Earth's Last Hope ((IC))

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She had grown comfortable within the ground; it seemed more like home than her own house did. All of the fear had nullified, stopping her from freaking out about how she was able to get underground in the first place! All she knew was that it felt… natural.

Suddenly though a feeling of uneasiness made its way through to her 'safe area'. She couldn't see but she knew something was there with her. She pulled herself tighter into the fetal position; it was all she could think to do. The sound of jaws unclenching sent a shiver up her spine causing her to kick her feet forward. This made he slid backwards as if she was on tile that had just been waxed. Not only had she put some space between her and the ominous air, but two shards of rocks shot upwards from her feet when she kicked away.

Chiana then heard the man's voice muffled by the dirt above.
"Come out?" She whispered. Brushing her fingers through the dirt beneath her she sighed. She didn't want to leave her safe place, but she knew she had to. He was the only one she knew of who could explain to her what was going on. Plus she didn't know if she was still alone or not.
She looked up questionably at the earth above her head and wondered how exactly she could leave the space. She pressed her hands together and shoved them in the soil above her, then closed her eyes. She imagined her hands sliding through the ground as if it were butter. When she pushed up her fingers didn't budge.

"Come on. Let me out." She grunted as she pushed harder, feeling in her mind how it would feel slipping right through the dirt, she pushed down panic knowing that she needed to get out before that thing would attack again. Her hands move upwards slowly, not like butter, more like clay, but she would work with it.
Soon, after all of her hard work Chi's hands reached the surface touched air. Her hands struggled as they began to pull apart. After a moment a small hole enough to fit the small girl was made and she slowly pulled herself out without taking her eyes off of the fire elemental. When she completely resurfaced she stepped back to a tree that was only a foot beside her and stood behind it, slightly to the side so she could still watch him.

"W-What do you want f-from me? W-what's going on? I think s-something is down there still!" Her shaken voice whimpered as she leaned closer to the tree.

(XD I'm so sorry I'm not replying much, on the weekends I'll only be able to get possible one post in at night, I'm more active during the week. Tomorrow I won't be on until night again as well, I'm so sorry.)
Braden smiles at Chiana as she comes out of her element, but his expression looks pleading for a moment as she backs towards the tree. He tries to soothe her by telling her the truth, but he doesn't know if it will have an opposing reaction or not. Don't be scared, please... if anything else comes from above or below, I will protect you. I want you to help me do something very important. There is some... thing... much worse heading for this planet. You were recently saved by that cave in when those strangers tried to take you away. The reason that you were able to sink into the ground is because you are the representative of the element known as Earth. It's hard to explain... so I'm going to show you what I mean. Close your eyes and trust me, I'm not going to hurt you... I PROMISE.
At the sight of the demonic creatures being pushed back, Adair took the opportunity to get to the others. The mass of water she had been floating on roared to life and she pushed down-stream, towards Braden.

She had apparently missed an attack on him, by the remnants of ashes not only in the air, but the dark spots that had been burned on the ground. Adair jumped off her wave and ran towards Braden and a young girl, her hair and clothes drenched. 'The downfall of being the water element.' As Adair approached them, she began to feel not only the water, but the ground's movement. Something bigger was coming towards them. "Guys, we have to get out of here. I'm sorry for doing this but we're out numbered." Adair gave them the bit of time they needed to transfer the information that Braden had before interrupting them once again. The young woman might not have mastered her ability yet, but one thing she could do was travel via water. She grabbed both the young girls wrist and Braden's and pulled them towards the water. Before jumping in she looked at Braden. He might be hard headed but he had to listen to Adair. "You need to go. Use your fire speed thing and go. I will find you. Our elements are opposing. I can feel where you are from a mile away. I'll explain later."

Adair then looked at the young girl, fear in both of their eyes. "Please trust me. We're going to jump in the water and not come out for a while. I'll tell you when to breathe, okay?" She made no further movement after explaining to the young girl what she would do. Adair wasn't sure how the girl would react. Would she fight back? Would she lash out on her? How much did the girl know about her ability and how well could she use it? At the moment she had to be quick but cautious of the young element. The dark creatures were getting closer. If the young girl said yes, Adair would immediately jump into the water and have the stream pick up it's current to escape the darkness.
Braden was always slightly childish when people told him what to do. He nods when she tells him to leave, but he lets her leave first. He made it look like he was getting ready to start, but when she was a ways away, he pulled his hand out from his pocket with a smile on his face. Sorry... but I've got crossies. I'll finish up here, than you can follow me. Braden turns towards the large creature that had been so murderous towards Adair. He looked at it with something close to disgust. He looks at it's vicious black eyes. He had a very bad lifestyle when he was younger that involved theft, drugs, and even murder. To this day, he still doesn't know what came over him, but he spoke to the creature without wanting to kill it. I know what you are now, and it appears that the only way I'll be able to talk to your master is if I beat YOU in a fair fight. It'll be a fair fight between an element and a agent of darkness. No flames on my side, and no claws or darkness. Just a match with fists, feet, and heads. There's now objects harder than my bones, which means your armor. What do you say, colossus? If I win, I gain an audience with your leader. If you win, you get to either take me prisoner or kill me. Braden lifts one hand in the air and puts the other on his chest. He may have been a little overconfident, but he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly where it's weak spots were, but what made it hard to kill was the armor. The armor wouldn't be a problem though because if it listened, it would shed all of it's armor.
Seeing life through the demonic colossus' eyes, Damien could do naught but raise a brow in utter confusion. The Vessel of the Darkness knew the Vessel of Fire was absolutely mad, but now, he was showing signs of stupidity alongside his livid and reckless temperament. To negotiate with a child of the Darkness, let alone their Harbinger, was to voluntarily stab yourself in the back. Did he think Damien, the Darkness' chosen, to have a sense of honor? He was wrong beyond measure. The vermiform titan emitted naught but sound that would simulate a chorus of damned laughter. It was still encased in its nigh indestructible exoskeleton, disregarding Fire's attempt at compromise. Damien, however, was intrigued at Braden's challenge and, as his fiendish, serpentine pet rose to strike, its massive shadow cast upon Braden and the area surrounding him, stopped abruptly where it was. Its jaws unfurled, filling the air with pestilential gas. A viscous ooze, as black as a pit seeped forth from each and every earthen crack. Upon closer inspection, this ooze contained wriggling maggots with an unholy light emanating from the plumpness of their vermiform abdomen. Black tentacles too emerged from the imperishable darkness, adhering to the soil, constricting the trees, and crushing the rocks. These tentacles exuded blight-like corruption from its demonic pores. These tentacles bore red, bulbous eyeballs aplenty. These oculi organized itself in rows of two. They blinked abruptly, irritated by the aura of heat that enveloped the Vessel of Fire. These tentacles and tendrils thrashed against themselves, like worms in salt. Beyond this of exhibition of horror, there was darkness, and nothing more. The blackness was deep, hypnotic, and thick as the woods that enveloped them. At first, its cavernous mouth bellowed with deafening silence, until the sound of steps filled the cold, open air. The Vessel of the Darkness appeared, finally, to his quarry. Clad in midnight black, the Vessel of the dark entity eyed his feisty foe, whom was shorter. At this point, Damien could have sent more agents of his dark lord after the Vessels of both Earth and Water seeing as even the seas are no safe haven for them – he can create shadowy water-based monstrosities in a whim. But no, the Vessel desisted, wishing to focus on the elements' so-called "leader." The wyrm motioned itself beside its master, dragging the tentacles forth, which retracted back into its maw. Inside, it punctured its demonic sacs of bile and corrosive acid as a defense measure, should the Vessel of Fire attack, it will regurgitate a powerful stream of tar-like acid potent enough to dissolve bone. "Well, you called for me." The Vessel uttered, a cool mist escaping his cold, crisp lips. He did not attack, as Damien was devoid of hubris... his fiery antithesis, however, was not.
Chiana looked at him with cautious eyes before slowly moving forward towards him, reluctantly allowing him to touch her forehead. When the information flowed into her mind she tensed, her eyes widened as she watched in horror the events that unfolded. As soon as he pulled away she fell to the ground with a gasp. What she had just witnessed was saying that she, a mere 13 year old would help save the entire universe from evil? It sounded like something out of a movie or anime, she could hardly believe it, yet information had just been transferred from one person to her so maybe it wasn't so hard to believe.

She felt her breath quicken. No, saving the universe? It's too much! I-I can't do it! She felt the pressure in her chest get heavier, but a drenched woman approaching interrupted her panic. Her crimson eyes darted towards the woman, whom she presumed was the water embodiment judging how she approached. She watched as the woman spout out commands and when she addressed Chi the girl stood up.

"Leave?" She looked in the direction of her home. She couldn't leave, what about her mother? She would worry about Chi, like she always did. But then again, apparently the universe needed her… For a moment she pondered on what to do and finally turned back to the woman and took her hand.
"I…" She looked back towards her home again then back at the water bender. She was torn up about it but what could she do? Say no? What if she did say no and it resulted in the world being destroyed, then she would never see her mother again. This was the right choice.
"I'm ready."
As soon as the young element agreed to leave, Adair was in action. She had simply given the child a curt and rigid nod before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the water. Adair's eyes glanced to the left as she neared the small river, the water becoming faster the closer they got. By the time their feet touched the water, the current was strong enough to hit the speeds of a car.

"Take a deep breath!" The young woman shouted before a wave crashed into them, knocking both of the elements off of their feet and sweeping them down the river. Adair let the river do its job, taking them as far as possible from the darkness. With much focus, she was able to force the water to move around each of their heads, leaving them room to breath. Of course, every few minutes, Adair's focus would be lost or the air in the small bubble would run out, forcing them to come up to the surface and take a deep breath before going back under.

When the girls were well away from the danger, Adair let the current slow enough for them to both walk out onto the shore. "I've a good feeling we're not in Colorado anymore." She turned every which way before standing completely still and closing her eyes. After a minute or two, she opened them and breathed out with frustration, nearly growling at Braden's stubbornness. "He didn't run! Bravery is stupidity. And that boy's bravery is what's going to get us killed." Adair groaned and began to wring out her hair, looking at the young girl that she had brought with her. "I'm so sorry for making you leave. You must have family back there." Frowning, Adair put her hand on the little girl's shoulder and tried to smile reassuringly. "You'll be back home soon. I don't know how soon.... but soon. For now, I promise to take care of you. Oh! And my name is Adair... I guess you already saw what element I am."

The girl's weren't far from civilization. The honks of cars and sounds of people were near by, along with the outline of the city lights at night. Adair gestured for the young girl to follow, listening to her if she decided to speak as they made their way closer to the town.

"I'm going to get us a place to stay. Come." After trekking through a bit of woods, the girls finally broke through and entered into a subdivision. It wasn't new, but it would do. "Right here. This one." Adair pointed at a home with an old 'For Sale' sign and ran over to it, going around back. From what she saw outside, the windows were boarded up and the front door had metal barred door as well. 'Good. It will conceal us.' Having already slept in a few empty houses before, Adair easily opened the basement window. She went inside before her companion did, clearing the basement so she would not put her in danger.
Braden crouches to the ground as the large creature came at him, refusing to budge until the last moment. He stood back up as the creature came to a halt. He covers his nose when the wyrm emerges, but he quickly gets used to the smell and puts his hand back down to his side. He bowed his head slightly in manners when, than starts to have a polite conversation with Damien, despite the extreme circumstances. Well it's about time you came out of hiding, you are a tease aren't you. My name is Braden, but you probably already knew that since you are apparently so powerful. What I want to know is since you are so powerful, why you are the leader of such a... well... depressing, crowd? Furthermore, why you are taking orders from a big, black, blob, floating through space at the speed of a cruising rocket ship? If I were you, I'd just take care of myself and not worry about anything anyone else did. But enough of that nonsense... so my main goal here was to ask if you can show me a sample of your power since you can command such... commendable creatures.
Chiana did what she told and took a deep breath, letting the woman guide her into and through the waters. For once she clung to a complete stranger due to the discomfort of not being able to touch the ground. She had always disliked swimming in waters other than the shallows.

The trip seemed long but she endured it until the end. When they arrived on the river's banks Chi panted, resting her hands on her knees. When the woman spoke Chi stared at her in silence until she was finished, feeling a throb in her heart at the mention of her family.
"A-adair. I um, t-thank you for saving me." She crossed her arms nervously in front of her and followed the woman. The closer to civilization they got the closer Chi got to Adair once again. When they actually arrived in the city she was practically on the woman, jumping at each passing car, person walking by, and loud noise.

She trailed Adair into the basement of the empty house and went straight into a corner. She took a deep breath and slid down into the fetal position. She hated the city, there were too many people and everything was just so… big. She looked over at Adair, a frown pulled at her lips.
"D-darkness plans to overrun the universe and four meager humans are expected to s-save it. How are we supposed t-to do that?" She wrapped her arms around her legs. "What happens if we can't?"
Upon seeing the Vessel of the Darkness come forth from the black abyss, the one of Fire bowed in gallant fashion. Damien was pleased at this, although resisted the urge to beckon a shadowy serpentine manifestation of the great Darkness and put him on his knees. There was no politeness in the Vessel's eyes; it was rather a given fact for any Vessel of a force so wicked as the Darkness itself. He asked question upon question, none of which the Dark Harbinger wished to answer. His assumptions weren't true at all - the Darkness was no blob ever afloat in the vast cosmos. If it were, a single star could wipe it clean off of existence. No, it was much, much greater than that, and so much more complex. "These are naught my servants per se," he said, stepping unto the loam and luscious soil. "but merely gifts from the Darkness. They neither live nor are dead, but soon, you'll be, and your friends, too." Wishing only to answer his first question, the Vessel, who did not even share his name with Braden, leaped skyward and was grabbed by yet another of his dark minions; a hairless, chiropteran demon whose eyes glimmered with a golden hue, Its skin, unlike that of the Darklings, was more stretchy, like a skinless cat. Its wings spanned ten feet, completely darkening the land enveloping Braden like a vulture. Though it was bat-like in its upper appearance, its stomach downward towards its legs was armoured, bearing arachnid-like legs, dripping slime from its bear underbelly. The Vessel himself opened his mouth, oozing the ever-black, shadowy slime of the Darkness, as more winged monsters clawed their way from Damien's oesophagus and fluttered like dread flies around him. Wasting no time, they flew forth into the distance in hot pursuit for the two elemental women. The giant worm-like colossus, however, was left behind and discharged its acidic dark energies at Braden. One must learn to never trust the Vessel of the Darkness.
Braden humphs when the vessel is swept into the air, and walks away from the scene. There was a special connection between the elements the no amount of distance could separate. He closes his eyes and sends a thought towards both the elements at once. I'm going to need both of you to stand back for a moment. I am going to blitz. Braden breaks the connection, but keeps his eyes closed as he prepares to blitz to the other elements. It is faster than any other form of transportation, as it is short bursts of teleportation used by two psychic beings closely tied together. You travel to a nearby abandoned area, than another, than another, until you reach the desired area. To blitz from one edge of the universe to the other would take approximately 2 days including breaks. Every time you teleport, you travel 100 miles per second, and you teleport 10 times per short blitz. Braden suddenly blitzed from Colorado to Utah, than to Nevada, and finally to California just outside the capital. He walks until he finds the other element's hideout. I'm here, can you let me in now? I know where the last element is... lucky for us, he's in the downtown area of this exact city. Pointing to Sacramento, the capital of California. Also Chiana, I left a letter explaining all that I can. She was at work when I went, but she'll get the letter when she gets home.
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