Falling Through Space (With RafaDark)

Nodding to her, he stopped almost by her side but a little far from her, because of his suit helmet the sound of the helicopter was not so muffed or deafening for him, he knew it would have a time when something like that would happen so he made an little ear bud that would protect his ear of some loud noises like the helicopter or an grenade. Looking at the commander he saw what Ray was meaning, he was one of those boring commanders, the too bossy not playful type, he seem to take his job on the first place, staying at a distance and examining the situation, he waited for a chance to say something.
Keeping her gaze downwind from the Commanders, she entered the mess hall where a raucous
of a fight was going on. And not the usual playful gunfights and challenges of the soldiers. This
was an all out feud between two troops of recruits from the Space Station who had come in a few
weeks earlier, having just completed their training. No doubt someone had said something and
then someone threw a punch at someone else and pretty soon the recruits were yelling and fighting
and there were bloody noses and broken bones on half of them. This wasn't normal but it wasn't
exactly rare to see either, and the Commander definitely didn't want to have to split up this kind of mess.
Letting out an exhausted and yet aggravated sigh, she pushed her way through the soldiers that crowded
the hall.
" I swear one of these days..."
Following Ray, he saw the fight and wanted to help on it but it was too late "Damn... If I was on here... Those suckers would know who is the boss" thought him as he passed some of his comrades with broken legs and arms, Rafa and some of his friends had made an good link with one of the troops of the Space Station and seeing some of them hurt it was like he failed to protect an family member, hearing what she said, he asked in a low voice "You would fight them, break their bones and make them feel more pain?" Trying to follow her between the mob of soldiers on the hall he said "I don't know any other way you could do something different..."
" Hey I got into fights too but I never came out
with broken bones and bloody knuckles afterwards."

After the noise had quieted, a few heavy duty bodyguard
troops pushed the doors open and the Commander strolled
in, placing his helmet on a nearby table. The look on his face
showed that he had both a bone to pick with some soldiers
and good news of his scouting mission. The Helicopter sounds
became quieter and the whips of wind became fewer and farther
apart until the craft finally silenced with a final slow turn of the
blades that where once whirring with action only seconds ago.

"I haven't heard many good rumors on the behavior of my troops lately..."
Chuckling a little, he said "Then you never entered in an good fight..." looking for side to side he got closer to her and whispered "Really... if you want to have an good fight, talk to me, I'll give you the best fight, not with me of course but I know some that would fight just for the trill of it..." with his eyes going a little wide and putting an hand on his mouth he concluded "Don't tell no one that I said it... I would lose my... let's say 'life membership'... but if you want I can show you where it is...". Looking at the sudden appearance of the commander and surprised by the sudden silence of everyone around and of the helicopter "Wait... The helicopter was not just used to let the commander in the base and fly way... why did it stayed? Is he going to stay here or... something went too right?" Rafa thought as he saw the look on the commander's face and the things he said "Wait... he haven't heard it yet? His troops are some of the bests around here! They are just a little stubborn... and empty-headed... and morons... yeah he is right..." though as he moved his look to Ray and waited for her to say something.
Reagan remained silent as she looked up to the Commander and his eyes
swept across the crowd, looking at all of the soldiers with disapproval. He't
wasn't very happy that was for certain. He glanced down at Rafa for a moment
and then resumed his stance with that empty blank stare of his.
" I received word from some of the higher ranking officers that we have gotten
two new troops of recruits recently, I have yet to hear word of their progress.
I have high expectations for this place and at this rate you bunch of people
are never going to survive so I suggest you buckle down and get serious about this
unless you have a death certificate you want signed. Now the good news is that activity
has been dropping in the infected areas around the world and we haven't experienced
as many invasions. We are investigating on this matter further until a solid explanation
can be provided for they aliens unnatural lack of activity."

The silence was unnerving to Ray, and she was beginning to wonder if they were evolving.
And if the aliens were evolving, then they were in for a rough and painful few years...
"Ah! now i know why the helicopter stayed, he's preoccupied with the humans losing the battle... he have an heart after all... But why he looked at me? It was some kind of warning? Did he have something to tell me? Maybe he saw i'm important? Don't know... But I think it is something important... It have to be..." thought him hearing what the commander said "Hey... Ray... Do you think that they are going back to their bases just to give us an surprise all out attack? Like if they stopped, they must have a base somewhere... Do you think they can contaminate humans with something like alien cells just to make us their slaves?... I know it looks a little cliché but... who knows right..." he whispered to Ray a little silently to not get too much attention still waiting for her to answer his questions. Ray was quiet, too quiet for him, looking at her face she was totally deep in her thoughts, he thought that it would be better for him to stay quiet like her and ask things later.
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Giving an exasperated sigh, Ray looked off at nothing in specific, but looking around just
to look away from the Commander. She heard Rafa plenty, and she only kept silent out of
utter respect and fear of the Commander himself. Assuming he was done talking because
he moved to leave, making his way back to the doors so he could head off towards the area
of the base designated specifically for him. Once he left, ray walked down a corridor and
came to a stop by a large door, pressing some keys on a coded lock and proceeding to
place her hand on a scanner, watching as the door opened. These rooms were given to the
best of the soldiers, locked and kept under surveillance, specially made so that there was almost
complete privacy which Ray was well over-due for. This was a room she hadn't been in for a while, and
with good reason for having not come in here for so long.

" Yeah Rafa, maybe that is true, but maybe it isn't. And like I said before all we can do is hope for the best.
At least he didn't stick around to chastise us or anything. Oh, if you wanna keep talking with me your
welcome to come in, I don't get many visitors anyhow."

Something in her voice had a bit of a downish edge to it, like she was upset about something. Walking
around the room for a it before setting down on a turn-out wall bunk bed and looking at some pictures
on a desk next to her, biting her lip to keep from sobbing.
Following her and watching where she was going, he saw that this was one of the part of the base he never passed, the door to the room she stopped to open was too secure for an normal room. Hearing what she said as she entered the room and sat down in her bed and looked at some pictures that he couldn't see from outside, he knew that something was totally bothering her because she was not showing her true emotions, then he realized why she didn't got too much visitors in that room, it was an totally private place to her like an safe that she kept her feeling inside or something. Feeling bad about her, he entered and asked as the door behind him closed "Hey... Thank you for letting me in but... It seems like something is totally bothering you... can you tell me what it is?" scanning the room, he looked at her again and said giving her an shy smile "It's ok if you don't want to, we'll just talk about something else."
" No, I- ( sobbing quietly)- I need to get this out..."
Ray was close to tears now, her lip trembling slightly
and her brow had become furrowed,with stress.
Taking hold of a picture frame and staring at the image
inside, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks. She began
to talk, a long story coming out.
" A long time before the invasions started, I had a family. I lived
on a beach front house with my fiancee and my two boys. Carter
and Weston. They were so full of life all the time, so eager to explore the
world and so willing to fight for it at the same time. They were first to
get taken from me in order to defend the country. I was told that they
would come home a few weeks later but I was informed that they had died in
a fight with some kind of alien class they had never seen before. I lost my
fiancee in battle after that, and then I joined the battle station, hoping to
exact my revenge upon the damn things. And even though I have killed
hundreds of them - ( more sobbing) - I can never get any of them back,
and I have lost everything to this stupid war and it is never gonna stop!"
Looking down with his hair hiding his expression, holding his hands tight he said a little muffed "You and I had almost the same history, this war had taken much things of me too..." after a while looking down, he looked at her again with an expressionless face he said "I agree, this war will never stop, but if everyone do something, we all can make a difference. I know that you can't bring back your family or friends by battling even more because I tried... I tried a million times... And here I am, strong to continue fighting for not letting everyone else's family get hurt..." giving another shy smile at her, he continued "It looks like i'm the worse saying this but take it as an advise and keep fighting, never surrender, protect everyone you can until you die."