FABLE: The New Heroes

You people are squandering this place with this arbitrary talk. Yeah yeah fancy words lol
Yes, yes, we are. And quite the remarkable use of complex vocabulary. I commend you. Do you write, aside from frolicking in the threads of Play-by-Post forums?
Yes Ma'am I do. Or do I? Hmm. Aside from 'frolicking in the threads', I role-play if that is what you were trying to imply.
It was the intended implication~.

what do you write most?
And if by that you mean genre then I would say fantasy, mature, modern, and apocalyptic.
Cool. I was never all that great with apocalyptic. @.@
Me neither is something I am trying out, totally new.
Butterflyyyy. Come onnn. :(
Pwetty pwease with sugar on top, reply asap?
We wanna start on the questttt/mission/thing. xD





Alright. I got a post for Kurtran up -- including being set on fire for being a dummy. Sorry about that, whoeverVincebelongsto.

As for Nesku, he's a bit tougher; I'll try to think of something but unless someone actively tries to drag him somewhere, he'll probably just meditate in a corner.
Our cat peed all over my bedsheets.

I'm going to have to wash it twice after it was sprayed with Shout and soaked for half a day before I can even remotely accept that it might be clean. I freak out at things that aren't clean.

I'm a germaphobe with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. I get weird about things, I know.
It's okay. If a cat did that to me, I'd never trust the sheets no matter how many times they were cleaned. I'd toss them, I wouldn't be able to stand the thought alone T^T
I just.... send things through the washer two or three or five or ten or fifty times.
It's not just you. I'm sitting around writing fanfiction and wracking my mind for ways to make a particular pairing work. It's really making me think @.@
Sorry if I fell off the planet. Finals were a bitch ^ ^;
Good to have you back. How were the devil's tests?