Drinks, Discussion & Dangerous Women


As the tip of Visenya's sword landed on Cedric's throat, Tamsyn saw the moment of hesitation ripple through his group of friends. With the woman she might hopefully call a friend clearly in the mood to end this little debacle as quickly as possible Tamsyn seized on their moment of uncertainty, calling forth her guards with a lazy wave of her arm before standing up and delicately stepping around Visenya.

"As you can see, you've clearly made rather a big mistake. My friend and I aren't what you thought we were or as helpless as you thought we were." On cue the two larger of Tamsyn's men stepped into the clearing that had been created by people evacuating their drinks in anticipation of a fight. "So your choices are trying your luck with those blades you wear and die or sit down and enjoy the jug of ale I'll buy you while Lady Mormont and your friend settle their disagreement."

It was a gamble, but too much of one. One by one the men sat down. They made small comments and excuses about why, but they all sat. Things had not gone as they had expected and that had made them uncertain. They had been looking for someone to tell them what to do, and with Cedric stuck on the floor at the tip of Visenya's sword it had been easy enough for Tamsyn to slip into that role. It was mostly about the tone of the voice and she had had more than enough practice of that with her sisters. The promise of free drinks had just been an insurance against any particularly stubborn members of the group. A woman of her word, Tamsyn placed a few coins on the table and waved over one of the rather anxious looking employees of the bar before turning to make for her seat again.

"I think this one is yours to do with as you please Lady Mormont. I believe you were counting to five."

On the floor, Cedric's face had passed through red and was now a deep crimson and beads of blood ran down his neck. "Fuck all of ya! Fuckin cowards and fuck you bitch!"
"Wishful thinking as your final words?" Visenya questioned but wasn't really surprised at Cedric's choice. The man was either too proud or he was so drunk that his anger took the best of him and he didn't realise his life was about to end. "So be it. I, Visenya Mormont, Lady of Bear Island, sentence you to death." She declared and was quick to pierce the base of his neck, giving him a quick death that wouldn't get the floor of the inn all messy like a beheading or a cut throat would.

Without pause, she knelt down before drawing her sword out and covered the man's wound with his cloak, making sure to minimize the blood leaking down to the floor. "Someone help me get him out on the street. It wouldn't do to make a stain the barmaids will have to clean it."

"Please, allow me." A quick gesture from Tamsyn was all it took for her men to wordless spring into action. The smallest of the trio reached down to relive Visenya and place pressure on the fatal wound while one of the larger two hoisted the dead man on to their shoulder.

"Leave him in the nearest alley. His friends-" Green eyes glanced sideways at the table of men who were now suddenly inspecting their cups thoroughly. "can deal with him from there. Then make your way back to the ships. If you have any trouble with guards, keep your heads and ask for them to summon my uncle or me."

There was a nod from each of the pair carrying the recently deceased Cedric before they started to make their way to the inns exit. Unsurprisingly enough the crowd parted ahead of them, allowing for a speedy departure. Once they were out of sight, Tamsyn turned fully to the table of the recently departed man's friends, placing both hands on the unpleasantly sticky wood.

"Before you get any clever ideas about running to the Gold Cloaks, remember that your friend started this, drew his sword first and refused to back down when he had the chance. As a lady of the realm, I will swear in a sept that Lady Mormont was only performing her duty in taking his life." Tamsyn stopped and looked each man in the eyes before softening her face and tone. "I'd suggest you go and find your friend and make sure whatever family he had knows what happened to him. Now would be ideal."

When the last of the men had departed Tamsyn spun around once more, this time with a smile on her face, to face Visenya. "I hate to say it but perhaps it might be best if we were to make our exit now. Much as you were correct to do as you did, people get unsettled by such things I have found and I'm sure you have plenty to do before tonight..." The sentence faltered to a stop and Tamsyns face flushed a little. The confidence that she had had moments before in dealing with the drunken men deserting her as she faced the women she hoped to call a friend.
Visenya nodded in thanks at the men for taking care of the body for her. Then, she pulled a cloth from a small pocket on her person. It was stained with blood and grease as it was clearly meant for cleaning her sword much like how she was doing right now, while Tamsyn took care of the man's friends. She knew the tavern had gone dead silent, but she also knew that incidents like that were pretty common in New King's Landing. So she ignored the stares and the careful murmurs and sheathed her sword once there was no blood on it.

"Yes, everything else aside, the Essosi's news need to reach my cousin. I shall see you tonight at the festivities I suppose? We do have a sword fighting lesson to arrange for." She said to Tamsyn with a barely noticeable smirk on her face as she finished that last part of her goodbyes.