race: High Elf
Age: 104
Titles: Ice Princess
Affinity: Neutral-Good
I belong

Senri has layered white hair, and sapphire blue eyes. He has pale skin and has a lean body type. He's 5'7 and hates when people make fun of his height for being shorter than most males. His pointy elf ears barely peek out from behind his hair and his right ear is pierced. He wears a small cheap earring that his sisters made for him that's shaped like the crescent moon.


Senri is basically an asshole with no friends. He's very reserved and anti-social because he grew up being surrounded by loud, obnoxious and overly extroverted girls. Even though he doesn't like his sisters, he's protective over them. He hates their father because he's never around, and never notices his mom's troubles. He learned of his mother's prostitution job around age 96 and decided to take her place as the bread winner and earn income to support the family. Senri loves to read books where the hero saves the day. Because he never sees himself having a future given the path he's on now, he imagined often that he was one of the heroes in the books that he read. Once in awhile he'd dream that his life would have been different and then quickly shake the thought away. Senri is pansexual and has no preference when it comes to sexual partners. He's never been involved in a romantic relationship because he's an asshole and he's scared of letting people in and them leaving just like he feels as his father has left them. He also secretly likes many girly things and it influences how he interacts people once in awhile.

Dyussyit La'Maria - nicknamed Dyuss, an alluring and peculiar half-aquatic elf-half-nymph from the fae lands. He is Senri's mentor in the ways of prostitution, and has thus far taught Senri small magic/charms and the use of elemental magic in order to create allure and seduce people more adequately. Dyuss has a young daughter, Asrai, whom Senri sees from time to time, although she occupies a different physical appearance each time they interact.

Aillaesh Ne'dwyr- Senri's mother. She works as a prostitute to support their family financially but then she liked doing it more leisurely. The money was great but the pleasure was greater for her. Senri as the oldest began to pick up on his mothers antics and questioned her about it. She admitted to being a prostitute.

Aellae'l Ne'dwyr - The only sister that Senri can actually gets along with. One of his mothers many admirers followed her home one night after he didn't have enough money for actually spending any time with her. He spotted Aellae'l coming out of the house as soon as Aillaesh went in, and decided it'd be easier to go for her instead. So he led her away and raped her. When Senri and his siblings noticed that she was gone they went out looking for her, and Senri was the one to find her and take care of her.

Eracidi Ne'dwyr- Senri's father who is never home. Senri doesn't even feel like he has a father. Senri's father is an ambassador for the High Elf council in Serna Emalia

Good fighter. Strong and weapon ready. Confident and Brave to the extent that he does not fear many things or people. Determined. Very organized. Perfectionist. Elegant.

Doesn't know how to communicate with people properly outside of the bedroom or make any friendships. He's overly blunt when speaking his mind and that tends to be off putting. He is very prideful, given his High Elf ancestry. Stubborn and hardheaded. His siblings (especially Aellae'l). His mother. Perfectionist. Sweets. Ribbons and Bows. Talks a lot. Holds grudges. Mention of his father or the bastard child his mother had.

Skills and Feats:
Nimble, both in body and mind. Intelligent and quick to learn things. Very light and fast on their feet. Keen senses. Heightened capability for physical combat and swordsmanship. Low-light vision.

* Dual-sword proficient
* Basic charming spells
* Basic elemental manipulation spells
* Clairvoyant to the extent that he can tell when people are lying or trying to manipulate him/others around him

Twin Daggers
Candy Crab Apples (Lolipops)
Prostitute Dress
Regular Clothing

Senri grew up as the eldest of all of his siblings. He had 8 of them to be exact and all of them were girls. He took care of them for his mother and father while they were away working to support the family. His father was ambassador of the High Elf city, Serna Emalia, while he grew up thinking that his mom worked in the marketplace. Senri grew up to dislike most of his sisters just as much as he grew to dislike people. He didn't have much time for friends anyway because his sisters were so rowdy, loud, and obnoxious that he had to always keep tabs on them and watch them. But because of them he began to secretly develop a like for feminine things. Baking, accessories, flowers, anything that could be identified as cute.

Later on in life he found out that his mother actually didn't have a job in the market like she said she did after he went to go pick up and ingredient while he cooked dinner for the girls. He noticed that she wasn't there when she said she'd be and grew suspicious, then he began to study her mannerisms, listen to more of her lies and try to puzzle them together and from there he questioned her about her occupation. He was angry at her initially, but at least their mother had been there for them a lot more than their father had and he needed her cooperation to take care of his sisters still. He found this out a couple days before his mother found out that she had gotten pregnant by one of the men who had hired her. She wouldn't be able to work, as it was not in her to have an abortion. Senri had been the only one who knew her secret so she informed him about the pregnancy. He would've once again gotten angry if he wasn't thinking about the money. Their father's money wouldn't be enough to support them especially if their mother wanted to keep the baby. So, Senri decided he'd pick her role up. He'd learn to be a prostitute and get the money for their family. His mom used to train in the Fae Lands when she first started out so that's where he has been for the past four years, training under the intense and, at times, overbearing instruction of Dyuss La'Maria.

Venom, dark purple
Name: Adrian Martinez
Venom (Formerly known as Med)
Age: 19 (How does that translate into Dragon?)
Ethnicity:Puerto Rican
Creature Race:
Dragon (Purple)
Gender: Male
(Chaotic Evil)
I Belong/I'm Alien: I am in this world, but not of it.


Appearance: Tan skin, Purple eyes, 5'11'' with long, dark hair. Overall handsome and in shape but not particularly built. Upper body covered in tattoos for an unknown purpose.
Personality: Inquisitive and curious. Always seeking knowledge, however often carrying an indifferent attitude toward people.

Strengths: Highly intelligent. Extensive knowledge in many different fields. High energy levels, Extremely fast. Articulate
Weaknesses: Not particularly strong physically.Thirst for information can get the best of him.

Current Relationships: Knows no one. (yet)

Skills Modern: Star at Soccer/Track, Excellent student
Skills Fantasy: TBA

Equipment:Lightweight armor, a scythe and chain, and various herbs and medicines.

Abilities: Currently unaware

Background: Long ago, Adrian was what you could call the "Healer" among the Heroes. He wasn't particularly strong in battle, but his quick thinking and knowledge of life and death allowed him to protect his friends throughout many battles. He lived for the side of good, though deep in his heart, he could understand many of the Sorcerers mindsets. One day, he was captured, and held hostage by the Dark Sorcerer. He was held for nine days, before he was freed, but unbeknownst to him, he had been subjected to a number of seeds, meant to enhance the darkness in his heart, and ultimately, corrupt him. The war would end, however, before this ever came to pass.

In modern Day, Adrian is a Chemical Engineering student at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Though he's a sophomore, he already has many job offers for when he graduates. Being a top student will do that for you... The downside, there's no time for daydreaming, fantasies, or girls... What kind of life is that for a 19 year old boy?

Misc: (You can put Themes, Voices, symbols... other fun stuff and whatever here.)
  • Love
Reactions: Wolfsin
W. I. P

Fuu Arbakinsil

Age: Twenty
Ethnicity: White
Creature Race: Seemingly human
Gender: Androgynous
Affinity: Neutral
I Belong/I'm Alien: Naturally




Keren Loretta Krishtnok

"Mother Nightmare"
"Queen of the Grotesque"
"Queen Keren"




Strengths: (What you are good at/agreeable with)
Weaknesses: (What you are NOT good at/disagreeable with)

Current Relationships: (Who in the RP are you connected to/How.)

Skills Modern: N/A
Skills Fantasy:

+ Lock Picking
+ Mediocre Necromancy
+ Stealth


A Dogs Skull




"I Came From Nothingness"

"It Is My Birth Right"

"Long Live The Queen"

"The Descent"

"The Life of Fuu"


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Hey wolfy ^w^ are you still accepting?
We are =3
You can put up a character sheet if you want, though you will have to wait until this chapter ends before you can post. Shouldn't be a long wait, we're almost done.
(XD I wasn't sure if you were answered or not lol)
  • Thank You
Reactions: Soulserenity20
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Reactions: Soulserenity20
Name: Krados
Ghul [Spoken as Ghoul] (Given to him by an adventurer who spoke to him)
Age: 89
Ethnicity: Who knows anymore?
Creature Race:
Gender: Male
Deceptive Evil [Pretends to be Good or at least Neutral]
I Belong/I'm Alien: Krados has lived in this world for a long time and Belongs.


Appearance: Krados' body is ancient and has long been dead, but as a Lich this does not matter to him, as this was not his original body. He stands at 6"4' but tends to levitate on magical power anyway, so his height is almost irrelevant. His skin is dark grey from death and his fingernails are now like claws. His eyes glow with an eerie white dot as their only pupil in the black sockets that once held flesh. On his body are multiple adornings of bone and chitin from past experiments.
Personality: Krados is a manipulative and deadly being. He specializes in being able to lull people into a false sense of security, coming off as very kindhearted despite his appearance. Though behind the veil of all this, he is very dark and very morbidly logical. Like some sort of experimental and killing machine. However, the darkest of Krados' desires is to one day find a woman and make himself a Lich Bride of his own.

Strengths: Krados specializes in Dark Magics of all kind, though he has a special use of Necromancy as it is his area of expertise. Having lost most of his morals, he has even become and effective user of Soul Tampering Magic.
Weaknesses: Krados has no special love for light magic, being now Undead himself. Users of it hold a special torture chamber in his home. Light Magic does do more damage than any other magic to Krados at this point.

Current Relationships: Krados has no connections to anyone...yet.

Skills Fantasy: (this will be filled out as you progress the story and give yourself more of a standing in the fantasy world of Norindul.)

Equipment: Krados is a powerful Dark Mage and makes use of his ability to levitate to great ability, dodging arrows and magic bolts before firing back with Hexes and other magics. He has no weapon other than the claws on his hands if by some manner they do manage to ground him, unfortunately that is extremely difficult.

Abilities: Dark Magics of all kind. Specializing in Necromancy and Soul Tampering. Strong in Hexes as well, but not as powerful as his specialties.

Background: Krados was long ago a human obsessed with the dark arts. He studied all her could about Necromancy and became a very powerful mage. But that was not enough, he seeked to go one step further, to use his magic at no cost. He secluded himself from all society except that of the other necromancer's who shared his passion, becoming the head among them. When the time was right, they did it, they all performed the ritual to turn their leader, Krados, into a lich. The combined magical power of all of them allowed him to enter the body they had taken and become a full-fledged Lich. When Krados awoke from the state of near-death, he found all the other Necromancers dead, he knew this would happen, their souls were payment for his transformation, mere pawns in his hands until he reached his goal. Now he continues his endless study until he feels he is prepared to take what he desires whenever he pleases using his hoards of the undead.

Voice: The Lich Incantation
One of the Lich's Darker Lines

His Theme:
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