Dragon Age--Origins

Once everyone makes their posts I will make a post.
Name: Klein Hammel
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Why so big? Grrr. Artist Link

Combat Role: Rouge, duelist. Usually uses one-two daggers, smoke bombs and whatnot. -DPS
Non-Combat Role: She is a surprisingly good enchanter. Also makes bomb.
Background: The Hammel family were once great enchanters, until Klein's great grandmother, Farnora Fardor, was convicted for crimes her family never spoke of. Farnora Fardor later married a castles named Redor Hammel, securing her family as castles. The family would pass down the knowledge of enchantment to their family so they would not forget who they were. Klein learned enchantment and was rather good at it too, but as a castles she learned to be a thief, and made a living that way. Klein was in trouble with a local gang, but for the most part she was able to avoid them. They did eventually catch up with her, and they decided the best punishment was to send her to the Deep Roads. Beaten and battered, Klein wandered the Deep Roads, till she stumbled upon a group of Legionnaire Scouts. They were not ones to discriminate against Cast, and decided to help her, and recruited her into their ranks. As part of the Legion of the Dead, she never saw her family again, and spent years killing Darkspawn. They pushed deep into the Deep Roads, and found an opening to the surface that had been unheard of. This is when they saw the massive hoard of the surface. The Legion was unsure whether to help the surfaces or go back under, many were leaning to the latter. And that was their ultimate decision but Klein did not agree, but for other reasons. So when she had an opportunity, she slipped away while the rest went back. After slipping past the hoard, with only some incident, she found herself near a human camp, where they were preparing to fight the Darkspawn.
Other: I dunno.

FINALITY! Sorry for taking so long, phew. I felt we needed a dwarf.

@ Eternallove61, think you could make the IC "See plot for joining," rather than full? I doubt will get many more people, but it's nice to leave the door open.
Alright I'll just roll with the people we have.
Sorry for not posting, I'll put it up later tonight. Life just got hectic for some reason and luckily it blew over very quickly.