Donald Trump as President

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Isn't technically anything we say in this thread a personal attack on him?
Isn't technically anything we say in this thread a personal attack on him?
No, there's usually a fine line between criticising one's arguments or actions and going after the individual, may it be to either personally insult them or assassinate their character.
One thing to say, Hell yes no more Obama Care that was some fucked shit. only good thing trump has going for him at the moment. nope I didn't vote for him nore Hillary I would of voted Bernie Sanders all the way, this country could use a dose of Socialism. Look how well

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
all these countries are doing. Well not Ireland but that's a whole other stroy
China may take it to the extreme but they are doing quite well.Denmark 3 words -Free Health care.
So why not a little socialism in our life instead of stupidity?
One thing to say, Hell yes no more Obama Care that was some fucked shit. only good thing trump has going for him at the moment. nope I didn't vote for him nore Hillary I would of voted Bernie Sanders all the way, this country could use a dose of Socialism. Look how well

  • China
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Canada
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Belgium
all these countries are doing. Well not Ireland but that's a whole other stroy
China may take it to the extreme but they are doing quite well.Denmark 3 words -Free Health care.
So why not a little socialism in our life instead of stupidity?
You have absolutely no idea what socialism is if you believe those countries to be socialist. Social democracy is a completely different system of capitalist proportions. China is a hellish country at face-value.
The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono
Unless, of course, you wish to live in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or somewhere along those lines.
Those countries are actually Communistic. And, though good in theory, Communism in practice is terrible. If a doctor gets the same benefits as a janitor, then why become a doctor? Not to mention the dictators.

This is my opinion, but capitalism is the best way to do things. Capitalism provides an incentive to do things that are harder, that's why higher paying jobs are things like being a doctor, chemist, astronaught, etc etc. Socialism wouldn't work, because from my understanding and brief research on the topic socialism has the government owning and administering the way goods are produced and distributed.
Definition of SOCIALISM
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Though communism might be good as well for our country.

If anything we should take a page from those countries books on how to run countries in the very least, well except again Ireland.

^Basically taking Cave Johnson approach to recover
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I don't see this as a squabble over compassion, but let's assume that Trump's economic plan actually brings back jobs from Mexico, China, or what have you. If that is the case, getting people back into the work force will have done infinitely more for those in poverty (and the nation) than welfare or food stamps ever could. All without taking a higher percentage of my income or a fraction of my property's value. Likewise, these working people would no longer be the 47% of Americans not paying income tax. Crime rates would collapse as well, if one associates crime with destitution.

My point is: there are more ways to help the unfortunate than with government dependence.

Last thing I'm going to say on the matter of tax cuts and not caring about benefiting the voting public before I devolve into petty squabbling:

Remember that the President is not accountable to you personally. Whether you agree with Trump's policy or not does not factor into this at all. In a democracy, the people collectively choose their leader, so government is not accountable to any one person. It is accountable to the majority of voters, and those who are well-off are not the majority in America. Donald Trump is bound to do stuff you don't like, and I honestly still wouldn't be surprised if you didn't actually get much of the tax cuts he promised you as a group even if you are well-off. The man's a billionaire, and billionaires exclusively look after their own.

And yes, while I agree that generally there are more ways to help people that don't rely on government than do, that's asking a lot of both people with money and people without, especially in America. The idea of the ACA was not a terrible one--extend easier access to insurance to those that can't reasonably pay for it--but in true American fashion, it was written to appease the health insurance lobby more than it was to benefit voters. The US government had the chance to implement something similar to our centrally-funded but provincially-implemented health insurance systems, but they blew it. America could have done that and avoided the blowback from States' rights enthusiasts, but they chose not to, which doomed it from the start.

I've mentioned this before, but the median tax rate in Canada is generally not very high--20-25% combined federal and provincial income tax, depending on province, and property tax rates can go as low as 0.007% if you live in Toronto. We don't pay nearly as much tax as some Americans believe we do, and we still have a reasonably good health care system.
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Though communism might be good as well for our country.

If anything we should take a page from those countries books on how to run countries in the very least, well except again Ireland.
Better dead than red, as I always say. If you want to adopt the practices of other countries, start with abolishing the minimum wage, lowering corporate taxes, and lowering regulations. The wealthiest of nations have already done this.
Those countries are actually Communistic. And, though good in theory, Communism in practice is terrible. If a doctor gets the same benefits as a janitor, then why become a doctor? Not to mention the dictators.
North Korea no longer defines itself as communist, but rather Juche-oriented, a branch of Marxist-Leninism.
Venezuela's leaders ascribe to socialism only.
Cuba acknowledges itself as advancing towards communism, when in reality they are running away from it frantically.
"All Mexicans are rapists"
Holy shit this is the same and outdated argument that I swear to god, EVERYONE IS USING TO PROVE TRUMP IS RACIST.

Here's a full breakdown of a video made by River Entertainment on a video made by NowThis about Trump

Essentially, in NowThis's video, Trump was basically spewing Islamphobic comments during his speech about National Security.

And here is the full video that was used as reference.

Also the whole "All Mexicans are rapists" is not, in fact, he didn't even said something remotely like that. (Although his comments about "beating China all the time" is strange)

When do we beat Mexico at the border? They're laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they're killing us economically.
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems.

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They're sending us not the right people.
It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably— probably— from the Middle East. But we don't know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don't know what's happening. And it's got to stop and it's got to stop fast.
I will make on comment, and this is all I'm going to say. I have seen not a single thing from Trump or his administration that inspires any hope that he will be a successful president and the country will improve under him.

That is all.
Though communism might be good as well for our country.

If anything we should take a page from those countries books on how to run countries in the very least, well except again Ireland.
Trust me, Communism is not great. I mean, it sounds amazing in theory, but it is terrible in practice.

In China, there are so many families that have been poverty-stricken that they can't do anything to escape it. The rich over there are ridiculously wealthy, and the poor can't even get daily meals. However, there has been a rise in Capitalist ideals over the past few decades.

Meanwhile in Venezuela, they are currently facing with an economic crisis that are causing people to riot.

Denmark, Finland and Sweden may have great services, like great education and free child care, but they chew off nearly half of their people's income via tax.
Also the whole "All Mexicans are rapists" is not, in fact, he didn't even said something remotely like that. (Although his comments about "beating China all the time" is strange)
Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
This is the part people are finding fault with, and honestly, even if it wasn't intended to sound less-than-kosher, looking into the minds of his base (not the casual Trump voter, but his hardline supporters) and hearing their responses to some of it paints a much different picture. These are people who voted for Trump based solely on his promise to erect a border wall at great cost to whoever (Mexico or America does not matter here) "to keep those dirty Mexicans from taking our jobs".

The main thing I notice about this is that Trump is assuming a conscious effort by Mexican officials, or at least the general noun Mexico, to flood America with unskilled immigrants. There are more Mexicans staying in Mexico than there are hopping the border, simply because of the fact that there are more skilled jobs there than there are in America due to American companies relocating all manufacturing to Mexico. The anger here is misplaced; instead of taking potshots at Mexican immigrants, illegal or not, Trump should have focused more of the rhetoric here at corporations like Ford, GM and Shure. These corporations have outsourced manufacturing to China and Mexico, and deserve to be given Hell for it.
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This is the part people are finding fault with, and honestly, even if it wasn't intended to sound less-than-kosher, looking into the minds of his base (not the casual Trump voter, but his hardline supporters) and hearing their responses to some of it paints a much different picture. These are people who voted for Trump based solely on his promise to erect a border wall at great cost to whoever (Mexico or America does not matter here) "to keep those dirty Mexicans from taking our jobs".

The main thing I notice about this is that Trump is assuming a conscious effort by Mexican officials, or at least the general noun Mexico, to flood America with unskilled immigrants. There are more Mexicans staying in Mexico than there are hopping the border, simply because of the fact that there are more skilled jobs there than there are in America due to American companies relocating all manufacturing to Mexico. The anger here is misplaced; instead of taking potshots at Mexican immigrants, illegal or not, Trump should have focused more of the rhetoric here at corporations like Ford, GM and Shure. These corporations have outsourced manufacturing to China and Mexico, and deserve to be given Hell for it.
Trump may not have been focusing on the correct issue, but he never said that every single Mexican across the world is a rapist. He merely just stated that illegal Mexican immigrants are more likely to bring rapists to the country.
Trump may not have been focusing on the correct issue, but he never said that every single Mexican across the world is a rapist. He merely just stated that illegal Mexican immigrants are more likely to bring rapists to the country.
Which, in itself, is still a silly generalisation to make. I disagree with it in much the same sense that I disagree with people claiming that India is built on a culture of rape: all we hear about in the press is the negative, because negativity makes a better story than positivity. We're basing an assumption on only one side of a society because we've only been exposed to the underbelly of Mexico.

Besides, the West has had a problem with rape long before Mexico factored into political rhetoric. People will be disgusting regardless of ethnicity or nationality.
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Which, in itself, is still a silly generalisation to make. I disagree with it in much the same sense that I disagree with people claiming that India is built on a culture of rape: all we hear about in the press is the negative, because negativity makes a better story than positivity. We're basing an assumption on only one side of a society because we've only been exposed to the underbelly of Mexico.

Besides, the West has had a problem with rape long before Mexico factored into political rhetoric. People will be disgusting regardless of ethnicity or nationality.
negative, because negativity makes a better story than positivity
And that is why Trump's words are always twisted so, so, so far out of context.

There must be an enemy and an angel during the election period, according to Jounalism and News.

But regardless, I agree, silly rhetoric, Trump should've phrased it better or just omit that part completely. But he seems to really want to solve the illegal immigration issue, even though he is executing it very badly :/
I will admit that I am not a wealth of knowledge when it comes to politics. But, like everyone, I have my opinions.

I am optimistic for the next 4, maybe 8, years as well. Trump has made a lot of claims through his campaign and inauguration. And, I agree that they are wild claims! He made lofty promises that will take maybe more than 4-8 years to actually get moving. Some of these promises are ones that have not only me, but others, optimistic for his time as president. I'm sure this is how people who supported Obama felt. They felt insanely optimistic for the changes he promised he was going to push through. Honestly, some of his promises were exciting! Just like I think some of Trump's are. Did I agree with Obama wholeheartedly? Not at all. I don't agree with some of Trump's claims. My cousin was saying that he doesn't believe Trump can fulfill all of his promises, but he will be successful if he can fulfill a third of them. This is a statement I agree with. I think it will also depend on what promises fill in that third. I don't expect him to fulfill every promise. And, I think some of them he won't be able to get through. This is because he hasn't had a lot of political experience, and I don't think he realizes just what he's going to have to fight against. I also think it might be nice to have someone who isn't a politician in office. I might end up having to eat my words BUT HEY I've been wrong before. That's completely okay.

I especially don't agree with how he chooses to express himself. I can admit that Trump is uncouth and lacks tact. He doesn't have the charisma of Obama; that is a fact. Even though his behavior isn't something I agree with, I almost like it – as contradictory as that may be. I like it mainly because it is refreshing that someone as in the spotlight as he is, isn't filtering his speech to fit the correctness everyone wants. He's stepping on toes and maybe that isn't such a bad thing. He's causing an upheaval and maybe that isn't such a bad thing. Sure, it's making people mad which they are showing with all these riots, protests, and marches. But, to a certain extent, their actions are on them. We are our own. We decide our behavior. Sometimes, you have to choose to behave a certain way instead of acting on feelings (something I have to remind myself of). This can even be said for Trump as well. It's also a great possibility that lacking a filter will do more harm than good – a statement which some of you already agree with.

He might do insanely well and blow everyone's socks off (in a good way). Stranger things have happened, aye? But, he also might implode and be a terror for the people, the country, the world. If that's the case, then I guess I'm eating crow. Only time will tell. Until we see what his presidency has to offer, we can only really make speculations on the outcome. Currently, I am optimistic. After giving him a fair shake, my optimism may be not so optimistic =P

(I was insanely nervous to post this, btdubs >.<)
fucking white people
fucking white people
And that, boys and girls, was how the God-Emperor won a second term as president of the United States.
May Kek have mercy upon thee.
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