fALK AND VELLUM (as in nobody else post pls tyvm)

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Rami took the invitation in his fingers before unfurling it to skim the parchment. Shah's personal greetings, well wishes, the contract itself, where to meet; it was legitimate. But legitimacy aside, would the guard let the two of them in with just one invitation? He chewed at his lip - if he were the Shah, Rami supposed, he'd expect nothing but the most stringent of security measures. Even if Emre vouched for him, it seemed foolish to let someone in based on just a word - especially that of an elf. Besides, did the Shah even know what they looked like? No - the invitation was their only verification. If he was turned away at the gate Rami wasn't sure if there would be a second attempt. The walls looked far too high to climb over, not to mention the guards on patrol... but there was always a way.

"I suppose the inn was funny for you?" Rami snapped. He'd planned on berating the elf but the right words never came out. Still, there was no way he'd let Emre have the last word. "You're distracting me. Be quiet."
In truth, he'd been a little rattled since they'd left the inn. Rami knew that it was a matter beyond pride and despite his refusal to entertain certain thoughts, the memories were insidious. They seeped in the tiniest of cracks in his mental blockade and it was all he could do to retain his composure. His painted face wasn't one to crack.

"The guards... two by two..." Rami muttered to himself. From what he could see, there wasn't any set pattern to how the guards moved around the palace gates. But that didn't make any sense - the nobility (as minor as they were) he had known were sensitive to routine. If anything, Rami expected the Shah to be even more diligent. There was a pattern - he was just too dumb to see it. It didn't help matters that from their position he could only see the very front of the gate.

Night was falling and Rami didn't have the patience to wait and observe the patrols for much longer. After a quick stretch he began walking towards the palace. If they couldn't talk their way in then well, the Shah would have to deal with whatever monster had afflicted him personally. Unless...
"I don't know if the guards will let us both in," Rami spoke quickly. The gate was approaching shortly and this was a conversation and a decision that he wanted to make before they arrived. "The invitation is real, I know. But we only have one and I don't know if your word will be enough."

He stopped walking before looking Emre in the eyes.
"You want me to confirm what you're thinking, I suppose. Is it because you're an elf? Yes."
He placed a preemptive hand over Emre's mouth. His tone turned harsh and there was a blade hidden in his gaze.
"And before you begin, they wouldn't take my word for granted either. A boywhore's promises mean nothing, understand?"

"If the guard bars me from entry, I don't suppose I'll find a way in for a long while. So, we either hope that we're convincing enough or..." Rami swung around and smiled at his companion. "We cheat."
"It's a simple enough thing, really. You go in first. I stay behind. You toss your invitation to me over the wall. If Bethelem wills it, all will go well. So... what will it be? Unless you have some other idea; I've run dry."

Rami knew it was a fairly rash plan. It was hinged on luck that Emre would throw it over when no guards were present. Still, he was tired and impatient enough to give it a go. Of course, there was a chance that he was overthinking things and that they'd be let in with no problem. Either way, Rami waited for Emre to give his answer before continuing.

OOC: Haha, no worries. Seriously like I think I can like wait like a year for a post ngl. And I don't think you're horrible for having writer's block or anything, it like happens to everyone. UNLESS YOU'RE IMPLYING THE WHOLE WORLD IS ROTTEN WHICH IN THAT CASE I AGREE.