Fallen angels

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Leon didn't exactly know how to respond. After all, she was an angel and didn't understand the same terms as he did. "Thank you..." he said, trailing off and not knowing how to finish. After a while, he spoke up again, "Would you like to visit the rose garden?"
"Rose garden? Yes, that would be nice." Nova replied.

Nolan was walking down the street. He was out eating with some friends and was now walking home. He smiled and laughed, "Look at that night sky." He said to no one.
Sora focused hard on the ground below attempting to steady herself. She was tumbling head over heals in the cold wet sky she had fallen through several clouds and her wings were drenched in water. She wanted badly to open her wings and fly down but she feared they would be ripped from her sockets if she did. The earth grew closer and she breathed in deeply watching as the dark blue mass became visible. She could see the waves of the ocean now and she straightened out her body the best she could and prepared for impact.
Leon led Nova to his favorite garden, filled with all different kinds and colors of roses. They looked all the more beautiful beneath the moonlight. He smiled, then told her, "Be careful to touch them, they have thorns." He lightly stroked the soft and dainty petal of a crimson rose.
Nova went to touch them just as Leon did, watching how he did it then coping him. She wanted to make sure she did what her master told her to do. They felt so soft. "They are so beautiful." She then said.

Nolan was walking down the sidewalk, "Almost home. Let's just take a short cut." He said again, to himself. He really needed to stop talking to himself. He turned down an alleyway.
Nolan could hear a girl voice in the distance. He began to run towards the sound. As he got to the voice he could see a beautiful girl with white wings on her back. He started to walk to her slowly, "Hey! Are you like an angel or something?"
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