Experiment 903

Nexx was just as scared as Arietta when she screamed at him. "I'm Nexx! I was here the whole time! Please don't be mad!" He replied in fear, had he done something wrong? He then looked at his clawed hand, he was back to normal. Maybe that was why she was acting this way. "I'm sorry. I turn back to normal when I'm sleeping and it will be a little bit before I can become a cat again." The young man pulled himself up to full hight, a head taller then Arietta. He wore dull white pants with buckles on them and mouth full of yellow teeth like broken glass.
Arietta was too stunned for words. Did he just say his name was Nexx. He can turn into a cat and human?! What the hell is going on here?!?! She screamed inside her head. Sliding down the door until she felt her bottom touch the ground, Arietta put her head on her knees. "Let me get this straight. You can shift between cat or human. I guess that would explain why your so smart." She said, trying to calm down and think about the situation at hand. Arietta breathed in and out a couple of times then looked up at Nexx. "So, what are you? A shifter or something?" She asked.
Nexx scratched his head, a few moths flew out of his nest of hair. "Um... I can turn into other things, like birds and bears. The white coat men would call me a skin-changer, but I like shifter more." He looked apologetically into Arietta's eyes, worried that he had done something to upset her. "Are you angry?"
Arietta looked down at the dead moths on her floor trying to avoid eye contact with Nexx. After a few minutes she looked at him and smiled slightly. "Not really. Just surprised." She replied and stood up. Walking over to him, Arietta squatted down in front of Nexx. Glancing into his eyes, she ran a hand over his cheek. She just needed to be sure she wasn't dreaming. "Those white coat men, who are they?" She asked.
Nexx visibly shivered. "They were tall and had glass eyes. Ever since I can remember they would keep me in a cold, grey room and bring me out to do terrible things to me. I would be stuck to a table while they cut into me and stuck me with needles. Then they would 'test' me. I would be put in a white room then be told to change into something, when I didn't do it right a big one would come in with his zappy stick and hit me until I did it right." He turned around and showed Arietta his back, which had several scars and burns.
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Arietta listened to his story closely, taking in everything he said. By the sounds of it, they were scientists who worked for the Government in secret. A gasp escaped her lips before she could stop herself as Nexx show her his back. Hesitating for a few seconds, she reached out and traced one of his scars gently. "What horrid people." She thought aloud.
Nexx nodded slowly and turned back to Arietta, he was very afraid. "But the most scary one was the towering man in a black coat. He would walk around with the big one and always look down at me and smile with his skinny yellow teeth, even when I was being beaten." Tears welled in Nexx's eyes and he looked down, holding his arm. "I-If they come... would you give me away?"
Arietta couldn't stand to see Nexx like this. She could understood how he felt. He didn't want to be abandoned. Arietta remembered when her father kicked her out and although Arietta begged to let him back in for three days, he never did. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Although she had never been comforted and wanted, she would rather help someone like her then watch them go through what she had to. Holding him close to her, Arietta closed her eyes. "I have no reason too." She told him.
Nexx at first stiffened but soon accepted the hug. He returned the favor, his grasp weaker then Arietta's but still. "Thank you thank you thank you..." He repeated over and over, tears dripping from his ice colored eyes. She was warm and smelt nice, the very definition of comfort to the shifter. Eventually he pulled away, wiped his eyes and said, "so what now?"
Arietta said nothing in those minutes Nexx said thank you repeatedly while hugging her. She knew she didn't have to. After a while, she felt him pull back and did the same. Arietta yawned at his question and to her, the answer was clear. "Now, we get some sleep." She replied him then climbed into bed. "You can sleep with me tonight. I'm too tired to pull out blankets and pillows." She added, turning to face the wall.
"Ok." Nexx replied quickly and obediently. He laid down on the other side of Arietta's bed, smiled, and closed his eyes.

A nock on the door came a hour or two before Arietta normally awoke for school. Nexx didn't wake up, he was deep in a good dream for a change.