Equip Saga: In-Character

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Mythy the Dragon-Wolf

Hopeless Romantic
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
< @Quiet One @Kraveing_Volkf @TuskaDaemonkilla @ProJect_Love @TyranntX @chaosheart13 @Jack Robinson >

Somewhere in the mid-north of Zephet, before the plains become tundra, is situated a commercial town by name of Feremut. A medium-sized town and not too far from anywhere, it's a place where many legends have gotten their start helping people clearing the dimensional dungeons that pop up every once in a while, all the while fighting threats here in the real world. The buildings are built mostly of cobblestone taken down from the mountains, or at least the foundations, as well as the roads. Plenty of wood passes through as well, causing the walls to be half-cobblestone and half-elfwood, from a very carefully controlled elven grove grown especially for building materials.

In the center of the stone town is the central mercentile square, with a large fountain and one of a few taverns in the city, this one called The Crystal Mare. It was here, among other taverns, that hopeful adventurers would gather, hoping to gain their own share of glory and rare gear, and also where needful employers would come and seek out what they needed or hang job offers.

On one half of the far wall from the door was the bar, where a large human wiped a cloth over an ever-frost mug as his eyes carefully looked over the patrons, careful of barfights. Such was a problem when one allowed such a gathering of unruly hot-heads of all kinds, so he was very well prepared for such an event. He laid down the mug and poured some ale into it, which caused it to fog as one of the men at the bar took it for a swig.

Ever-frost mugs. Ever since the starfall which caused temporary dungeons to begin appearing, as well as the creation of the energies used by equipmancers, there had been an influx of powerful weapons and armor. Such is a helpful side effect, as such dungeons and monsters created by the energies change and have powerful equipment as well. But there as well came the ability to make magical items such as these carved-ice mugs that never melt and cool liquids inside it.

The rest of the tavern, filled with the same fogging mugs on oak tables, where various races and kinds of adventurers could mingle and form teams, easier to be hired than be picked from a crowd. Next to the door was the job board, where there was a group of hopefuls looking for something they could do to grow their own reknown. And this tavern is where our story begins...​
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Lazereth quietly slipped into The Crystal Mare tavern, shouldering the bag on its shoulders. It had done well and good to make it this far, miraculously, though it didn't know how it did it. It even managed to pocket a few coins that came around with selling little things it found and begging. Enough for a drink, at the very least. Perhaps it could find a job here, maybe somewhere else? Lazereth wasn't sure, but it wouldn't hurt to check.

Traveling had been hard, along with getting a semblance of direction. But the whole traveling thing was fine, after all it had been cooped up in its mentor's home for so long that it didn't know any other life. And seeing the world was...well, curious and terrifying. It wondered what it had to gain on its adventures the further it traveled. Perhaps...a purpose? Something to value? It touched the spot where it could feel the opal stone necklace against its chest for a moment before continuing onward.

Heaving a sigh, it shuffled its way over to an empty seat that was a bit further from the bartender than everyone else, or so it seemed, but it didn't seem to mind. It waited for some time as it eyed the bartender, waiting for him to notice it. When it saw that he wasn't seeing it, it timidly raised a hand. "May I have one...please?" it said in a very soft voice, almost too quiet to hear. Then it dropped its hand and sighed.
Zoranak had been within the walls of The Crystal Mare Tavern for some time now, feasting on a well cooked haunch of meat whilst looking at the job board. He would look for a quest with a high pay out and high in difficulty, sadly though it seemed as if any that would come close to his expectations were either taken before his arrival or have not been posted yet. Though he could have taken a lesser task, Zoranak had a tad too much pride to wast his time with petty matters. After letting out a rather irritated sigh, the half-orc would make his way to the bar for more food as well as a drink.

Zoranak would take a seat next to what looked to be a half-elf, though Zoranak payed no attention to it nor cared what it was at the time. His Body made a noticeable thud as he took his seat, He would slam his fist onto the elfwood bar counter, and call out to the tender in quite a demanding fasion. "Bar Keep! I'll Have what Everone's dinking! And Another Haunch While you are at it!" he would roar like bellowing thunder, no doubt making his presence known.

@chaosheart13 @Mythy the Dragon-Wolf
Sqyd (interacting with Zoranak)

Sqyd (known to his fellow Krakanians as Sqggblwurgb-t'saizwan) entered the Crystal Mare. The tentacles on his face wiggled in excitement. What a novel idea, gathering a bunch of people together to drink alcohol and carouse. He saw no way this could possibly have a negative outcome. He had been learning all sorts of things throughout his years of travel throughout the surface world, but taverns had never ceased to amaze him. Making drunkenness a public thing was such an odd notion.

A loud half orc roared loudly for another drink, and Sqyd's eyes lit upon him with curiosity. He hadn't met many orcs, and had met even fewer half orcs. Perhaps he could learn more about the strange little green monsters by talking to this man. He waddled to the bar and hoisted himself up onto the bar stool that he was only slightly taller than. His head peeked over the counter, giving the barkeep the appearance of a little squid head just sitting on the bar. Deciding to mimic the orc's behavior in order to gain his favor, he slammed his fist on the table.

"Barkeep! A half gallon of water! Sqyd requires water for sustenance! And fish! Sqyd requires fish!"

He glanced at the orc out of the corner of his eye, hoping for approval or even notice. The barkeep gave him a strange look.

"You ain't from around here, eh?"

Sqyd shook his head, flapping his tentacles about. "No, Sqyd is not. Please get Sqyd some water and fish. Here is currency for your troubles."

The barkeep smirked and took the Krakanians offer of money. "I'll get that right out to ya, pal."

Sqyd nodded at him in thanks. He couldn't smile, due to his circular mouth being hidden behind the mass of tentacles on his face. But his eyes were full of happiness and excitement at this new experience.
< @chaosheart13 @TyranntX @Jack Robinson >

As the barkeep took the coins from the Krakanian, he looked between the two others that were sitting there curiously. "You have money for all this?" he shrugged. He didn't know if they were together or not, but the coins Sqyd had given would pay for two drinks, so he just turned and went over to the ale barrel. He grabbed two ever-frost mugs and poured the drink into the mugs, while dipping a third into a clean water-basin and setting all three mugs down.

"Here ya go. As for the haunch you want," he looked at Zoranak and smirked a little. "Let me go see if we have any on the fire." he turned and headed back into the kitchen area to see what kind of food stores there still was at the moment. It would take a minute, but he would come back with a juicy, steaming piece of beastmeat on the bone, looking almost like a club. "Here you are then." he looked between the three of them. "Any of you got the coin for that?"​
Zeria was practically dancing as she entered the town, this place was so different from the monastery. In fact she almost never sees places similar to the monastery. Where was the sheer death drops? Where was the meditating young ones? Where do these people train? There were guards but they were...well fairly incompetent, though thinking on it she really only sees competent guards in big cities.
She pretty much ignored the looks she received, she was pretty used to those looks, she had learned long ago to keep her weapon close at hand and to keep her money close to her chest.

"Ooo, Loud screaming alcohol building~" A soft excited squeal came from Zeria's lips as her eyes finally settled on the Crystal Mare tavern sign swinging in the wind. Her hand instinctively went to her bow as she entered the tavern. She had to be careful inside buildings, easy to get attacked in close range, sure she could use her bow like a staff in close range, but she much prefers staying back, getting sneaky kills.
Zeria took quick note of the large job board, she could go and do some jobs here...she just wouldn't tell master that fact. Well he shouldn't get mad if she doesn't pick any assassination requests.

But before she gets any jobs she should definitely get a drink. There was a lot of people surrounding the alcohol supplying man but surely he wont mind one more. "Wine. Monk wine. From the north~ Well I guess any wine will work..." She reached into her cloak and under her tunic so she could grab her money to pay.
Zoranak would reach for his right hip and draw from it a coin purse, tossing it on the counter. "This should pay for the rest." He would say with grunt, and turning his attention to his meal. Though Zoranak could hear the distinct voice of a woman from underneath the cloak of the figure who too just took their seat, his mind set was more focused on the Krakanian. He addressed the Squid with some Snide sarcasm. "Oh No, I was born and raised here. Can't you tell from the Orcs all around us?" He said to the creature.

@Mythy the Dragon-Wolf @Jack Robinson @Kraveing_Volkf
Milo stumbled into the tavern like he was already drunk, the large man being rather delirious from sleeping out on the street as a beggar for the past few days. Staring blankly at passersby and smelling like a wrecked fishing barg didn't do much to earn sympathy and while he could have tried talking to them he doubted it would have made much of a difference. However it seemed someone had taken pity upon him as he woke up recently with a few coins in his hand. Either that or the sea had gifted him something despite being very far away from his object of worship. Nonetheless his mind fuzz from hunger he managed to make it in after some much more energetic person, the sounds of people drinking and eating echoing in his mind as he entered the building.

He ground his teeth together as his stomach made a pained growl and he nearly tripped over his own trembling legs. Thankfully he managed to make his way to a seat at the bar and less than gracefully sat down. He looked at the bartender with half dead eyes and produced the coins from his pocket. "Drink and Food, whatever everyone else has." He said with a rough voice that clearly hadn't gotten a good drink in quite some time. As the bartender went off to get what he had just ordered Milo took a moment to actually look around and see what was going on granted his vision was a bit blurry do to his hunger.

He listened to near by conversation and managed to make out that clearly one of the other people sitting at the bar was not of one of the more common races. Slightly intrigued but still too hungry to care that much he made a small note in his mind to maybe look into that later. However his mind practically melted when he smelled the fresh food that was brought out for one of the other patrons, the surrounding world growing dark as he focused all of his attention on the meat. A bit of drool coming from his mouth and disappearing into his beard.
Feremut. That was the name of the town Mako walked into, promising to be his first experience of the world outside the elfin woods. It had been a peaceful life there - too peaceful. How was he ever going to make a legendary weapon in a world without battle? After mastering his lessons in equipmancy Mako set off in search of great warriors to arm. Better than shipping out gear to armies or shops.

He came across the Crystal Mare and smiled. A tavern. Granted, it was doubtful they had elvish wine, but a meeting place of hardened men - warriors to arm.

Mako headed in and found the place to be crammed with all sorts of characters. He was drawn to the bar, where he saw a giant half orc, a half elf, a warrior monk, and a...Krakanian? Mako had heard about them, but never met one due to his lifetime in the forest. But all of them, warriors, creatures - perfect legendary material.

He approached and sat down beside them all, pulling out a last treat from the elf kingdom; elfish red wine. At the woman's request he held up his flask. "Forget monk wine, dear. Elvish wine is second to none." He turned to the barkeeper. "Can I have some ever-frost mugs, sir? Need them to share my gift with potential friends."
@Kraveing_Volkf @Quiet One

"Ah." Lazereth timidly nodded as it pulled out a tiny sack and fished through it, then pulled out some coins to give to the bartender. "Sorry, I...wasn't specific. But...this is fine. Thank you very much...sir," it said as it passed the coins to the bartender. It wasn't feeling particularly hungry at the moment, unlike some of the other patrons that were seated nearby. And from the looks of it, they were...intimidating and noisy.

It shrunk in its seat as it took a glance at the half orc. It had heard about orcs, weren't they supposed to be evil? Destructive and boorish, always pillaging and killing? It shifted uncomfortably in its seat before looking away. It would be best to just...ignore him. Still, being so close to an orc was frightening. It wasn't sure what to make of that, but it couldn't block out the half-orc's noisy voice and mannerisms as it tried to remain small.

Slowly, it took the ever-frost mug in its hands and took a sip. It closed its eyes and its lips twitched into a very tiny, almost invisible, smile as it sipped at its ale. Drinks like this were good and a treasure, as it had never had any alcohol before its mentor told it to flee. The whole scenario would've been nice if it wasn't for the noisy patrons, but then again this was a tavern so it should've known that it couldn't drink in peace.

Opening its eyes, it decided to take a look around and at the new people they came in. A girl with red skin, he had never seen anything like it. A man, a human by the looks of it, who seemed gruff. Its gaze lingered on the squid-like creature, also something it had never seen before, before quickly looking away. Best not to attract attention. Its head perked up slightly when two of them, the tiefling and an elf by the looks of it, seemed to be saying something about different wines? "Which wine is...good?" it asked, looking over at the two of them.
< @Quiet One @TuskaDaemonkilla @Kraveing_Volkf >

Just as the keep gave the half-orc his haunch, more people came over to the once-quiet corner of the bar, taking more of the barkeep's attention. He looked especially over to the seemingly homeless non-adventurer and the amount of coins that he had produced. He sighed a little, pouring a quintet of drinks into both fresh and cleaned mugs. One got placed down in front of Milo while the rest went to other patrons around the bar. He looked to Mako afterwards and shrugged. "Three mugs, any more and you pay." he said, it didn't do much to have mugs lying empty like that.

He would then go into the kitchen, to see what he could find without being too generous. However, despite it being too expensive for what he paid, the keep came out with a haunch similar to Zonorak's. He put it in front of the scraggly-bearded man with a tiny smirk. "Enjoy it. No more where that came from." he shrugged and then went back to work. He meant it, there wasn't any more haunches that would be prepared for a while - and he couldn't give away too much money like that anyway.​
"Oh?" Zeria glanced toward the elf as he sat down. She could hear someone, probably the half-elf as she doubted an orc sounded like that, ask which wine was good. So she decided to have some fun. "Elf wine? Is it earthy? Lots of dirt, tree bark, maybe some herbs thrown in for good measure? Monks use fruit, wild naturally grown, crushed, aged, kept in flavor saving oak." Zeria gained a huge grin before she leaned toward the elf. "Then again, I did say any wine would work~" She honestly didn't care, and she was mostly being a playful mean. She knew elf wine was not made with dirt and bark, if anything it was probably more natural than monk wine, she just wanted to toy with the new elf. Plus he obviously hadn't seen her race yet so she also wanted to see his reaction to a demon leaning toward him. Perhaps it would be funny, perhaps not.
Though she did suppose she would need to pay the elf for wine if the bartender wasn't going to give her any.
Milo looked down at the meat that was presented to him, his blue irises contracting as he focused on it. In the blink of an eye his hands had grabbed it and brought it up to his mouth, his teeth sinking into the cooked flesh. His head reared back tearing off a chunk of meat which he quickly chewed and swallowed in a manner similar to a starved animal. In his hunger he completely disregarded table manners as he devoured the haunch in only a few minutes. Soon only holding a greasy bone in his hands which he quickly took to gnawing on while he reached for a mug so he could wash down the meat. The surrounding conversations now completely irrelevant to him as he satiated his most basic needs.
Mako chuckled at the tiefling's tease, shaking his head. "No dirt or bark. Natural elderberries, accented with acorn extract, stored within the hollows of magic elder trees and aged for five hundred years." He poured a fair amount into the ever-frost mugs and handed one to her. "The magic radiating from the trees enhances the wine. For non-elves, a bottle is said to add five years to your life - if you can survive how strong the alcohol content is." He chuckled again. "You look like you could."

Zeria took the mug, looking in, sniffing it, then taking a drink. "Hmm, not bad." She would put some coin down for the elf before saying, "My name is Zeria. A...traveling monk ranger..." Not strictly a lie, she is a ranger, and is technically a monk, assuming you take that loosely. She just happened to leave out the fact she kills for a living. Taking another drink Zeria started to wander off toward the job board, figuring if the elf wished to continue speaking he will follow, and if not she will grab something to do.

@Quiet One
Zoranak couldn't help but over hear about this, 'Special brew', sounded horrible to him. Even if it could extend your life span He didn't like the idea of a drink that tasted that bad. He would take the haunch by the bone and continue to eat off of it, as he lifted off his seat and made his way to the job board as the monk did. It had updated in the short time, though the newer jobs weren't that much better than some of the others. But they were a step up from the grunt work they were before, albeit just slightly. He would look over the entire board, looking for the most challenging jobs they had available. One worthy of his warrior skills, he did have his pride to keep up after all.
Kallimar, the half-drow.

Kallimar sighed as he watches from the corner of the street, luckily he had left his room earlier without his former "companions" noticing it. Well, it was time to end his brief association, after all, they hadn't been very helpful, the bounties had been scarce and meager, to say the least. He was nor richer or poorer as when he began his quest, he had tried to speak with the elves of the place or the ones in the grove but they kindly refused to talk to him or even hear his questions. And as everybody knows, it is nearly impossible to bribe them with something as mundane as gold. Surely they know something, if not why the whispering and murmur when he turned his back?
His former companions were making a scene at the inn, the leader, a big-bellied human with a braided beard slammed his fists on the counter, he almost could hear his yells at the patron.

"I guess I shouldn't have taken my -severance package- without talking to them..." he murmurs to himself while weighs the small pouch in his belt.
"Time to move away from this town, I don't want to start a fight with them, they may be scum but we were partners for a time at least I owe them that, and you never know when they could be of some use again, after all, it's just money, it comes, it goes... just like the clouds, lets hit the Cristal Mare, maybe some caravan is about to leave the town and I may catch a ride with them, the earlier the better".
Lazereth listened with interest as it sipped at its drink, carefully listening to the tiefling talk about monk wine. That sounded interesting, fresh fruit, sort of? It wouldn't mind giving it a go...if he wanted to spend more. The cup it had was enough for right now. Then it listened to the elf's side. Its eyes widened in surprise at the amount of time it took for it to age and at the fact that it could extend life. "That...long..." it managed to get out as it took another sip. While curious, the fact that it was seemingly so rare was made it stop ordering one.

Then there was the sound of noisy eating. Its eyes shifted to a bearded man that was chomping down on a piece of meat...rather quickly. Like it. It frowned as it settled its drink down and stared at it for a moment, thinking hard. Then it slowly pulled out its little sack of coins again and waved the bartender. "How much...for three plates of food...for the man over there with the bone?" it asked as it began to pour out the money. The man reminded it too much of it back when it was serving its mentor. It was unpleasant, to say the least.
Sqyd (Interacting with Zoranak and Mako)

He glanced at the half orc curiously. "That is sarcasm. Sqyd understands this, but must tell you he thinks it's unnecessary. Sqyd is new here, no need to be...uh...rude!" He said in delight. Another couple of people sat next to them. This bar sure was crowded, he thought to himself. One of these was a tiefling, the other, an elf of some sort. He could never tell the elf races apart. Was that racist? He hoped not.

The elf pulled out some fancy drink and ordered some of the barkeep's fancy glasses. Sqyd chugged his water, relishing the refreshing coolness of his drink. He then took a bite of his fish, and glanced over at the elf, curious about what he had with him. He cleared his throat and interjected into the conversation. "Hello! Am Sqyd!" He pointed at himself. "What is that drink? You are elf, yes? Hope it is good drink, and will not be making me wither into dust."

So many exciting smells, so many things to learn. Life outside the water was amazing. He'd been adventuring for a long time, and while his grasp on earthly languages was...average, his love for new things only increased as he saw more and more intriguing things.
Mako chuckled at Sqyd and Lazareth, and gave only a wry smirk to Zoranak. He could see the look of disgust. What would a half orc know about quality comforts? As the ranger went to look over the job board, Mako decided he'd get up and follow her. "If you'll excuse me, gentlemen..."

He went up behind Zeria and looked over the job board with her. "I'm an equipmancer, Zeria. I left my village in pursuit of great heroes to arm. To make legendary weapons and armor that will be sung about for generations. You, them," he looked back at the ones sitting at the bar, "I feel something in them and you; potential to be those legends. You and the half orc strike me as loners, but I want you to form a party with them and me. Together you could all be amazing. And I could arm you. What do you say?"
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