Dreams of the Machine-God

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Renegade Proxy

Original poster

It is the middle years of the Fourth Era since the Enclave descended from the mountain wall into the sweeping plains beyond. Their twin cities of Law And Knowledge have been firmly rooted in west and south and now as the Empire grows it seeks to conquer the untrodden lands to the north. You are part of a dispatch of Imperials sent to protect the growing settlement that has been established in the northern swamps from both the encroaching wildlife and those who live apart from the Empire's rule.

This is my first serious RP and takes place on the planet of Undua, which I have slowly been building on for the past couple years. It's far from finished, but there is a link in my signature to the blog where I've been storing information as it becomes presentable. Any questions will be happily answered and details expounded upon, though for the most part I will be doing my best to describe things that anyone would need to know within my posts throughout play.

Essentially, you are soldiers, born and bred under militaristic rule. Though harsh, the Empire is largely noble, their cities gleaming like twin jewels upon Undua's face. The People, as they call themselves have not always been a unified race, in light of the mechanism's creation many have renounced it and the Enclave that glorifies it. With good reason, it is this very machine that caused the first Schism, forcing the Enclave over the mountains from their forest home lest the conflict consume all. Since then, many have denounced the Empire as it grew and instead eke out a living on the open plains as nomadic clans, independent but not overlooked. Recent events have stirred the clans into open rebellion as individuals recite the old tales of bloodshed and evil that had ripped through the People so long ago...

date of birth:

Early Years:
- :
- Present:

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"Who I am is not important; My message is."


designation: Vidkonn Elcros
gender: Male
species: Transhuman
age: 311 years
date of birth: Unknown
birthplace: City of Law

Early Years: Little is known of his existence beyond the fact that he was a soldier in peak physical condition before being involved in the Transhumanism program. His body was rebuilt and reinforced, transformed into a monument of technology and sin for the Empire. Vidkonn, reborn, saw baptism in combat for many years in several campaigns.
- :
- Present: Strong as ever, Vidkonn's list of accomplishments for the Empire have grown longer still, his expertise and skill reflecting this. Missions entrusted to him have a record of being seen through to the very bitter end with no qualms raised against potentially questionable orders, which has earned him a place on the detachment being sent into the barren northland.

appearance: Vidkonn has proportions similar to that of a purist but sports obviously mechanical features in the form of a monocrystal sensory dome that covers his face from the slant of his jaw over his forehead and armor that covers from the base of his skull to his feet. His crystalline visor becomes translucent when viewed directly, revealing the face beneath and his eyes, empty crimson pools with fine circuitry tracing around each. Offering no reflection, his gaze belies no spark of humanity. As his limbs and the vast majority of Vidkonn's body have been consumed by the mechanism, he has no need for and does not possess clothing or food, instead mimicking the appearance of sleek armor and subsisting upon the energy produced by his actions.
height: 6.0ft.
weight: 512lbs.
build: Heavyweight
hair texture: Smooth, wavy
hair length: Shoulder long
hair color: Silver
eye color: Crimson
facial attributes: His features are hidden behind a monocrystal that turns light in such a way that it appears as an opaque mask unless viewed directly, in which case Vidkonn's face is revealed, the pit of his eyes staring out from a motionless scowl.
distinguishing marks: N/A
bearing: Rigid, militaristic posture that is never relaxed. He has no need to sit or lie down, preferring to always be at the ready, with feet planted squarely at shoulder length with lax arm position.
skills/training: High level swordsmanship and military training. As a transhuman, all of his basic senses are augmented beyond purist range. Increased strength raises his combat durability and high intelligence facilitate his ability to learn new techniques.

As a Transhuman, any trace of a personality from before was erased in the process. Upon being rebuilt, Vidkonn was subjected to harsh indoctrination that instilled an utter loyalty to the Empire, forging a hound of war that relentlessly carries out their orders with no sense of regret and the utmost brutality. Whenever released into active duty, he relishes in the opportunity to inflict pain and suffering on anything deemed a disposable target, often in ways that would sicken and shock any but the most calloused or otherwise emotionless beings.

His fascination with torture baffled the engineers and scientists involved in his reconstruction, when in reality, stealing away his humanity and replacing it with armor and nanites forged him into a literal weapon, and Vidkonn takes his new existence very seriously.

The thrill of battle invokes odd responses from Vidkonn, so much so that he recites haiku about war and death. He also tends to follow the codes of Bushido, considering only seriously dangerous opponents worthy of his full attention. The rest that pose no threat are easily dismantled under his blade.

Integrated Biomorph Armor: His body rebuilt by a mechanism, ocular scanners filter out bright light, protecting Vidkonn's vision against the deleterious effects of "dazzle," "flash," and "strobe" weapons and can detect, record and classify electromagnetic emissions indicating radar or radio signals, revealing the distance to each source. Signals are usually detected at twice their range while low-probability intercept signals are detected at 1.5 times their range. The system will also function as a laser sensor, detecting ladar, targeting laser and laser comm signals that are beamed directly at him. Analyzing the signal allows it to distinguish a random emission from a targeting lock while determining known types of emitters. Aural sensors screen out dangerous levels of noise, while olfactory sensors offer a sensitive sense of smell. Variable protection disperses the mechanism as needed while inner layers of liquid metal and stabilized gasses absorb shock and radiation. Light and maneuverable, Vidkonn is still vulnerable to heavy strikes.

The armor has a full regenerative life support system designed for operations in a wide variety of hostile environments and conditions. It is proof against climatic extremes from absolute zero to 10,000°F as control systems remove waste heat, providing insulation and air conditioning. Pressure support (1,000 atm.), radiation protection (PF 100), and vacuum support are also provided, resisting crushing ocean depths and super dense atmospheres. Vacuum support protects Vidkonn from the deleterious effects associated with vacuum and decompression (other than lack of air).

As well as performing the basic function of protecting Vidkonn's body, the armor also grants access to a multifunction sensor suite. It can image a target, calculating range while analyzing emissions and composition, scanning the interior of containers and providing internal details on any occupants, machinery or systems. Working in any environment, the mechanism can be tuned to function as imaging radar and can penetrate up to 6 inches of solid matter, giving detailed information about the composition, energy output, radiation emissions and other characteristics of non-living objects within. Providing detailed analysis from a distance, it can detect specific systems within a complex machine for analysis.

Bio-scan provides the vital signs and biochemical information of Vidkonn, a target or anything living on their surface, allowing study of biological processes at a distance. Search functions like ordinary radar except it can operate underwater and cannot be detected or jammed by systems that affect normal radar. A rad-sensor, inertial compass, diagnostics and visual recording systems constantly take recordings while a tracking system allows Vidkonn to plot trajectories of objects.

Actuator: By synthesizing matter into hyper-dense monomolecular nanostructures the resultant crystals grow extremely uniformly, absorbing radiant energy in the surrounding environment. Friction changes the frequency of their discharge, which ranges through the invisible spectrum of light. Grown in overlapping layers collapsed and compressed for storage, these crystals are strung upon a truss as intricate latticework that fills an actuator's interior.

When activated, an electric current magnetically accelerates a dense metal slug on the end of a flexible extension that draws the stored lattice through a shaping emitter. Simple controls, in addition to releasing and retracting the slug, allow for tightening or loosening of the extension and to position the emitter to shape the lattice. As it cannot safely hold a charge for more than a second or two, the actuator is designed to be activated once every few seconds for a quick strike. In this way the friction generated as the crystal passes through matter can be used to recharge. By overcharging an actuator, the lattice can be be locked into a tight extension and heated to hyperthermal levels.

Actuator size ranges from smaller than two through five feet, the formation extending five to fourteen feet from one end. Those of five feet are entirely opaque, while those of seven feet have an iridescent edge and translucent end. As their size increases the lattice becomes so loose as to be transparent and though unseen, these are still dangerous even at fourteen feet. The larger are stored in a mount between the spine shoulder blade on his right hand while the smaller can be ejected from a wrist mount into a target or quick-released into either palm.

Projection and Control of Light and Sound: Capturing and redirecting light in the visible spectrum through monocrystal a mechanism can be made to project three dimensional images. Shaped rods can also be employed that modulate aural tones

Regeneration of Damaged Structures: Each cell in Vidkonn's body is surrounded with biological repair and support machinery. Control is taken from the body's natural processes, the mechanism instructing them to begin taking vital structures apart cell by cell as it rebuilds in accordance with internal programming. This reverses the aging process as nanomachines reset cellular clocks, killing senescent or dying cells and replacing them with healthy ones.

Nano-Armaments: As the mechanism produces more units it eventually replicates itself to the point that it spreads as a free-flowing mass. These are miniature actuators kept cool by hydrogen and helium pressurized in a liquid state, controlled by a mechanism that spans their interior. They gather energy and process non-organic matter by the interaction of monocrystal coating the surface of microscopic tools. At smallest size, they are fine enough to be employed within complex systems of an alien body, breaking down its structures. Ambulatory targets are paralyzed soon after contact as internal systems are repurposed and by invading a target's brain and corroding its deep structures one's programming can be altered. Likewise, a pill-sized device that contains a swarm of spheres can be released inside a body. These use the subject's biomass as building materials to grow a cybernetic implant. This could be benign or something unwanted or hostile. Similarly, a parasite seed is a template for a shapeshifting nanomorph. Its intelligence is distributed through its body and its structures are capable of rapid self-repair. In addition to assuming whole new shapes it can also extrude spikes or talons at will. To be activated, the seed-sized capsule must be injected into or swallowed by another life form. It then releases a mass that begins transforming that being, using its biomatter as raw material and skeletal structure as a frame to create a vestige.

Vidkonn's behavior is held in check by a control restriction which can only be released by an outside authority or if a situation is determined so dire that survival cannot be guaranteed without.
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designation: Callysto
gender: Female
species: Purist
age: 25
date of birth: Equivalent of November 10th
birthplace: The City of Law

Early Years: While not from a poor family, Callysto spent most of her youth roaming the streets in the City of Law. There she earned quite the reputation as a street thug in the more shady areas of the city. Then the chance to join the military arose, which she quickly jumped at. This was done more out of hunger for action rather than a 'For the Empire!' mentality.
- :
- Present: Callysto thrives in the military, serving quite willingly even if she isn't exactly a patriot. She has successfully completed many missions in her years of service without question, as long as she gets tossed into the fray.

appearance: Callysto typically wears a military issue uniform, though she tends to just kind of put it on, not worried about looking sharp, so to speak. Unless of course someone harasses her enough about it. When not in military attire she tends to wear comfortable pants and a short-sleeved shirt.
height: 5'8"
weight: 127lbs
build: Lean and well toned.
hair texture: Silky
hair length: Long, hanging down past her shoulder blades.
hair color: Auburn.
eye color: Intense green.
facial attributes: Slightly angular, rather elf-like.
distinguishing marks: A thin scar extending from just below her left eye down the side of her cheek to her bottom jaw. He body also bears a few thin scars here and there, from various fights she has been in.
bearing: She usually carries herself in a confident, perhaps even cocky manner.
skills/training: She is an expert with bladed weapons and just above average with ranged weapons. She is more street-wise than book smart. Military training, of course.


Callysto is a hot head, which has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. She prefers violence over negotiation. Unless, of course, violence would be suicidal. She doesn't share her feelings with others, bottling up her troubles and releasing her frustrations in combat. In battle is where she feels the most alive.

Actuator: By synthesizing matter into hyper-dense monomolecular nanostructures the resultant crystals grow extremely uniformly, absorbing radiant energy in the surrounding environment. Friction changes the frequency of their discharge, which ranges through the invisible spectrum of light. Grown in overlapping layers collapsed and compressed for storage, these crystals are strung upon a truss as intricate latticework that fills an actuator's interior.
When activated, an electric current magnetically accelerates a dense metal slug on the end of a flexible extension that draws the stored lattice through a shaping emitter. Simple controls, in addition to releasing and retracting the slug, allow for tightening or loosening of the extension and to position the emitter to shape the lattice. As it cannot safely hold a charge for more than a second or two, the actuator is designed to be activated once every few seconds for a quick strike. In this way the friction generated as the crystal passes through matter can be used to recharge. By overcharging an actuator, the lattice can be be locked into a tight extension and heated to hyperthermal levels.

Actuator size ranges from smaller than two through five feet, the formation extending five to fourteen feet from one end. Those of five feet are entirely opaque, while those of seven feet have an iridescent edge and translucent end. As their size increases the lattice becomes so loose as to be transparent and though unseen, these are still dangerous even at fourteen feet. The larger are stored in a mount between the spine shoulder blade on the exile's left hand while the smaller can be ejected from a wrist mount into a target or quick-released into either palm.

Medipack: The Medipack is a thin box, contoured to attached to a soldier's thigh, either strapped to the leg or hooked to a suit.
This device monitors the wearer's vital statistics via several sensors attacked to the wearer's skin. The unit determines if wearer needs pain-killers or stimulants, and administers them as necesarry.
The medipack weighs only 400grams and has a built-in power supply that keeps it operating for up to 48 hours without need for recharging. Medications muist be replaced at least once a month even if none of its 12 doses were used.

Biomorph Armor: Being non-integrated, Callysto can remove this armor when she so chooses. Ocular scanners filter out bright light, protecting the exile's vision against the deleterious effects of "dazzle," "flash," and "strobe" weapons and can detect, record and classify electromagnetic emissions indicating radar or radio signals, revealing the distance to each source. Signals are usually detected at twice their range while low-probability intercept signals are detected at 1.5 times their range. The system will also function as a laser sensor, detecting ladar, targeting laser and laser comm signals that are beamed directly at its sensory plate. Analyzing the signal allows it to distinguish a random emission from a targeting lock while determining known types of emitters. Aural sensors screen out dangerous levels of noise, while olfactory sensors offer a sensitive sense of smell. Variable protection disperses the mechanism as needed while inner layers of liquid metal and stabilized gasses absorb shock and radiation. Light and maneuverable, the exile is still vulnerable to heavy strikes.

The armor has a full regenerative life support system designed for operations in a wide variety of hostile environments and conditions. It is proof against climatic extremes from absolute zero to 10,000°F as control systems remove waste heat, providing insulation and air conditioning. Pressure support (1,000 atm.), radiation protection (PF 100), and vacuum support are also provided, resisting crushing ocean depths and super dense atmospheres. Vacuum support protects the exile from the deleterious effects associated with vacuum and decompression (other than lack of air).

As well as performing the basic function of protecting, Callysto's body, the armor also grants access to a multifunction sensor suite. It can image a target, calculating range while analyzing emissions and composition, scanning the interior of containers and providing internal details on any occupants, machinery or systems. Working in any environment, the mechanism can be tuned to function as imaging radar and can penetrate up to 6 inches of solid matter, giving detailed information about the composition, energy output, radiation emissions and other characteristics of non-living objects within. Providing detailed analysis from a distance, it can detect specific systems within a complex machine for analysis.

Bio-scan provides the vital signs and biochemical information of Callysto, a target or anything living on their surface, allowing study of biological processes at a distance. Search functions like ordinary radar except it can operate underwater and cannot be detected or jammed by systems that affect normal radar. A rad-sensor, inertial compass, diagnostics and visual recording systems constantly take recordings while a tracking system allows the exile to plot trajectories of objects.

Projection and Control of Light and Sound: Capturing and redirecting light in the visible spectrum through monocrystal a mechanism can be made to project three dimensional images. Shaped rods can also be employed that modulate aural tones.

Light Motile Armor: A small, rapid unit, equipped for scouting and reconnaissance, it comes equipped with a state-of-the-art cloaking device. A compact repeating energy gun is housed beneath a sensor-filled 'head' mounted upon the end of a thick, sinuous neck. The unit is bipedal with sable organic contours and a sharp gleam of silver at its edges. Its torso and legs are lightly protected with the rider sitting in an opening along the spine. The armor is fast, agile, and deadly accurate. However, the cockpit is fully visible, making driving it a risk. It is generally loaded with fog bombs and psychotropic gas to sow discord during skirmishes.
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Pfft, you'll do fine.
I'm the baby GM, here.
I'm going to just stake a flag right here. I could create a character right now, but it would be soulless and uninteresting. So, I will return later today when I have more time to really flesh out a new spirit for this game.
I'm digging this. I'd definitely love to make a character for this!
Feel free!
Though, after you I think I'll have to close sign-ups.
Well, this should be the first in a series and who knows if everyone will stick around, so that's just fine.
Will we be able to bring our characters into each installment, provided they've survived that long?
gender: male (can be altered for your preference)
species: transhuman
age: unknown; updates occurred mark 100 years back
date of birth: early winter (day_20_hour_14_50)
birthplace: city of law

Early Years: the pet project of the militarily funded but not militarily minded. <[UNIT_335]DESIGNATION_'glé'> is designed to be the perfect companion; meant to provide necessary healing for antebellum times. based upon genetic material found in the son of developer and engineer <'gantt egilson'> who was killed in service of the glorious empire by enemy artillery. tissue was regrown and improved upon. first model was failure ; disassembled within weeks. <'gantt egilson'> continued to adapt model <'glé'> until DEFUND_FORM#13.
Post DEFUND_FORM#13: <'gantt egilson'>; developed numerous versions of <'glé'> unit. trying to achieve military specifications while holding onto organic connections. 334 <'glé'> units were manufactured and destroyed or were spread through other parts. billions went into a pet project that should never have been funded. <'gantt egilson'> perfected <'glé'> upon deathbed. asked <[UNIT_335]DESIGNATION_'glé'> a simple question:
<'gantt egilson'> status: DECEASED. The <'glé'> project was defunded without its sole architect. post DEFUND_FORM#13 <'glé'> designated units relinquished in containment units. remained untouched and undiscovered by future purists and designers. warehouse was abandoned, and remaining parts were salvaged and scavenged. in this time, <[UNIT_335]DESIGNATION_'glé'> considered the question asked by the man that he called <"father"> without knowing what that meant given that all organic aspects of <'glé'> were scrapped decades back.
Present: <[UNIT_335]DESIGNATION_'glé'> self activated upon determining answer to question asked by <'gantt egilson'> : /"_yes_" however; DEFUND_FORM#13 has occurred and the programming that <'glé'> had received was not ideal for given situation. <'glé'> blended into purist society and survived well amongst them in the guise of a purist, half-believing his purist-lie and half-remembering that he was not human. he wrestles with the concept of his soul. he knows he is not a purist. he knows he is a machine. he knows he is not real. he is not organic. but he tries. and that is a dangerous development.
height: 5'9
weight: 140
build: slender, graceful

hair texture: silky, wavy
hair length: mid-neck, below ears
hair color: black
eye color: green
facial attributes: <'glé'> is soft featured, with sharp eyebrows and almond shaped eyes. he has a long nose, and a strong jaw, with a pointed chin. his cheekbones are high, and his brow is broad and high. his lips are small , pursed, and thin. this is a facade. <'glé'> has been lovingly crafted in order to mimic purist proportions and features - beneath this soft nano-particle plasticine and paint is nothing but fiberglass and mechanics. his skin is not warm. it is not soft. you would know if you touched him. nobody ever does.
distinguishing marks:
bearing: <'glé'> walks with speed, and has a distinctly nervous exterior. he picks at his plastic cuticles. he rarely sits, and prefers to stand; his nervous energy keeps him from lowering himself. prone to fidgeting. note for next version; patch to prevent him from tearing off sensory systems on his fingers. keeps head held low. shoulders are slumped with organic-mimicing suspension.
skills/training: <[UNIT_335]DESIGNATION_'glé'> is designed to be the perfect companion; meant to provide necessary healing for antebellum times. he is gentle, and adept with grief-counseling and crisis intervention. <'glé'> occupies the same role as a military chaplain and offer assistance to soldiers suffering from mental collapse on the battlefield; a role that is ultimately useless in a field dominated by mechanical warriors. unlike purist chaplains, he has training with basic firearms <see:pistols> and blades <see:switchknife>. He is skilled in self defense: programmed by <'gantt egilson'> for the purpose of protecting his investment and to rekindle connection to his son: who took lessons as a child. <way_of_harmonious_path> is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. requires very little physical strength, as <'glé'> /leads/ the attacker's momentum using entering and turning movements. techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks

infj (introverted intuitive feeler judger) / phlegmatic temperament
designed to be soft-hearted and gentle: <'glé'> is characterized by his easy-going nature and his kindly demeanor. however, he is a deeply troubled individual who suffers often from crisis of the self and the nature of his identity. he does not understand his place in the world, given that he is different than most transhuman soldiers and has very little in common with his emotion-deprived and inhuman companions. introverted and sensitive. observant, cooperative, informative, and attentive to the needs of others. he feels a strong obligation to protect all others; even if they are capable of defending themselves.
he believes himself, perhaps selfishly, to have a great importance in the world, and takes upon the burdens of others in order to hopefully fulfill a destiny that he knows little of. his designer programmed him to expect much of himself, to continue to push himself, and while he's not stable enough to realistically carry these burdens, <'glé'> continues to spread himself thinly across the world. his curiosity and shyness often get the better of him. he has an unfortunate habit of assuming that he is not good enough, but trying anyway. given his predicament of being one of 334 failed models, he has the memories of the previous models, and some very troubling ones from the organic, original <'glé'>. these cause his discomfort and occasional disorganized thought patterns not concurrent with his programming.

clothing: coat (1_red_cowleather)
shirt (1_black_cotton) pants (1_black_cotton)
pistol (1_standard_militaryissue) ammunition (50_fusion_charges)
integrated biomorph armor: the <'glé'> body rebuilt by a mechanism, ocular scanners filter out bright light, protecting <'glé'> against the deleterious effects of "dazzle," "flash," and "strobe" weapons and can detect, record and classify electromagnetic emissions indicating radar or radio signals, revealing the distance to each source. signals are usually detected at twice their range while low-probability intercept signals are detected at 1.5 times their range. The system will also function as a laser sensor, detecting radar, targeting laser and laser comm signals that are beamed directly at it. analyzing the signal allows it to distinguish a random emission from a targeting lock while determining known types of emitters. aural sensors screen out dangerous levels of noise, while olfactory sensors offer a sensitive sense of smell. variable protection disperses the mechanism as needed while inner layers of liquid metal and stabilized gasses absorb shock and radiation. light and maneuverable,<'glé'> is still vulnerable to heavy strikes.
the armor has a full regenerative life support system designed for operations in a wide variety of hostile environments and conditions. It is proof against climatic extremes from absolute zero to 10,000°F as control systems remove waste heat, providing insulation and air conditioning. pressure support (1,000 atm.), radiation protection (PF 100), and vacuum support are also provided, resisting crushing ocean depths and super dense atmospheres. vacuum support protects <'glé'> from the deleterious effects associated with vacuum and decompression (other than lack of air).
as well as performing the basic function of protecting <'glé'> the armor also grants access to a multifunction sensor suite. it can image a target, calculating range while analyzing emissions and composition, scanning the interior of containers and providing internal details on any occupants, machinery or systems. working in any environment, the mechanism can be tuned to function as imaging radar and can penetrate up to 6 inches of solid matter, giving detailed information about the composition, energy output, radiation emissions and other characteristics of non-living objects within. providing detailed analysis from a distance, it can detect specific systems within a complex machine for analysis.
bio-scan provides the vital signs and biochemical information of <'glé'> a target or anything living on their surface, allowing study of biological processes at a distance. search functions like ordinary radar except it can operate underwater and cannot be detected or jammed by systems that affect normal radar. a rad-sensor, inertial compass, diagnostics and visual recording systems constantly take recordings while a tracking system allows <'glé'> to plot trajectories of objects.

regeneration of damaged structures: each cell in the <'glé'> body is surrounded with biological repair and support machinery. control is taken from the body's natural processes, the mechanism instructing them to begin taking vital structures apart cell by cell as it rebuilds in accordance with internal programming. this reverses the aging process as nanomachines reset cellular clocks, killing senescent or dying cells and replacing them with healthy ones.
projection and control of light and sound: capturing and redirecting light in the visible spectrum through monocrystal a mechanism can be made to project three dimensional images. shaped rods can also be employed that modulate aural tones

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Hopefully you like my absurdly weird character - I hope his deviance from the norm is okay!
I've been meaning to work on Vidkonn somewhat, I've just mostly copypasta'd him for the sake of ease until I get around to it. Nice work on Gle. Although, unless you worked with Proxy on this, I don't know if he'd be acceptable. Transhumans are basically puppets with no real aesthetic appeal, the backbone of the Empire's might.
I've been meaning to work on Vidkonn somewhat, I've just mostly copypasta'd him for the sake of ease until I get around to it. Nice work on Gle. Although, unless you worked with Proxy on this, I don't know if he'd be acceptable. Transhumans are basically puppets with no real aesthetic appeal, the backbone of the Empire's might.
Honestly, I'm holding out hope that Glé's backstory makes enough sense that I can escape the typical transhuman situation. Fingers crossed!
Very awesome, Basil!
Your character isn't weird at all, merely a tangential development of technology.
However, one thing jives with the time, the fact that the Calamity takes place after our current story.
More precisely, this is leading up to the Calamity.
This is no problem, as the Empire has more or less always dabbled with the idea of non-linear time and dimension.
Basically, for your character to work as-is, in his present he would have to in some way or other be sent back to this story's time.
You've no reason to edit anything more than that and you can, in fact leave out just how this happens as a later story crosses that threshold, totally allowing him to appear in a later RP if we ever get that far.
As well, any references to IRL things need to be tweaked into something original (which I will happily add to the lore), i.e. the month of January, the martial art aikido, etc.
In that effort feel free to expand upon the martial art's minutiae, you'll totes be doing my job for me which is always appreciated. :3~
Ah, and the People aren't really a religious bunch, the closest they get is ancestor worship and reverence of scientific and technological knowledge and application.

Also, new timeline for more historical detail.

It would also be prudent to describe the People's culture up to this point.
Basically, they've always had a reverence for nature and in that way have, instead of hunting and gathering from the land, harnessed their own bodies for sustenance and materials.
Before the Enclave crossed the mountain wall this meant that the old, the sick and dying, even the healthy offered up themselves so that others may live.
These became honored ancestors, their bones carved into tools and totems to carry on their memory.
In modern times as technology replaces the need for sacrifice, the bodies of those whose efforts benefit society are instead compressed into diamonds, layers added over generations.
These 'generation stones' eventually come to be used within the mechanism as a central computing component.
That's the closest to human spiritualism the People come.
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Ah, excellent! I was confused about the timeline , but that will definitely clear things up for me! I'll make those minor edits sometime today then, thank you!
Quite welcome.
No need to apologize, though, I'm tossing a largely spotty concept out mostly from impatience at wanting to run it.
So, really, it's my fault.
Character should be edited and ready to roll!
Welp, Basil and Judge are ready and accepted.
Two more and we'll get this train a-flyin'.
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