Discussion about David

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@Minibit - Good point, but not that I've found with this verse :)
I went and pulled up one of those web sights that shows a bunch of different translations side by side, None of them say bare hands (one does say club though) That's not to say a version somewhere out there can't have it, But the 19 I've found so far don't.
Here's the link if you're curious: http://biblehub.com/1_samuel/17-35.htm

Now the Bible does say Samson killed a lion with his bare hands, so there is a story like that in there. That's Judges 14:5-6. So there is a lion story for people to discuss :)
To be to far to Sam, He had magical super strength.
I find it amusing that, out of the thus-far listed feats, people question how he had slain dangerous animals by hand when he felled a GIANT? Why not just take the story of David VS Goliath at face value...? About an unremarkable boy overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds with the strength of faith then walk away as happy Iwakuans.
Nah, Bro was like huge as hell and dave was like a midget. I say it was unfair to use a weapon, Hand to hand combat is how Kid Jesus gets it done.

lol calling like 3 smites.
I can see it happening as long as you continue to troll an otherwise harmless thread. It makes me wonder if people even actually bother to read the rules.

Wow...I was like just saying what i would do.

Kid Jesus will now bridled his mouth.
There's something different about it when such a statement is followed by "gonna get downvotes lol." Although I wouldn't call that one trolling anyway.
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There's something different about it when such a statement is followed by "gonna get downvotes lol." Although I wouldn't call that one trolling anyway.

Regardless of what it's called, it can easily devolve into harassment or other no-nos and should just be avoided in general. At any rate, if no one's going to contribute anything more that is at least useful and pertinent to the topic, this should be locked.
Seconding the motion to have this thread locked. As funny as I find all of it...

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@Levusti, Why Smite? Do you not know Mini is a Beaudiful Godde, Her beauty Dwarfs Aphrodite's and make her appears as attractive as her husbands. Her intelligences is greater then Athena's ,Then Tesla, Newton and even Albert. She is the wonder woman of this century!

I am talking of @Minimalistic of course....
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Levusti, Why Smite? Do you not know Mini is a Beaudiful Godde, He beauty Dwarfs Aphrodite's and make her appears as attractive as her husbands. Her intelligences is greater then Athena's Then Tesla, Newton and even Albert. She is the wonder woman of this century!

I am talking of Minimalistic of coure....

I'm guessing it's because of your tendency to post very off topic, odd things.
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@Kid Jesus
Going off topic and mocking other people's beliefs and interests does tend to result in smitings :/
@Kid Jesus
Going off topic and mocking other people's beliefs and interests does tend to result in smitings :/

I was just being K I D to the J U S U S. You guys should have done a test to see if you guys had some wackos coming in.

And i was not Mocking.:bitelip: Cause Kid Jesus is just a great guy.
I agree with the idea that this thread should be locked. No further relevant discussion has been made.
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