Earth 777: Legacy of the X (Marvel Supers)

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"And ye know I don't proper give a feck, yeah?" The edge to the Irish youth's voice was clear, but he fell again to silence at a hard look from Harpoon.

"Pardon my student; he's not very accustomed to working around others and has some... rough edges, let's say." Harpoon took another sip of tea and darted a wary glance to the door.
Lucy laughs. "It's ok. I'm used to it." She looks at the door and then back to Harpoon. "So he's Irish?"
Harpoon smiled a little, just a touch of warmth showing in eyes of glittering obsidian. "Yes. Dexter is from Northern Ireland and is a former member of MIRA—the Mutant IRA. A terrorist at one time, a murderer just like me. And like me, he is on the path of redemption."
Lucy smiles. "Well that's nice. I'm half Irish and I always wanted to go to Ireland. It's always so green and beautiful."
"Except th' bit I come from," Dexter cut in. "Armagh is dirty an' rough, an' there are buildings bombed out because o' the English an' us fightin'. The Troubles an' all the stuff beyond that." He tented spidery fingers, gazing at Lucy with eyes the same not-color as moonstone. "Or do ye not read nothing or watch the news?"
Lucy nods. "But I guess only read about the south because they always have these beautiful and green pictures."
"Ireland should be free," Dexter said. He would have expounded, but a stern look from Harpoon silenced him.

"This is a line of discussion I don't want you taking any further," Harpoon said. "You know why. This is too public an area."

"Sir." Dexter dipped his head in a nod, accepting the correction.

The two men seemed to have a bond as close as that of an elder brother and a younger. There was deep mutual respect, and Dexter seemed to hold Harpoon in the highest regard. Harpoon seemed to treat the younger man with equal respect, but there was still a tension there. There was a sense of a man with less-potent abilities guiding and shaping one with far stronger powers. Even Sindra, proprietress of the Nth Degree, tread carefully around the Irishman.
Lucy frowns. "What's going on there?" She was now worried and curious.