Exoria: A Galaxy on the verge of Corruption (Interest Check)

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I might be interested in the princess character, if you'll have me that is.
Hello, sorry about the delay. Kinda got sidetracked by life >.> will have a cs up soon
Anything specific I might need to know other than what's posted?
Not really, PM me and we'll discuss some things pertaining to the plot that are set between the GM and the Princess-player only.
Most likely tonight, depending on how much of a work load I bring home
Oh I'm interested in this! I've never done anything'futuristic/alien' before but this sounds awesome.
Umm it's kinda long so I put it in spoiler tabs...

Name: Sanperre, called Per (pronounced pear) for short (it is a strong breeze from the South in their culture)
Age: 34
Gender: Neutral
Like most Chameleon's, doesn't feel the need to wear clothes as they have nothing to cover up, but they will wear them for others when off planet. On their planet there is a plant much like them that changes and gives off sap in strands, which they call bur, and when the strands are used to make clothes they are as soft like silk. They will often use it to form clothes that matches nature, so they look like flowers or animals and it can easier be adjusted to whatever suits them.

When the humans from Earth landed on their planet they called their species Chameleon, much like their own creature back on Earth, though it is not what they call themselves. Much like a chameleon they are able to change the color of their skin to whatever color they have either seen or to match the environment they are in. They look like Earth born humans except for this and the fact that they have no hair anywhere on their body. They can hold their breath for longer periods than most humans and their eyes can zoom into small spots much like a chameleon, though they don't look much like chameleon's eyes. Their pupils and iris are fully black. They don't have genders per say. Their bodies will start to produce a life form in their womb like structure when they are around the age of 45-55 and some even have a second pregnancy around 112-140 but it's much less common. They have about a 40% chance of having twins and triples have never been recorded. They will often take a companion as their partner for love and affection though but they have no need for others to reproduce. They have flat chests much like human males. They have longer life spans than the natural born human. They don't really care about pronouns in the English language as they don't have pronouns in their own, so any is fine to them. They are quite a bright species and their chameleon abilities don't stop at their skin. They are also able to pick up and speak languages very quickly and learn skills and talents just from seeing them. They store details and information in their mind and are great at recalling information quickly and so have been sot out as record keepers since they were discovered. They can start storing information from the moment they are born and even remember their own births. Before Terrans arrived they often named their children after nature on their planet. Since Terrans have arrived the names have been influenced by other planets and cultures. Chameleons are wanted badly for their abilities to remember but this is also mistrusted as people fear that under fear or torture they may tell others everything, literately everything, they know. Chameleons actually tend to be quite quiet and no blab very much about things they know.
Per uses a long wooden stave (that when not in use she passes off as a walking stick that she claims is part of her culture and has carvings on it. The bark it is made from is very special tree that can reflect energy and feels cold to the touch at all times, and was special custom commissioned by Per) and a laser hand gun (energy based shots instead of gunpowder and bullets)
While we had our own abilities for space travel, us Chameleons hadn't really felt the need to go exploring very much and so it was a surprise the first day that the Terrans (Earth Humans) arrived. Apparently it had been a long time they had been using space travel to visit planets and they had just discovered that this small remote little planet, about half the size of Earth, was actually inhabited. I was only 6 at the time but I remember it well. The Terrans were very nice, albeit very shocked to see us, and showed us the things they brought with them. I was amazed by the languages they spoke and the inside of the ship, which seemed so big on our tiny planet. I touched their hair, soft or rough, their skin, which was only a few colors, and even their clothes, which confused me as we did not wear any. There had been a few other alien species with them, but they were mostly hybrids of the Terrans and another species.
It didn't take long for the Terrans to invite me, a little 6 year old, to come to some bigger place. When I arrived, I was asked so many questions. About my people, my planet, myself and everything I had really ever learned. They in turn taught me their languages and cultures. I spent a year with them before returning to my own people. Since then I have become an ambassador for my people when dealing with other cultures and often help those among my people that wish to visit other places and see the universe find places they can do so and live their dreams. I tend to participate in all major gathering of species around the universe and my next big gathering is the Princess's wedding.

Other: I spent a fair amount of time going back and forth and learning new things. This included what they call Martial Arts, and the beauty of paint, but my most unusual thing I was taught it that some animals are kept by people, especially these small furred evil things called cats. When visiting other species I especially like to watch movies as I can learn from watching.
It wasn't really an exciting day for Per. While she did love to visit other species, she was growing rather homesick and wanted to be back among her people and the trees of her home world. Her skin fluxed from a beautiful tiger orange to a soft sad baby blue and on to some sort of flowery colors. She glanced over the paperwork and smiled briefly at one of them. A young one from her planet wanted to see the galaxy, as the curious often do, and had written her in hopes that she could help. The name Hero was on the top and Per couldn't help but laugh. The Terrans and their words had certainly got to one mother and her idea to name her child. She sighed and looked out the protective glass encasement at the forest and plants of this world. Beautiful, but not home. She turned back towards the door as she heard it slide open. Her assigned assistant for this place sauntered in without a knock or word. She stood and approached the young creature, some four armed fur ball from the Grititean plant. "Yes, Mithan? What can I do for you?"

Mithan seemed as chipper as usual and her melodious like voice rang in the room. "There's a message for you ma'am, on the central broadcom. I think you will be pleased, I hear it is some big to do about that Princess, you remember yes? Well I hear that it's something of a story, but mind you I don't know anything about that stuff, I mean I'm just an assis...." Per had already stopped listening and walked pasted Mithan and out of the room, heading for the broadcom station. She had been expecting a message from the Princess's people for a while now on her invitation to this supposed unification. Per didn't really think the Princess wanted all this big show, but she knew how politics were and what the people would demand from her. She approached the broadcom and greeted a few of the workers nearby before she turned it on.

The message flashed up on the screen before her, the bright blue background with Admiral Sauve in the forefront. "Greetings Sanperre. I hope this message finds you well on Pocacin. I am ringing you to invite you to the wedding of our Princess of Agerna and her groom Tyrugal the 206th. The date is exactly 32 Garluxian days from now. You will be expected to be in dress" To which he whispered "So don't show up like last time." Followed by a small chuckle before he continued. "We will send a ship to collect you if you do not have a means of arriving on your own. If you have any questions or need us to send the ship, you know where I may be reached. Have a good day Sanperre, Sauve out." Per chuckled and knew Admiral Sauve had meant it was not appreciated her style of clothes, which meant none, in the royal courts. She would need to return home to find some bur to make something. She smiled. Home it was then, finally free to return, and escape from her gossipy assistant. She turned and headed for her stay room to pack.
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That's cool, I'll check it out once its posted.
Accepted! Looks good!
I'd like to reserve a spot, if I can. I'll make a CS hopefully tomorrow.
Oh shit I'm sorry! I thought I'd already posted a sheet! I'll have one tomorrow I swear.
Name: Crona Destraial (Experiment #56180)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Crona is a tall girl, about 5'9". She has a pale skin tone, as the planet she lives on rarely sees any sunlight, the nearest star being over 265 billion miles away. She has naturally blonde hair, but her eyes are dark purple as the result of genetic experiments. Her original eye color is chocolate brown.

Around the research institution, all females must wear a plain grey dress and are not allowed to wear shoes, as the "doctors" feel they can be used as weapons. She also has a tattoo on her neck depicting her number, usually hidden by her hair. (Not how she looks physically, just outfit)

A full body suit must be worn during training, form fitted and used only in the training arena, where all "patients" are forced to spend at least 6 hours a day. There are also metal gun holsters on the waist and leather boots with metal clasps. (Again, just outfit, not appearance)

Species: Crona is a Genora, a species of humans that live on the planet of Generia, which is a planet a few million miles from Exoria. However, she is one of the few thousand humans left on the planet, for a league of sentient humanoid robots invaded her planet and enslaved all the humans, sending all children to a special facility where genetic experiments were performed on them, causing many genetic abnormalities to occur.
Weapons: Crona has no personal weapons, but the facility provides all "patients" with a stun gun and two knives for combat.

Her first weapon is a stun gun. This is a short range weapon that can fire small bursts of shock at a target. The shocks can be adjusted, from a small jolt to full paralysis, without getting high enough to kill someone. Although this weapon is very useful, the energy in the gun depleats quickly, and must recharge itself after every large blasts or 3-4 small ones, which can hinder the user in fast-paced combat.

She also has a set of three throwing knives. This set of throwing knives is given to every "patient" for combat training. they each have a holster and a specific color assigned to each person. Crona's color is red, so all of her weapons are red for easy identification.

Background: Crona was born on the planet of Generia, a dark and cold planet. Over the many thousands of years, the humans there evolved slightly to have thicker and paler skin, as well as light colored hair because of the lack of sunlight. Corona grew up a plain and simple life of peace, until humanoid robots took over her planet and forced all children into a special facility where special genetic experiments were tested on them. Crona was one of the youngest children inducted, only 4 (years last 761 days in her planet) years old and the longest lasting specimen, growing to be 19 and outlasting much of her family and friends.

She once was a happy child, but after years of watching her friends die and having to train in the art of murder, she fell into an anger fueled obedience, knowing if she rebelled she would be killed. Since she was captured, she has secretly been making escape plans, hoping to one day escape along with the rest of the surviving experiments and travel to Exoria, looking for the freedom they once had.

Other: Crona is actually an older sister. Although she did not know this, shortly after her mother was captured, she had a son named Barren. Her mother died shortly after, and her brother was taken to the institution, never realizing he had a sister or that she was the strongest inmate in the whole place, despite them having an almost striking resemblance to one another.

Writing Sample: Crona rose from the metal table, the feeling of cold metal removed as she stood, rubbing her neck where yet another injection was just administered, this one supposed to give her a high tolerance to heat. She could feel the raised skin on her neck where her tattoo was as she felt, inscribing her number permanently into her soft, pale skin. Taking away her name and giving her new identification. She was no longer Crona, but Experiment #56180. The strongest "patient" in this sick institution. She walked out of the room, her plain grey dress flowing behind her as she made her way to her room, her bare feet padding along the metal floor. She would have to return to the room tomorrow for "testing." If she failed, she would have yet another scar, this time a large burn, to add to her already extensive collection from various other "tests."

She changed quickly into her training clothes, then retrieved her stun gun and throwing knives from their compartment. She slid on her boots, then left the room, heading to training. Otherwise known as, "attacking small genetically altered children." She shuddered. She still had nightmares of their screams as they were shot and impaled, most resisting death because of their enhanced strength but still having to fight through the unbearable pain of a slow death.

She hated it.

Many thought she was cruel simply because she was a good fighter, but in reality she hated training. She had no desire to physically and mentally scar 9 year olds in the name of "experiments." As she walked, she looked out a plexiglass window to the outside of her planet. Or, what used to be her planet. It was theirs now.

In the distance, she could see a small bright light, also known as Exoria, the closest planet to Generia, and her best chance at escape. She had been hoping since the first injection that someone from the neighboring planet would come save her and all the inmates, but nothing had ever happened. She never saw any starships leave the desolate planet. Was it even still alive? Crona sighed. She didn't know, but she hoped so, for the sake of every living human here. She looked away, her blonde hair falling in her face as she continued walking, concealing her desperate tears. Please, she thought. Please, come and save us. She thought as she walked away.
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You may want to fix the attachments. They're all broken links.
Whoops, sorry! I can't fix it now, but I will later, ok? This afternoon.
Sure, works for me
Sorry! Finally got around to fixing the attachments. Thanks for waiting :3
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