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Express Yourself...In Gifs.

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So everyone has reactions when they read something they either love, hate, whatever. But as we are behind the screens of computers, said reactions seldom are seen, unless you have your camera on constantly. Who does that? Anyway, just for kicks, shits, and giggles, post your reaction to something you saw.

I'll give an example:

So I was scrolling through my Facebook and saw a comment. I was having a lovely chat with this person until they brought up this bullshit about a social justice issue. I love talking about social justice, and what needs to change in our society. I agree with a lot of what this person posts. But we were literally talking about something completely different than what they brought up.

What were we talking about? Super heroes. Literally chatting about a fight against Deadpool and Deathstroke, and suddenly bam! We're talking about sexism. Well, they were. It went from, 'Yeah, I think Deadpool would win because of his healing factor being faster and more broad,' to 'But you wouldn't see Deadpool wearing something revealing to show off his body.'

Holy mother of balls! Where'd that come from? When they said this (and this happens in almost every conversation I have publicly or with them (rare is that the case), I'll be talking about one thing that's not even related and they bring up these topics that have nothing to do with the post.

My reaction on their comment?
hifw someone dodges the league queue for the fifth time in a row


me @ myself when I act like an impulsive jackass and say things I shouldn't say and/or step into conversations I do not want to have

Whenever I try to draw digitally or just draw in general and it doesn't turn out the way I want it to.

me @ myself when I spend all day every day for the past week trying to get myself to write, and instead it's 3:00 am and i'm playing video games

When you spend a week with friends and come back to see what Iwaku did while left home alone.

I woke up and saw a kittycat and I wanted to pet it but he ran away:


I signed online and checked out the lastest security reports:


Then @Dullahan left me a message in my inbox:


And then I looked at GenC and saw a wall of Gwazi posts before I clicked on this one and he's talking about a bunch of shitposting and now I am scared to look at the other threads:

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